% Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand % Please edit documentation in R/gbif_photos.r \name{gbif_photos} \alias{gbif_photos} \title{View photos from GBIF.} \usage{ gbif_photos(input, output = NULL, which = "table", browse = TRUE) } \arguments{ \item{input}{Input output from occ_search} \item{output}{Output folder path. If not given uses temporary folder.} \item{which}{One of map or table (default).} \item{browse}{(logical) Browse output (default: \code{TRUE})} } \description{ View photos from GBIF. } \details{ The max number of photos you can see when which="map" is ~160, so cycle through if you have more than that. } \section{BEWARE}{ The maps in the table view may not show up correctly if you are using RStudio } \examples{ \dontrun{ res <- occ_search(mediaType = 'StillImage', limit = 100) gbif_photos(res) gbif_photos(res, which='map') res <- occ_search(scientificName = "Aves", mediaType = 'StillImage', limit=150) gbif_photos(res) gbif_photos(res, output = '~/barfoo') } }