Tip revision: 0c820068458bd9249785c704716acfd1a9301f1c authored by gabrielle9 on 01 August 2022, 23:54:06 UTC
Tip revision: 0c82006
import pandas as pd
def clock_neuron_connections(clock_df, direction, min_weight=1):
Gets input/output connections of clock neurons as well as connections between clock neurons.
:param clock_df: the dataframe generated by getClock()
:param direction: (string) specified connection direction to run:
'in' for inputs to clock neurons from anything else,
'out' for outputs from clock neurons to anything else,
'intra_clock' for connections between clock neurons.
:param min_weight: minimum weight in one direction required between two neurons to be included
:return: (Dataframe) of clock connections in requested direction
from neuprint import fetch_adjacencies, merge_neuron_properties
if direction == 'out':
# get outputs from clock neurons to anything else
neuron_df, conn_df = fetch_adjacencies(clock_df['bodyId'], None, min_total_weight=min_weight)
if direction == 'in':
# get inputs to clock neurons from anything else
neuron_df, conn_df = fetch_adjacencies(None, clock_df['bodyId'], min_total_weight=min_weight)
if direction == 'intra_clock':
#getting the connections between clock neurons
neuron_df, conn_df = fetch_adjacencies(clock_df['bodyId'], clock_df['bodyId'], min_total_weight=min_weight)
# consolidate since we don't care about separating connections between 2 neurons that happen in different ROIs.
conn_df = conn_df.groupby(['bodyId_pre', 'bodyId_post'], as_index=False)['weight'].sum()
# merge on instance information
neuron_df = neuron_df.merge(clock_df[['bodyId', 'labels']], how='left')
neuron_df.loc[neuron_df['labels'].isnull(), 'labels'] = neuron_df['type']
neuron_df['instance'] = neuron_df['labels']
conn_df = merge_neuron_properties(neuron_df, conn_df, properties=['instance'])
return conn_df
def synapse_count(conns_df, direction, intra_clock=False):
Gets total input or output synapse count for clock neurons.
:param conns_df: the table of connections generated by clock_neuron_connections()
:param direction: (string) specified connection direction to run:
'in' for inputs to clock neurons from anything else,
'out' for outputs from clock neurons to anything else.
:param intra_clock: default False. Set to True for synapse count between clock neurons.
If set to True, adds the string 'clock' to the output column name for differentiating purposes.
:return: (Dataframe) of total synapse counts of each clock neuron
clock = ''
if direction == 'out':
column_to_group_on = 'bodyId_pre'
if direction == 'in':
column_to_group_on = 'bodyId_post'
if intra_clock:
clock = 'clock_'
syns_df = conns_df.groupby([column_to_group_on], as_index=False)['weight'].sum()
syns_df = syns_df.rename(columns={"weight": f"num_{clock}{direction}_syns",column_to_group_on:"bodyId"})
return syns_df
def synaptic_partner_numbers(conns_df, direction, intra_clock=False):
Get number of pre or postsynaptic partners of the clock neurons using value_counts of the post or presynaptic bodyIds
:param conns_df: the table of connections generated by clock_neuron_connections()
:param direction: (string) specified connection direction to run:
'in' for inputs to clock neurons from anything else,
'out' for outputs from clock neurons to anything else.
:param intra_clock: default False. Set to True for synapse count between clock neurons.
If set to True, adds the string 'clock' to the output column name for differentiating purposes.
:return: (Dataframe) of number of different partners of clock neurons
clock = ''
if direction == 'out':
column_to_group_on = 'bodyId_pre'
pre_or_post = 'post'
if direction == 'in':
column_to_group_on = 'bodyId_post'
pre_or_post = 'pre'
if intra_clock:
clock = 'clock_'
partners_df = conns_df[column_to_group_on].value_counts().to_frame().reset_index()
partners_df = partners_df.rename(columns={"index":"bodyId", column_to_group_on:f"num_{clock}{pre_or_post}syn_partners"})
return partners_df
def ranked_lists(conns_df, clock_df, direction):
Generates a dataframe with each 'type' of pre or postsynaptic neurons ranked by weight
:param conns_df: dataframe of connection information sorted from highest to lowest number of synaptic connections for each neuron
:param clock_df: clock dataframe
:param direction: string determining if it's looking at synaptic inputs (in) or targets (out)
:return: (Dataframe) of ranked list of connections for each neuron in the clock network
if direction == 'out':
clock_dir = 'pre'
partner_dir = 'post'
elif direction == 'in':
clock_dir = 'post'
partner_dir = 'pre'
tables = []
types = clock_df['type'].unique()
for group in types:
IDs = clock_df[clock_df['type'] == group]['bodyId']
for ID in IDs:
sub_conns = conns_df[conns_df['bodyId_' + clock_dir] == ID]
# To retain meta information on the clock neuron, temporarily concat on name to every column
name = clock_df[clock_df["bodyId"] == ID]['labels'].to_string(index=False)
sub_conns = sub_conns[['bodyId_' + partner_dir, 'instance_' + partner_dir, 'weight']]
sub_conns = sub_conns.rename(
columns={"bodyId_" + partner_dir: name + ".bodyId_" + partner_dir,
"instance_" + partner_dir: name + ".instance_" + partner_dir,
"weight": name + ".weight"})
sub_conns.reset_index(drop=True, inplace=True)
# Concatenate all neuron connectivity tables side by side then set display with nested neuron meta
all_grouped = pd.concat(tables, axis=1)
all_grouped.columns = pd.MultiIndex.from_tuples([(c[0], c[1]) for c in (x.split('.') for x in all_grouped.columns)])
pd.set_option('display.float_format', lambda x: '%.f' % x)
return all_grouped
def intra_conns(clock_df, type_or_phase):
Retrieve body ids within each type/phase then retrieve only those rows where both in and out are of the same type.
:param conn_df: connection dataframe for intra-clock neuron connections
:param clock_df: clock dataframe
:param type_or_phase: (string) whether to call the function on each type or each phase.
:return: (Dataframe) of the intra-clock connections
from neuprint import fetch_adjacencies
intra_conns = []
if type_or_phase == 'type':
unique = clock_df.type.unique()
class_or_me = 'class'
if type_or_phase == 'phase':
unique = clock_df.phase.unique()
class_or_me = 'me'
for t in unique:
ids = clock_df[clock_df[type_or_phase] == t]['bodyId'].tolist()
neuron_df, conn_df = fetch_adjacencies(ids, ids)
out_df = conn_df.groupby(['bodyId_pre'], as_index=False)['weight'].sum()
in_df = conn_df.groupby(['bodyId_post'], as_index=False)['weight'].sum()
conns = pd.merge(in_df, out_df.set_index('bodyId_pre'), left_on = 'bodyId_post', right_index = True)
conns = conns.rename(columns={"bodyId_post":"bodyId","weight_x":f"{class_or_me}_syn_in","weight_y":f"{class_or_me}_syn_out"})
conns = pd.concat(intra_conns)
if type_or_phase == 'phase':
me_ids = clock_df[clock_df['phase'] != '']['bodyId'].tolist()
conns = conns[conns['bodyId'].isin(me_ids)]
return conns
def group_summary(conn_summary_df, clock_df, type_or_phase):
:param conn_summary_df: connection summary table
:param clock_df: clock dataframe
:type_or_phase: (string) whether to group by type or phase
#Merge type back on for easy grouping
conn_group_df = conn_summary_df.merge(clock_df[['bodyId', type_or_phase]])
#Use group_by to get summations
conn_group_df = conn_group_df.groupby([type_or_phase]).sum()
del conn_group_df['bodyId']
# Subtract out class synapses and reorder
class_synapses = conn_group_df['class_syn_in']
conn_group_df = conn_group_df.sub(class_synapses, axis = 0)
conn_group_df['class_syn_in'] = class_synapses
if type_or_phase == 'type':
groups = ['l-LNv', 's-LNv', '5th s-LNv', 'LNd', 'LPN', 'DN1a', 'DN1pA', 'DN1pB']
conn_group_df = conn_group_df.reindex(groups)
# reorder columns
conn_group_df = conn_group_df[['num_in_syns', 'num_presyn_partners', 'num_out_syns', 'num_postsyn_partners', 'class_syn_in', 'num_clock_in_syns', 'num_clock_out_syns']]
return conn_group_df
def strong_shared_connections(body_ids, direction, shared_num):
Gets strong shared targets (body id and total shared weight)
:param body_ids: candidate IDs
:param direction: (string) specified connection direction to run:
'in' for inputs to clock neurons from anything else,
'out' for outputs from clock neurons to anything else.
:param shared_num: (int) minimum shared target number to look at
:return: (Dataframe) of shared targets and the total shared weight
from neuprint import fetch_simple_connections
if direction == 'out':
conns_df = fetch_simple_connections(body_ids, None, min_weight=10)
conns_df['shared'] = 1
conns_df = conns_df.fillna(value='None')
conns_df = conns_df.groupby(['bodyId_post', 'instance_post'], as_index=False)['weight', 'shared'].sum()
if direction == 'in':
conns_df = fetch_simple_connections(None, body_ids, min_weight=10)
conns_df['shared'] = 1
conns_df = conns_df.fillna(value='None')
conns_df = conns_df.groupby(['bodyId_pre', 'instance_pre'], as_index=False)['weight', 'shared'].sum()
conns_df = conns_df.sort_values(by=['weight'], ascending=False)
shared_targets = conns_df.loc[conns_df['shared'] >= shared_num]
return shared_targets
def get_input_output_conns(body_ids, direction, min_strength = 1):
Retrieves data for candidate neuron inputs or outputs and returns them sorted by weight
:param body_ids: the body IDs of the neurons of interest
:param direction: (string) specified connection direction to run:
'in' for inputs to clock neurons from anything else,
'out' for outputs from clock neurons to anything else.
:param strength: (int) minimum connection strength
:return: (Dataframe) of connections for candidate neurons
from neuprint import fetch_simple_connections
if direction == 'in':
candidate_conns = fetch_simple_connections(None, body_ids, min_weight=min_strength)
candidate_conns = candidate_conns[['bodyId_post', 'instance_post', 'bodyId_pre', 'instance_pre', 'weight']]
candidate_conns = candidate_conns.sort_values(by=['bodyId_post', 'weight'], ascending=False)
if direction == 'out':
candidate_conns = fetch_simple_connections(body_ids, None, min_weight=min_strength)
candidate_conns = candidate_conns[['bodyId_pre', 'instance_pre', 'bodyId_post', 'instance_post', 'weight']]
candidate_conns = candidate_conns.sort_values(by=['bodyId_pre', 'weight'], ascending=False)
return candidate_conns