Raw File
// slang-artifact-diagnostic-util.h

#include "slang-artifact.h"

#include "slang-artifact-associated.h"

#include "slang-slice-allocator.h"

namespace Slang

struct ArtifactDiagnosticUtil
    typedef ArtifactDiagnostic::Severity Severity;

    /// Given severity return as text
    static UnownedStringSlice getSeverityText(Severity severity);

    /// Given a path, that holds line number and potentially column number in () after path, writes result into outDiagnostic
    static SlangResult splitPathLocation(SliceAllocator& allocator, const UnownedStringSlice& pathLocation, ArtifactDiagnostic& outDiagnostic);

    /// Split the line (separated by :), where a path is at pathIndex 
    static SlangResult splitColonDelimitedLine(const UnownedStringSlice& line, Int pathIndex, List<UnownedStringSlice>& outSlices);

    typedef SlangResult(*LineParser)(SliceAllocator& allocator, const UnownedStringSlice& line, List<UnownedStringSlice>& lineSlices, ArtifactDiagnostic& outDiagnostic);

    /// Given diagnostics in inText that are colon delimited, use lineParser to do per line parsing.
    static SlangResult parseColonDelimitedDiagnostics(SliceAllocator& allocator, const UnownedStringSlice& inText, Int pathIndex, LineParser lineParser, IArtifactDiagnostics* diagnostics);

    /// Maybe add a note
    static void maybeAddNote(const UnownedStringSlice& in, IArtifactDiagnostics* diagnostics);

} // namespace Slang

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