Tip revision: 86968509e38902580b04a25786c5a58ba2777b21 authored by Antonio Fernandez-Guerra on 28 February 2022, 14:31:29 UTC
Merge pull request #6 from functional-dark-side/dependabot/bundler/nokogiri-1.13.3
Merge pull request #6 from functional-dark-side/dependabot/bundler/nokogiri-1.13.3
Tip revision: 8696850
layout: page
title: Cluster annotations
The combination of clustering and functional annotation results led to two sets of clusters dominated by the not annotated one. As it is shown in figure 3(a), more than 60% (66.2%) (1,987,973 clusters) of the total ∼3 million clusters belong to clusters with not annotated members, while the clusters with annotated ORFs constitutes the 33% (1,015,924 clusters).
<img alt="cluster_annotations.png" src="/img/cluster_annotations.png" width="55%" height="" >
*Clusters subdivision based on functional annotations. a) Percentage of annotated and unannotated clusters. b) Annotated cluster size distribution. c) Not annotated cluster size distribution.*
However as illustrated in the second half of figure 3, the annotated clusters contain the 68% of the total ORFs (181,433,541 of 268,467,763) and have a larger average cluster size compared to the not annotated clusters as shown in figure 3(b) & 3(c).
- **Script and description:** The script [](scripts/Cluster_annotation/ combine the results of the clustering and the functional annotation. In a first step it retrieves the domain architecture (ordered multi-domain annotations) of each annotated ORFs (Pfam domain name, accession name, clan name), then it identifies two sets of clusters: annotated and not annotated, based on the presence of annotated ORFs in them.