(* -------------------------------------------------------------------- * Copyright (c) - 2012-2015 - IMDEA Software Institute and INRIA * Distributed under the terms of the CeCILL-C license * -------------------------------------------------------------------- *) (* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *) open EcSymbols open EcTypes open EcDecl open EcFol open EcAlgebra open EcCoreGoal (* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *) val is_module_loaded : EcEnv.env -> bool (* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *) val ring_symbols : EcEnv.env -> EcDecl.rkind -> ty -> (symbol * (bool * ty)) list val field_symbols : EcEnv.env -> ty -> (symbol * (bool * ty)) list val ring_axioms : EcEnv.env -> ring -> (symbol * form) list val field_axioms : EcEnv.env -> field -> (symbol * form) list (* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *) val t_ring : ring -> eq list -> form * form -> FApi.backward val t_ring_simplify : ring -> eq list -> form * form -> FApi.backward val t_ring_congr : cring -> RState.rstate -> int list -> form list -> FApi.backward (* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *) val t_field : field -> eq list -> form * form -> FApi.backward val t_field_simplify : field -> eq list -> form * form -> FApi.backward val t_field_congr : cfield -> RState.rstate -> int list -> form list -> FApi.backward