#!/usr/bin/env python # This script takes a list of dictionary files and a plain text utf-8 file and converts this text input file to CNTK text format. # # The input text file must contain N streams per line (N TAB-separated "columns") and should be accompanied by N dictionary files. # The input text file must be in the following form: # text1 TAB text2 TAB ... TAB textN # ..... # where each line represents one sequence across all N input streams. # Each text consists of one or more space-separated word tokens (samples). # # Dictionary files are text files that are required to be specified for all streams, # so the #dictionaries = #columns in the input file. # A dictionary contains a single token per line. The zero-based line number becomes the numeric index # of the token in the output CNTK text format file. # Example usage (i.e. for PennTreebank files): # 1) # sed -e 's/^<\/s> //' -e 's/ <\/s>$//' < en.txt > en.txt1 # sed -e 's/^<\/s> //' -e 's/ <\/s>$//' < fr.txt > fr.txt1 # paste en.txt1 fr.txt1 | txt2ctf.py --map en.dict fr.dict > en-fr.ctf # # 2) (assuming that the current dir is [cntk root]/Examples/SequenceToSequence/CMUDict/Data/) # sed -e 's//<\/s>\t/' < cmudict-0.7b.train-dev-1-21.txt `#this will replace every '' with '[tab]'` |\ # python ../../../../Scripts/txt2ctf.py --map cmudict-0.7b.mapping cmudict-0.7b.mapping > cmudict-0.7b.train-dev-1-21.ctf # import sys import argparse import re def convert(dictionaryStreams, inputs, output, unk, annotated): # create in memory dictionaries dictionaries = [{ line.rstrip('\r\n').strip():index for index, line in enumerate(dic) } for dic in dictionaryStreams] # convert inputs for input in inputs: sequenceId = 0 for index, line in enumerate(input): line = line.rstrip('\r\n') columns = line.split("\t") if len(columns) != len(dictionaries): raise Exception("Number of dictionaries {0} does not correspond to the number of streams in line {1}:'{2}'" .format(len(dictionaries), index, line)) _convertSequence(dictionaries, columns, sequenceId, output, unk, annotated) sequenceId += 1 def _convertSequence(dictionaries, streams, sequenceId, output, unk, annotated): tokensPerStream = [[t for t in s.strip(' ').split(' ') if t != ""] for s in streams] maxLen = max(len(tokens) for tokens in tokensPerStream) # writing to the output file for sampleIndex in range(maxLen): output.write(str(sequenceId)) for streamIndex in range(len(tokensPerStream)): if len(tokensPerStream[streamIndex]) <= sampleIndex: output.write("\t") continue token = tokensPerStream[streamIndex][sampleIndex] if unk is not None and token not in dictionaries[streamIndex]: # try unk symbol if specified token = unk if token not in dictionaries[streamIndex]: raise Exception("Token '{0}' cannot be found in the dictionary for stream {1}".format(token, streamIndex)) value = dictionaries[streamIndex][token] output.write("\t|S" + str(streamIndex) + " "+ str(value) + ":1") if annotated: output.write(" |# " + re.sub(r'(\|(?!#))|(\|$)', r'|#', token)) output.write("\n") if __name__ == "__main__": parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="Transforms text file given dictionaries into CNTK text format.") parser.add_argument('--map', help='List of dictionaries, given in the same order as streams in the input files', nargs="+", required=True) parser.add_argument('--annotated', help='Whether to annotate indices with tokens. Default is false', choices=["True", "False"], default="False", required=False) parser.add_argument('--output', help='Name of the output file, stdout if not given', default="", required=False) parser.add_argument('--input', help='Name of the inputs files, stdin if not given', default="", nargs="*", required=False) parser.add_argument('--unk', help='Name fallback symbol for tokens not in dictionary (same for all columns)', default=None, required=False) args = parser.parse_args() # creating inputs inputs = [sys.stdin] if len(args.input) != 0: inputs = [open(i, encoding="utf-8") for i in args.input] # creating output output = sys.stdout if args.output != "": output = open(args.output, "w") convert([open(d, encoding="utf-8") for d in args.map], inputs, output, args.unk, args.annotated == "True") output.flush() if (output != sys.stdout): output.close() ##################################################################################################### # Tests ##################################################################################################### try: import StringIO stringio = StringIO.StringIO except ImportError: from io import StringIO stringio = StringIO try: import pytest except ImportError: pass def test_simpleSanityCheck(): dictionary1 = stringio("hello\nmy\nworld\nof\nnothing\n") dictionary2 = stringio("let\nme\nbe\nclear\nabout\nit\n") input = stringio("hello my\tclear about\nworld of\tit let clear\n") output = stringio() convert([dictionary1, dictionary2], [input], output, None, False) expectedOutput = stringio() expectedOutput.write("0\t|S0 0:1\t|S1 3:1\n") expectedOutput.write("0\t|S0 1:1\t|S1 4:1\n") expectedOutput.write("1\t|S0 2:1\t|S1 5:1\n") expectedOutput.write("1\t|S0 3:1\t|S1 0:1\n") expectedOutput.write("1\t\t|S1 3:1\n") assert expectedOutput.getvalue() == output.getvalue() def test_thatPipeSymbolIsEscaped(): dictionary1 = stringio("|hello\nm|y\nworl|d\nof\nnothing|\n") dictionary2 = stringio("let|\nm|e\nb|#e\nclear\n||about\ni||#t\n") input = stringio("|hello m|y\tclear ||about\nworl|d of\ti||#t let| clear\n") output = stringio() convert([dictionary1, dictionary2], [input], output, None, True) expectedOutput = stringio() expectedOutput.write("0\t|S0 0:1 |# |#hello\t|S1 3:1 |# clear\n") expectedOutput.write("0\t|S0 1:1 |# m|#y\t|S1 4:1 |# |#|#about\n") expectedOutput.write("1\t|S0 2:1 |# worl|#d\t|S1 5:1 |# i|#|#t\n") expectedOutput.write("1\t|S0 3:1 |# of\t|S1 0:1 |# let|#\n") expectedOutput.write("1\t\t|S1 3:1 |# clear\n") for x in zip(output.getvalue().split('\n'), expectedOutput.getvalue().split('\n')): assert x[0] == x[1] def test_nonExistingWord(): dictionary1 = stringio("hello\nmy\nworld\nof\nnothing\n") input = stringio("hello my\nworld of nonexistent\n") output = stringio() with pytest.raises(Exception) as info: convert([dictionary1], [input], output, None, False) assert str(info.value) == "Token 'nonexistent' cannot be found in the dictionary for stream 0"