Raw File
Silent Pictures

Take pictures in LiveView without shutter actuations.
Format: 14-bit DNG, low-resolution, depending on LiveView mode (1080p, 720p, zoom and so on).

You may want to load pic_view & file_man for reviewing pictures.


* Simple: press the shutter halfway to take a picture.
* Burst: take pictures until memory gets full, then save to card.
* End Trigger: take pics continuously, save last few pics to card.
* Best Shots: take pics continuously, save the best (focused) pics.
* Slit-Scan: distorted pictures for funky effects.

:Author: a1ex
:License: GPL
:Summary: Take pictures in LiveView without shutter actuation
:Forum: http://www.magiclantern.fm/forum/index.php?topic=5240.0
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