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\title{Scale factor for density kernel} 
  Returns a scale factor for the kernels used in density estimation
  for numerical data.
  kernel.factor(kernel = "gaussian")
    String name of the kernel.
    Options are
    \code{"gaussian"}, \code{"rectangular"},
    \code{"cosine"} and \code{"optcosine"}.
    (Partial matching is used).
  Kernel estimation of a probability density in one dimension
  is performed by \code{\link[stats]{density.default}}
  using a kernel function selected from the list above.

  This function computes a scale constant for the kernel.
  For the Gaussian kernel, this constant is equal to 1.
  Otherwise, the constant \eqn{c} is such that the kernel
  with standard deviation \eqn{1} is supported on the interval
  For more information about these kernels,
  see \code{\link[stats]{density.default}}. 
  A single number.
   # bandwidth for Epanechnikov kernel with half-width h=1
   h <- 1
   bw <- h/kernel.factor("epa")
  and Martin Hazelton
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