# This file is a part of Julia. License is MIT: http://julialang.org/license mainres = ([4, 5, 3], [1, 5, 3]) bitres = ([true, true, false], [false, true, false]) chnlprod(x) = Channel(c->for i in x; put!(c,i); end) for (dest, src, bigsrc, emptysrc, res) in [ ([1, 2, 3], () -> [4, 5], () -> [1, 2, 3, 4, 5], () -> Int[], mainres), ([1, 2, 3], () -> 4:5, () -> 1:5, () -> 1:0, mainres), ([1, 2, 3], () -> chnlprod(4:5), () -> chnlprod(1:5), () -> chnlprod(1:0), mainres), (falses(3), () -> trues(2), () -> trues(5), () -> trues(0), bitres)] @test copy!(copy(dest), src()) == res[1] @test copy!(copy(dest), 1, src()) == res[1] @test copy!(copy(dest), 2, src(), 2) == res[2] @test copy!(copy(dest), 2, src(), 2, 1) == res[2] @test copy!(copy(dest), 99, src(), 99, 0) == dest @test copy!(copy(dest), 1, emptysrc()) == dest x = emptysrc() exc = isa(x, AbstractArray) ? BoundsError : ArgumentError @test_throws exc copy!(dest, 1, emptysrc(), 1) for idx in (0, 4) @test_throws BoundsError copy!(dest, idx, src()) @test_throws BoundsError copy!(dest, idx, src(), 1) @test_throws BoundsError copy!(dest, idx, src(), 1, 1) x = src() exc = isa(x, AbstractArray) ? BoundsError : ArgumentError @test_throws exc copy!(dest, 1, x, idx) x = src() exc = isa(x, AbstractArray) ? BoundsError : ArgumentError @test_throws exc copy!(dest, 1, x, idx, 1) end @test_throws ArgumentError copy!(dest, 1, src(), 1, -1) @test_throws BoundsError copy!(dest, bigsrc()) @test_throws BoundsError copy!(dest, 3, src()) @test_throws BoundsError copy!(dest, 3, src(), 1) @test_throws BoundsError copy!(dest, 3, src(), 1, 2) @test_throws BoundsError copy!(dest, 1, src(), 2, 2) end # test behavior of shallow and deep copying let a = Any[[1]], q = QuoteNode([1]) ca = copy(a); dca = @inferred(deepcopy(a)) @test ca !== a @test ca[1] === a[1] @test dca !== a @test dca[1] !== a[1] @test deepcopy(q).value !== q.value end # issue #13124 let a = rand(3, 5) b = (a,a) c = deepcopy(b) @test c[1] === c[2] end # issue #14027 @test isnull(deepcopy(Nullable{Array}())) # issue #15250 let a1 = Core.svec(1, 2, 3, []), a2 = Core.svec(1, 2, 3) a3 = Core.svec(a1,a1) b1 = deepcopy(a1) @test a1 == b1 @test a1 !== b1 @test a1[4] !== b1[4] b2 = deepcopy(a2) @test a2 === b2 b3 = deepcopy(a3) @test a3 == b3 @test a3 !== b3 @test a3[1] === a3[2] end # issue #16667 let x = BigInt[1:1000;], y = deepcopy(x), v # Finalize the original values to make sure the deep copy is indeed # independent for v in x finalize(v) end # Allocate some memory to make it more likely to trigger an error # if `deepcopy` went wrong x = BigInt[1:1000;] @test y == x end let x = BigFloat[1:1000;], y, z, v y, z = setprecision(2) do deepcopy(x), BigFloat[1:1000;] end for v in x finalize(v) end x = BigFloat[1:1000;] # Make sure the difference in precision doesn't affect deep copy @test y == x # Check that the setprecision indeed does something @test z != x end # issue #19921 type Foo19921 a::String end type Bar19921 foo::Foo19921 fooDict::Dict{Foo19921, Int64} end @testset "issue 19921" begin for i = 1 : 100 foo = Foo19921("foo") bar = Bar19921(foo, Dict(foo => 3)) bar2 = deepcopy(bar) @test bar2.foo ∈ keys(bar2.fooDict) @test bar2.fooDict[bar2.foo] != nothing end end