# R < RFtest.all.R && R < RFtest.all.R &&R < RFtest.all.R &&R < RFtest.all.R &&R < RFtest.all.R if (EXTENDED.TESTING <- file.exists("source.R")) { source("source.R") } else if (file.exists(f <- "~/R/RF/RandomFields/tests/source.R")) source(f) ## how many simulation methods are available? MAXMETHODNUMBER <- length(GetMethodNames()) ENVIR <- environment() assign("zaehler", 0, envir=ENVIR) pid <- function() 1 getxyz <- function(grid,dim,pointnumber,fieldsize,quadraticgrid) { locations <- list() if (grid) { locations$lx <- 3; pp <- trunc(pointnumber^(1/dim)) step<-runif(1,max=fieldsize/pp); ## step<-bin[2]-bin[1]; ### step <- 0.3 ### locations$x<-c(0,step*(pp-0.5),step); locations$y<-NULL; locations$z<-NULL; if (dim>1) { if (quadraticgrid) { locations$y<-locations$x if (dim>2) { locations$z <- locations$x } } else { step<-runif(1,max=fieldsize/pp); ## step<-bin[2]-bin[1]; ### step <- 0.3 locations$y<-c(0,step*(pp-0.5),step); if (dim>2) { step<-runif(1,max=fieldsize/pp); ## step<-bin[2]-bin[1]; ### step <- 0.3 locations$z<-c(0,step*(pp-0.5),step); } } } } else { locations$lx <- pointnumber locations$x<-runif(pointnumber,max=fieldsize); ##locations$x<-(1:pointnumber)*bin[2]-bin[1]; ### locations$y<-NULL; locations$z<-NULL; if (dim>1) { locations$y <-runif(pointnumber,max=fieldsize) if (dim>2) { locations$z <- runif(pointnumber,max=fieldsize) } } } return(locations) } RFcontrol <- function (model,kappa1=NULL,kappa2=NULL,kappa3=NULL, nugget=0,mean=0, variance=1, endofbins=1.3, numberbins=30, scaling=1, pointrepet=5,valuerepet=5,pointnumber=100,fieldsize=3, histo=FALSE, wait=FALSE,clean=FALSE, waitfinally=FALSE, dimensions=1:3,grids=c(FALSE,TRUE), #methods=0:MAXMETHODNUMBER, methods=c(0,2,3,4,5,7), ps=NULL,save=TRUE,quadraticgrid=TRUE){ ## model : covariance model ## kappaX: parameters of the model ## nugget: amount of nugget effect (variance of the field without nugget ## is always 1) ## endofbins: when calculating the empirical variogram, what is the largest ## distance considered? This is given as endofbins ## numberbins: number of bins; ## scaling : if null then automatic detection of scale, so that ## cov(1/scale)~=0.05 ## pointrepet: number of times, a set locations is simulated ## valuerepet: number of times, a set of values is simulated for a given set ## of locations thus the total number of simulated random fields ## is pointrepet * valuerepet ## pointnumber: number of locations in the set of locations (if grid, then ## this is an approximate number) ## fieldsize : in units of scaling, in each direction cat("\n", model) MethodNames <- GetMethodNames() model<-model;kappa1<-kappa1;kappa2<-kappa2;kappa3<-kappa3; nugget<-nugget; mean<-mean; variance<-variance; endofbins<-endofbins; numberbins<-numberbins; scaling<-scaling; pointrepet<-pointrepet;valuerepet<-valuerepet; pointnumber<-pointnumber;fieldsize<-fieldsize; histo<-histo; wait<-wait;clean<-clean; waitfinally<-waitfinally; dimensions<-dimensions;grids<-grids;methods<-methods; ps<-ps; quadraticgrid<-quadraticgrid; if (isnullpar <- is.null(kappa3)) { kappa3 <-0 if (is.null(kappa2)) { isnullpar <- 2 kappa2 <- 0 if (is.null(kappa1)) { isnullpar <- 3 kappa1 <- 0 } } } if (isnullpar==3) par.index <- NULL else par.index <- 1:(3-isnullpar) if (!is.numeric(methods)) { methnr <- pmatch(methods, MethodNames, dup=TRUE) - 1 if (any(is.na(methnr))) { stop(paste("Method `", methods[is.na(methnr)], "' not identifiable...",sep="")) ERR } methods <- methnr } Pid <- pid() if (!is.null(ps) && save) { runif(1) # to make sure the random number generator is initialized RFpar <- RFparameters() save(file=paste(ps,".seed",sep=""),.Random.seed, model,kappa1,kappa2,kappa3,nugget, mean,variance, endofbins, numberbins, scaling,pointrepet,valuerepet,pointnumber, fieldsize,histo, wait,clean, waitfinally, dimensions,grids,methods, ps,RFpar,Pid ) } totalrepet <- pointrepet * valuerepet; meanvar<-"" ## to avoid an error in the final output in case everything fails for (k1 in kappa1) for (k2 in kappa2) for (k3 in kappa3) for (nug in nugget){ print(modeletc<-paste(model," m=",format(mean,dig=2), ",v=",format(variance,dig=2), ",ng=", format(nugget,dig=2), ",scl=",format(scaling,dig=2), ",k1=",format(k1,dig=2), ",k2=",format(k2,dig=2), ",k3=",format(k3,dig=2),sep="")) param<-as.double(c(mean=mean,variance=variance,nugget=nug,scaling, c(k1,k2,k3)[par.index] )) bin <- c(-1, seq(0, endofbins, length=numberbins)) midbin <- as.double(0.5 * (bin[-length(bin)] + bin[-1])) midbinP0 <- as.double(c(0,midbin)) for (dim in dimensions) { print("dim") print(dim) for (grid in grids) { print("grids") print(grid) print(dimgrid<-paste("dim=",dim,",grid=",grid,", pid=",Pid, ", PR=",RFparameters()$PracticalRange, ", qg=",quadraticgrid,sep="")) v <- matrix(0, nrow=numberbins, ncol=MAXMETHODNUMBER+1) repet <- matrix(0, nrow=numberbins, ncol=MAXMETHODNUMBER+1) MethodIgnoreList <- -99 # # MethodIgnoreList <- c(0,2,3,4,5) for (i in 1:pointrepet) { print(c("pointrepet", pointrepet, i)) locations <- getxyz(grid,dim,pointnumber,fieldsize,quadraticgrid) for (method in methods) { #print(method); print(methods); print(MethodIgnoreList); readline() if (sum(MethodIgnoreList==method)==0) { methodname <- MethodNames[method + 1] cat("\n !! ", methodname) ##print(date()) ##seed <- get(".Random.seed", envir=.GlobalEnv, inherits = FALSE) ##xx <- list(x=locations$x,y=locations$y,z=locations$z, ## grid=grid,model=model, ## param=param,meth=methodname, ## reg=0,gridtriple=TRUE, ## PracticalRange=RFparameters()$PracticalRange, ## dim = dim, midbinP0=midbinP0, ## seed=seed) ##save(file="xx", xx) error <- try(InitGaussRF(locations$x,y=locations$y,z=locations$z, grid=grid,model=model, param=param,meth=methodname, reg=0,gridtriple=TRUE)) if (!is.numeric(error)) error <- 10000 if (save) { savename<-paste(ps,".save",sep="") save(file=savename,locations,grid,model,param,methodname, valuerepet,.Random.seed) } if (error) { print("Initialisation failed"); if (error<=4) { print(paste("error=",error, "; Ignoring further point generations")) MethodIgnoreList <- c(MethodIgnoreList,method) } else print(error) } else { ##print(date()) print("do simulate") ################## allres <- DoSimulateRF(n=valuerepet,reg=0) if (!is.null(allres)) { if (any(is.na(allres))) { print(allres) stop("some NA in allres"); ERR } meanvar<-paste("m=",format(mean(allres),dig=2), ", sill=",format(var(as.double(allres)),dig=2)) print(paste(i,", Method=",method,":",meanvar)) if (histo) {dev.set(dev.next()); hist(as.vector(allres))} binresult<- EmpiricalVariogram(locations$x, locations$y, locations$z, data=allres, grid=grid, bin=bin, gridtriple=TRUE) print("done") index <- is.finite(binresult$e); print("Done") v[index,method+1] <- v[index, method+1] + binresult$e[index]; print("done.") repet[index,method+1] <- repet[index,method+1] + 1; print("Done.") } else { print(" Simulation failed "); } } } # method } # if method should not be ignored ... } # pointrep v <- v / repet; print(model) print(param) print(dim) truevariogram <- try(Variogram(midbinP0, model, param, dim)) if (!is.numeric(truevariogram)) next delta <- colSums(abs(v-truevariogram[-1]),na.rm=TRUE) delta[apply(is.na(v), 2, all)]<-NA; assign("zaehler", zaehler + 1, envir=ENVIR) filename <- paste(ps,".",zaehler,".ps",sep="") print(filename) print(modeletc) if (!is.null(ps)) { Dev(TRUE,TRUE,ps=filename,height=6,width=6,paper="special") } xlab <- "" for (i in 1:length(delta)) { if (!is.na(delta[i])) { xlab <- paste(xlab,i-1,":", paste(repet[1:(min(numberbins,10)),i],collapse=","), " ",sep="") } } if (any(!is.na(delta))) { if (any(!is.na(truevariogram))) ymax <- max(truevariogram,na.rm=TRUE)*1.05 else ymax <- max(v,na.rm=TRUE)*1.05 matplot(midbin,v,col=c(1,2,3,4,5,6,7,1,2,3), type="b", pch=c("0","1","2","3" ,"4","5","6","7","8","9","A","B","C"), lty=c(1,1,1,1,1,1,2,2,2,2,2,2,3,3,3,3,3,3), ylim=c(0,ymax), ylab=paste("(",dimgrid," ",meanvar,")",sep=""), xlab=xlab) points(midbinP0,truevariogram,pch="*") legend(x=midbin[length(midbin)],y=0,xjust=1,yjust=0, legend=c("true","CE","local","TBM2","TBM3","spectral","direct", "nugget","add.MPP","HypPl","other"), col=c(1,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,1,2,3), pch=c("*","0","1","2","3" ,"4","5","6","7","8","9","A","B","C") ) } else { print("no graphic") if (any(is.finite(truevariogram))) { print(truevariogram) plot(midbinP0,truevariogram,pch="X",col=2, ylab=paste("(",dimgrid," ",meanvar,")",sep=""), xlab=xlab) text(midbinP0[length(midbinP0)]/2,max(truevariogram)/2, pos=1,"all simulation methods failed"); } else { plot(0,0,pch="X",col=2, ylab=paste("(",dimgrid," ",meanvar,")",sep=""),xlab=xlab) text(0,0,pos=1,"variogramm does not exist!"); } } if (!interactive()) title(sub=paste("delta=",paste(format(delta,dig=2),collapse=","), sep=""), main=paste(modeletc)) if (!is.null(ps)) { Dev(FALSE,FALSE) } else if (wait) readline() } } } if (waitfinally && !wait) { print("press key");readline(); } if (clean) while (!is.null(dev.list())) dev.off(); return(NULL); }