\name{SatPiece} \alias{SatPiece} \title{Piecewise Constant Saturated Pairwise Interaction Point Process Model} \description{ Creates an instance of a saturated pairwise interaction point process model with piecewise constant potential function. The model can then be fitted to point pattern data. } \usage{ SatPiece(r, sat) } \arguments{ \item{r}{vector of jump points for the potential function} \item{sat}{ vector of saturation values, or a single saturation value } } \value{ An object of class \code{"interact"} describing the interpoint interaction structure of a point process. } \details{ This is a generalisation of the Geyer saturation point process model, described in \code{\link{Geyer}}, to the case of multiple interaction distances. It can also be described as the saturated analogue of a pairwise interaction process with piecewise-constant pair potential, described in \code{\link{PairPiece}}. The saturated point process with interaction radii \eqn{r_1,\ldots,r_k}{r[1], ..., r[k]}, saturation thresholds \eqn{s_1,\ldots,s_k}{s[1],...,s[k]}, intensity parameter \eqn{\beta}{beta} and interaction parameters \eqn{\gamma_1,\ldots,gamma_k}{gamma[1], ..., gamma[k]}, is the point process in which each point \eqn{x_i}{x[i]} in the pattern \eqn{X} contributes a factor \deqn{ \beta \gamma_1^{v_1(x_i, X)} \ldots gamma_k^{v_k(x_i,X)} }{ beta gamma[1]^v(1, x_i, X) ... gamma[k]^v(k, x_i, X) } to the probability density of the point pattern, where \deqn{ v_j(x_i, X) = \min( s_j, t_j(x_i,X) ) }{ v(j, x_i, X) = min(s[j], t(j, x_i, X)) } where \eqn{t_j(x_i, X)}{t(j,x[i],X)} denotes the number of points in the pattern \eqn{X} which lie at a distance between \eqn{r_{j-1}}{r[j-1]} and \eqn{r_j}{r[j]} from the point \eqn{x_i}{x[i]}. We take \eqn{r_0 = 0}{r[0] = 0} so that \eqn{t_1(x_i,X)}{t(1, x[i], X)} is the number of points of \eqn{X} that lie within a distance \eqn{r_1}{r[1]} of the point \eqn{x_i}{x[i]}. \code{SatPiece} is used to fit this model to data. The function \code{\link{ppm}()}, which fits point process models to point pattern data, requires an argument of class \code{"interact"} describing the interpoint interaction structure of the model to be fitted. The appropriate description of the piecewise constant Saturated pairwise interaction is yielded by the function \code{SatPiece()}. See the examples below. Simulation of this point process model is not yet implemented. This model is not locally stable (the conditional intensity is unbounded). The argument \code{r} specifies the vector of interaction distances. The entries of \code{r} must be strictly increasing, positive numbers. The argument \code{sat} specifies the vector of saturation parameters. It should be a vector of the same length as \code{r}, and its entries should be nonnegative numbers. Thus \code{sat[1]} corresponds to the distance range from \code{0} to \code{r[1]}, and \code{sat[2]} to the distance range from \code{r[1]} to \code{r[2]}, etc. Alternatively \code{sat} may be a single number, and this saturation value will be applied to every distance range. Infinite values of the saturation parameters are also permitted; in this case \eqn{v_j(x_i,X) = t_j(x_i,X)}{v(j, x_i, X) = t(j, x_i, X)} and there is effectively no `saturation' for the distance range in question. If all the saturation parameters are set to \code{Inf} then the model is effectively a pairwise interaction process, equivalent to \code{\link{PairPiece}} (however the interaction parameters \eqn{\gamma}{gamma} obtained from \code{\link{SatPiece}} are the square roots of the parameters \eqn{\gamma}{gamma} obtained from \code{\link{PairPiece}}). If \code{r} is a single number, this model is virtually equivalent to the Geyer process, see \code{\link{Geyer}}. } \seealso{ \code{\link{ppm}}, \code{\link{pairsat.family}}, \code{\link{Geyer}}, \code{\link{PairPiece}}, \code{\link{BadGey}}. } \examples{ SatPiece(c(0.1,0.2), c(1,1)) # prints a sensible description of itself SatPiece(c(0.1,0.2), 1) data(cells) ppm(cells, ~1, SatPiece(c(0.07, 0.1, 0.13), 2)) # fit a stationary piecewise constant Saturated pairwise interaction process \dontrun{ ppm(cells, ~polynom(x,y,3), SatPiece(c(0.07, 0.1, 0.13), 2)) # nonstationary process with log-cubic polynomial trend } } \author{Adrian Baddeley \email{adrian@maths.uwa.edu.au} \url{http://www.maths.uwa.edu.au/~adrian/} and Rolf Turner \email{r.turner@auckland.ac.nz} in collaboration with Hao Wang and Jeff Picka } \keyword{spatial} \keyword{models}