# This file is a part of Julia. License is MIT: https://julialang.org/license module BinaryPlatforms export AbstractPlatform, Platform, HostPlatform, platform_dlext, tags, arch, os, os_version, libc, libgfortran_version, libstdcxx_version, cxxstring_abi, parse_dl_name_version, detect_libgfortran_version, detect_libstdcxx_version, detect_cxxstring_abi, call_abi, wordsize, triplet, select_platform, platforms_match, platform_name import .Libc.Libdl ### Submodule with information about CPU features include("cpuid.jl") using .CPUID # This exists to ease compatibility with old-style Platform objects abstract type AbstractPlatform; end """ Platform A `Platform` represents all relevant pieces of information that a julia process may need to know about its execution environment, such as the processor architecture, operating system, libc implementation, etc... It is, at its heart, a key-value mapping of tags (such as `arch`, `os`, `libc`, etc...) to values (such as `"arch" => "x86_64"`, or `"os" => "windows"`, etc...). `Platform` objects are extensible in that the tag mapping is open for users to add their own mappings to, as long as the mappings do not conflict with the set of reserved tags: `arch`, `os`, `os_version`, `libc`, `call_abi`, `libgfortran_version`, `libstdcxx_version`, `cxxstring_abi` and `julia_version`. Valid tags and values are composed of alphanumeric and period characters. All tags and values will be lowercased when stored to reduce variation. Example: Platform("x86_64", "windows"; cuda = "10.1") """ struct Platform <: AbstractPlatform tags::Dict{String,String} # The "compare strategy" allows selective overriding on how a tag is compared compare_strategies::Dict{String,Function} # Passing `tags` as a `Dict` avoids the need to infer different NamedTuple specializations function Platform(arch::String, os::String, _tags::Dict{String}; validate_strict::Bool = false, compare_strategies::Dict{String,<:Function} = Dict{String,Function}()) # A wee bit of normalization os = lowercase(os) arch = CPUID.normalize_arch(arch) tags = Dict{String,String}( "arch" => arch, "os" => os, ) for (tag, value) in _tags value = value::Union{String,VersionNumber,Nothing} tag = lowercase(tag) if tag ∈ ("arch", "os") throw(ArgumentError("Cannot double-pass key $(tag)")) end # Drop `nothing` values; this means feature is not present or use default value. if value === nothing continue end # Normalize things that are known to be version numbers so that comparisons are easy. # Note that in our effort to be extremely compatible, we actually allow something that # doesn't parse nicely into a VersionNumber to persist, but if `validate_strict` is # set to `true`, it will cause an error later on. if tag ∈ ("libgfortran_version", "libstdcxx_version", "os_version") if isa(value, VersionNumber) value = string(value) elseif isa(value, String) v = tryparse(VersionNumber, value) if isa(v, VersionNumber) value = string(v) end end end # Use `add_tag!()` to add the tag to our collection of tags add_tag!(tags, tag, string(value)::String) end # Auto-map call_abi and libc where necessary: if os == "linux" && !haskey(tags, "libc") # Default to `glibc` on Linux tags["libc"] = "glibc" end if os == "linux" && arch ∈ ("armv7l", "armv6l") && "call_abi" ∉ keys(tags) # default `call_abi` to `eabihf` on 32-bit ARM tags["call_abi"] = "eabihf" end # If the user is asking for strict validation, do so. if validate_strict validate_tags(tags) end # By default, we compare julia_version only against major and minor versions: if haskey(tags, "julia_version") && !haskey(compare_strategies, "julia_version") compare_strategies["julia_version"] = (a::String, b::String, a_comparator, b_comparator) -> begin a = VersionNumber(a) b = VersionNumber(b) return a.major == b.major && a.minor == b.minor end end return new(tags, compare_strategies) end end # Keyword interface (to avoid inference of specialized NamedTuple methods, use the Dict interface for `tags`) function Platform(arch::String, os::String; validate_strict::Bool = false, compare_strategies::Dict{String,<:Function} = Dict{String,Function}(), kwargs...) tags = Dict{String,Any}(String(tag)::String=>tagvalue(value) for (tag, value) in kwargs) return Platform(arch, os, tags; validate_strict, compare_strategies) end tagvalue(v::Union{String,VersionNumber,Nothing}) = v tagvalue(v::Symbol) = String(v) tagvalue(v::AbstractString) = convert(String, v)::String # Simple tag insertion that performs a little bit of validation function add_tag!(tags::Dict{String,String}, tag::String, value::String) # I know we said only alphanumeric and dots, but let's be generous so that we can expand # our support in the future while remaining as backwards-compatible as possible. The # only characters that are absolutely disallowed right now are `-`, `+`, ` ` and things # that are illegal in filenames: nonos = raw"""+- /<>:"'\|?*""" if any(occursin(nono, tag) for nono in nonos) throw(ArgumentError("Invalid character in tag name \"$(tag)\"!")) end # Normalize and reject nonos value = lowercase(value) if any(occursin(nono, value) for nono in nonos) throw(ArgumentError("Invalid character in tag value \"$(value)\"!")) end tags[tag] = value return value end # Other `Platform` types can override this (I'm looking at you, `AnyPlatform`) tags(p::Platform) = p.tags # Make it act more like a dict Base.getindex(p::AbstractPlatform, k::String) = getindex(tags(p), k) Base.haskey(p::AbstractPlatform, k::String) = haskey(tags(p), k) function Base.setindex!(p::AbstractPlatform, v::String, k::String) add_tag!(tags(p), k, v) return p end # Hash definition to ensure that it's stable function Base.hash(p::Platform, h::UInt) h += 0x506c6174666f726d % UInt h = hash(p.tags, h) h = hash(p.compare_strategies, h) return h end # Simple equality definition; for compatibility testing, use `platforms_match()` function Base.:(==)(a::Platform, b::Platform) return a.tags == b.tags && a.compare_strategies == b.compare_strategies end # Allow us to easily serialize Platform objects function Base.repr(p::Platform; context=nothing) str = string( "Platform(", repr(arch(p)), ", ", repr(os(p)), "; ", join(("$(k) = $(repr(v))" for (k, v) in tags(p) if k ∉ ("arch", "os")), ", "), ")", ) end # Make showing the platform a bit more palatable function Base.show(io::IO, p::Platform) str = string(platform_name(p), " ", arch(p)) # Add on all the other tags not covered by os/arch: other_tags = sort(collect(filter(kv -> kv[1] ∉ ("os", "arch"), tags(p)))) if !isempty(other_tags) str = string(str, " {", join([string(k, "=", v) for (k, v) in other_tags], ", "), "}") end print(io, str) end function validate_tags(tags::Dict) throw_invalid_key(k) = throw(ArgumentError("Key \"$(k)\" cannot have value \"$(tags[k])\"")) # Validate `arch` if tags["arch"] ∉ ("x86_64", "i686", "armv7l", "armv6l", "aarch64", "powerpc64le") throw_invalid_key("arch") end # Validate `os` if tags["os"] ∉ ("linux", "macos", "freebsd", "windows") throw_invalid_key("os") end # Validate `os`/`arch` combination throw_os_mismatch() = throw(ArgumentError("Invalid os/arch combination: $(tags["os"])/$(tags["arch"])")) if tags["os"] == "windows" && tags["arch"] ∉ ("x86_64", "i686", "armv7l", "aarch64") throw_os_mismatch() end if tags["os"] == "macos" && tags["arch"] ∉ ("x86_64", "aarch64") throw_os_mismatch() end # Validate `os`/`libc` combination throw_libc_mismatch() = throw(ArgumentError("Invalid os/libc combination: $(tags["os"])/$(tags["libc"])")) if tags["os"] == "linux" # Linux always has a `libc` entry if tags["libc"] ∉ ("glibc", "musl") throw_libc_mismatch() end else # Nothing else is allowed to have a `libc` entry if haskey(tags, "libc") throw_libc_mismatch() end end # Validate `os`/`arch`/`call_abi` combination throw_call_abi_mismatch() = throw(ArgumentError("Invalid os/arch/call_abi combination: $(tags["os"])/$(tags["arch"])/$(tags["call_abi"])")) if tags["os"] == "linux" && tags["arch"] ∈ ("armv7l", "armv6l") # If an ARM linux has does not have `call_abi` set to something valid, be sad. if !haskey(tags, "call_abi") || tags["call_abi"] ∉ ("eabihf", "eabi") throw_call_abi_mismatch() end else # Nothing else should have a `call_abi`. if haskey(tags, "call_abi") throw_call_abi_mismatch() end end # Validate `libgfortran_version` is a parsable `VersionNumber` throw_version_number(k) = throw(ArgumentError("\"$(k)\" cannot have value \"$(tags[k])\", must be a valid VersionNumber")) if "libgfortran_version" in keys(tags) && tryparse(VersionNumber, tags["libgfortran_version"]) === nothing throw_version_number("libgfortran_version") end # Validate `cxxstring_abi` is one of the two valid options: if "cxxstring_abi" in keys(tags) && tags["cxxstring_abi"] ∉ ("cxx03", "cxx11") throw_invalid_key("cxxstring_abi") end # Validate `libstdcxx_version` is a parsable `VersionNumber` if "libstdcxx_version" in keys(tags) && tryparse(VersionNumber, tags["libstdcxx_version"]) === nothing throw_version_number("libstdcxx_version") end end function set_compare_strategy!(p::Platform, key::String, f::Function) if !haskey(p.tags, key) throw(ArgumentError("Cannot set comparison strategy for nonexistent tag $(key)!")) end p.compare_strategies[key] = f end function get_compare_strategy(p::Platform, key::String, default = compare_default) if !haskey(p.tags, key) throw(ArgumentError("Cannot get comparison strategy for nonexistent tag $(key)!")) end return get(p.compare_strategies, key, default) end get_compare_strategy(p::AbstractPlatform, key::String, default = compare_default) = default """ compare_default(a::String, b::String, a_requested::Bool, b_requested::Bool) Default comparison strategy that falls back to `a == b`. This only ever happens if both `a` and `b` request this strategy, as any other strategy is preferable to this one. """ function compare_default(a::String, b::String, a_requested::Bool, b_requested::Bool) return a == b end """ compare_version_cap(a::String, b::String, a_comparator, b_comparator) Example comparison strategy for `set_comparison_strategy!()` that implements a version cap for host platforms that support _up to_ a particular version number. As an example, if an artifact is built for macOS 10.9, it can run on macOS 10.11, however if it were built for macOS 10.12, it could not. Therefore, the host platform of macOS 10.11 has a version cap at `v"10.11"`. Note that because both hosts and artifacts are represented with `Platform` objects it is possible to call `platforms_match()` with two artifacts, a host and an artifact, an artifact and a host, and even two hosts. We attempt to do something intelligent for all cases, but in the case of comparing version caps between two hosts, we return `true` only if the two host platforms are in fact identical. """ function compare_version_cap(a::String, b::String, a_requested::Bool, b_requested::Bool) a = VersionNumber(a) b = VersionNumber(b) # If both b and a requested, then we fall back to equality: if a_requested && b_requested return a == b end # Otherwise, do the comparison between the the single version cap and the single version: if a_requested return b <= a else return a <= b end end """ HostPlatform(p::AbstractPlatform) Convert a `Platform` to act like a "host"; e.g. if it has a version-bound tag such as `"libstdcxx_version" => "3.4.26"`, it will treat that value as an upper bound, rather than a characteristic. `Platform` objects that define artifacts generally denote the SDK or version that the artifact was built with, but for platforms, these versions are generally the maximal version the platform can support. The way this transformation is implemented is to change the appropriate comparison strategies to treat these pieces of data as bounds rather than points in any comparison. """ function HostPlatform(p::AbstractPlatform) if haskey(p, "os_version") set_compare_strategy!(p, "os_version", compare_version_cap) end if haskey(p, "libstdcxx_version") set_compare_strategy!(p, "libstdcxx_version", compare_version_cap) end return p end """ arch(p::AbstractPlatform) Get the architecture for the given `Platform` object as a `String`. # Examples ```jldoctest julia> arch(Platform("aarch64", "Linux")) "aarch64" julia> arch(Platform("amd64", "freebsd")) "x86_64" ``` """ arch(p::AbstractPlatform) = get(tags(p), "arch", nothing) """ os(p::AbstractPlatform) Get the operating system for the given `Platform` object as a `String`. # Examples ```jldoctest julia> os(Platform("armv7l", "Linux")) "linux" julia> os(Platform("aarch64", "macos")) "macos" ``` """ os(p::AbstractPlatform) = get(tags(p), "os", nothing) # As a special helper, it's sometimes useful to know the current OS at compile-time function os() if Sys.iswindows() return "windows" elseif Sys.isapple() return "macos" elseif Sys.isbsd() return "freebsd" else return "linux" end end """ libc(p::AbstractPlatform) Get the libc for the given `Platform` object as a `String`. Returns `nothing` on platforms with no explicit `libc` choices (which is most platforms). # Examples ```jldoctest julia> libc(Platform("armv7l", "Linux")) "glibc" julia> libc(Platform("aarch64", "linux"; libc="musl")) "musl" julia> libc(Platform("i686", "Windows")) ``` """ libc(p::AbstractPlatform) = get(tags(p), "libc", nothing) """ call_abi(p::AbstractPlatform) Get the call ABI for the given `Platform` object as a `String`. Returns `nothing` on platforms with no explicit `call_abi` choices (which is most platforms). # Examples ```jldoctest julia> call_abi(Platform("armv7l", "Linux")) "eabihf" julia> call_abi(Platform("x86_64", "macos")) ``` """ call_abi(p::AbstractPlatform) = get(tags(p), "call_abi", nothing) const platform_names = Dict( "linux" => "Linux", "macos" => "macOS", "windows" => "Windows", "freebsd" => "FreeBSD", nothing => "Unknown", ) """ platform_name(p::AbstractPlatform) Get the "platform name" of the given platform, returning e.g. "Linux" or "Windows". """ function platform_name(p::AbstractPlatform) return platform_names[os(p)] end function VNorNothing(d::Dict, key) v = get(d, key, nothing) if v === nothing return nothing end return VersionNumber(v)::VersionNumber end """ libgfortran_version(p::AbstractPlatform) Get the libgfortran version dictated by this `Platform` object as a `VersionNumber`, or `nothing` if no compatibility bound is imposed. """ libgfortran_version(p::AbstractPlatform) = VNorNothing(tags(p), "libgfortran_version") """ libstdcxx_version(p::AbstractPlatform) Get the libstdc++ version dictated by this `Platform` object, or `nothing` if no compatibility bound is imposed. """ libstdcxx_version(p::AbstractPlatform) = VNorNothing(tags(p), "libstdcxx_version") """ cxxstring_abi(p::AbstractPlatform) Get the c++ string ABI dictated by this `Platform` object, or `nothing` if no ABI is imposed. """ cxxstring_abi(p::AbstractPlatform) = get(tags(p), "cxxstring_abi", nothing) """ os_version(p::AbstractPlatform) Get the OS version dictated by this `Platform` object, or `nothing` if no OS version is imposed/no data is available. This is most commonly used by MacOS and FreeBSD objects where we have high platform SDK fragmentation, and features are available only on certain platform versions. """ os_version(p::AbstractPlatform) = VNorNothing(tags(p), "os_version") """ wordsize(p::AbstractPlatform) Get the word size for the given `Platform` object. # Examples ```jldoctest julia> wordsize(Platform("armv7l", "linux")) 32 julia> wordsize(Platform("x86_64", "macos")) 64 ``` """ wordsize(p::AbstractPlatform) = (arch(p) ∈ ("i686", "armv6l", "armv7l")) ? 32 : 64 """ triplet(p::AbstractPlatform; exclude_tags::Vector{String}) Get the target triplet for the given `Platform` object as a `String`. # Examples ```jldoctest julia> triplet(Platform("x86_64", "MacOS")) "x86_64-apple-darwin" julia> triplet(Platform("i686", "Windows")) "i686-w64-mingw32" julia> triplet(Platform("armv7l", "Linux"; libgfortran_version="3")) "armv7l-linux-gnueabihf-libgfortran3" ``` """ function triplet(p::AbstractPlatform) str = string( arch(p)::Union{Symbol,String}, os_str(p), libc_str(p), call_abi_str(p), ) # Tack on optional compiler ABI flags if libgfortran_version(p) !== nothing str = string(str, "-libgfortran", libgfortran_version(p).major) end if cxxstring_abi(p) !== nothing str = string(str, "-", cxxstring_abi(p)) end if libstdcxx_version(p) !== nothing str = string(str, "-libstdcxx", libstdcxx_version(p).patch) end # Tack on all extra tags for (tag, val) in tags(p) if tag ∈ ("os", "arch", "libc", "call_abi", "libgfortran_version", "libstdcxx_version", "cxxstring_abi", "os_version") continue end str = string(str, "-", tag, "+", val) end return str end function os_str(p::AbstractPlatform) if os(p) == "linux" return "-linux" elseif os(p) == "macos" osvn = os_version(p) if osvn !== nothing return "-apple-darwin$(osvn.major)" else return "-apple-darwin" end elseif os(p) == "windows" return "-w64-mingw32" elseif os(p) == "freebsd" osvn = os_version(p) if osvn !== nothing return "-unknown-freebsd$(osvn.major).$(osvn.minor)" else return "-unknown-freebsd" end else return "-unknown" end end # Helper functions for Linux and FreeBSD libc/abi mishmashes function libc_str(p::AbstractPlatform) lc = libc(p) if lc === nothing return "" elseif lc === "glibc" return "-gnu" else return string("-", lc) end end function call_abi_str(p::AbstractPlatform) cabi = call_abi(p) cabi === nothing ? "" : string(cabi::Union{Symbol,String}) end Sys.isapple(p::AbstractPlatform) = os(p) == "macos" Sys.islinux(p::AbstractPlatform) = os(p) == "linux" Sys.iswindows(p::AbstractPlatform) = os(p) == "windows" Sys.isfreebsd(p::AbstractPlatform) = os(p) == "freebsd" Sys.isbsd(p::AbstractPlatform) = os(p) ∈ ("freebsd", "macos") Sys.isunix(p::AbstractPlatform) = Sys.isbsd(p) || Sys.islinux(p) const arch_mapping = Dict( "x86_64" => "(x86_|amd)64", "i686" => "i\\d86", "aarch64" => "(aarch64|arm64)", "armv7l" => "arm(v7l)?", # if we just see `arm-linux-gnueabihf`, we assume it's `armv7l` "armv6l" => "armv6l", "powerpc64le" => "p(ower)?pc64le", ) # Keep this in sync with `CPUID.ISAs_by_family` # These are the CPUID side of the microarchitectures targeted by GCC flags in BinaryBuilder.jl const arch_march_isa_mapping = let function get_set(arch, name) all = CPUID.ISAs_by_family[arch] return all[findfirst(x -> x.first == name, all)].second end Dict( "i686" => [ "pentium4" => get_set("i686", "pentium4"), "prescott" => get_set("i686", "prescott"), ], "x86_64" => [ "x86_64" => get_set("x86_64", "x86_64"), "avx" => get_set("x86_64", "sandybridge"), "avx2" => get_set("x86_64", "haswell"), "avx512" => get_set("x86_64", "skylake_avx512"), ], "armv6l" => [ "arm1176jzfs" => get_set("armv6l", "arm1176jzfs"), ], "armv7l" => [ "armv7l" => get_set("armv7l", "armv7l"), "neonvfpv4" => get_set("armv7l", "armv7l+neon+vfpv4"), ], "aarch64" => [ "armv8_0" => get_set("aarch64", "armv8.0-a"), "armv8_1" => get_set("aarch64", "armv8.1-a"), "armv8_2_crypto" => get_set("aarch64", "armv8.2-a+crypto"), "a64fx" => get_set("aarch64", "a64fx"), "apple_m1" => get_set("aarch64", "apple_m1"), ], "powerpc64le" => [ "power8" => get_set("powerpc64le", "power8"), ] ) end const os_mapping = Dict( "macos" => "-apple-darwin[\\d\\.]*", "freebsd" => "-(.*-)?freebsd[\\d\\.]*", "windows" => "-w64-mingw32", "linux" => "-(.*-)?linux", ) const libc_mapping = Dict( "libc_nothing" => "", "glibc" => "-gnu", "musl" => "-musl", ) const call_abi_mapping = Dict( "call_abi_nothing" => "", "eabihf" => "eabihf", "eabi" => "eabi", ) const libgfortran_version_mapping = Dict( "libgfortran_nothing" => "", "libgfortran3" => "(-libgfortran3)|(-gcc4)", # support old-style `gccX` versioning "libgfortran4" => "(-libgfortran4)|(-gcc7)", "libgfortran5" => "(-libgfortran5)|(-gcc8)", ) const cxxstring_abi_mapping = Dict( "cxxstring_nothing" => "", "cxx03" => "-cxx03", "cxx11" => "-cxx11", ) const libstdcxx_version_mapping = Dict{String,String}( "libstdcxx_nothing" => "", "libstdcxx" => "-libstdcxx\\d+", ) """ parse(::Type{Platform}, triplet::AbstractString) Parses a string platform triplet back into a `Platform` object. """ function Base.parse(::Type{Platform}, triplet::String; validate_strict::Bool = false) # Helper function to collapse dictionary of mappings down into a regex of # named capture groups joined by "|" operators c(mapping) = string("(",join(["(?<$k>$v)" for (k, v) in mapping], "|"), ")") # We're going to build a mondo regex here to parse everything: triplet_regex = Regex(string( "^", # First, the core triplet; arch/os/libc/call_abi c(arch_mapping), c(os_mapping), c(libc_mapping), c(call_abi_mapping), # Next, optional things, like libgfortran/libstdcxx/cxxstring abi c(libgfortran_version_mapping), c(cxxstring_abi_mapping), c(libstdcxx_version_mapping), # Finally, the catch-all for extended tags "(?(?:-[^-]+\\+[^-]+)*)?", "\$", )) m = match(triplet_regex, triplet) if m !== nothing # Helper function to find the single named field within the giant regex # that is not `nothing` for each mapping we give it. get_field(m, mapping) = begin for k in keys(mapping) if m[k] !== nothing # Convert our sentinel `nothing` values to actual `nothing` if endswith(k, "_nothing") return nothing end # Convert libgfortran/libstdcxx version numbers if startswith(k, "libgfortran") return VersionNumber(parse(Int,k[12:end])) elseif startswith(k, "libstdcxx") return VersionNumber(3, 4, parse(Int,m[k][11:end])) else return k end end end end # Extract the information we're interested in: tags = Dict{String,Any}() arch = get_field(m, arch_mapping) os = get_field(m, os_mapping) tags["libc"] = get_field(m, libc_mapping) tags["call_abi"] = get_field(m, call_abi_mapping) tags["libgfortran_version"] = get_field(m, libgfortran_version_mapping) tags["libstdcxx_version"] = get_field(m, libstdcxx_version_mapping) tags["cxxstring_abi"] = get_field(m, cxxstring_abi_mapping) function split_tags(tagstr) tag_fields = split(tagstr, "-"; keepempty=false) if isempty(tag_fields) return Pair{String,String}[] end return map(v -> String(v[1]) => String(v[2]), split.(tag_fields, "+")) end merge!(tags, Dict(split_tags(m["tags"]))) # Special parsing of os version number, if any exists function extract_os_version(os_name, pattern) m_osvn = match(pattern, m[os_name]) if m_osvn !== nothing return VersionNumber(m_osvn.captures[1]) end return nothing end os_version = nothing if os == "macos" os_version = extract_os_version("macos", r".*darwin([\d\.]+)"sa) end if os == "freebsd" os_version = extract_os_version("freebsd", r".*freebsd([\d.]+)"sa) end tags["os_version"] = os_version return Platform(arch, os, tags; validate_strict) end throw(ArgumentError("Platform `$(triplet)` is not an officially supported platform")) end Base.parse(::Type{Platform}, triplet::AbstractString; kwargs...) = parse(Platform, convert(String, triplet)::String; kwargs...) function Base.tryparse(::Type{Platform}, triplet::AbstractString) try parse(Platform, triplet) catch e if isa(e, InterruptException) rethrow(e) end return nothing end end """ platform_dlext(p::AbstractPlatform = HostPlatform()) Return the dynamic library extension for the given platform, defaulting to the currently running platform. E.g. returns "so" for a Linux-based platform, "dll" for a Windows-based platform, etc... """ function platform_dlext(p::AbstractPlatform = HostPlatform()) if os(p) == "windows" return "dll" elseif os(p) == "macos" return "dylib" else return "so" end end """ parse_dl_name_version(path::String, platform::AbstractPlatform) Given a path to a dynamic library, parse out what information we can from the filename. E.g. given something like "lib/libfoo.so.3.2", this function returns `"libfoo", v"3.2"`. If the path name is not a valid dynamic library, this method throws an error. If no soversion can be extracted from the filename, as in "libbar.so" this method returns `"libbar", nothing`. """ function parse_dl_name_version(path::String, os::String) # Use an extraction regex that matches the given OS local dlregex if os == "windows" # On Windows, libraries look like `libnettle-6.dll` dlregex = r"^(.*?)(?:-((?:[\.\d]+)*))?\.dll$"sa elseif os == "macos" # On OSX, libraries look like `libnettle.6.3.dylib` dlregex = r"^(.*?)((?:\.[\d]+)*)\.dylib$"sa else # On Linux and FreeBSD, libraries look like `libnettle.so.6.3.0` dlregex = r"^(.*?)\.so((?:\.[\d]+)*)$"sa end m = match(dlregex, basename(path)) if m === nothing throw(ArgumentError("Invalid dynamic library path '$path'")) end # Extract name and version name = m.captures[1] version = m.captures[2] if version === nothing || isempty(version) version = nothing else version = VersionNumber(strip(version, '.')) end return name, version end # Adapter for `AbstractString` function parse_dl_name_version(path::AbstractString, os::AbstractString) return parse_dl_name_version(string(path)::String, string(os)::String) end """ detect_libgfortran_version() Inspects the current Julia process to determine the libgfortran version this Julia is linked against (if any). """ function detect_libgfortran_version() libgfortran_paths = filter(x -> occursin("libgfortran", x), Libdl.dllist()) if isempty(libgfortran_paths) # One day, I hope to not be linking against libgfortran in base Julia return nothing end libgfortran_path = first(libgfortran_paths) name, version = parse_dl_name_version(libgfortran_path, os()) if version === nothing # Even though we complain about this, we allow it to continue in the hopes that # we shall march on to a BRIGHTER TOMORROW. One in which we are not shackled # by the constraints of libgfortran compiler ABIs upon our precious programming # languages; one where the mistakes of yesterday are mere memories and not # continual maintenance burdens upon the children of the dawn; one where numeric # code may be cleanly implemented in a modern language and not bestowed onto the # next generation by grizzled ancients, documented only with a faded yellow # sticky note that bears a hastily-scribbled "good luck". @warn("Unable to determine libgfortran version from '$(libgfortran_path)'") end return version end """ detect_libstdcxx_version(max_minor_version::Int=30) Inspects the currently running Julia process to find out what version of libstdc++ it is linked against (if any). `max_minor_version` is the latest version in the 3.4 series of GLIBCXX where the search is performed. """ function detect_libstdcxx_version(max_minor_version::Int=30) libstdcxx_paths = filter(x -> occursin("libstdc++", x), Libdl.dllist()) if isempty(libstdcxx_paths) # This can happen if we were built by clang, so we don't link against # libstdc++ at all. return nothing end # Brute-force our way through GLIBCXX_* symbols to discover which version we're linked against hdl = Libdl.dlopen(first(libstdcxx_paths))::Ptr{Cvoid} # Try all GLIBCXX versions down to GCC v4.8: # https://gcc.gnu.org/onlinedocs/libstdc++/manual/abi.html for minor_version in max_minor_version:-1:18 if Libdl.dlsym(hdl, "GLIBCXX_3.4.$(minor_version)"; throw_error=false) !== nothing Libdl.dlclose(hdl) return VersionNumber("3.4.$(minor_version)") end end Libdl.dlclose(hdl) return nothing end """ detect_cxxstring_abi() Inspects the currently running Julia process to see what version of the C++11 string ABI it was compiled with (this is only relevant if compiled with `g++`; `clang` has no incompatibilities yet, bless its heart). In reality, this actually checks for symbols within LLVM, but that is close enough for our purposes, as you can't mix configurations between Julia and LLVM; they must match. """ function detect_cxxstring_abi() # First, if we're not linked against libstdc++, then early-exit because this doesn't matter. libstdcxx_paths = filter(x -> occursin("libstdc++", x), Libdl.dllist()) if isempty(libstdcxx_paths) # We were probably built by `clang`; we don't link against `libstdc++`` at all. return nothing end function open_libllvm(f::Function) for lib_name in ("libLLVM-14jl", "libLLVM", "LLVM", "libLLVMSupport") hdl = Libdl.dlopen_e(lib_name) if hdl != C_NULL try return f(hdl) finally Libdl.dlclose(hdl) end end end error("Unable to open libLLVM!") end return open_libllvm() do hdl # Check for llvm::sys::getProcessTriple(), first without cxx11 tag: if Libdl.dlsym_e(hdl, "_ZN4llvm3sys16getProcessTripleEv") != C_NULL return "cxx03" elseif Libdl.dlsym_e(hdl, "_ZN4llvm3sys16getProcessTripleB5cxx11Ev") != C_NULL return "cxx11" else @warn("Unable to find llvm::sys::getProcessTriple() in libLLVM!") return nothing end end end """ host_triplet() Build host triplet out of `Sys.MACHINE` and various introspective utilities that detect compiler ABI values such as `libgfortran_version`, `libstdcxx_version` and `cxxstring_abi`. We do this without using any `Platform` tech as it must run before we have much of that built. """ function host_triplet() str = Base.BUILD_TRIPLET if !occursin("-libgfortran", str) libgfortran_version = detect_libgfortran_version() if libgfortran_version !== nothing str = string(str, "-libgfortran", libgfortran_version.major) end end if !occursin("-cxx", str) cxxstring_abi = detect_cxxstring_abi() if cxxstring_abi !== nothing str = string(str, "-", cxxstring_abi) end end if !occursin("-libstdcxx", str) libstdcxx_version = detect_libstdcxx_version() if libstdcxx_version !== nothing str = string(str, "-libstdcxx", libstdcxx_version.patch) end end # Add on julia_version extended tag if !occursin("-julia_version+", str) str = string(str, "-julia_version+", VersionNumber(VERSION.major, VERSION.minor, VERSION.patch)) end return str end """ HostPlatform() Return the `Platform` object that corresponds to the current host system, with all relevant comparison strategies set to host platform mode. This is equivalent to: HostPlatform(parse(Platform, Base.BinaryPlatforms.host_triplet())) """ function HostPlatform() return HostPlatform(parse(Platform, host_triplet()))::Platform end """ platforms_match(a::AbstractPlatform, b::AbstractPlatform) Return `true` if `a` and `b` are matching platforms, where matching is determined by comparing all keys contained within the platform objects, and if both objects contain entries for that key, they must match. Comparison, by default, is performed using the `==` operator, however this can be overridden on a key-by-key basis by adding "comparison strategies" through `set_compare_strategy!(platform, key, func)`. Note that as the comparison strategy is set on the `Platform` object, and not globally, a custom comparison strategy is first looked for within the `a` object, then if none is found, it is looked for in the `b` object. Finally, if none is found in either, the default of `==(ak, bk)` is used. We throw an error if custom comparison strategies are used on both `a` and `b` and they are not the same custom comparison. The reserved tags `os_version` and `libstdcxx_version` use this mechanism to provide bounded version constraints, where an artifact can specify that it was built using APIs only available in macOS `v"10.11"` and later, or an artifact can state that it requires a libstdc++ that is at least `v"3.4.22"`, etc... """ function platforms_match(a::AbstractPlatform, b::AbstractPlatform) for k in union(keys(tags(a)::Dict{String,String}), keys(tags(b)::Dict{String,String})) ak = get(tags(a), k, nothing) bk = get(tags(b), k, nothing) # Only continue if both `ak` and `bk` are not `nothing` if ak === nothing || bk === nothing continue end a_comp = get_compare_strategy(a, k) b_comp = get_compare_strategy(b, k) # Throw an error if `a` and `b` have both set non-default comparison strategies for `k` # and they're not the same strategy. if a_comp != compare_default && b_comp != compare_default && a_comp != b_comp throw(ArgumentError("Cannot compare Platform objects with two different non-default comparison strategies for the same key \"$(k)\"")) end # Select the custom comparator, if we have one. comparator = a_comp if b_comp != compare_default comparator = b_comp end # Call the comparator, passing in which objects requested this comparison (one, the other, or both) # For some comparators this doesn't matter, but for non-symmetrical comparisons, it does. if !(comparator(ak, bk, a_comp == comparator, b_comp == comparator)::Bool) return false end end return true end function platforms_match(a::String, b::AbstractPlatform) return platforms_match(parse(Platform, a), b) end function platforms_match(a::AbstractPlatform, b::String) return platforms_match(a, parse(Platform, b)) end platforms_match(a::String, b::String) = platforms_match(parse(Platform, a), parse(Platform, b)) # Adapters for AbstractString backedge avoidance platforms_match(a::AbstractString, b::AbstractPlatform) = platforms_match(string(a)::String, b) platforms_match(a::AbstractPlatform, b::AbstractString) = platforms_match(a, string(b)::String) platforms_match(a::AbstractString, b::AbstractString) = platforms_match(string(a)::String, string(b)::String) """ select_platform(download_info::Dict, platform::AbstractPlatform = HostPlatform()) Given a `download_info` dictionary mapping platforms to some value, choose the value whose key best matches `platform`, returning `nothing` if no matches can be found. Platform attributes such as architecture, libc, calling ABI, etc... must all match exactly, however attributes such as compiler ABI can have wildcards within them such as `nothing` which matches any version of GCC. """ function select_platform(download_info::Dict, platform::AbstractPlatform = HostPlatform()) ps = collect(filter(p -> platforms_match(p, platform), keys(download_info))) if isempty(ps) return nothing end # At this point, we may have multiple possibilities. E.g. if, in the future, # Julia can be built without a direct dependency on libgfortran, we may match # multiple tarballs that vary only within their libgfortran ABI. To narrow it # down, we just sort by triplet, then pick the last one. This has the effect # of generally choosing the latest release (e.g. a `libgfortran5` tarball # rather than a `libgfortran3` tarball) p = last(sort(ps, by = p -> triplet(p))) return download_info[p] end # precompiles to reduce latency (see https://github.com/JuliaLang/julia/pull/43990#issuecomment-1025692379) Dict{Platform,String}()[HostPlatform()] = "" Platform("x86_64", "linux", Dict{String,Any}(); validate_strict=true) Platform("x86_64", "linux", Dict{String,String}(); validate_strict=false) # called this way from Artifacts.unpack_platform end # module