# This file is a part of Julia. License is MIT: https://julialang.org/license export # Modules Meta, StackTraces, Sys, Libc, Docs, Threads, Iterators, Broadcast, MathConstants, # Types AbstractChannel, AbstractIrrational, AbstractMatrix, AbstractRange, AbstractSet, AbstractSlices, AbstractUnitRange, AbstractVector, AbstractVecOrMat, Array, AbstractMatch, AbstractPattern, AbstractDict, BigFloat, BigInt, BitArray, BitMatrix, BitVector, CartesianIndex, CartesianIndices, LinearIndices, Channel, Cmd, Colon, Complex, ComplexF64, ComplexF32, ComplexF16, ComposedFunction, ColumnSlices, DenseMatrix, DenseVecOrMat, DenseVector, Dict, Dims, Enum, ExponentialBackOff, IndexCartesian, IndexLinear, IndexStyle, InsertionSort, BitSet, IOBuffer, IOStream, LinRange, Irrational, LazyString, Matrix, MergeSort, Missing, NTuple, IdDict, IdSet, OrdinalRange, Pair, PartialQuickSort, PermutedDimsArray, QuickSort, Rational, Regex, RegexMatch, Returns, RoundFromZero, RoundDown, RoundingMode, RoundNearest, RoundNearestTiesAway, RoundNearestTiesUp, RoundToZero, RoundUp, RowSlices, Set, Some, Slices, StepRange, StepRangeLen, StridedArray, StridedMatrix, StridedVecOrMat, StridedVector, SubArray, SubString, SubstitutionString, Timer, UnitRange, Val, VecOrMat, Vector, VersionNumber, WeakKeyDict, # Ccall types Cchar, Cdouble, Cfloat, Cint, Cintmax_t, Clong, Clonglong, Cptrdiff_t, Cshort, Csize_t, Cssize_t, Cuchar, Cuint, Cuintmax_t, Culong, Culonglong, Cushort, Cwchar_t, Cstring, Cwstring, # Exceptions CanonicalIndexError, CapturedException, CompositeException, DimensionMismatch, EOFError, InvalidStateException, KeyError, MissingException, ProcessFailedException, TaskFailedException, SystemError, StringIndexError, # Global constants and variables ARGS, C_NULL, DEPOT_PATH, ENDIAN_BOM, ENV, LOAD_PATH, PROGRAM_FILE, stderr, stdin, stdout, VERSION, devnull, # Mathematical constants Inf, Inf16, Inf32, Inf64, NaN, NaN16, NaN32, NaN64, im, π, pi, ℯ, # Operators !, !=, ≠, !==, ≡, ≢, xor, ⊻, nand, nor, ⊼, ⊽, %, ÷, &, *, +, -, /, //, <, <:, <<, <=, ≤, ==, >, >:, >=, ≥, >>, >>>, \, ^, |, |>, ~, :, =>, ∘, # scalar math @evalpoly, evalpoly, abs, abs2, acos, acosd, acosh, acot, acotd, acoth, acsc, acscd, acsch, angle, asec, asecd, asech, asin, asind, asinh, atan, atand, atanh, big, binomial, bitreverse, bitrotate, bswap, cbrt, fourthroot, ceil, cis, cispi, clamp, cld, cmp, complex, conj, copysign, cos, cosc, cosd, cosh, cospi, cot, cotd, coth, count_ones, count_zeros, csc, cscd, csch, deg2rad, denominator, div, divrem, eps, exp, exp10, exp2, expm1, exponent, factorial, fld, fld1, fldmod, fldmod1, flipsign, float, tryparse, floor, fma, frexp, gcd, gcdx, hypot, imag, inv, invmod, isapprox, iseven, isfinite, isinf, isinteger, isnan, isodd, ispow2, isqrt, isreal, issubnormal, iszero, isone, lcm, ldexp, leading_ones, leading_zeros, log, log10, log1p, log2, maxintfloat, mod, mod1, modf, mod2pi, muladd, nextfloat, nextpow, nextprod, numerator, one, oneunit, powermod, prevfloat, prevpow, rad2deg, rationalize, real, floatmax, floatmin, reim, reinterpret, rem, rem2pi, round, sec, secd, sech, sign, signbit, signed, significand, sin, sinc, sincos, sincosd, sincospi, sind, sinh, sinpi, sqrt, tan, tand, tanh, tanpi, trailing_ones, trailing_zeros, trunc, unsafe_trunc, typemax, typemin, unsigned, widemul, zero, √, ∛, ∜, ≈, ≉, # arrays axes, broadcast!, broadcast, cat, checkbounds, checkindex, circcopy!, circshift, circshift!, clamp!, conj!, copy!, copyto!, diff, cumprod, cumprod!, cumsum, cumsum!, accumulate, accumulate!, eachcol, eachindex, eachrow, eachslice, extrema!, extrema, fill!, fill, first, hcat, hvcat, hvncat, indexin, argmax, argmin, invperm, invpermute!, isassigned, isperm, issorted, last, mapslices, max, maximum!, maximum, min, minimum!, minimum, minmax, ndims, ones, parent, parentindices, partialsort, partialsort!, partialsortperm, partialsortperm!, permute!, permutedims, permutedims!, prod!, prod, promote_shape, range, reshape, reverse!, reverse, rot180, rotl90, rotr90, size, selectdim, sort!, sort, sortperm, sortperm!, sortslices, dropdims, stack, step, stride, strides, sum!, sum, to_indices, vcat, vec, view, wrap, zeros, # search, find, match and related functions contains, eachmatch, endswith, findall, findfirst, findlast, findmax, findmin, findmin!, findmax!, findnext, findprev, match, occursin, searchsorted, searchsortedfirst, searchsortedlast, insorted, startswith, # linear algebra var"'", # to enable syntax a' for adjoint adjoint, transpose, kron, kron!, # bitarrays falses, trues, # dequeues append!, insert!, pop!, popat!, prepend!, push!, resize!, popfirst!, pushfirst!, # collections all!, all, allequal, allunique, any!, any, firstindex, collect, count!, count, delete!, deleteat!, keepat!, eltype, empty!, empty, lastindex, filter!, filter, foldl, foldr, foreach, get, get!, getindex, getkey, haskey, in, in!, intersect!, intersect, isdisjoint, isempty, issubset, issetequal, keys, keytype, length, map!, map, mapfoldl, mapfoldr, mapreduce, merge!, mergewith!, merge, mergewith, pairs, reduce, setdiff!, setdiff, setindex!, similar, sizehint!, splice!, symdiff!, symdiff, union!, union, unique!, unique, values, valtype, ∈, ∉, ∋, ∌, ⊆, ⊈, ⊊, ⊇, ⊉, ⊋, ∩, ∪, # strings ascii, bitstring, bytes2hex, chomp, chop, chopprefix, chopsuffix, codepoint, codeunit, codeunits, digits, digits!, eachsplit, eachrsplit, escape_string, hex2bytes, hex2bytes!, isascii, iscntrl, isdigit, isletter, islowercase, isnumeric, isprint, ispunct, isspace, isuppercase, isxdigit, lowercase, lowercasefirst, isvalid, join, lpad, lstrip, ncodeunits, ndigits, nextind, prevind, repeat, replace, replace!, repr, reverseind, rpad, rsplit, rstrip, split, string, strip, textwidth, thisind, titlecase, transcode, unescape_string, uppercase, uppercasefirst, # text output IOContext, displaysize, dump, print, println, printstyled, show, showerror, sprint, summary, # ScopedValue with, @with, ScopedValue, # logging @debug, @info, @warn, @error, # bigfloat & precision precision, rounding, setprecision, setrounding, get_zero_subnormals, set_zero_subnormals, # iteration iterate, enumerate, # re-exported from Iterators zip, only, # object identity and equality copy, deepcopy, hash, identity, isbits, isequal, ismutable, ismutabletype, isless, isunordered, ifelse, objectid, sizeof, # tasks and conditions Condition, current_task, islocked, istaskdone, istaskstarted, istaskfailed, lock, @lock, notify, ReentrantLock, schedule, task_local_storage, trylock, unlock, yield, yieldto, wait, timedwait, asyncmap, asyncmap!, errormonitor, # channels take!, put!, isready, fetch, bind, # missing values coalesce, @coalesce, ismissing, missing, skipmissing, @something, something, isnothing, nonmissingtype, # time sleep, time, time_ns, # errors backtrace, catch_backtrace, current_exceptions, error, rethrow, retry, systemerror, # stack traces stacktrace, # types convert, getproperty, setproperty!, swapproperty!, modifyproperty!, replaceproperty!, setpropertyonce!, fieldoffset, fieldname, fieldnames, fieldcount, fieldtypes, hasfield, propertynames, hasproperty, isabstracttype, isbitstype, isprimitivetype, isstructtype, isconcretetype, isdispatchtuple, oftype, promote, promote_rule, promote_type, instances, supertype, typeintersect, typejoin, widen, # syntax esc, gensym, @kwdef, macroexpand, @macroexpand1, @macroexpand, parse, # help and reflection code_typed, code_lowered, fullname, functionloc, isconst, isinteractive, hasmethod, methods, nameof, parentmodule, pathof, pkgdir, pkgversion, names, which, @isdefined, @invoke, invokelatest, @invokelatest, # loading source files __precompile__, evalfile, include_string, include_dependency, # RTS internals GC, finalizer, finalize, precompile, # misc atexit, atreplinit, exit, ntuple, splat, # I/O and events close, closewrite, countlines, eachline, readeach, eof, fd, fdio, flush, gethostname, htol, hton, ismarked, isopen, isreadonly, ltoh, mark, bytesavailable, ntoh, open, peek, pipeline, Pipe, PipeBuffer, position, RawFD, read, read!, readavailable, readbytes!, readchomp, readdir, readline, readlines, readuntil, copyuntil, copyline, redirect_stdio, redirect_stderr, redirect_stdin, redirect_stdout, reset, seek, seekend, seekstart, skip, skipchars, take!, truncate, unmark, unsafe_read, unsafe_write, write, # multimedia I/O AbstractDisplay, display, displayable, TextDisplay, istextmime, MIME, @MIME_str, popdisplay, pushdisplay, redisplay, showable, HTML, Text, # paths and file names abspath, basename, dirname, expanduser, contractuser, homedir, isabspath, isdirpath, joinpath, normpath, realpath, relpath, splitdir, splitdrive, splitext, splitpath, # filesystem operations cd, chmod, chown, cp, ctime, diskstat, download, filemode, filesize, gperm, hardlink, isblockdev, ischardev, isdir, isfifo, isfile, islink, ismount, ispath, isreadable, issetgid, issetuid, issocket, issticky, iswritable, lstat, mkdir, mkpath, mktemp, mktempdir, mtime, mv, operm, pwd, readlink, rm, samefile, stat, symlink, tempdir, tempname, touch, uperm, walkdir, # external processes detach, getpid, ignorestatus, kill, process_exited, process_running, run, setenv, addenv, setcpuaffinity, success, withenv, # C interface @cfunction, @ccall, cglobal, disable_sigint, pointer, pointer_from_objref, unsafe_wrap, unsafe_string, reenable_sigint, unsafe_copyto!, unsafe_load, unsafe_modify!, unsafe_pointer_to_objref, unsafe_replace!, unsafe_store!, unsafe_swap!, # implemented in Random module rand, randn, # Macros # parser internal @__FILE__, @__DIR__, @__LINE__, @__MODULE__, @int128_str, @uint128_str, @big_str, @cmd, # `commands` # notation for certain types @b_str, # byte vector @r_str, # regex @s_str, # regex substitution string @v_str, # version number @raw_str, # raw string with no interpolation/unescaping @NamedTuple, @Kwargs, @lazy_str, # lazy string # documentation @text_str, @html_str, @doc, # output @show, # profiling @time, @showtime, @timed, @timev, @elapsed, @allocated, @allocations, @lock_conflicts, # tasks @sync, @async, @task, @threadcall, # metaprogramming utilities @generated, @gensym, @eval, @deprecate, # performance annotations @boundscheck, @inbounds, @fastmath, @simd, @inline, @noinline, @nospecialize, @specialize, @polly, @assert, @atomic, @atomicswap, @atomicreplace, @atomiconce, @__dot__, @enum, @label, @goto, @view, @views, @static, @main public # Modules Checked, Filesystem, Order, Sort, # Types AbstractLock, AsyncCondition, CodeUnits, Event, Fix1, Fix2, Generator, ImmutableDict, OneTo, AnnotatedString, AnnotatedChar, UUID, # Annotated strings annotatedstring, annotate!, annotations, # Semaphores Semaphore, acquire, release, # collections IteratorEltype, IteratorSize, to_index, vect, isdone, front, rest, split_rest, tail, checked_length, # Loading DL_LOAD_PATH, load_path, active_project, # Reflection and introspection isambiguous, isexpr, isidentifier, issingletontype, identify_package, locate_package, moduleroot, jit_total_bytes, summarysize, isexported, ispublic, remove_linenums!, # Opperators operator_associativity, operator_precedence, isbinaryoperator, isoperator, isunaryoperator, # C interface cconvert, unsafe_convert, # Error handling exit_on_sigint, windowserror, # Macros @assume_effects, @constprop, @locals, @propagate_inbounds, # IO # types BufferStream, IOServer, OS_HANDLE, PipeEndpoint, TTY, # functions reseteof, link_pipe!, # misc notnothing, runtests, text_colors