# This file is a part of Julia. License is MIT: http://julialang.org/license ################################## # Cross Plaform tests for spawn. # ################################## valgrind_off = ccall(:jl_running_on_valgrind, Cint, ()) == 0 yes = `perl -le 'while (1) {print STDOUT "y"}'` echo = `echo` sortcmd = `sort` printf = `printf` truecmd = `true` falsecmd = `false` catcmd = `cat` shcmd = `sh` sleepcmd = `sleep` if is_windows() try # use busybox-w32 on windows success(`busybox`) yes = `busybox yes` echo = `busybox echo` sortcmd = `busybox sort` printf = `busybox printf` truecmd = `busybox true` falsecmd = `busybox false` catcmd = `busybox cat` shcmd = `busybox sh` sleepcmd = `busybox sleep` end end #### Examples used in the manual #### @test readstring(`$echo hello | sort`) == "hello | sort\n" @test readstring(pipeline(`$echo hello`, sortcmd)) == "hello\n" @test length(spawn(pipeline(`$echo hello`, sortcmd)).processes) == 2 out = readstring(`$echo hello` & `$echo world`) @test search(out,"world") != 0:-1 @test search(out,"hello") != 0:-1 @test readstring(pipeline(`$echo hello` & `$echo world`, sortcmd)) == "hello\nworld\n" @test (run(`$printf " \033[34m[stdio passthrough ok]\033[0m\n"`); true) # Test for SIGPIPE being treated as normal termination (throws an error if broken) is_unix() && run(pipeline(yes, `head`, DevNull)) begin a = Base.Condition() @schedule begin p = spawn(pipeline(yes,DevNull)) Base.notify(a,p) @test !success(p) end p = wait(a) kill(p) end if valgrind_off # If --trace-children=yes is passed to valgrind, valgrind will # exit here with an error code, and no UVError will be raised. @test_throws Base.UVError run(`foo_is_not_a_valid_command`) end if is_unix() prefixer(prefix, sleep) = `perl -nle '$|=1; print "'$prefix' ", $_; sleep '$sleep';'` @test success(pipeline(`perl -le '$|=1; for(0..2){ print; sleep 1 }'`, prefixer("A",2) & prefixer("B",2))) @test success(pipeline(`perl -le '$|=1; for(0..2){ print; sleep 1 }'`, prefixer("X",3) & prefixer("Y",3) & prefixer("Z",3), prefixer("A",2) & prefixer("B",2))) end @test success(truecmd) @test !success(falsecmd) @test success(pipeline(truecmd, truecmd)) @test_broken success(ignorestatus(falsecmd)) @test_broken success(pipeline(ignorestatus(falsecmd), truecmd)) @test !success(pipeline(ignorestatus(falsecmd), falsecmd)) @test !success(ignorestatus(falsecmd) & falsecmd) @test_broken success(ignorestatus(pipeline(falsecmd, falsecmd))) @test_broken success(ignorestatus(falsecmd & falsecmd)) # STDIN Redirection file = tempname() run(pipeline(`$echo hello world`, file)) @test readstring(pipeline(file, catcmd)) == "hello world\n" @test open(readstring, pipeline(file, catcmd), "r") == "hello world\n" rm(file) # Stream Redirection if !is_windows() # WINNT reports operation not supported on socket (ENOTSUP) for this test local r = Channel(1), port, server, sock, client @async begin port, server = listenany(2326) put!(r, port) client = accept(server) @test readstring(pipeline(client, catcmd)) == "hello world\n" close(server) end @async begin sock = connect(fetch(r)) run(pipeline(`$echo hello world`, sock)) close(sock) end end @test readstring(setenv(`$shcmd -c "echo \$TEST"`,["TEST=Hello World"])) == "Hello World\n" @test readstring(setenv(`$shcmd -c "echo \$TEST"`,Dict("TEST"=>"Hello World"))) == "Hello World\n" @test readstring(setenv(`$shcmd -c "echo \$TEST"`,"TEST"=>"Hello World")) == "Hello World\n" @test (withenv("TEST"=>"Hello World") do readstring(`$shcmd -c "echo \$TEST"`); end) == "Hello World\n" pathA = readchomp(setenv(`$shcmd -c "pwd -P"`;dir="..")) pathB = readchomp(setenv(`$shcmd -c "cd .. && pwd -P"`)) if is_windows() # on windows, sh returns posix-style paths that are not valid according to ispath @test pathA == pathB else @test Base.samefile(pathA, pathB) end # Here we test that if we close a stream with pending writes, we don't lose the writes. str = "" for i=1:1000 str = "$str\n $(randstring(10))" end stdout, stdin, proc = readandwrite(`$catcmd -`) write(stdin, str) close(stdin) str2 = readstring(stdout) @test str2 == str # This test hangs if the end of run walk across uv streams calls shutdown on a stream that is shutting down. file = tempname() open(pipeline(`$catcmd -`, file), "w") do io write(io, str) end rm(file) # issue #3373 # fixing up Conditions after interruptions r = Channel(1) t = @async begin try wait(r) end p = spawn(`$sleepcmd 1`); wait(p) @test p.exitcode == 0 end yield() schedule(t, InterruptException(), error=true) yield() put!(r,11) yield() # Test marking of AsyncStream r = Channel(1) @async begin port, server = listenany(2327) put!(r, port) client = accept(server) write(client, "Hello, world!\n") write(client, "Goodbye, world...\n") close(server) end sock = connect(fetch(r)) mark(sock) @test ismarked(sock) @test readline(sock) == "Hello, world!\n" @test readline(sock) == "Goodbye, world...\n" @test reset(sock) == 0 @test !ismarked(sock) mark(sock) @test ismarked(sock) @test readline(sock) == "Hello, world!\n" unmark(sock) @test !ismarked(sock) @test_throws ArgumentError reset(sock) @test !unmark(sock) @test readline(sock) == "Goodbye, world...\n" #@test eof(sock) ## doesn't work close(sock) # issue #4535 exename = Base.julia_cmd() if valgrind_off # If --trace-children=yes is passed to valgrind, we will get a # valgrind banner here, not "Hello World\n". @test readstring(pipeline(`$exename --startup-file=no -e 'println(STDERR,"Hello World")'`, stderr=catcmd)) == "Hello World\n" out = Pipe() proc = spawn(pipeline(`$exename --startup-file=no -e 'println(STDERR,"Hello World")'`, stderr = out)) close(out.in) @test readstring(out) == "Hello World\n" @test success(proc) end # issue #6310 @test readstring(pipeline(`$echo "2+2"`, `$exename --startup-file=no`)) == "4\n" # issue #5904 @test run(pipeline(ignorestatus(falsecmd), truecmd)) === nothing # issue #6010 # TODO: should create separate set of task tests ducer = @async for i=1:100; produce(i); end yield() @test consume(ducer) == 1 @test consume(ducer) == 2 # redirect_* OLD_STDOUT = STDOUT fname = tempname() f = open(fname,"w") redirect_stdout(f) println("Hello World") redirect_stdout(OLD_STDOUT) close(f) @test "Hello World\n" == readstring(fname) @test is(OLD_STDOUT,STDOUT) rm(fname) # Test that redirecting an IOStream does not crash the process let fname = tempname() cmd = """ # Overwrite libuv memory before freeing it, to make sure that a use after free # triggers an assertion. function thrash(handle::Ptr{Void}) # Kill the memory, but write a nice low value in the libuv type field to # trigger the right code path ccall(:memset,Ptr{Void},(Ptr{Void},Cint,Csize_t),handle,0xee,3*sizeof(Ptr{Void})) unsafe_store!(convert(Ptr{Cint},handle+2*sizeof(Ptr{Void})),15) nothing end OLD_STDERR = STDERR redirect_stderr(open("$(escape_string(fname))","w")) # Usually this would be done by GC. Do it manually, to make the failure # case more reliable. oldhandle = OLD_STDERR.handle OLD_STDERR.status = Base.StatusClosing OLD_STDERR.handle = C_NULL ccall(:uv_close,Void,(Ptr{Void},Ptr{Void}),oldhandle,cfunction(thrash,Void,(Ptr{Void},))) sleep(1) import Base.zzzInvalidIdentifier """ try (in,p) = open(pipeline(`$exename --startup-file=no`, stderr=STDERR), "w") write(in,cmd) close(in) wait(p) catch error("IOStream redirect failed. Child stderr was \n$(readstring(fname))\n") finally rm(fname) end end # issue #10994: libuv can't handle strings containing NUL let bad = "bad\0name" @test_throws ArgumentError run(`$bad`) @test_throws ArgumentError run(`$echo $bad`) @test_throws ArgumentError run(setenv(`$echo hello`, bad=>"good")) @test_throws ArgumentError run(setenv(`$echo hello`, "good"=>bad)) end # issue #12829 let out = Pipe(), echo = `$exename --startup-file=no -e 'print(STDOUT, " 1\t", readstring(STDIN))'`, ready = Condition() @test_throws ArgumentError write(out, "not open error") @async begin # spawn writer task open(echo, "w", out) do in1 open(echo, "w", out) do in2 notify(ready) write(in1, 'h') write(in2, UInt8['w']) println(in1, "ello") write(in2, "orld\n") end end show(out, out) notify(ready) @test isreadable(out) @test iswritable(out) close(out.in) @test_throws ArgumentError write(out, "now closed error") @test isreadable(out) @test !iswritable(out) @test isopen(out) end wait(ready) # wait for writer task to be ready before using `out` @test nb_available(out) == 0 @test endswith(readuntil(out, '1'), '1') @test Char(read(out, UInt8)) == '\t' c = UInt8[0] @test c == read!(out, c) Base.wait_readnb(out, 1) @test nb_available(out) > 0 ln1 = readline(out) ln2 = readline(out) desc = readstring(out) @test !isreadable(out) @test !iswritable(out) @test !isopen(out) @test nb_available(out) == 0 @test c == UInt8['w'] @test lstrip(ln2) == "1\thello\n" @test ln1 == "orld\n" @test isempty(read(out)) @test eof(out) @test desc == "Pipe(open => active, 0 bytes waiting)" end # issue #8529 let fname = tempname() write(fname, "test\n") code = """ cmd = pipeline(`echo asdf`,`cat`) if is_windows() try success(`busybox`) cmd = pipeline(`busybox echo asdf`,`busybox cat`) end end for line in eachline(STDIN) run(cmd) end """ @test success(pipeline(`$catcmd $fname`, `$exename -e $code`)) rm(fname) end # Ensure that quoting works @test Base.shell_split("foo bar baz") == ["foo", "bar", "baz"] @test Base.shell_split("foo\\ bar baz") == ["foo bar", "baz"] @test Base.shell_split("'foo bar' baz") == ["foo bar", "baz"] @test Base.shell_split("\"foo bar\" baz") == ["foo bar", "baz"] # "Over quoted" @test Base.shell_split("'foo\\ bar' baz") == ["foo\\ bar", "baz"] @test Base.shell_split("\"foo\\ bar\" baz") == ["foo\\ bar", "baz"] # Ensure that shell_split handles quoted spaces let cmd = ["/Volumes/External HD/program", "-a"] @test Base.shell_split("/Volumes/External\\ HD/program -a") == cmd @test Base.shell_split("'/Volumes/External HD/program' -a") == cmd @test Base.shell_split("\"/Volumes/External HD/program\" -a") == cmd end # Backticks should automatically quote where necessary let cmd = ["foo bar", "baz"] @test string(`$cmd`) == "`'foo bar' baz`" end @test Base.shell_split("\"\\\\\"") == ["\\"] # issue #13616 @test_throws ErrorException collect(eachline(pipeline(`$catcmd _doesnt_exist__111_`, stderr=DevNull))) # make sure windows_verbatim strips quotes if is_windows() readstring(`cmd.exe /c dir /b spawn.jl`) == readstring(Cmd(`cmd.exe /c dir /b "\"spawn.jl\""`, windows_verbatim=true)) end # make sure Cmd is nestable @test string(Cmd(Cmd(`ls`, detach=true))) == "`ls`" # equality tests for Cmd @test Base.Cmd(``) == Base.Cmd(``) @test Base.Cmd(`lsof -i :9090`) == Base.Cmd(`lsof -i :9090`) @test Base.Cmd(`$echo test`) == Base.Cmd(`$echo test`) @test Base.Cmd(``) != Base.Cmd(`$echo test`) @test Base.Cmd(``, ignorestatus=true) != Base.Cmd(``, ignorestatus=false) @test Base.Cmd(``, dir="TESTS") != Base.Cmd(``, dir="TEST") @test Base.Set([``, ``]) == Base.Set([``]) @test Set([``, echo]) != Set([``, ``]) @test Set([echo, ``, ``, echo]) == Set([echo, ``]) # equality tests for AndCmds @test Base.AndCmds(`$echo abc`, `$echo def`) == Base.AndCmds(`$echo abc`, `$echo def`) @test Base.AndCmds(`$echo abc`, `$echo def`) != Base.AndCmds(`$echo abc`, `$echo xyz`) # tests for reducing over collection of Cmd @test_throws ArgumentError reduce(&, Base.AbstractCmd[]) @test_throws ArgumentError reduce(&, Base.Cmd[]) @test reduce(&, [`$echo abc`, `$echo def`, `$echo hij`]) == `$echo abc` & `$echo def` & `$echo hij`