# This file is a part of Julia. License is MIT: https://julialang.org/license using Base: Bottom using Test using LinearAlgebra macro UnionAll(var, expr) Expr(:where, esc(expr), esc(var)) end const issub = (<:) issub_strict(@nospecialize(x),@nospecialize(y)) = issub(x,y) && !issub(y,x) isequal_type(@nospecialize(x),@nospecialize(y)) = issub(x,y) && issub(y,x) notequal_type(@nospecialize(x),@nospecialize(y)) = !isequal_type(x, y) _type_intersect(@nospecialize(x), @nospecialize(y)) = ccall(:jl_intersect_types, Any, (Any, Any), x, y) intersection_env(@nospecialize(x), @nospecialize(y)) = ccall(:jl_type_intersection_with_env, Any, (Any,Any), x, y) # level 1: no varags, union, UnionAll function test_1() @test issub_strict(Int, Integer) @test issub_strict(Array{Int,1}, AbstractArray{Int,1}) @test isequal_type(Int, Int) @test isequal_type(Integer, Integer) @test isequal_type(Array{Int,1}, Array{Int,1}) @test isequal_type(AbstractArray{Int,1}, AbstractArray{Int,1}) @test issub_strict(Tuple{Int,Int}, Tuple{Integer,Integer}) @test issub_strict(Tuple{Array{Int,1}}, Tuple{AbstractArray{Int,1}}) @test isequal_type(Tuple{Integer,Integer}, Tuple{Integer,Integer}) @test !issub(Tuple{Int,Int}, Tuple{Int}) @test !issub(Tuple{Int}, Tuple{Integer,Integer}) @test !issub(Array{Int,1}, Array{Integer,1}) end # level 2: varargs function test_2() @test issub_strict(Tuple{Int,Int}, Tuple{Vararg{Int}}) @test issub_strict(Tuple{Int,Int}, Tuple{Int,Vararg{Int}}) @test issub_strict(Tuple{Int,Int}, Tuple{Int,Vararg{Integer}}) @test issub_strict(Tuple{Int,Int}, Tuple{Int,Int,Vararg{Integer}}) @test issub_strict(Tuple{Int,Vararg{Int}}, Tuple{Vararg{Int}}) @test issub_strict(Tuple{Int,Int,Int}, Tuple{Vararg{Int}}) @test issub_strict(Tuple{Int,Int,Int}, Tuple{Integer,Vararg{Int}}) @test issub_strict(Tuple{Int}, Tuple{Any}) @test issub_strict(Tuple{}, Tuple{Vararg{Any}}) @test isequal_type(Tuple{Int}, Tuple{Int}) @test isequal_type(Tuple{Vararg{Integer}}, Tuple{Vararg{Integer}}) @test !issub(Tuple{}, Tuple{Int, Vararg{Int}}) @test !issub(Tuple{Int}, Tuple{Int, Int, Vararg{Int}}) @test !issub(Tuple{Int, Tuple{Real, Integer}}, Tuple{Vararg{Int}}) @test isequal_type(Tuple{Int,Int}, Tuple{Vararg{Int,2}}) @test Tuple{Int,Vararg{Int,2}} == Tuple{Int,Int,Int} @test Tuple{Int,Vararg{Int,2}} === Tuple{Int,Int,Int} @test Tuple{Any, Any} === Tuple{Vararg{Any,2}} @test Tuple{Int,Vararg{Int,2}} == Tuple{Int,Int,Vararg{Int,1}} @test Tuple{Int,Vararg{Int,2}} == Tuple{Int,Int,Int,Vararg{Int,0}} @test !(Tuple{Int,Vararg{Int,2}} <: Tuple{Int,Int,Int,Vararg{Int,1}}) @test Tuple{Int,Vararg{Int}} == Tuple{Int,Vararg{Int}} @test (@UnionAll N Tuple{Int,Vararg{Int,N}}) == (@UnionAll N Tuple{Int,Vararg{Int,N}}) @test issub_strict(Tuple{Tuple{Int,Int},Tuple{Int,Int}}, Tuple{NTuple{N,Int},NTuple{N,Int}} where N) @test !issub(Tuple{Tuple{Int,Int},Tuple{Int,}}, Tuple{NTuple{N,Int},NTuple{N,Int}} where N) @test NTuple{0} === Tuple{} @test !issub(Tuple{Val{3}, Vararg{Val{3}}}, Tuple{Vararg{Val{N}, N} where N}) @test issub_strict(Tuple{Int,Int}, Tuple{Int,Int,Vararg{Int,N}} where N) @test issub_strict(Tuple{Int,Int}, Tuple{E,E,Vararg{E,N}} where E where N) @test issub(Type{Tuple{VecElement{Bool}}}, (Type{Tuple{Vararg{VecElement{T},N}}} where T where N)) @test isequal_type(Type{Tuple{Vararg{Int,N}} where N}, Type{Tuple{Vararg{Int,N} where N}}) @test Type{Tuple{Vararg{Int,N}} where N} !== Type{Tuple{Vararg{Int,N} where N}} end function test_diagonal() @test !issub(Tuple{Integer,Integer}, @UnionAll T Tuple{T,T}) @test issub(Tuple{Integer,Int}, (@UnionAll T @UnionAll S<:T Tuple{T,S})) @test issub(Tuple{Integer,Int}, (@UnionAll T @UnionAll T<:S<:T Tuple{T,S})) @test issub(Tuple{Integer,Int,Int}, (@UnionAll T @UnionAll T<:S<:T Tuple{T,S,S})) @test issub_strict((@UnionAll R Tuple{R,R}), (@UnionAll T @UnionAll S Tuple{T,S})) @test issub_strict((@UnionAll R Tuple{R,R}), (@UnionAll T @UnionAll S<:T Tuple{T,S})) @test issub_strict((@UnionAll R Tuple{R,R}), (@UnionAll T @UnionAll T<:S<:T Tuple{T,S})) @test issub_strict((@UnionAll R Tuple{R,R}), (@UnionAll T @UnionAll S>:T Tuple{T,S})) @test !issub(Tuple{Real,Real}, @UnionAll T<:Real Tuple{T,T}) @test issub((@UnionAll S<:Int (@UnionAll R<:AbstractString Tuple{S,R,Vector{Any}})), (@UnionAll T Tuple{T, T, Array{T,1}})) @test issub_strict(Tuple{String, Real, Ref{Number}}, (@UnionAll T Tuple{Union{T,String}, T, Ref{T}})) @test issub_strict(Tuple{String, Real}, (@UnionAll T Tuple{Union{T,String}, T})) @test !issub( Tuple{Real, Real}, (@UnionAll T Tuple{Union{T,String}, T})) @test issub_strict(Tuple{Int, Int}, (@UnionAll T Tuple{Union{T,String}, T})) # don't consider a diagonal variable concrete if it already has an abstract lower bound @test isequal_type(Tuple{Vararg{A}} where A>:Integer, Tuple{Vararg{A}} where A>:Integer) # issue #24166 @test !issub(Tuple{T, T, Ref{T}} where T, Tuple{S, S, Ref{Q} where Q} where S) @test !issub(Tuple{T, T, Ref{T}} where T, Tuple{S, S, Ref{Q} where Q} where S<:Integer) @test !issub(Tuple{T, T, Ref{T}} where T, Tuple{S, S, Ref{Q} where Q} where S<:Int) @test issub(Tuple{T, T, Ref{T}} where T<:Int, Tuple{S, S, Ref{Q} where Q} where S) @test !issub(Tuple{T, T, Ref{T}} where T>:Int, Tuple{S, S, Ref{Q} where Q} where S) @test !issub(Tuple{T, T, Ref{T}} where T>:Integer, Tuple{S, S, Ref{Q} where Q} where S) @test !issub(Tuple{T, T, Ref{T}} where T>:Any, Tuple{S, S, Ref{Q} where Q} where S) @test issub(Tuple{T, T} where Int<:T<:Int, Tuple{T, T} where Int<:T<:Int) @test issub(Tuple{T, T} where T>:Int, Tuple{T, T} where T>:Int) @test issub(Tuple{Tuple{T, T} where T>:Int}, Tuple{Tuple{T, T} where T>:Int}) @test issub(Tuple{Tuple{T, T} where T>:Int}, Tuple{Tuple{T, T}} where T>:Int) @test issub(Tuple{Tuple{T, T}} where T>:Int, Tuple{Tuple{T, T} where T>:Int}) @test issub(Vector{Tuple{T, T} where Number<:T<:Number}, Vector{Tuple{Number, Number}}) @test !issub(Type{Tuple{T,Any} where T}, Type{Tuple{T,T}} where T) @test !issub(Type{Tuple{T,Any,T} where T}, Type{Tuple{T,T,T}} where T) @test_broken issub(Type{Tuple{T} where T}, Type{Tuple{T}} where T) @test issub(Ref{Tuple{T} where T}, Ref{Tuple{T}} where T) @test !issub(Type{Tuple{T,T} where T}, Type{Tuple{T,T}} where T) @test !issub(Type{Tuple{T,T,T} where T}, Type{Tuple{T,T,T}} where T) @test isequal_type(Ref{Tuple{T, T} where Int<:T<:Int}, Ref{Tuple{S, S}} where Int<:S<:Int) let A = Tuple{Int,Int8,Vector{Integer}}, B = Tuple{T,T,Vector{T}} where T>:Integer, C = Tuple{T,T,Vector{Union{Integer,T}}} where T @test A <: B @test B == C @test A <: C @test Tuple{Int,Int8,Vector{Any}} <: C end # #26108 @test !issub((Tuple{T, T, Array{T, 1}} where T), Tuple{T, T, Any} where T) # #26716 @test !issub((Union{Tuple{Int,Bool}, Tuple{P,Bool}} where P), Tuple{Union{T,Int}, T} where T) @test issub_strict(Tuple{Ref{Tuple{N,N}}, Ref{N}} where N, Tuple{Ref{Tuple{N1,N1}}, Ref{N2}} where {N1, N2}) @test !issub(Tuple{Type{Tuple{Vararg{T}} where T <: Integer}, Tuple{Float64, Int}}, Tuple{Type{Tuple{Vararg{T}}}, Tuple{Vararg{T}}} where T) # non-types @test issub_strict(Tuple{3,3}, NTuple) @test !issub(Tuple{3,4}, NTuple) end # level 3: UnionAll function test_3() @test issub_strict(Array{Int,1}, @UnionAll T Vector{T}) @test issub_strict((@UnionAll T Pair{T,T}), Pair) @test issub(Pair{Int,Int8}, Pair) @test issub(Pair{Int,Int8}, (@UnionAll S Pair{Int,S})) @test !issub((@UnionAll T<:Real T), (@UnionAll T<:Integer T)) @test isequal_type((@UnionAll T Tuple{T,T}), (@UnionAll R Tuple{R,R})) @test !issub((@UnionAll T<:Integer @UnionAll S<:Number Tuple{T,S}), (@UnionAll T<:Integer @UnionAll S<:Number Tuple{S,T})) @test issub_strict((@UnionAll T Tuple{Array{T},Array{T}}), Tuple{Array, Array}) AUA = Array{(@UnionAll T Array{T,1}), 1} UAA = (@UnionAll T Array{Array{T,1}, 1}) @test !issub(AUA, UAA) @test !issub(UAA, AUA) @test !isequal_type(AUA, UAA) @test issub_strict((@UnionAll T Int), (@UnionAll T<:Integer Integer)) @test isequal_type((@UnionAll T @UnionAll S Tuple{T, Tuple{S}}), (@UnionAll T Tuple{T, @UnionAll S Tuple{S}})) @test !issub((@UnionAll T Pair{T,T}), Pair{Int,Int8}) @test !issub((@UnionAll T Pair{T,T}), Pair{Int,Int}) @test isequal_type((@UnionAll T Tuple{T}), Tuple{Any}) @test isequal_type((@UnionAll T<:Real Tuple{T}), Tuple{Real}) @test issub(Tuple{Array{Integer,1}, Int}, @UnionAll T<:Integer @UnionAll S<:T Tuple{Array{T,1},S}) @test !issub(Tuple{Array{Integer,1}, Real}, @UnionAll T<:Integer Tuple{Array{T,1},T}) @test !issub(Tuple{Int,String,Vector{Integer}}, @UnionAll T Tuple{T, T, Array{T,1}}) @test !issub(Tuple{String,Int,Vector{Integer}}, @UnionAll T Tuple{T, T, Array{T,1}}) @test !issub(Tuple{Int,String,Vector{Tuple{Integer}}}, @UnionAll T Tuple{T,T,Array{Tuple{T},1}}) @test issub(Tuple{Int,String,Vector{Any}}, @UnionAll T Tuple{T, T, Array{T,1}}) @test isequal_type(Array{Int,1}, Array{(@UnionAll T<:Int T), 1}) @test isequal_type(Array{Tuple{Any},1}, Array{(@UnionAll T Tuple{T}), 1}) @test isequal_type(Array{Tuple{Int,Int},1}, Array{(@UnionAll T<:Int Tuple{T,T}), 1}) @test !issub(Array{Tuple{Int,Integer},1}, Array{(@UnionAll T<:Integer Tuple{T,T}), 1}) @test !issub(Pair{Int,Int8}, (@UnionAll T Pair{T,T})) @test !issub(Tuple{Array{Int,1}, Integer}, @UnionAll T<:Integer Tuple{Array{T,1},T}) @test !issub(Tuple{Integer, Array{Int,1}}, @UnionAll T<:Integer Tuple{T, Array{T,1}}) @test !issub(Pair{Array{Int,1},Integer}, @UnionAll T Pair{Array{T,1},T}) @test issub(Pair{Array{Int,1},Int}, @UnionAll T Pair{Array{T,1},T}) @test issub(Tuple{Integer,Int}, @UnionAll T<:Integer @UnionAll S<:T Tuple{T,S}) @test !issub(Tuple{Integer,Int}, @UnionAll T<:Int @UnionAll S<:T Tuple{T,S}) @test !issub(Tuple{Integer,Int}, @UnionAll T<:String @UnionAll S<:T Tuple{T,S}) @test issub(Tuple{Float32,Array{Float32,1}}, @UnionAll T<:Real @UnionAll S<:AbstractArray{T,1} Tuple{T,S}) @test !issub(Tuple{Float32,Array{Float64,1}}, @UnionAll T<:Real @UnionAll S<:AbstractArray{T,1} Tuple{T,S}) @test issub(Tuple{Float32,Array{Real,1}}, @UnionAll T<:Real @UnionAll S<:AbstractArray{T,1} Tuple{T,S}) @test !issub(Tuple{Number,Array{Real,1}}, @UnionAll T<:Real @UnionAll S<:AbstractArray{T,1} Tuple{T,S}) @test issub((@UnionAll Int<:T<:Integer T), @UnionAll T<:Real T) @test issub((@UnionAll Int<:T<:Integer Array{T,1}), (@UnionAll T<:Real Array{T,1})) @test issub((@UnionAll Int<:T<:Integer T), (@UnionAll Integer<:T<:Real T)) @test !issub((@UnionAll Int<:T<:Integer Array{T,1}), (@UnionAll Integer<:T<:Real Array{T,1})) X = (@UnionAll T<:Real @UnionAll S<:AbstractArray{T,1} Tuple{T,S}) Y = (@UnionAll A<:Real @UnionAll B<:AbstractArray{A,1} Tuple{A,B}) @test isequal_type(X,Y) Z = (@UnionAll A<:Real @UnionAll B<:AbstractArray{A,1} Tuple{Real,B}) @test issub_strict(X,Z) @test issub_strict((@UnionAll T @UnionAll S<:T Pair{T,S}), (@UnionAll T @UnionAll S Pair{T,S})) @test issub_strict((@UnionAll T @UnionAll S>:T Pair{T,S}), (@UnionAll T @UnionAll S Pair{T,S})) # these would be correct if the diagonal rule applied to type vars occurring # only once in covariant position. #@test issub_strict((@UnionAll T Tuple{Ref{T}, T}), # (@UnionAll T @UnionAll S<:T Tuple{Ref{T},S})) #@test issub_strict((@UnionAll T Tuple{Ref{T}, T}), # (@UnionAll T @UnionAll S<:T @UnionAll R<:S Tuple{Ref{T},R})) @test isequal_type((@UnionAll T Tuple{Ref{T}, T}), (@UnionAll T @UnionAll T<:S<:T Tuple{Ref{T},S})) @test issub_strict((@UnionAll T Tuple{Ref{T}, T}), (@UnionAll T @UnionAll S>:T Tuple{Ref{T}, S})) A = @UnionAll T Tuple{T,Ptr{T}} B = @UnionAll T Tuple{Ptr{T},T} C = @UnionAll T>:Ptr @UnionAll S>:Ptr Tuple{Ptr{T},Ptr{S}} D = @UnionAll T>:Ptr @UnionAll S>:Ptr{T} Tuple{Ptr{T},Ptr{S}} E = @UnionAll T>:Ptr @UnionAll S>:Ptr{T} Tuple{Ptr{S},Ptr{T}} @test !issub(A, B) @test !issub(B, A) @test issub_strict(C, A) @test issub_strict(C, B) @test issub_strict(C, D) @test issub_strict(Union{D,E}, A) @test issub_strict(Union{D,E}, B) @test issub_strict((@UnionAll T>:Ptr @UnionAll Ptr<:S<:Ptr Tuple{Ptr{T},Ptr{S}}), (@UnionAll T>:Ptr @UnionAll S>:Ptr{T} Tuple{Ptr{T},Ptr{S}})) @test !issub((@UnionAll T>:Ptr @UnionAll S>:Ptr Tuple{Ptr{T},Ptr{S}}), (@UnionAll T>:Ptr @UnionAll Ptr{T}<:S<:Ptr Tuple{Ptr{T},Ptr{S}})) @test !issub((@UnionAll T>:Integer @UnionAll S>:Ptr Tuple{Ptr{T},Ptr{S}}), B) @test issub((@UnionAll T>:Ptr @UnionAll S>:Integer Tuple{Ptr{T},Ptr{S}}), B) # issue #23327 @test !issub((Type{AbstractArray{Array{T}} where T}), Type{AbstractArray{S}} where S) @test !issub((Val{AbstractArray{Array{T}} where T}), Val{AbstractArray{T}} where T) @test !issub((Array{Array{Array{T}} where T}), Array{Array{T}} where T) @test !issub((Array{Array{T, 1}, 1} where T), AbstractArray{Vector}) @test !issub((Ref{Pair{Pair{T, R}, R} where R} where T), (Ref{Pair{A, B} where B} where A)) @test !issub((Ref{Pair{Pair{A, B}, B} where B} where A), (Ref{Pair{A, B2} where B2 <: B} where A where B)) @test !issub(Tuple{Type{Vector{T}} where T, Vector{Float64}}, Tuple{Type{T}, T} where T) @test !issub(Tuple{Vector{Float64}, Type{Vector{T}} where T}, Tuple{T, Type{T}} where T) @test !issub(Tuple{Type{Ref{T}} where T, Vector{Float64}}, Tuple{Ref{T}, T} where T) @test !issub(Tuple{Type{Ref{T}} where T, Ref{Float64}}, Tuple{Type{T},T} where T) end # level 4: Union function test_4() @test isequal_type(Union{Bottom,Bottom}, Bottom) @test issub_strict(Int, Union{Int,String}) @test issub_strict(Union{Int,Int8}, Integer) @test isequal_type(Union{Int,Int8}, Union{Int,Int8}) @test isequal_type(Union{Int,Integer}, Integer) @test isequal_type(Tuple{Union{Int,Int8},Int16}, Union{Tuple{Int,Int16},Tuple{Int8,Int16}}) @test issub_strict(Tuple{Int,Int8,Int}, Tuple{Vararg{Union{Int,Int8}}}) @test issub_strict(Tuple{Int,Int8,Int}, Tuple{Vararg{Union{Int,Int8,Int16}}}) # nested unions @test !issub(Union{Int,Ref{Union{Int,Int8}}}, Union{Int,Ref{Union{Int8,Int16}}}) A = Int64; B = Int8 C = Int16; D = Int32 @test issub(Union{Union{A,Union{A,Union{B,C}}}, Union{D,Bottom}}, Union{Union{A,B},Union{C,Union{B,D}}}) @test !issub(Union{Union{A,Union{A,Union{B,C}}}, Union{D,Bottom}}, Union{Union{A,B},Union{C,Union{B,A}}}) @test isequal_type(Union{Union{A,B,C}, Union{D}}, Union{A,B,C,D}) @test isequal_type(Union{Union{A,B,C}, Union{D}}, Union{A,Union{B,C},D}) @test isequal_type(Union{Union{Union{Union{A}},B,C}, Union{D}}, Union{A,Union{B,C},D}) @test issub_strict(Union{Union{A,C}, Union{D}}, Union{A,B,C,D}) @test !issub(Union{Union{A,B,C}, Union{D}}, Union{A,C,D}) # obviously these unions can be simplified, but when they aren't there's trouble X = Union{Union{A,B,C},Union{A,B,C},Union{A,B,C},Union{A,B,C}, Union{A,B,C},Union{A,B,C},Union{A,B,C},Union{A,B,C}} Y = Union{Union{D,B,C},Union{D,B,C},Union{D,B,C},Union{D,B,C}, Union{D,B,C},Union{D,B,C},Union{D,B,C},Union{A,B,C}} @test issub_strict(X,Y) end # level 5: union and UnionAll function test_5() u = Union{Int8,Int} @test issub(Tuple{String,Array{Int,1}}, (@UnionAll T Union{Tuple{T,Array{T,1}}, Tuple{T,Array{Int,1}}})) @test issub(Tuple{Union{Vector{Int},Vector{Int8}}}, @UnionAll T Tuple{Array{T,1}}) @test !issub(Tuple{Union{Vector{Int},Vector{Int8}},Vector{Int}}, @UnionAll T Tuple{Array{T,1}, Array{T,1}}) @test !issub(Tuple{Union{Vector{Int},Vector{Int8}},Vector{Int8}}, @UnionAll T Tuple{Array{T,1}, Array{T,1}}) @test !issub(Vector{Int}, @UnionAll T>:u Array{T,1}) @test issub(Vector{Integer}, @UnionAll T>:u Array{T,1}) @test issub(Vector{Union{Int,Int8}}, @UnionAll T>:u Array{T,1}) @test issub((@UnionAll Int<:T<:u Array{T,1}), (@UnionAll Int<:T<:u Array{T,1})) # with varargs @test !issub(Array{Tuple{Array{Int},Array{Vector{Int16}},Array{Vector{Int}},Array{Int}}}, @UnionAll T<:(@UnionAll S Tuple{Vararg{Union{Array{S}, Array{Array{S,1}}}}}) Array{T}) @test issub(Array{Tuple{Array{Int},Array{Vector{Int}},Array{Vector{Int}},Array{Int}}}, @UnionAll T<:(@UnionAll S Tuple{Vararg{Union{Array{S}, Array{Array{S,1}}}}}) Array{T}) @test !issub(Tuple{Array{Int},Array{Vector{Int16}},Array{Vector{Int}},Array{Int}}, @UnionAll S Tuple{Vararg{Union{Array{S},Array{Array{S,1}}}}}) @test issub(Tuple{Array{Int},Array{Vector{Int}},Array{Vector{Int}},Array{Int}}, @UnionAll S Tuple{Vararg{Union{Array{S},Array{Array{S,1}}}}}) B = @UnionAll S<:u Tuple{S, Tuple{Any,Any,Any}, Ref{S}} # these tests require renaming in issub_unionall @test issub((@UnionAll T<:B Tuple{Int8, T, Ref{Int8}}), B) @test !issub((@UnionAll T<:B Tuple{Int8, T, Ref{T}}), B) # the `convert(Type{T},T)` pattern, where T is a Union # required changing priority of unions and vars @test issub(Tuple{Array{u,1},Int}, @UnionAll T Tuple{Array{T,1}, T}) @test issub(Tuple{Array{u,1},Int}, @UnionAll T @UnionAll S<:T Tuple{Array{T,1}, S}) @test !issub(Ref{Union{Ref{Int},Ref{Int8}}}, @UnionAll T Ref{Ref{T}}) @test issub(Tuple{Union{Ref{Int},Ref{Int8}}}, @UnionAll T Tuple{Ref{T}}) @test !issub(Ref{Union{Ref{Int},Ref{Int8}}}, Union{Ref{Ref{Int}}, Ref{Ref{Int8}}}) @test isequal_type(Ref{Tuple{Union{Int,Int8},Int16}}, Ref{Union{Tuple{Int,Int16},Tuple{Int8,Int16}}}) @test isequal_type(Ref{T} where T<:Tuple{Union{Int,Int8},Int16}, Ref{T} where T<:Union{Tuple{Int,Int16},Tuple{Int8,Int16}}) @test isequal_type(Ref{Tuple{Union{Int,Int8},Int16,T}} where T, Ref{Union{Tuple{Int,Int16,S},Tuple{Int8,Int16,S}}} where S) # issue #32726 @test Tuple{Type{Any}, Int, Float64, String} <: Tuple{Type{T}, Vararg{T}} where T end # tricky type variable lower bounds function test_6() @test issub((@UnionAll S<:Int (@UnionAll R<:String Tuple{S,R,Vector{Any}})), (@UnionAll T Tuple{T, T, Array{T,1}})) @test !issub((@UnionAll S<:Int (@UnionAll R<:String Tuple{S,R,Vector{Integer}})), (@UnionAll T Tuple{T, T, Array{T,1}})) t = @UnionAll T Tuple{T,T,Ref{T}} @test isequal_type(t, @UnionAll S Tuple{S,S,Ref{S}}) @test !issub((@UnionAll T Tuple{T,String,Ref{T}}), (@UnionAll T Tuple{T,T,Ref{T}})) @test !issub((@UnionAll T Tuple{T,Ref{T},String}), (@UnionAll T Tuple{T,Ref{T},T})) i = Int; ai = Integer @test isequal_type((@UnionAll i<:T<:i Ref{T}), Ref{i}) @test isequal_type((@UnionAll ai<:T<:ai Ref{T}), Ref{ai}) # Pair{T,S} <: Pair{T,T} can be true with certain bounds @test issub_strict((@UnionAll i<:T<:i @UnionAll i<:S<:i Pair{T,S}), @UnionAll T Pair{T,T}) @test issub_strict(Tuple{i, Ref{i}}, (@UnionAll T @UnionAll S<:T Tuple{S,Ref{T}})) @test !issub(Tuple{Real, Ref{i}}, (@UnionAll T @UnionAll S<:T Tuple{S,Ref{T}})) # S >: T @test issub_strict(Tuple{Real, Ref{i}}, (@UnionAll T @UnionAll S>:T Tuple{S,Ref{T}})) @test !issub(Tuple{Ref{i}, Ref{ai}}, (@UnionAll T @UnionAll S>:T Tuple{Ref{S},Ref{T}})) @test issub_strict(Tuple{Ref{Real}, Ref{ai}}, (@UnionAll T @UnionAll S>:T Tuple{Ref{S},Ref{T}})) @test issub_strict(Tuple{Real, Ref{Tuple{i}}}, (@UnionAll T @UnionAll S>:T Tuple{S,Ref{Tuple{T}}})) @test !issub(Tuple{Ref{Tuple{i}}, Ref{Tuple{ai}}}, (@UnionAll T @UnionAll S>:T Tuple{Ref{Tuple{S}},Ref{Tuple{T}}})) @test issub_strict(Tuple{Ref{Tuple{Real}}, Ref{Tuple{ai}}}, (@UnionAll T @UnionAll S>:T Tuple{Ref{Tuple{S}},Ref{Tuple{T}}})) # (@UnionAll x<:T<:x Q{T}) == Q{x} @test isequal_type(Ref{Ref{i}}, Ref{@UnionAll i<:T<:i Ref{T}}) @test isequal_type(Ref{Ref{i}}, @UnionAll i<:T<:i Ref{Ref{T}}) @test isequal_type((@UnionAll i<:T<:i Ref{Ref{T}}), Ref{@UnionAll i<:T<:i Ref{T}}) @test !issub((@UnionAll i<:T<:i Ref{Ref{T}}), Ref{@UnionAll T<:i Ref{T}}) u = Union{Int8,Int64} A = Ref{Bottom} B = @UnionAll S<:u Ref{S} @test issub(Ref{B}, @UnionAll A<:T<:B Ref{T}) C = @UnionAll S<:u S @test issub(Ref{C}, @UnionAll u<:T<:u Ref{T}) BB = @UnionAll S<:Bottom S @test issub(Ref{B}, @UnionAll BB<:U<:B Ref{U}) end # uncategorized function test_7() @test isequal_type(Ref{Union{Int16, T}} where T, Ref{Union{Int16, S}} where S) @test isequal_type(Pair{Union{Int16, T}, T} where T, Pair{Union{Int16, S}, S} where S) end function test_Type() @test issub_strict(DataType, Type) @test issub_strict(Union, Type) @test issub_strict(UnionAll, Type) @test issub_strict(typeof(Bottom), Type) @test !issub(TypeVar, Type) @test !issub(Type, TypeVar) @test !issub(DataType, @UnionAll T<:Number Type{T}) @test issub_strict(Type{Int}, DataType) @test !issub((@UnionAll T<:Integer Type{T}), DataType) @test isequal_type(Type{AbstractArray}, Type{AbstractArray}) @test !issub(Type{Int}, Type{Integer}) @test issub((@UnionAll T<:Integer Type{T}), (@UnionAll T<:Number Type{T})) @test isa(Int, @UnionAll T<:Number Type{T}) @test !isa(DataType, @UnionAll T<:Number Type{T}) @test !(DataType <: (@UnionAll T<:Type Type{T})) @test isa(DataType, (@UnionAll T<:Type Type{T})) @test isa(Tuple{},Type{Tuple{}}) @test !(Tuple{Int,} <: (@UnionAll T<:Tuple Type{T})) @test isa(Tuple{Int}, (@UnionAll T<:Tuple Type{T})) @test !isa(Int, Type{>:String}) @test isa(Union{Int,String}, Type{>:String}) @test isa(Any, Type{>:String}) # this matches with T==DataType, since DataType is concrete @test issub(Tuple{Type{Int},Type{Int8}}, Tuple{T,T} where T) @test !issub(Tuple{Type{Int},Type{Union{}}}, Tuple{T,T} where T) # issue #20476 @test issub(Tuple{Type{Union{Type{UInt32}, Type{UInt64}}}, Type{UInt32}}, Tuple{Type{T},T} where T) @test isequal_type(Core.TypeofBottom, Type{Union{}}) @test issub(Core.TypeofBottom, Type{T} where T<:Real) end # old subtyping tests from test/core.jl function test_old() @test Int8 <: Integer @test Int32 <: Integer @test Tuple{Int8,Int8} <: Tuple{Integer,Integer} @test !(AbstractArray{Float64,2} <: AbstractArray{Number,2}) @test !(AbstractArray{Float64,1} <: AbstractArray{Float64,2}) @test Tuple{Integer,Vararg{Integer}} <: Tuple{Integer,Vararg{Real}} @test Tuple{Integer,Float64,Vararg{Integer}} <: Tuple{Integer,Vararg{Number}} @test Tuple{Integer,Float64} <: Tuple{Integer,Vararg{Number}} @test Tuple{Int32,} <: Tuple{Vararg{Number}} @test Tuple{} <: Tuple{Vararg{Number}} @test !(Tuple{Vararg{Int32}} <: Tuple{Int32,}) @test !(Tuple{Vararg{Int32}} <: Tuple{Number,Integer}) @test !(Tuple{Vararg{Integer}} <: Tuple{Integer,Integer,Vararg{Integer}}) @test !(Array{Int8,1} <: Array{Any,1}) @test !(Array{Any,1} <: Array{Int8,1}) @test Array{Int8,1} <: Array{Int8,1} @test !(Type{Bottom} <: Type{Int32}) @test !(Vector{Float64} <: Vector{Union{Float64,Float32}}) @test !isa(Array,Type{Any}) @test Type{Complex} <: UnionAll @test isa(Complex,Type{Complex}) @test !(Type{Ptr{Bottom}} <: Type{Ptr}) @test !(Type{Rational{Int}} <: Type{Rational}) @test Tuple{} <: Tuple{Vararg} @test Tuple{Int,Int} <: Tuple{Vararg} @test Tuple{} <: @UnionAll N NTuple{N} @test !(Type{Tuple{}} <: Type{Tuple{Vararg}}) @test Type{Tuple{}} <: (@UnionAll N Type{NTuple{N}}) @test !(Type{Array{Integer}} <: Type{AbstractArray{Integer}}) @test !(Type{Array{Integer}} <: Type{@UnionAll T<:Integer Array{T}}) # issue #6561 # TODO: note that NTuple now means "tuples of all the same type" #@test (Array{Tuple} <: Array{NTuple}) @test issub_strict(NTuple, Tuple) @test issub_strict(NTuple, Tuple{Vararg}) @test isequal_type(Tuple, Tuple{Vararg}) #@test (Array{Tuple{Vararg{Any}}} <: Array{NTuple}) #@test (Array{Tuple{Vararg}} <: Array{NTuple}) @test !(Type{Tuple{Nothing}} <: Tuple{Type{Nothing}}) end const menagerie = Any[Bottom, Any, Int, Int8, Integer, Real, Array{Int,1}, AbstractArray{Int,1}, Tuple{Int,Vararg{Integer}}, Tuple{Integer,Vararg{Int}}, Tuple{}, Union{Int,Int8}, (@UnionAll T Array{T,1}), (@UnionAll T Pair{T,T}), (@UnionAll T @UnionAll S Pair{T,S}), Pair{Int,Int8}, (@UnionAll S Pair{Int,S}), (@UnionAll T Tuple{T,T}), (@UnionAll T<:Integer Tuple{T,T}), (@UnionAll T @UnionAll S Tuple{T,S}), (@UnionAll T<:Integer @UnionAll S<:Number Tuple{T,S}), (@UnionAll T<:Integer @UnionAll S<:Number Tuple{S,T}), Array{(@UnionAll T Array{T,1}),1}, (@UnionAll T Array{Array{T,1},1}), Array{(@UnionAll T<:Int T), 1}, (@UnionAll T<:Real @UnionAll S<:AbstractArray{T,1} Tuple{T,S}), Union{Int,Ref{Union{Int,Int8}}}, (@UnionAll T Union{Tuple{T,Array{T,1}}, Tuple{T,Array{Int,1}}}), ] let new = Any[] # add variants of each type for T in menagerie push!(new, Ref{T}) push!(new, Tuple{T}) push!(new, Tuple{T,T}) push!(new, Tuple{Vararg{T}}) push!(new, @UnionAll S<:T S) push!(new, @UnionAll S<:T Ref{S}) end append!(menagerie, new) end function test_properties() x→y = !x || y ¬T = @UnionAll X>:T Ref{X} for T in menagerie # top and bottom identities @test issub(Bottom, T) @test issub(T, Any) @test issub(T, Bottom) → isequal_type(T, Bottom) @test issub(Any, T) → isequal_type(T, Any) # unionall identity @test isequal_type(T, @UnionAll S<:T S) @test isequal_type(Ref{T}, @UnionAll T<:U<:T Ref{U}) # equality under renaming if isa(T, UnionAll) lb, ub = T.var.lb, T.var.ub @test isequal_type(T, (@UnionAll lb<:Y<:ub T{Y})) end # inequality under wrapping @test !isequal_type(T, Ref{T}) for S in menagerie issubTS = issub(T, S) # transitivity if issubTS for R in menagerie if issub(S, R) @test issub(T, R) # issub(T,S) ∧ issub(S,R) → issub(T,R) @test issub(Ref{S}, @UnionAll T<:U<:R Ref{U}) end end end # union subsumption @test isequal_type(T, Union{T,S}) → issub(S, T) # invariance @test isequal_type(T, S) == isequal_type(Ref{T}, Ref{S}) # covariance @test issubTS == issub(Tuple{T}, Tuple{S}) @test issubTS == issub(Tuple{Vararg{T}}, Tuple{Vararg{S}}) @test issubTS == issub(Tuple{T}, Tuple{Vararg{S}}) # pseudo-contravariance @test issubTS == issub(¬S, ¬T) end end end macro testintersect(a, b, result) if isa(result, Expr) && result.head === :call && length(result.args) == 2 && result.args[1] === :! result = result.args[2] cmp = :(!=) else cmp = :(==) end a = esc(a) b = esc(b) result = esc(result) Base.remove_linenums!(quote # test real intersect @test $cmp(_type_intersect($a, $b), $result) @test $cmp(_type_intersect($b, $a), $result) # test simplified intersect if !($result === Union{}) @test typeintersect($a, $b) != Union{} @test typeintersect($b, $a) != Union{} end end) end abstract type IT4805_2{N, T} end abstract type AbstractThing{T,N} end mutable struct ConcreteThing{T<:AbstractFloat,N} <: AbstractThing{T,N} end mutable struct A11136 end mutable struct B11136 end abstract type Foo11367 end abstract type AbstractTriangular{T,S<:AbstractMatrix} <: AbstractMatrix{T} end struct UpperTriangular{T,S<:AbstractMatrix} <: AbstractTriangular{T,S} end struct UnitUpperTriangular{T,S<:AbstractMatrix} <: AbstractTriangular{T,S} end struct SIQ20671{T<:Number,m,kg,s,A,K,mol,cd,rad,sr} <: Number val::T end function test_intersection() @testintersect(Vector{Float64}, Vector{Union{Float64,Float32}}, Bottom) @testintersect(Array{Bottom}, (@UnionAll T AbstractArray{T}), !Bottom) @testintersect(Tuple{Type{Ptr{UInt8}}, Ptr{Bottom}}, (@UnionAll T Tuple{Type{Ptr{T}},Ptr{T}}), Bottom) @testintersect(Tuple{AbstractRange{Int},Tuple{Int,Int}}, (@UnionAll T Tuple{AbstractArray{T},Dims}), Tuple{AbstractRange{Int},Tuple{Int,Int}}) @testintersect((@UnionAll Integer<:T<:Number Array{T}), (@UnionAll T<:Number Array{T}), (@UnionAll Integer<:T<:Number Array{T})) @testintersect((@UnionAll Integer<:T<:Number Array{T}), (@UnionAll T<:Real Array{T}), (@UnionAll Integer<:T<:Real Array{T})) @testintersect((@UnionAll Integer<:T<:Number Array{T}), (@UnionAll T<:String Array{T}), Bottom) @testintersect((@UnionAll Integer<:T<:Number Array{T}), (@UnionAll String<:T<:AbstractString Array{T}), Bottom) @testintersect((@UnionAll T<:Number Array{T}), (@UnionAll T<:String Array{T}), Array{Bottom}) @testintersect((@UnionAll T Tuple{T, AbstractArray{T}}), Tuple{Number, Array{Int,1}}, Tuple{Int, Array{Int,1}}) @testintersect((@UnionAll T Tuple{T, AbstractArray{T}}), Tuple{Int, Array{Number,1}}, Tuple{Int, Array{Number,1}}) @testintersect((@UnionAll S Tuple{S,Vector{S}}), (@UnionAll T<:Real Tuple{T,AbstractVector{T}}), (@UnionAll S<:Real Tuple{S,Vector{S}})) # typevar corresponding to a type it will end up being neither greater than nor # less than @testintersect((@UnionAll T Tuple{T, Ref{T}}), Tuple{Array{Int}, Ref{AbstractVector}}, Tuple{Array{Int,1}, Ref{AbstractVector}}) @testintersect((@UnionAll T Tuple{T, AbstractArray{T}}), Tuple{Any, Array{Number,1}}, Tuple{Number, Array{Number,1}}) @testintersect((@UnionAll T Tuple{Array{T}, Array{T}}), Tuple{Array, Array{Any}}, !Bottom) @testintersect((@UnionAll T Tuple{T,T}), Tuple{Real, Real}, (@UnionAll T<:Real Tuple{T,T})) @testintersect((@UnionAll T Tuple{T}), Tuple{Real}, Tuple{Real}) @testintersect((@UnionAll T Tuple{T,T}), Tuple{Union{Float64,Int64},Int64}, Tuple{Int64,Int64}) @testintersect((@UnionAll T Tuple{T,T}), Tuple{Int64,Union{Float64,Int64}}, Tuple{Int64,Int64}) @testintersect((@UnionAll Z Tuple{Z,Z}), (@UnionAll T<:Integer @UnionAll S<:Number Tuple{T,S}), @UnionAll Z<:Integer Tuple{Z,Z}) @testintersect((@UnionAll Z Pair{Z,Z}), (@UnionAll T<:Integer @UnionAll S<:Number Pair{T,S}), @UnionAll Z<:Integer Pair{Z,Z}) @testintersect((@UnionAll T<:Vector Type{T}), (@UnionAll N Type{@UnionAll S<:Number Array{S,N}}), Type{@UnionAll S<:Number Array{S,1}}) @testintersect((@UnionAll T Tuple{Type{Array{T,1}},Array{T,1}}), Tuple{Type{AbstractVector},Vector{Int}}, Bottom) @testintersect(Tuple{Type{Vector{ComplexF64}}, AbstractVector}, (@UnionAll T @UnionAll S @UnionAll N Tuple{Type{Array{T,N}}, Array{S,N}}), Tuple{Type{Vector{ComplexF64}},Vector}) @testintersect(Tuple{Type{Vector{ComplexF64}}, AbstractArray}, (@UnionAll T @UnionAll S @UnionAll N Tuple{Type{Array{T,N}}, Array{S,N}}), Tuple{Type{Vector{ComplexF64}},Vector}) @testintersect(Type{Array}, Type{AbstractArray}, Bottom) @testintersect(Type{Tuple{Bool,Vararg{Int}}}, Type{@UnionAll T Tuple{Vararg{T}}}, Bottom) @testintersect(Type{Tuple{Bool,Vararg{Int}}}, Type{@UnionAll T Tuple{T,Vararg{T}}}, Bottom) @testintersect((@UnionAll T Tuple{Vararg{T}}), Tuple{Float64,Int}, Bottom) @testintersect((@UnionAll T Tuple{Rational{T},T}), Tuple{Rational{Integer},Int}, Tuple{Rational{Integer},Int}) @testintersect((@UnionAll T Pair{T,Ptr{T}}), (@UnionAll S Pair{Ptr{S},S}), Bottom) let A = Tuple{T,Ptr{T}} where T, B = Tuple{Ptr{S},S} where S, correct = Union{Tuple{Ptr{T},Ptr{S}} where S>:Ptr{T} where T>:Ptr, Tuple{Ptr{S},Ptr{T}} where S>:Ptr{T} where T>:Ptr} # TODO: get the correct answer. for now check that `typeintersect` # at least gives a conservative answer. @test typeintersect(B, A) == typeintersect(A, B) >: correct end @testintersect((@UnionAll N Tuple{NTuple{N,Integer},NTuple{N,Integer}}), Tuple{Tuple{Integer,Integer}, Tuple{Vararg{Integer}}}, Tuple{Tuple{Integer,Integer}, Tuple{Integer,Integer}}) @testintersect((@UnionAll N Tuple{NTuple{N,Integer},NTuple{N,Integer}}), Tuple{Tuple{Vararg{Integer}}, Tuple{Integer,Integer}}, Tuple{Tuple{Integer,Integer}, Tuple{Integer,Integer}}) #@test isequal_type(typeintersect((@UnionAll N Tuple{NTuple{N,Any},Array{Int,N}}), # Tuple{Tuple{Int,Vararg{Int}},Array}), # Tuple{Tuple{Int,Vararg{Int}},Array{Int,N}}) @testintersect((@UnionAll N Tuple{NTuple{N,Any},Array{Int,N}}), Tuple{Tuple{Int,Vararg{Int}},Array{Int,2}}, Tuple{Tuple{Int,Int}, Array{Int,2}}) @testintersect(Type{Any},Type{Complex}, Bottom) @testintersect(Type{Any},(@UnionAll T<:Real Type{T}), Bottom) @testintersect(Type{Function},Union,Bottom) @testintersect(Type{Int32}, DataType, Type{Int32}) @testintersect(DataType, Type, !Bottom) @testintersect(Union, Type, !Bottom) @testintersect(DataType, Type{Int}, !Bottom) @testintersect(DataType, (@UnionAll T<:Int Type{T}), !Bottom) @testintersect(DataType, (@UnionAll T<:Integer Type{T}), !Bottom) @testintersect(Tuple{Vararg{Int}}, Tuple{Vararg{Bool}}, Tuple{}) @testintersect(Type{Tuple{Vararg{Int}}}, Type{Tuple{Vararg{Bool}}}, Bottom) @testintersect(Tuple{Bool,Vararg{Int}}, Tuple{Vararg{Bool}}, Tuple{Bool}) let M = @UnionAll T<:Union{Float32,Float64} Matrix{T} @testintersect(AbstractArray, M, M) end @testintersect((@UnionAll N Tuple{Array{Int,N},Vararg{Int,N}}), Tuple{Vector{Int},Real,Real,Real}, Bottom) @testintersect((@UnionAll N Tuple{Array{Int,N},Vararg{Int,N}}), Tuple{Array{Int,0}}, Tuple{Array{Int,0}}) @testintersect((@UnionAll N Tuple{Array{Int,N},Vararg{Int,N}}), Tuple{Array{Int,2}}, Bottom) @testintersect(Tuple{Int,Vararg{Int}}, Tuple{Int,Int,Int,Vararg{Float64}}, Tuple{Int,Int,Int}) @testintersect(Tuple{Int,Vararg{Int}}, Tuple{Int,Vararg{Float64}}, Tuple{Int}) @testintersect((@UnionAll N Tuple{Array{Int,N},Vararg{Int,N}}), Tuple{Matrix{Int},Int,Int,Vararg{Float64}}, Tuple{Matrix{Int},Int,Int}) @testintersect((@UnionAll N Tuple{Array{Int,N},Vararg{Int,N}}), Tuple{Matrix{Int},Int,Vararg{Float64}}, Bottom) @testintersect(Tuple{Array{Any,1}, Tuple{Int64, Int64, Vararg{Int64, N} where N}}, Tuple{Array{T,N}, Tuple{Vararg{Int64,N}}} where N where T, Bottom) @testintersect((@UnionAll T<:Union{Float64,Array{Float64,1}} T), Real, Float64) # issue #4805 @testintersect((@UnionAll T<:Int Type{IT4805_2{1,T}}), (@UnionAll S<:(@UnionAll N IT4805_2{N,Int}) Type{S}), !Bottom) # issue #8851 @testintersect((@UnionAll T AbstractThing{T,2}), ConcreteThing, (@UnionAll T<:AbstractFloat ConcreteThing{T,2})) # issue #11136 and #11367 @testintersect((@UnionAll T Tuple{T, T}), (@UnionAll TB<:B11136 Tuple{A11136, TB}), Bottom) @testintersect((@UnionAll T Tuple{T, T}), (@UnionAll T2<:Foo11367 Tuple{Type{BigInt}, T2}), Bottom) # PR #12058 @testintersect((@UnionAll N NTuple{N,Int}), (@UnionAll N NTuple{N,Float64}), Tuple{}) @testintersect((@UnionAll T Tuple{Type{T},T}), Tuple{Type{Type{Float64}},Type{Int}}, Bottom) @testintersect((@UnionAll T T), Type{Int8}, Type{Int8}) # issue #14482 @testintersect((@UnionAll T Tuple{T}), Tuple{Type{Int8}}, Tuple{Type{Int8}}) @testintersect((@UnionAll T Tuple{Union{Int,T}, Union{Vector{T},Vector{String}}}), Tuple{Integer, Vector{Int8}}, Tuple{Union{Int,Int8}, Vector{Int8}}) @testintersect((@UnionAll T Tuple{Union{Int,T}, Union{Vector{T},Vector{String}}}), Tuple{Int8, Vector{String}}, Tuple{Int8, Vector{String}}) @testintersect((@UnionAll T Tuple{Union{Int,T}, Union{Vector{T},Vector{String}}}), Tuple{Int, Vector{Int8}}, Tuple{Int, Vector{Int8}}) @testintersect(( Tuple{Union{Int,String}, Union{Ref{Int}, Ref{String}}}), (@UnionAll T Tuple{T, Union{Ref{T}, Ref{String}}}), Union{Tuple{Int, Union{Ref{Int},Ref{String}}}, Tuple{String, Ref{String}}}) @testintersect((@UnionAll Z<:(@UnionAll T @UnionAll S Tuple{T,S}) Ref{Z}), (@UnionAll X<:(@UnionAll T Tuple{T,T}) Ref{X}), (@UnionAll X<:(@UnionAll T Tuple{T,T}) Ref{X})) @testintersect(Ref{@UnionAll T @UnionAll S Tuple{T,S}}, Ref{@UnionAll T Tuple{T,T}}, Bottom) # both of these answers seem acceptable #@testintersect(Tuple{T,T} where T<:Union{UpperTriangular, UnitUpperTriangular}, # Tuple{AbstractArray{T,N}, AbstractArray{T,N}} where N where T, # Union{Tuple{T,T} where T<:UpperTriangular, # Tuple{T,T} where T<:UnitUpperTriangular}) @testintersect(Tuple{T,T} where T<:Union{UpperTriangular, UnitUpperTriangular}, Tuple{AbstractArray{T,N}, AbstractArray{T,N}} where N where T, Tuple{T,T} where T<:Union{UpperTriangular, UnitUpperTriangular}) @testintersect(DataType, Type, DataType) @testintersect(DataType, Type{T} where T<:Integer, Type{T} where T<:Integer) @testintersect(Union{DataType,Int}, Type, DataType) @testintersect(Union{DataType,Int}, Type{T} where T, DataType) # test typeintersect wrapper as well as _type_intersect @test typeintersect(Union{DataType,Int}, Type) === DataType @test typeintersect(Union{DataType,Int}, Type{T} where T) === DataType # since TypeofBottom is a singleton we can deduce its intersection with Type{...} @testintersect(Core.TypeofBottom, (Type{T} where T<:Tuple), Type{Union{}}) # since this T is inside the invariant ctor Type{}, we allow T == Any here @testintersect((Type{Tuple{Vararg{T}}} where T), Type{Tuple}, Type{Tuple}) @testintersect(Tuple{Type{S}, Tuple{Any, Vararg{Any}}} where S<:Tuple{Any, Vararg{Any}}, Tuple{Type{T}, T} where T, Tuple{Type{S},S} where S<:Tuple{Any,Vararg{Any,N} where N}) # part of issue #20450 @testintersect(Tuple{Array{Ref{T}, 1}, Array{Pair{M, V}, 1}} where V where T where M, Tuple{Array{Ref{T}, 1}, Array{Pair{M, T}, 1}, SS} where T where M where SS, Union{}) @testintersect(Tuple{Array{Ref{T}, 1}, Array{Pair{M, V}, 1}, Int} where V where T where M, Tuple{Array{Ref{T}, 1}, Array{Pair{M, T}, 1}, Any} where T where M, Tuple{Array{Ref{T}, 1}, Array{Pair{M, T}, 1}, Int} where T where M) @testintersect(Tuple{Int, Ref{Pair{K,V}}} where V where K, Tuple{Any, Ref{Pair{T,T}} where T }, Tuple{Int, Ref{Pair{T,T}} where T }) @test_broken isequal_type(_type_intersect(Tuple{T,T} where T, Union{Tuple{S,Array{Int64,1}},Tuple{S,Array{S,1}}} where S), Union{Tuple{Vector{Int64},Vector{Int64}}, Tuple{Vector{T},Vector{T}} where T>:Vector}) # part of issue #20344 @testintersect(Tuple{Type{Tuple{Vararg{T, N} where N}}, Tuple} where T, Tuple{Type{Tuple{Vararg{T, N}}} where N where T, Any}, Bottom) @testintersect(Type{NTuple{N,UnitRange}} where N, Type{Tuple{Vararg{UnitRange}}}, Bottom) @testintersect(Type{NTuple{Z,UnitRange}} where Z, Type{NTuple{Z,String}} where Z, Type{Tuple{}}) # first union component sets N==0, but for the second N is unknown _, E = intersection_env(Tuple{Tuple{Vararg{Int}}, Any}, Tuple{Union{Base.DimsInteger{N},Base.Indices{N}}, Int} where N) @test length(E)==1 && isa(E[1],TypeVar) @testintersect(Tuple{Dict{Int,Int}, Ref{Pair{K,V}}} where V where K, Tuple{AbstractDict{Int,Int}, Ref{Pair{T,T}} where T}, Tuple{Dict{Int,Int}, Ref{Pair{K,K}}} where K) # issue #20643 @testintersect(Tuple{Ref{Pair{p2,T2}}, Pair{p1,Pair}} where T2 where p2 where p1, Tuple{Ref{Pair{p3,T3}}, Pair{p3}} where T3 where p3, Tuple{Ref{Pair{p1,T2}}, Pair{p1,Pair}} where T2 where p1) # issue #20998 _, E = intersection_env(Tuple{Int,Any,Any}, Tuple{T,T,S} where {T,S}) @test length(E) == 2 && E[1] == Int && isa(E[2], TypeVar) _, E = intersection_env(Tuple{Dict{Int,Type}, Type, Any}, Tuple{Dict{K,V}, Any, Int} where {K,V}) @test E[2] == Type # issue #20611 I, E = intersection_env(Tuple{Ref{Integer},Int,Any}, Tuple{Ref{Z},Z,Z} where Z) @test isequal_type(I, Tuple{Ref{Integer},Int,Integer}) @test E[1] == Integer # issue #21118 A = Tuple{Ref, Vararg{Any}} B = Tuple{Vararg{Union{Z,Ref,Nothing}}} where Z<:Union{Ref,Nothing} @test B <: _type_intersect(A, B) # TODO: this would be a better version of that test: #let T = _type_intersect(A, B) # @test T <: A # @test T <: B # @test Tuple{Ref, Vararg{Union{Ref,Nothing}}} <: T #end @testintersect(Tuple{Int,Any,Vararg{A}} where A>:Integer, Tuple{Any,Int,Vararg{A}} where A>:Integer, Tuple{Int,Int,Vararg{A}} where A>:Integer) # issue #21132 @testintersect(Pair{L,Tuple{L,Pair{L,HL}}} where {L,HL}, Pair{R,Tuple{Pair{R,HR},R}} where {R,HR}, Bottom) # X == Pair{X,...} is not satisfiable # issue #20671 --- this just took too long @testintersect(Tuple{Type{SIQ20671{T, mT, kgT, sT, AT, KT, molT, cdT, radT, srT}}, SIQ20671{S, mS, kgS, sS, AS, KS, molS, cdS, radS, srS}} where {T, mT, kgT, sT, AT, KT, molT, cdT, radT, srT, S, mS, kgS, sS, AS, KS, molS, cdS, radS, srS}, Tuple{Type{T}, T} where T, Tuple{Type{SIQ20671{T,mS,kgS,sS,AS,KS,molS,cdS,radS,srS}}, SIQ20671{T,mS,kgS,sS,AS,KS,molS,cdS,radS,srS}} where {T,mS,kgS,sS,AS,KS,molS,cdS,radS,srS}) # issue #21243 @testintersect(Tuple{Ref{Ref{T}} where T, Ref}, Tuple{Ref{T}, Ref{T}} where T, Tuple{Ref{Ref{T}}, Ref{Ref{T}}} where T) # issue #29208 @testintersect(Tuple{Ref{Ref{T}} where T, Ref{Ref{Int}}}, Tuple{Ref{T}, Ref{T}} where T, Tuple{Ref{Ref{Int}}, Ref{Ref{Int}}}) @testintersect(Tuple{Vector{Pair{K,V}}, Vector{Pair{K,V}}} where K where V, Tuple{(Array{Pair{Ref{_2},_1},1} where _2 where _1), Array{Pair{Ref{Int64},Rational{Int64}},1}}, Tuple{Vector{Pair{Ref{Int64},Rational{Int64}}}, Vector{Pair{Ref{Int64},Rational{Int64}}}}) @testintersect(Vector{>:Missing}, Vector{Int}, Union{}) # issue #23685 @testintersect(Pair{Type{Z},Z} where Z, Pair{Type{Ref{T}} where T, Ref{Float64}}, Bottom) @testintersect(Tuple{Type{Z},Z} where Z, Tuple{Type{Ref{T}} where T, Ref{Float64}}, !Bottom) @test_broken typeintersect(Tuple{Type{Z},Z} where Z, Tuple{Type{Ref{T}} where T, Ref{Float64}}) == Tuple{Type{Ref{Float64}},Ref{Float64}} # issue #32607 @testintersect(Type{<:Tuple{Integer,Integer}}, Type{Tuple{Int,T}} where T, Type{Tuple{Int,T}} where T<:Integer) @testintersect(Type{<:Tuple{Any,Vararg{Any}}}, Type{Tuple{Vararg{Int,N}}} where N, Type{Tuple{Int,Vararg{Int,N}}} where N) @testintersect(Type{<:Array}, Type{AbstractArray{T}} where T, Bottom) @testintersect(Tuple{Type{Tuple{Vararg{Integer}}}, Tuple}, Tuple{Type{Tuple{Vararg{V}}}, Tuple{Vararg{V}}} where {V}, Tuple{Type{Tuple{Vararg{Integer,N} where N}},Tuple{Vararg{Integer,N} where N}}) @testintersect(Tuple{Type{Tuple{Vararg{Union{Int,Symbol}}}}, Tuple}, Tuple{Type{Tuple{Vararg{V}}}, Tuple{Vararg{V}}} where {V}, Tuple{Type{Tuple{Vararg{Union{Int,Symbol},N} where N}},Tuple{Vararg{Union{Int,Symbol},N} where N}}) # non types @testintersect(Tuple{1}, Tuple{Any}, Tuple{1}) # tests for robustness after incorrect datatype allocation normalization @test typeintersect(Vector{Tuple{T, T} where Number<:T<:Number}, Vector{Tuple{Number, Number}}) === Vector{Tuple{T, T} where Number<:T<:Number} @test typeintersect(Vector{Tuple{Number, Number}}, Vector{Tuple{T, T} where Number<:T<:Number}) === Vector{Tuple{Number, Number}} end function test_intersection_properties() approx = Tuple{Vector{Vector{T}} where T, Vector{Vector{T}} where T} for T in menagerie for S in menagerie I = _type_intersect(T,S) I2 = _type_intersect(S,T) @test isequal_type(I, I2) if I == approx # TODO: some of these cases give a conservative answer @test issub(I, T) || issub(I, S) else @test issub(I, T) && issub(I, S) end if issub(T, S) @test isequal_type(I, T) end end end end test_1() test_2() test_diagonal() test_3() test_4() test_5() test_6() test_7() test_Type() test_old() test_intersection() test_properties() test_intersection_properties() let S = ccall(:jl_new_structv, Any, (Any, Ptr{Cvoid}, UInt32), UnionAll, [TypeVar(:T), Any], 2), VS = TypeVar(:T), T = ccall(:jl_new_structv, Any, (Any, Ptr{Cvoid}, UInt32), UnionAll, [VS, VS], 2) # check (T where T) == (Any where T) # these types are not normally valid, but check them just to make sure subtyping is robust @test T <: S @test S <: T end # issue #20121 @test NTuple{170,Matrix{Int}} <: (Tuple{Vararg{Union{Array{T,1},Array{T,2},Array{T,3}}}} where T) # Issue #12580 abstract type AbstractMyType12580{T} end struct MyType12580{T}<:AbstractMyType12580{T} end tpara(::Type{A}) where {A<:AbstractMyType12580} = tpara(supertype(A)) tpara(::Type{AbstractMyType12580{I}}) where {I} = I @test tpara(MyType12580{true}) # Issue #18348 f18348(::Type{T}, x) where {T<:Any} = 1 f18348(::Type{T}, x::T) where {T<:Any} = 2 @test length(methods(f18348, Tuple{Type{Any},Any})) == 1 # Issue #13165 @test Symmetric{Float64,Matrix{Float64}} <: LinearAlgebra.RealHermSymComplexHerm @test Hermitian{Float64,Matrix{Float64}} <: LinearAlgebra.RealHermSymComplexHerm @test Hermitian{ComplexF64,Matrix{ComplexF64}} <: LinearAlgebra.RealHermSymComplexHerm # Issue #12721 f12721(::T) where {T<:Type{Int}} = true @test_throws MethodError f12721(Float64) # implicit "covariant" type parameters: mutable struct TwoParams{S,T}; x::S; y::T; end @test TwoParams{<:Real,<:Number} == (TwoParams{S,T} where S<:Real where T<:Number) == (TwoParams{S,<:Number} where S<:Real) == (TwoParams{<:Real,T} where T<:Number) @test TwoParams(3,0im) isa TwoParams{<:Real,<:Number} @test TwoParams(3,"foo") isa TwoParams{<:Real} @test !(TwoParams(3im,0im) isa TwoParams{<:Real,<:Number}) @test !(TwoParams(3,"foo") isa TwoParams{<:Real,<:Number}) ftwoparams(::TwoParams) = 1 ftwoparams(::TwoParams{<:Real}) = 2 ftwoparams(::TwoParams{<:Real,<:Real}) = 3 @test ftwoparams(TwoParams('x',3)) == 1 @test ftwoparams(TwoParams(3,'x')) == 2 @test ftwoparams(TwoParams(3,4)) == 3 @test !([TwoParams(3,4)] isa Vector{TwoParams{<:Real,<:Real}}) @test TwoParams{<:Real,<:Real}[TwoParams(3,4)] isa Vector{TwoParams{<:Real,<:Real}} @test [TwoParams(3,4)] isa Vector{<:TwoParams{<:Real,<:Real}} @test [TwoParams(3,4)] isa (Vector{TwoParams{T,T}} where T<:Real) # implicit "contravariant" type parameters: @test TwoParams{>:Int,<:Number} == (TwoParams{S,T} where S>:Int where T<:Number) == (TwoParams{S,<:Number} where S>:Int) == (TwoParams{>:Int,T} where T<:Number) @test TwoParams(3,0im) isa TwoParams{>:Int,<:Number} @test TwoParams{Real,Complex}(3,0im) isa TwoParams{>:Int,<:Number} @test !(TwoParams(3.0,0im) isa TwoParams{>:Int,<:Number}) @test !(TwoParams(3,'x') isa TwoParams{>:Int,<:Number}) # supertype operator @test !(Int >: Integer) @test Integer >: Int # tolerate non-types in Tuples @test typeintersect(Tuple{0}, Tuple{T} where T) === Tuple{0} # TypeVars deduced as non-type constants (#20869) @testintersect(Tuple{Val{0}, Val{Val{N}}} where N, Tuple{Val{N}, Val{Val{N}}} where N, Tuple{Val{0},Val{Val{0}}}) @testintersect(Tuple{Val{N}, Val{Val{0}}} where N, Tuple{Val{N}, Val{Val{N}}} where N, Tuple{Val{0},Val{Val{0}}}) @testintersect(Tuple{Val{Val{0}}, Val{N}} where N, Tuple{Val{Val{N}}, Val{N}} where N, Tuple{Val{Val{0}},Val{0}}) @testintersect(Tuple{Val{Val{N}}, Val{0}} where N, Tuple{Val{Val{N}}, Val{N}} where N, Tuple{Val{Val{0}},Val{0}}) # a bunch of cases found by fuzzing let a = Tuple{Float64,T7} where T7, b = Tuple{S5,Tuple{S5}} where S5 @test typeintersect(a, b) <: b end let a = Tuple{T1,T1} where T1, b = Tuple{Val{S2},S6} where S2 where S6 @test typeintersect(a, b) == typeintersect(b, a) end let a = Val{Tuple{T1,T1}} where T1, b = Val{Tuple{Val{S2},S6}} where S2 where S6 @testintersect(a, b, Val{Tuple{Val{T},Val{T}}} where T) end let a = Tuple{Float64,T3,T4} where T4 where T3, b = Tuple{S2,Tuple{S3},S3} where S2 where S3 @test typeintersect(a, b) == typeintersect(b, a) end let a = Tuple{T1,Tuple{T1}} where T1, b = Tuple{Float64,S3} where S3 @test typeintersect(a, b) <: a end let a = Tuple{5,T4,T5} where T4 where T5, b = Tuple{S2,S3,Tuple{S3}} where S2 where S3 @test typeintersect(a, b) == typeintersect(b, a) end let a = Tuple{T2,Tuple{T4,T2}} where T4 where T2, b = Tuple{Float64,Tuple{Tuple{S3},S3}} where S3 @test typeintersect(a, b) <: b end let a = Tuple{Tuple{T2,4},T6} where T2 where T6, b = Tuple{Tuple{S2,S3},Tuple{S2}} where S2 where S3 @test typeintersect(a, b) == typeintersect(b, a) end let a = Tuple{T3,Int64,Tuple{T3}} where T3, b = Tuple{S3,S3,S4} where S4 where S3 @test_broken typeintersect(a, b) <: a end let a = Tuple{T1,Val{T2},T2} where T2 where T1, b = Tuple{Float64,S1,S2} where S2 where S1 @test typeintersect(a, b) == typeintersect(b, a) end let a = Tuple{T1,Val{T2},T2} where T2 where T1, b = Tuple{Float64,S1,S2} where S2 where S1 @test_broken typeintersect(a, b) <: a end let a = Tuple{Float64,T1} where T1, b = Tuple{S1,Tuple{S1}} where S1 @test typeintersect(a, b) <: b end let a = Tuple{Val{T1},T2,T2} where T2 where T1, b = Tuple{Val{Tuple{S2}},S3,Float64} where S2 where S3 @testintersect(a, b, Tuple{Val{Tuple{S2}},Float64,Float64} where S2) end let a = Tuple{T1,T2,T2} where T1 where T2, b = Tuple{Val{S2},S2,Float64} where S2, x = Tuple{Val{Float64},Float64,Float64} @test x <: typeintersect(a, b) end let a = Val{Tuple{T1,Val{T2},Val{Int64},Tuple{Tuple{T3,5,Float64},T4,T2,T5}}} where T1 where T5 where T4 where T3 where T2, b = Val{Tuple{Tuple{S1,5,Float64},Val{S2},S3,Tuple{Tuple{Val{Float64},5,Float64},2,Float64,S4}}} where S2 where S3 where S1 where S4 @test_skip typeintersect(b, a) end # issue #20992 abstract type A20992{T,D,d} end abstract type B20992{SV,T,D,d} <: A20992{T,D,d} end struct C20992{S,n,T,D,d} <: B20992{NTuple{n,S},T,D,d} end @testintersect(Tuple{A20992{R, D, d} where d where D, Int} where R, Tuple{C20992{S, n, T, D, d} where d where D where T where n where S, Any}, Tuple{C20992, Int}) # Issue #19414 let ex = try struct A19414 <: Base.AbstractSet end catch e; e end @test isa(ex, ErrorException) && ex.msg == "invalid subtyping in definition of A19414" end # issue #20103, OP and comments struct TT20103{X,Y} end f20103(::Type{TT20103{X,Y}},x::X,y::Y) where {X,Y} = 1 f20103(::Type{TT20103{X,X}},x::X) where {X} = 100 @testintersect(Type{NTuple{N,E}} where E where N, Type{NTuple{N,E} where N} where E, Union{}) let ints = (Int, Int32, UInt, UInt32) Ints = Union{ints...} vecs = [] for i = 2:4, t in ints push!(vecs, NTuple{i, t}) end Vecs = Union{vecs...} T = Type{Tuple{V, I}} where V <: Vecs where I <: Ints @testintersect(T, T, T) test(a::Type{Tuple{V, I}}) where {V <: Vecs, I <: Ints} = I end # issue #21191 let T1 = Val{Val{Val{Union{Int8,Int16,Int32,Int64,UInt8,UInt16}}}}, T2 = Val{Val{Val{Union{Int8,Int16,Int32,Int64,UInt8, S}}}} where S @test T1 <: T2 end # issue #21613 abstract type A21613{S <: Tuple} end struct B21613{S <: Tuple, L} <: A21613{S} data::NTuple{L,Float64} end @testintersect(Tuple{Type{B21613{Tuple{L},L}} where L, Any}, Tuple{Type{SA}, Tuple} where SA<:(A21613{S} where S<:Tuple), Tuple{Type{B21613{Tuple{L},L}} where L, Tuple}) # issue #22239 @testintersect(Val{Pair{T,T}} where T, Val{Pair{Int,T}} where T, Val{Pair{Int,Int}}) # issue #23024 @testintersect(Tuple{DataType, Any}, Tuple{Type{T}, Int} where T, Tuple{DataType, Int}) # issue #23430 @test [0 0.; 0 0.; 0 0.; 0 0.; 0 0.; 0 0.; 0 0.; 0 0.; 0 0.; 0 0.; 0 0.; 0 0.; 0 0.; 0 0.; 0 0.; 0 0.; 0 0.; 0 0.; 0 0.; 0 0.; 0 0.; 0 0.; 0 0.; 0 0.; 0 0.; 0 0.; 0 0.; 0 0.; 0 0.; 0 0.; 0 0.; 0 0.; 0 0.; 0 0.; 0 0.; 0 0.; 0 0.; 0 0.; 0 0.; 0 0.; 0 0.; 0 0.; 0 0.; 0 0.; 0 0.; 0 0.; 0 0.; 0 0.; 0 0.; 0 0.; 0 0.; 0 0.; 0 0.; 0 0.; 0 0.; 0 0.; 0 0.; 0 0.; 0 0.; 0 0.; 0 0.; 0 0.; 0 0.; 0 0.] isa Matrix{Float64} @test !(Tuple{Int64,Float64,Int64,Float64,Int64,Float64,Int64,Float64,Int64,Float64,Int64,Float64, Int64,Float64,Int64,Float64,Int64,Float64,Int64,Float64,Int64,Float64,Int64,Float64, Int64,Float64,Int64,Float64,Int64,Float64,Int64,Float64,Int64,Float64,Int64,Float64, Int64,Float64,Int64,Float64,Int64,Float64,Int64,Float64,Int64,Float64,Int64,Float64, Int64,Float64,Int64,Float64,Int64,Float64,Int64,Float64,Int64,Float64,Int64,Float64, Int64,Float64,Int64,Float64,Int64,Float64,Int64,Float64,Int64,Float64,Int64,Float64, Int64,Float64,Int64,Float64,Int64,Float64,Int64,Float64,Int64,Float64,Int64,Float64, Int64,Float64,Int64,Float64,Int64,Float64,Int64,Float64,Int64,Float64,Int64,Float64, Int64,Float64,Int64,Float64,Int64,Float64,Int64,Float64,Int64,Float64,Int64,Float64, Int64,Float64,Int64,Float64,Int64,Float64,Int64,Float64,Int64,Float64,Int64,Float64, Int64,Float64,Int64,Float64,Int64,Float64,Int64,Float64} <: (Tuple{Vararg{T}} where T<:Number)) # part of issue #23327 let triangular(::Type{<:AbstractArray{T}}) where {T} = T triangular(::Type{<:AbstractArray}) = Any @test triangular(Array{Array{T, 1}, 1} where T) === Any end # issue #23908 @test Array{Union{Int128, Int16, Int32, Int8}, 1} <: Array{Union{Int128, Int32, Int8, _1}, 1} where _1 let A = Pair{Nothing, Pair{Array{Union{Int128, Int16, Int32, Int64, Int8, UInt128, UInt16, UInt32, UInt64, UInt8}, 1}, Nothing}}, B = Pair{Nothing, Pair{Array{Union{Int8, UInt128, UInt16, UInt32, UInt64, UInt8, _1}, 1}, Nothing}} where _1 @test A <: B @test !(B <: A) end # issue #22688 let X = Ref{Tuple{Array{Union{Int128, Int16, Int32, Int64, Int8, UInt128, UInt16, UInt32, UInt64, UInt8}, 1}}} @test !(X <: Ref{Tuple{Array{Union{Int8, UInt128, UInt16, UInt32, UInt64, UInt8, S}}}} where S) @test X <: Ref{Tuple{Array{Union{Int8, UInt128, UInt16, UInt32, UInt64, UInt8, S}, 1}}} where S end let X = Ref{Tuple{Array{Union{Int128, Int16, Int32, Int64, Int8, UInt128, UInt16, UInt32, UInt64, UInt8}, 1}, Array{Union{Int128, Int16, Int32, Int64, Int8, UInt128, UInt16, UInt32, UInt64, UInt8}, 1}}}, Y = Ref{Tuple{Array{Union{Int8, UInt128, UInt16, UInt32, UInt64, UInt8, S}, 1}, Array{Union{Int8, UInt128, UInt16, UInt32, UInt64, UInt8, T}, 1}}} where S where T @test X <: Y end # issue #23764 @test Tuple{Ref{Union{T,Int}} where {T}} <: Tuple{Ref{T}} where {T} @test Tuple{Ref{Union{T,Int}} where {T}} <: Tuple{Ref{T} where {T}} @test (Tuple{Ref{Union{T,Int}}} where T) <: Tuple{Ref{T}} where {T} @test (Tuple{Ref{Union{T,Int}}} where T) <: Tuple{Ref{T} where {T}} @test Tuple{Tuple{Tuple{R}} where R} <: Tuple{Tuple{S}} where S struct A23764{T, N, S} <: AbstractArray{Union{T, S}, N}; end @test Tuple{A23764{Int, 1, T} where T} <: Tuple{AbstractArray{T,N}} where {T,N} struct A23764_2{T, N, S} <: AbstractArray{Union{Ref{T}, S}, N}; end @test Tuple{A23764_2{T, 1, Nothing} where T} <: Tuple{AbstractArray{T,N}} where {T,N} @test Tuple{A23764_2{T, 1, Nothing} where T} <: Tuple{AbstractArray{T,N} where {T,N}} # issue #26131 @test !(Vector{Vector{Number}} <: Vector{Union{Vector{Number}, Vector{S}}} where S<:Integer) # issue #24305 f24305(x) = [g24305(x) g24305(x) g24305(x) g24305(x); g24305(x) g24305(x) 0 0]; @test_throws UndefVarError f24305(1) f1_24305(x,y,z) = x*y-z^2-1 f2_24305(x,y,z) = x*y*z+y^2-x^2-2 f3_24305(x,y,z) = exp(x)+z-exp(y)-3 Fun_24305(x) = [ f1_24305(x[1],x[2],x[3]); f2_24305(x[1],x[2],x[3]); f3_24305(x[1],x[2],x[3]) ] Jac_24305(x) = [ x[2] x[1] -2*x[3] ; x[2]*x[3]-2x[1] x[1]*x[3]+2x[2] x[1]*x[2] ; exp(x[1]) -exp(x[2]) 1 ] x_24305 = fill(1.,3) for it = 1:5 h = - \(Jac_24305(x_24305), Fun_24305(x_24305)) global x_24305 = x_24305 + h end @test round.(x_24305, digits=2) == [1.78, 1.42, 1.24] # PR #24399 let (t, e) = intersection_env(Tuple{Union{Int,Int8}}, Tuple{T} where T) @test e[1] isa TypeVar end # issue #25430 @test Vector{Tuple{Any}}() isa Vector{Tuple{>:Int}} @test Vector{Tuple{>:Int}}() isa Vector{Tuple{Any}} @test Vector{Tuple{Any}} == Vector{Tuple{>:Int}} @test Vector{Vector{Tuple{Any}}} == Vector{Vector{Tuple{>:Int}}} f25430(t::Vector{Tuple{Any}}) = true g25430(t::Vector{Tuple{>:Int}}) = true @test f25430(Vector{Tuple{>:Int}}()) @test g25430(Vector{Tuple{Any}}()) @testintersect(Vector{Tuple{>:Int}}, Vector{Tuple{Any}}, Vector{Tuple{Any}}) @testintersect(Vector{Vector{Tuple{>:Int}}}, Vector{Vector{Tuple{Any}}}, Vector{Vector{Tuple{Any}}}) # issue #24521 g24521(::T, ::T) where {T} = T @test_throws MethodError g24521(Tuple{Any}, Tuple{T} where T) @test g24521(Vector, Matrix) == UnionAll @test [Tuple{Vararg{Int64,N} where N}, Tuple{Vararg{Int64,N}} where N] isa Vector{Type} f24521(::Type{T}, ::Type{T}) where {T} = T @test f24521(Tuple{Any}, Tuple{T} where T) == Tuple{Any} @test f24521(Tuple{Vararg{Int64,N} where N}, Tuple{Vararg{Int64,N}} where N) == Tuple{Vararg{Int64,N}} where N # issue #26654 @test !(Ref{Union{Int64, Ref{Number}}} <: Ref{Union{Ref{T}, T}} where T) @test !(Ref{Union{Int64, Val{Number}}} <: Ref{Union{Val{T}, T}} where T) @test !(Ref{Union{Ref{Number}, Int64}} <: Ref{Union{Ref{T}, T}} where T) @test !(Ref{Union{Val{Number}, Int64}} <: Ref{Union{Val{T}, T}} where T) # issue #26180 @test !(Ref{Union{Ref{Int64}, Ref{Number}}} <: Ref{Ref{T}} where T) @test !(Ref{Union{Ref{Int64}, Ref{Number}}} <: Ref{Union{Ref{T}, Ref{T}}} where T) # issue #25240, #26405 f26405(::Type{T}) where {T<:Union{Integer, Missing}} = T @test f26405(Union{Missing, Int}) == Union{Missing, Int} # issue #24748 abstract type Foo24748{T1,T2,T3} end @test !(Foo24748{Int,Float64,Ref{Integer}} <: Foo24748{<:T,<:T,Ref{T}} where T) # issue #26129 @test !(Tuple{Type{Union{Missing, Float64}}, Type{Vector{Missing}}} <: Tuple{Type{T}, Type{Vector{T}}} where T) @test !(Tuple{Type{Union{Missing, Float64}}, Type{Vector{Float64}}} <: Tuple{Type{T}, Type{Vector{T}}} where T) @test [[1],[missing]] isa Vector{Vector} @test [[missing],[1]] isa Vector{Vector} # issue #26453 @test (Tuple{A,A,Number} where A>:Number) <: Tuple{T,T,S} where T>:S where S @test (Tuple{T,T} where {S,T>:S}) == (Tuple{T,T} where {S,T>:S}) f26453(x::T,y::T) where {S,T>:S} = 0 @test f26453(1,2) == 0 @test f26453(1,"") == 0 g26453(x::T,y::T) where {S,T>:S} = T @test_throws UndefVarError(:T) g26453(1,1) @test issub_strict((Tuple{T,T} where T), (Tuple{T,T} where {S,T>:S})) # issue #27632 @test !(Tuple{Array{Int,0}, Int, Vararg{Int}} <: Tuple{AbstractArray{T,N}, Vararg{Int,N}} where {T, N}) @test !(Tuple{Array{Int,0}, Int, Vararg{Int}} <: Tuple{AbstractArray{T,N}, Vararg{Any,N}} where {T, N}) @test !(Tuple{Array{Int,0}, Vararg{Any}} <: Tuple{AbstractArray{T,N}, Vararg{Any,N}} where {T, N}) @test Tuple{Array{Int,0},} <: Tuple{AbstractArray{T,N}, Vararg{Any,N}} where {T, N} @test !(Tuple{Array{Int,0}, Any} <: Tuple{AbstractArray{T,N}, Vararg{Any,N}} where {T, N}) # issue #26827 @test typeintersect(Union{Int8,Int16,Int32}, Union{Int8,Int16,Int64}) == Union{Int8, Int16} @test typeintersect(Union{Int8,Int16,Float64}, Integer) == Union{Int8, Int16} @test typeintersect(Integer, Union{Int8,Int16,Float64}) == Union{Int8, Int16} @test typeintersect(Tuple{Ref{Int},Any}, Tuple{Ref{T},Union{Val{N}, Array{Float32,N}}} where {T,N}) == Tuple{Ref{Int},Union{Val{N}, Array{Float32,N}}} where N @test typeintersect(Tuple{Ref{T},Union{Val{N}, Array{Float32,N}}} where {T,N}, Tuple{Ref{Int},Any}) == Tuple{Ref{Int},Union{Val{N}, Array{Float32,N}}} where N # issue #28256 @test Pair{(:a,), Pair{(:a,),Tuple{Int}}} isa Type{Pair{names,T}} where {names, T<:Pair{names,<:Tuple}} @test Type{Pair{(:a,), Pair{(:a,),Tuple{Int}}}} <: Type{Pair{names,T}} where {names, T<:Pair{names,<:Tuple}} struct A28256{names, T<:NamedTuple{names, <:Tuple}} x::T end @test A28256{(:a,), NamedTuple{(:a,),Tuple{Int}}}((a=1,)) isa A28256 # issue #29468 @testintersect(Tuple{Vararg{Val{N}, N}} where N, Tuple{Val{2}, Vararg{Val{2}}}, Tuple{Val{2}, Val{2}}) @testintersect(Tuple{Vararg{Val{N}, N}} where N, Tuple{Val{3}, Vararg{Val{3}}}, Tuple{Val{3}, Val{3}, Val{3}}) @testintersect(Tuple{Vararg{Val{N}, N}} where N, Tuple{Val{1}, Vararg{Val{2}}}, Tuple{Val{1}}) @testintersect(Tuple{Vararg{Val{N}, N}} where N, Tuple{Val{2}, Vararg{Val{3}}}, Union{}) # issue #25752 @testintersect(Base.RefValue, Ref{Union{Int,T}} where T, Base.RefValue{Union{Int,T}} where T) # issue #29269 @testintersect((Tuple{Int, Array{T}} where T), (Tuple{Any, Vector{Union{Missing,T}}} where T), (Tuple{Int, Vector{Union{Missing,T}}} where T)) @testintersect((Tuple{Int, Array{T}} where T), (Tuple{Any, Vector{Union{Missing,Nothing,T}}} where T), (Tuple{Int, Vector{Union{Missing,Nothing,T}}} where T)) # issue #32582 let A = Tuple{Any, Type{Union{Nothing, Int64}}}, B = Tuple{T, Type{Union{Nothing, T}}} where T, I = typeintersect(A, B), J = typeintersect(B, A) # TODO: improve precision @test I >: Tuple{Int64,Type{Union{Nothing, Int64}}} @test J >: Tuple{Int64,Type{Union{Nothing, Int64}}} end @testintersect(Union{Array{T,1},Array{T,2}} where T<:Union{Float32,Float64}, Union{AbstractMatrix{Float32},AbstractVector{Float32}}, Union{Array{Float32,2}, Array{Float32,1}}) let A = Tuple{Type{Union{Missing,T}},Any} where T, B = Tuple{Type{Union{Nothing,T}},Any} where T I = typeintersect(A, B) J = typeintersect(B, A) @test I >: Tuple{Type{Union{Nothing,Missing,T}}, Any} where T @test J >: Tuple{Type{Union{Nothing,Missing,T}}, Any} where T end # issue #29955 struct M29955{T, TV<:AbstractVector{T}} end @testintersect(M29955, M29955{<:Any,TV} where TV>:Vector{Float64}, M29955{Float64,TV} where Array{Float64,1}<:TV<:AbstractArray{Float64,1}) struct A29955{T, TV<:AbstractVector{T}, TModel<:M29955{T,TV}} end @testintersect(Tuple{Type{A29955{Float64,Array{Float64,1},_1}} where _1, Any}, Tuple{Type{A29955{T,TV,TM}}, TM} where {T,TV<:AbstractVector{T},TM<:M29955{T,TV}}, Tuple{Type{A29955{Float64,Array{Float64,1},TM}}, TM} where TM<:M29955{Float64,Array{Float64,1}}) let M = M29955{T,Vector{Float64}} where T @test M == (M29955{T,Vector{Float64}} where T) @test M{Float64} == M29955{Float64,Vector{Float64}} @test_throws TypeError M{Float32} @test_throws TypeError M{Real} end # issue #30122 @testintersect(Tuple{Pair{Int64,2}, NTuple}, Tuple{Pair{F,N},Tuple{Vararg{F,N}}} where N where F, Tuple{Pair{Int64,2}, Tuple{Int64,Int64}}) # issue #30335 @testintersect(Tuple{Any,Rational{Int},Int}, Tuple{LT,R,I} where LT<:Union{I, R} where R<:Rational{I} where I<:Integer, Tuple{LT,Rational{Int},Int} where LT<:Union{Rational{Int},Int}) #@testintersect(Tuple{Any,Tuple{Int},Int}, # Tuple{LT,R,I} where LT<:Union{I, R} where R<:Tuple{I} where I<:Integer, # Tuple{LT,Tuple{Int},Int} where LT<:Union{Tuple{Int},Int}) # fails due to this: let U = Tuple{Union{LT, LT1},Union{R, R1},Int} where LT1<:R1 where R1<:Tuple{Int} where LT<:Int where R<:Tuple{Int}, U2 = Union{Tuple{LT,R,Int} where LT<:Int where R<:Tuple{Int}, Tuple{LT,R,Int} where LT<:R where R<:Tuple{Int}}, V = Tuple{Union{Tuple{Int},Int},Tuple{Int},Int}, V2 = Tuple{L,Tuple{Int},Int} where L<:Union{Tuple{Int},Int} @test U == U2 @test U == V @test U == V2 @test V == V2 @test U2 == V @test_broken U2 == V2 end # issue #31082 and #30741 @test typeintersect(Tuple{T, Ref{T}, T} where T, Tuple{Ref{S}, S, S} where S) != Union{} @testintersect(Tuple{Pair{B,C},Union{C,Pair{B,C}},Union{B,Real}} where {B,C}, Tuple{Pair{B,C},C,C} where {B,C}, Tuple{Pair{B,C},C,C} where C<:Union{Real, B} where B) f31082(::Pair{B, C}, ::Union{C, Pair{B, C}}, ::Union{B, Real}) where {B, C} = 0 f31082(::Pair{B, C}, ::C, ::C) where {B, C} = 1 @test f31082(""=>1, 2, 3) == 1 @test f31082(""=>1, 2, "") == 0 @test f31082(""=>1, 2, 3.0) == 0 @test f31082(Pair{Any,Any}(1,2), 1, 2) == 1 @test f31082(Pair{Any,Any}(1,2), Pair{Any,Any}(1,2), 2) == 1 @test f31082(Pair{Any,Any}(1,2), 1=>2, 2.0) == 1 # issue #31115 @testintersect(Tuple{Ref{Z} where Z<:(Ref{Y} where Y<:Tuple{<:B}), Int} where B, Tuple{Ref{Z} where Z<:(Ref{Y} where Y<:Tuple{ B}), Any} where B<:AbstractMatrix, Tuple{Ref{Z} where Z<:(Ref{Y} where Y<:Tuple{ B}), Int} where B<:AbstractMatrix) # issue #31190 @test (Tuple{T} where T <: Union{Int,Bool}) <: Union{Tuple{Int}, Tuple{Bool}} # issue #31439 @testintersect(Tuple{Type{Val{T}},Integer,T} where T, Tuple{Type,Int,Any}, Tuple{Type{Val{T}},Int,T} where T) @testintersect(Tuple{Type{Val{T}},Integer,T} where T, Tuple{Type,Int,Integer}, Tuple{Type{Val{T}},Int,T} where T<:Integer) @testintersect(Tuple{Type{Val{T}},Integer,T} where T>:Integer, Tuple{Type,Int,Integer}, Tuple{Type{Val{T}},Int,Integer} where T>:Integer) @testintersect(Tuple{Type{Val{T}},Integer,T} where T>:Integer, Tuple{Type,Int,Int}, Tuple{Type{Val{T}},Int,Int} where T>:Integer) # issue #31496 CovType{T} = Union{AbstractArray{T,2}, Vector{UpperTriangular{T,Matrix{T}}}} @testintersect(Pair{<:Any, <:AbstractMatrix}, Pair{T, <:CovType{T}} where T<:AbstractFloat, Pair{T,S} where S<:AbstractArray{T,2} where T<:AbstractFloat) # issue #31703 @testintersect(Pair{<:Any, Ref{Tuple{Ref{Ref{Tuple{Int}}},Ref{Float64}}}}, Pair{T, S} where S<:(Ref{A} where A<:(Tuple{C,Ref{T}} where C<:(Ref{D} where D<:(Ref{E} where E<:Tuple{FF}) where FF<:B)) where B) where T, Pair{T, Ref{Tuple{Ref{Ref{Tuple{Int}}},Ref{Float64}}}} where T) # TODO: should be able to get this result # Pair{Float64, Ref{Tuple{Ref{Ref{Tuple{Int}}},Ref{Float64}}}} module I31703 using Test, LinearAlgebra import Base: OneTo, Slice struct BandedMatrix{T, CONTAINER, RAXIS} end struct Ones{T, N, Axes} end const RestrictionMatrix = BandedMatrix{<:Int, <:Ones} struct Applied{Style, Args<:Tuple} end const Mul = Applied{Style,Factors} where Factors<:Tuple where Style const RestrictedBasis{B} = Mul{<:Any,<:Tuple{B, <:RestrictionMatrix}} struct ApplyQuasiArray{T, N, App<:Applied} end const MulQuasiArray = ApplyQuasiArray{T,N,MUL} where MUL<:(Applied{Style,Factors} where Factors<:Tuple where Style) where N where T const RestrictedQuasiArray{T,N,B} = MulQuasiArray{T,N,<:RestrictedBasis{B}} const BasisOrRestricted{B} = Union{B,RestrictedBasis{<:B},<:RestrictedQuasiArray{<:Any,<:Any,<:B}} struct QuasiAdjoint{T,S} end const AdjointRestrictedBasis{B} = Mul{<:Any,<:Tuple{<:Adjoint{<:Any,<:RestrictionMatrix}, <:QuasiAdjoint{<:Any,B}}} const AdjointRestrictedQuasiArray{T,N,B} = MulQuasiArray{T,N,<:AdjointRestrictedBasis{B}} const AdjointBasisOrRestricted{B} = Union{<:QuasiAdjoint{<:Any,B},AdjointRestrictedBasis{<:B},<:AdjointRestrictedQuasiArray{<:Any,<:Any,<:B}} const RadialOperator{T,B,M<:AbstractMatrix{T}} = Mul{<:Any,<:Tuple{<:BasisOrRestricted{B},M,<:AdjointBasisOrRestricted{B}}} const HFPotentialOperator{T,B} = RadialOperator{T,B,Diagonal{T,Vector{T}}} struct HFPotential{kind,T,B,RO<:HFPotentialOperator{T,B},P<:Integer} end T = HFPotential{_A,Float64,Any,Applied{Int,Tuple{ApplyQuasiArray{Float64,2,Applied{Int,Tuple{Any,BandedMatrix{Int,Ones{Int,2,Tuple{OneTo{Int},OneTo{Int}}},OneTo{Int}}}}},Diagonal{Float64,Array{Float64,1}},ApplyQuasiArray{Float64,2,Applied{Int,Tuple{Adjoint{Int,BandedMatrix{Int,Ones{Int,2,Tuple{OneTo{Int},OneTo{Int}}},OneTo{Int}}},QuasiAdjoint{Float64,Any}}}}}},_B} where _B where _A let A = typeintersect(HFPotential, T), B = typeintersect(T, HFPotential) @test A == B == HFPotential{kind,Float64,Any,Applied{Int,Tuple{ApplyQuasiArray{Float64,2,Applied{Int,Tuple{Any,BandedMatrix{Int,Ones{Int,2,Tuple{OneTo{Int},OneTo{Int}}},OneTo{Int}}}}},Diagonal{Float64,Array{Float64,1}},ApplyQuasiArray{Float64,2,Applied{Int,Tuple{Adjoint{Int,BandedMatrix{Int,Ones{Int,2,Tuple{OneTo{Int},OneTo{Int}}},OneTo{Int}}},QuasiAdjoint{Float64,Any}}}}}},P} where P<:Integer where kind end end # issue #26083 @testintersect(Base.RefValue{<:Tuple}, Ref{Tuple{M}} where M, Base.RefValue{Tuple{M}} where M) # issue #31899 struct SA{N,L} end @testintersect(Tuple{Type{SA{Int, L} where L}, Type{SA{Int, Int8}}}, Tuple{Type{<:SA{N, L}}, Type{<:SA{N, L}}} where {N,L}, Union{}) @testintersect(Tuple{Type{SA{2, L} where L}, Type{SA{2, 16}}}, Tuple{Type{<:SA{N, L}}, Type{<:SA{N, L}}} where {L,N}, Union{}) @testintersect(Tuple{Type{SA{2, L} where L}, Type{SA{2, 16}}}, Tuple{Type{<:SA{N, L}}, Type{<:SA{N, L}}} where {N,L}, Union{}) @testintersect(Tuple{Type{SA{2, L}}, Type{SA{2, L}}} where L, Tuple{Type{<:SA{N, L}}, Type{<:SA{N, L}}} where {N,L}, Tuple{Type{SA{2, L}}, Type{SA{2, L}}} where L) @testintersect(Tuple{Type{SA{2, L}}, Type{SA{2, 16}}} where L, Tuple{Type{<:SA{N, L}}, Type{<:SA{N, L}}} where {N,L}, # TODO: this could be narrower Tuple{Type{SA{2, L}}, Type{SA{2, 16}}} where L) # issue #31993 @testintersect(Tuple{Type{<:AbstractVector{T}}, Int} where T, Tuple{Type{Vector}, Any}, Union{}) @testintersect(Tuple{Type{<:AbstractVector{T}}, Int} where T, Tuple{Type{Vector{T} where Int<:T<:Int}, Any}, Tuple{Type{Vector{Int}}, Int}) let X = LinearAlgebra.Symmetric{T, S} where S<:(AbstractArray{U, 2} where U<:T) where T, Y = Union{LinearAlgebra.Hermitian{T, S} where S<:(AbstractArray{U, 2} where U<:T) where T, LinearAlgebra.Symmetric{T, S} where S<:(AbstractArray{U, 2} where U<:T) where T} @test X <: Y end # Various nasty varargs let T1 = Tuple{Int, Tuple{T}, Vararg{T, 3}} where T <: Int, T2 = Tuple{Int, Any, Any, Any, Integer}, T3 = Tuple{Int, Any, Any, Any, Integer, Vararg{Integer, N} where N} @test issub_strict(T1, T2) @test issub_strict(T2, T3) @test issub_strict(T1, T3) end let A = Tuple{Float64, Vararg{Int64, 2}}, B1 = Tuple{Float64, Vararg{T, 2}} where T <: Int64, B2 = Tuple{Float64, T, T} where T <: Int64, C = Tuple{Float64, Any, Vararg{Integer, N} where N} @test A == B1 == B2 @test issub_strict(A, C) @test issub_strict(B1, C) @test issub_strict(B2, C) end let A = Tuple{Vararg{Val{N}, N} where N}, B = Tuple{Vararg{Val{N}, N}} where N, C = Tuple{Val{2}, Val{2}} @test isequal_type(A, B) @test issub(C, B) @test issub(C, A) end @test isequal_type(Tuple{T, Vararg{T, 2}} where T<:Real, Tuple{Vararg{T, 3}} where T<: Real) @test !issub(Tuple{Vararg{T, 3}} where T<:Real, Tuple{Any, Any, Any, Any, Vararg{Any, N} where N}) @test !issub(Tuple{Vararg{T, 3}} where T<:Real, Tuple{Any, Any, Any, Any, Vararg{Any, N}} where N) @test issub_strict(Ref{Tuple{Int, Vararg{Int, N}}} where N, Ref{Tuple{Vararg{Int, N}}} where N) let T31805 = Tuple{Type{Tuple{}}, Tuple{Vararg{Int8, A}}} where A, S31805 = Tuple{Type{Tuple{Vararg{Int32, A}}}, Tuple{Vararg{Int16, A}}} where A @test !issub(T31805, S31805) end @testintersect( Tuple{Array{Tuple{Vararg{Int64,N}},N},Tuple{Vararg{Array{Int64,1},N}}} where N, Tuple{Array{Tuple{Int64},1}, Tuple}, Tuple{Array{Tuple{Int64},1},Tuple{Array{Int64,1}}}) @test !isequal_type(Tuple{Int, Vararg{T, 3}} where T<:Real, Tuple{Int, Real, Vararg{T, 2}} where T<:Integer) # this is is a timing test, so it would fail on debug builds #let T = Type{Tuple{(Union{Int, Nothing} for i = 1:23)..., Union{String, Nothing}}}, # S = Type{T} where T<:Tuple{E, Vararg{E}} where E # @test @elapsed (@test T != S) < 5 #end # issue #32386 @test typeintersect(Type{S} where S<:(Vector{Pair{_A,N} where N} where _A), Type{Vector{T}} where T) == Type{Vector{Pair{_A,N} where N}} where _A # issue #32488 struct S32488{S <: Tuple, T, N, L} data::NTuple{L,T} end @testintersect(Tuple{Type{T} where T<:(S32488{Tuple{_A}, Int64, 1, _A} where _A), Tuple{Vararg{Int64, D}} where D}, Tuple{Type{S32488{S, T, N, L}}, Tuple{Vararg{T, L}}} where L where N where T where S, Tuple{Type{S32488{Tuple{L},Int64,1,L}},Tuple{Vararg{Int64,L}}} where L) # issue #32703 struct Str{C} <: AbstractString end struct CSE{X} end const UTF16CSE = CSE{1} const UTF16Str = Str{UTF16CSE} const ASCIIStr = Str{CSE{2}} c32703(::Type{<:Str{UTF16CSE}}, str::AbstractString) = 42 c32703(::Type{<:Str{C}}, str::Str{C}) where {C<:CSE} = str @testintersect(Tuple{Type{UTF16Str},ASCIIStr}, Tuple{Type{<:Str{C}}, Str{C}} where {C<:CSE}, Union{}) @test c32703(UTF16Str, ASCIIStr()) == 42 @test_broken typeintersect(Tuple{Vector{Vector{Float32}},Matrix,Matrix}, Tuple{Vector{V},Matrix{Int},Matrix{S}} where {S, V<:AbstractVector{S}}) == Tuple{Array{Array{Float32,1},1},Array{Int,2},Array{Float32,2}} @testintersect(Tuple{Pair{Int, DataType}, Any}, Tuple{Pair{A, B} where B<:Type, Int} where A, Tuple{Pair{Int, DataType}, Int}) # issue #33337 @test !issub(Tuple{Type{T}, T} where T<:NTuple{30, Union{Nothing, Ref}}, Tuple{Type{Tuple{Vararg{V, N} where N}}, Tuple{Vararg{V, N} where N}} where V) @test issub(Tuple{Type{Any}, NTuple{4,Union{Int,Nothing}}}, Tuple{Type{V}, Tuple{Vararg{V, N} where N}} where V) # issue #26065 t26065 = Ref{Tuple{T,Ref{Union{Ref{Tuple{Ref{Union{Ref{Ref{Tuple{Ref{Tuple{Union{Tuple{Ref{Ref{T}},T}, T},T}},T}}}, T}},T}}, Ref{T}, T}}}} where T s26065 = Ref{Tuple{T,Ref{Union{Ref{Tuple{Ref{Union{Ref{Ref{Tuple{Ref{Tuple{Union{Tuple{Ref{Ref{T}},T}, T},T}},T}}}, T}},T}}, Ref{T}, T}}}} where T @test t26065 <: s26065 # issue #33894 @testintersect(Tuple{Tuple{Vararg{Any,T}},:N} where T, Tuple{Tuple{Vararg{Any,T}},T} where T, Union{}) @testintersect(Tuple{Int,Vararg{Any,T}} where T, Tuple{T,Vararg{Any,T}} where T, Union{}) @testintersect(Tuple{:N,Vararg{Any,T}} where T, Tuple{T,Vararg{Any,T}} where T, Union{}) @test !issub(Tuple{Type{T}, T} where T<:Tuple{String, Union{Base.Regex, AbstractChar, AbstractString}, String, Union{Base.Regex, AbstractChar, AbstractString}, String, Union{Base.Regex, AbstractChar, AbstractString}, String, Union{Base.Regex, AbstractChar, AbstractString}, String, Union{Base.Regex, AbstractChar, AbstractString}, String, Union{Base.Regex, AbstractChar, AbstractString}, String, Union{Base.Regex, AbstractChar, AbstractString}, String, Union{Base.Regex, AbstractChar, AbstractString}, String, Union{Base.Regex, AbstractChar, AbstractString}, String, Union{Base.Regex, AbstractChar, AbstractString}, String, Union{Base.Regex, AbstractChar, AbstractString}, String, Union{Base.Regex, AbstractChar, AbstractString}, String, Union{Base.Regex, AbstractChar, AbstractString}}, Tuple{Type{Tuple{Vararg{V, N} where N}}, Tuple{Vararg{V, N} where N}} where V) # issue 36100 @test NamedTuple{(:a, :b), Tuple{Missing, Union{}}} == NamedTuple{(:a, :b), Tuple{Missing, Union{}}} @test Val{Tuple{Missing, Union{}}} === Val{Tuple{Missing, Union{}}} # issue #36869 struct F36869{T, V} <: AbstractArray{Union{T, V}, 1} end @testintersect(Tuple{Type{T}, AbstractVector{T}} where T, Tuple{Union, F36869{Int64, Missing}}, Tuple{Union, F36869{Int64, Missing}}) # issue #37180 @test !(typeintersect(Tuple{AbstractArray{T}, VecOrMat{T}} where T, Tuple{Array, Any}).body.parameters[1] isa Union) # issue #37255 @test Type{Union{}} == Type{T} where {Union{}<:T<:Union{}} # issue #38081 struct AlmostLU{T, S<:AbstractMatrix{T}} end let X1 = Tuple{AlmostLU, Vector{T}} where T, X2 = Tuple{AlmostLU{S, X} where X<:Matrix, Vector{S}} where S<:Union{Float32, Float64}, I = typeintersect(X1, X2) # TODO: the quality of this intersection is not great; for now just test that it # doesn't stack overflow @test I<:X1 || I<:X2 actual = Tuple{AlmostLU{S, X} where X<:Matrix{S}, Vector{S}} where S<:Union{Float32, Float64} @test I == actual end let # issue #22787 # for now check that these don't stack overflow t = typeintersect(Tuple{Type{Q}, Q, Ref{Q}} where Q<:Ref, Tuple{Type{S}, Union{Ref{S}, Ref{R}}, R} where R where S) @test_broken t != Union{} t = typeintersect(Tuple{Type{T}, T, Ref{T}} where T, Tuple{Type{S}, Ref{S}, S} where S) @test_broken t != Union{} # issue #38279 t = typeintersect(Tuple{<:Array{T, N}, Val{T}} where {T<:Real, N}, Tuple{<:Array{T, N}, Val{<:AbstractString}} where {T<:Real, N}) @test t == Tuple{<:Array{Union{}, N}, Val{Union{}}} where N end # issue #36951 @testintersect(Type{T} where T>:Missing, Type{Some{T}} where T, Union{}) # issue #34170 let A = Tuple{Type{T} where T<:Ref, Ref, Union{T, Union{Ref{T}, T}} where T<:Ref}, B = Tuple{Type{T}, Ref{T}, Union{Int, Ref{T}, T}} where T I = typeintersect(A,B) # this was a case where <: disagreed with === (due to a badly-normalized type) @test I == typeintersect(A,B) @test I == Tuple{Type{T}, Ref{T}, Union{Ref{T}, T}} where T<:Ref end # issue #38423 let Either{L, R} = Union{Ref{L}, Val{R}} A = Tuple{Type{Ref{L}}, Type{Either{L, <:Any}}} where L B = Tuple{Type{Ref{L2}}, Type{Either{L1, R}}} where {L1, R, L2 <: L1} I = typeintersect(A, B) @test I != Union{} @test_broken I <: A @test_broken I <: B end # issue #36804 let Either{L, R} = Union{Some{L}, Ref{R}} f(::Type{Either{L2, R}}, ::Type{Either{L1, R}}) where {L1, R, L2 <: L1} = Either{L1, R} f(::Type{Either{L, R1}}, ::Type{Either{L, R2}}) where {L, R1, R2 <: R1} = Either{L, R1} @test f(Either{Int,Real}, Either{Int,Float32}) == Either{Int,Real} end # issue #36544 let A = Tuple{T, Ref{T}, T} where {T}, B = Tuple{T, T, Ref{T}} where {T} I = typeintersect(A, B) @test I != Union{} @test_broken I <: A @test_broken I <: B end # issue #39218 let A = Int, B = String, U = Union{A, B} @test issub_strict(Union{Tuple{A, A}, Tuple{B, B}}, Tuple{U, U}) @test issub_strict(Union{Tuple{A, A}, Tuple{B, B}}, Tuple{Union{A, B}, Union{A, B}}) end struct A39218 end struct B39218 end const AB39218 = Union{A39218,B39218} f39218(::T, ::T) where {T<:AB39218} = false g39218(a, b) = (@nospecialize; if a isa AB39218 && b isa AB39218; f39218(a, b); end;) @test g39218(A39218(), A39218()) === false @test_throws MethodError g39218(A39218(), B39218()) # issue #39521 @test Tuple{Type{Tuple{A}} where A, DataType, DataType} <: Tuple{Vararg{B}} where B @test Tuple{DataType, Type{Tuple{A}} where A, DataType} <: Tuple{Vararg{B}} where B let A = Tuple{Type{<:Union{Number, T}}, Ref{T}} where T, B = Tuple{Type{<:Union{Number, T}}, Ref{T}} where T # TODO: these are caught by the egal check, but the core algorithm gets them wrong @test A == B @test A <: B end # issue #39948 let A = Tuple{Array{Pair{T, JT} where JT<:Ref{T}, 1} where T, Vector}, I = typeintersect(A, Tuple{Vararg{Vector{T}}} where T) @test_broken I <: A @test_broken !Base.has_free_typevars(I) end