\name{coth,csch,sech, etc.} \alias{coth} \alias{csch} \alias{sech} \alias{acoth} \alias{acsch} \alias{asech} \title{ More Hyperbolic Functions } \description{ More hyperbolic functions not available in R. } \usage{ coth(z) csch(z) sech(z) acoth(z) acsch(z) asech(z) } \arguments{ \item{z}{numeric or complex scalar or vector.} } \details{ The usual hyperbolic cotangens, cosecans, and secans functions and their inverses, computed through the other well known -- in R -- hyperbolic sine, cosine, and tangens functions. } \value{ Result vector of numeric or complex values. } \note{ These function names are available in Matlab, that is the reason they have been added to the `pracma' package. } \seealso{ Trigonometric and hyperbolic functions in R. } \examples{ coth(1+1i) # 0.8680 - 0.2176i csch(1+1i) # 0.3039 - 0.6215i sech(1+1i) # 0.4983 - 0.5911i acoth(1+1i) # 0.4024 - 0.5536i acsch(1+1i) # 0.5306 - 0.4523i asech(1+1i) # 0.5306 - 1.1185i } \keyword{ math }