Tip revision: 749b4bf2aa89143c0b50c9a2a50a6fbd6b115919 authored by HTDerekLiu on 12 September 2019, 16:56:12 UTC
update number of eVec in use
update number of eVec in use
Tip revision: 749b4bf
function VA = vertexAreas(V, F)
% VERTEXAREAS computs per vertex area of a triangle mesh
% VA = vertexAreas(V,F)
% Inputs:
% V |V| x 3 matrix of vertex positions
% F |F| x 3 matrix of indices of triangle corners
% Outputs:
% VA a |V| vector of vertex areas (summation of 1/3 adjacent face areas)
FN = cross(V(F(:,1),:)-V(F(:,2),:), V(F(:,1),:) - V(F(:,3),:));
FA = sqrt(sum(FN.^2,2)) ./ 2; % face area
rIdx = [F(:,1);F(:,2);F(:,3)];
cIdx = ones(size(rIdx));
val = [FA(:,1);FA(:,1);FA(:,1)] ./ 3;
VA = full(sparse(rIdx,cIdx,val,size(V,1),1));