Tip revision: aef880de2c500a7f7828fe93647299e8bc0170aa authored by Nils Thuerey on 06 December 2017, 08:13:20 UTC
Merge pull request #1 from qinenergy/patch-1
Merge pull request #1 from qinenergy/patch-1
Tip revision: aef880d
# Example scene for mesh-based smoke simulations using Vortex Sheets
# ( )
# This example requires CUDA to run
from manta import *
assert(CUDA), 'Requires CUDA. Please compile with -DCUDA=ON'
scale = 0.2
# solver params
res = 64
gs = vec3(res,res*1.5,res)
dx = 1/(1.5*res)
s = Solver(name='main', gridSize = gs)
s.timestep = 0.5
gravity = vec3(0,-0.15,0)
velInflow = vec3(0,0.52,0)
# prepare grids
flags = s.create(FlagGrid)
pressure = s.create(RealGrid, show=False)
vel = s.create(MACGrid)
density = s.create(RealGrid)
# noise field
noise = s.create(NoiseField)
noise.posScale = vec3(45)
noise.clamp = True
noise.clampNeg = 0
noise.clampPos = 1
noise.valScale = 1
noise.valOffset = 0.75
noise.timeAnim = 0.2
mesh = s.create(VortexSheetMesh)
vp = s.create(VortexParticleSystem)
if (GUI):
gui = Gui()
# inflow mesh
source = s.create(Cylinder, center=gs*vec3(0.5,0.13,0.5), radius=res*0.14, z=gs*vec3(0, 0.03, 0))
subdivideMesh(mesh=mesh, minAngle=0.01, minLength=scale, maxLength=2*scale)
# fix the nodes at the bottom of mesh
fixedRegion = Box( parent=s, center=gs*vec3(0.5,0.09,0.5), size=gs*vec3(0.4,0.03,0.4))
#main loop
for t in range(180):
mantaMsg('\nFrame %i, simulation time %f' % (s.frame, s.timeTotal))
# seed smoke within the source region and apply inflow velocity condition
densityInflow(flags=flags, density=density, noise=noise, shape=source, scale=1, sigma=0.5)
source.applyToGrid(grid=vel, value=velInflow)
advectSemiLagrange(flags=flags, vel=vel, grid=density, order=2)
markAsFixed(mesh=mesh, shape=fixedRegion)
# advect mesh in large-scale grid
mesh.advectInGrid(vel=vel, flags=flags, integrationMode=IntRK4)
# vortex sheet integration
#filterVorticityCuda(mesh=mesh, sigma=1.6)
smoothVorticity(mesh=mesh, iter=50, alpha=1.0, sigma=0.6) # fast approximation for Gauss kernel
meshApplyBuoyancyLocalCuda(mesh=mesh, scale=0.6*1e-2, cutoffCells=5, regularization=0.5)
# mesh cosmetics
smoothMesh(mesh=mesh, strength=1e-4, steps=1)
subdivideMesh(mesh=mesh, minAngle=0.01, minLength=scale, maxLength=2*scale, cutTubes=True)
killSmallComponents(mesh=mesh, elements=20)
# base solver
advectSemiLagrange(flags=flags, vel=vel, grid=vel, order=2)
setWallBcs(flags=flags, vel=vel)
addBuoyancy(density=density, vel=vel, gravity=gravity*dx, flags=flags)
solvePressure(flags=flags, vel=vel, pressure=pressure)
setWallBcs(flags=flags, vel=vel)
# vorticity source terms
vorticitySource(mesh=mesh, gravity=gravity, scale=0.1, maxAmount=200)'d%04d.bobj.gz' % t)