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Tip revision: e1145574dc02ebe9e0d96419755e4702aef85172 authored by Karline Soetaert on 16 September 2010, 00:00:00 UTC
version 1.3
Tip revision: e114557
  Calculates Advective Velocities of the Pore Water and Solid Phase
  in a Water Saturated Sediment assuming Steady State Compaction

  This function calculates the advective velocities of the pore water and
  the solid phase in a sediment based on the assumption of steady state

  The velocities of the pore water (\code{u}) and the solid phase (\code{v})
  are calculated in the middle (\code{mid}) of the grid cells and the
  interfaces (\code{int}).

  One needs to specify the porosity at the interface (\code{por.0}), the
  porosity at infinite depth (\code{por.inf}), the porosity profile
  (\code{por.grid}) encoded as a 1D grid property
   (see \code{\link{setup.prop.1D}}, as well as the advective
  velocity of the solid phase at one particular depth (either at the sediment 
  water interface (\code{v.0}) or at infinite depth (\code{v.inf})).

\usage{setup.compaction.1D(v.0 = NULL, v.inf = NULL, por.0, por.inf,
  \item{v.0 }{advective velocity of the solid phase at the sediment-water
    interface (also referred to as the sedimentation velocity); if \code{NULL}
    then \code{v.inf} must not be \code{NULL} [L/T]
  \item{v.inf }{advective velocity of the solid phase at infinite depth
    (also referred to as the burial velocity); if \code{NULL} then
    \code{v.0} must not be \code{NULL} [L/T]
  \item{por.0 }{porosity at the sediment-water interface
  \item{por.inf }{porosity at infinite depth
  \item{por.grid }{porosity profile specified as a 1D grid property
    (see \code{\link{setup.prop.1D}} for details on the structure of this list)

  A list containing:
  \item{u }{list with pore water advective velocities at the middle of the
    grid cells (\code{mid}) and at the grid cell interfaces (\code{int}).
  \item{v }{list with solid phase advective velocities at the middle of the
    grid cells (\code{mid}) and at the grid cell interfaces (\code{int}).

  Filip Meysman <f.meysman@nioo.knaw.nl>,
  Karline Soetaert <k.soetaert@nioo.knaw.nl>


# setup of the 1D grid

L <-10
grid <- setup.grid.1D(x.up=0,L=L,N=20)

# attaching an exponential porosity profile to the 1D grid
# this uses the "p.exp" profile function

por.grid <- setup.prop.1D(func=p.exp,grid=grid,y.0=0.9,y.inf=0.5,x.att=3)

# calculate the advective velocities

dummy <- setup.compaction.1D(v.0=1, por.0=0.9, por.inf=0.5, por.grid=por.grid)
u.grid <-dummy$u
v.grid <-dummy$v

# plotting the results


matplot(por.grid$int,grid$x.int,pch=19,ylim=c(L,0), xlim=c(0,1),
xlab="",ylab="depth [cm]",main=expression("porosity"),axes=FALSE)
abline(h = 0)
axis(pos=0, side=2)
axis(pos=0, side=3)

xlab="",ylab="depth [cm]",main=expression("advective velocity [cm yr-1]"),
abline(h = 0)
axis(pos=0, side=2)
axis(pos=0, side=3)
legend(x="bottomright", legend=c("pore water","solid phase"),


  Meysman, F. J. R., Boudreau, B. P., Middelburg, J. J. (2005) Modeling Reactive Transport in Sediments Subject to Bioturbation and Compaction. Geochimica Et Cosmochimica Acta 69, 3601-3617


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