% Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand % Please edit documentation in R/convert_pd_to_p.R \name{pd_to_p} \alias{pd_to_p} \alias{p_to_pd} \alias{convert_p_to_pd} \alias{convert_pd_to_p} \title{Convert between Probability of Direction (pd) and p-value.} \usage{ pd_to_p(pd, direction = "two-sided", ...) p_to_pd(p, direction = "two-sided", ...) convert_p_to_pd(p, direction = "two-sided", ...) convert_pd_to_p(pd, direction = "two-sided", ...) } \arguments{ \item{pd}{A Probability of Direction (pd) value.} \item{direction}{What type of p-value is requested or provided. Can be \code{"two-sided"} (default, two tailed) or \code{"one-sided"} (one tailed).} \item{...}{Arguments passed to or from other methods.} \item{p}{A p-value.} } \description{ Enables a conversion between sProbability of Direction (pd) and p-value. } \examples{ pd_to_p(pd = 95) pd_to_p(pd = 95, direction = "one-sided") }