\name{RMintern} \alias{RMintern} % to do: check the list with the make_internal and internal=TRUE \alias{RMmixed} \alias{ROmissing} \alias{RMnull} \alias{RMnatsc_intern} \alias{RPplusproc} \alias{RP$pow} \alias{RPaverageIntern} \alias{RPcutoffIntern} \alias{RPintrinsIntern} \alias{RPhyperIntern} \alias{RPnuggetIntern} \alias{RPspectralIntern} \alias{RPtbmIntern} \alias{RPbrorigIntern} \alias{RPbrmixedIntern} \alias{RPbrshiftIntern} \alias{RO#} \alias{RO>} \alias{RMselect} \alias{RMSpower} \alias{RMmult_inverse} \alias{RMsetparam} \alias{RMshape.ave} \alias{RMshape.stp} \alias{RMr3binner} \alias{RRarcsqrt} \alias{RRsetDistr} \alias{RMptsGivenShape} \alias{RMstandardShape} \alias{RMstatShape} \alias{RPS} \alias{RPplus} \alias{RPmult} \alias{RPmppplus} \alias{RPtrend} \title{Internal models} \description{ Internal models that may appear in feedbacks from 'RandomFields' } \details{ The following and many more internal models exist \itemize{ \item RF__Name__ : internal representation of certain functions \link[=RF]{RF__name__} \item \code{RO#} : model for transforming coordinates within the cartesian system \item \code{RO>} : model for transforming earth coordinates to cartesian coordinates \item \code{ROmissing} : for error messages only \item \code{RMmixed} : internal representation of a \link[=formula]{mixed model} \item \code{RMselect} : will be obsolete in future \item \code{RMsetparam}, \code{RMptsGivenShape}, \code{RMstandardShape}, \code{RMstatShape} : for max-stable processes and Poisson processes: models that combine shape functions with corresponding point processes \item \code{RP__name__Intern} : internal representations of some \link[=RP]{processes} \item \code{RPS}, \code{RPplusp}, etc. : specific processes for \link{RMS} and \link{RMplus} etc. (For those covariance models that have specific simulation processes programmed.) \item \command{\link{RMS}} : internal representation of the modifying arguments \code{var}, \code{scale}, \code{Aniso}, \code{proj} } } \author{Martin Schlather, \email{schlather@math.uni-mannheim.de} \url{http://ms.math.uni-mannheim.de/de/publications/software} } \keyword{spatial} \examples{ RFoptions(seed=0) ## *ANY* simulation will have the random seed 0; set ## RFoptions(seed=NA) to make them all random again ## in the following 'try' the model 'RMtbmIntern' appears model <- RPtbm(RMexp()) x <- seq(0, 10, 1) try(RFsimulate(model, x=x)) ## fails \dontshow{FinalizeExample()} }