This website contains the supplementary for the paper "{paperTitle}"
Andrew McNutt. This includes our analysis of the languages in our survey across a variety of axes (see
Table), some charts describing components of the survey (see
Summary Charts), as well examples of each language (see
Browse). These examples collect as many examples as was feasible for each
language, such as by scraping the docs, extracting examples from the repository, or copying programs
from papers documenting the languages. These collections are not meant to be comprehensive, but
instead evocative of the general patterns in the language. These examples were collected between
October 2021 and March 2022.
To view the content of the repository offline (including the code for this website, the spreadsheet
documenting the survey, and all of the collected examples) please refer to
this OSF link.
Materials are also accessible through the github page for this project (found here) and are completely equivalent to those hosted on OSF.