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(* monae: Monadic equational reasoning in Coq                                 *)
(* Copyright (C) 2020 monae authors, license: LGPL-2.1-or-later               *)
Declare ML Module "paramcoq".

From mathcomp Require Import all_ssreflect.
Require Import monae_lib hierarchy monad_lib fmt_lifting monad_model.

(* Instantiations of uniform lifting (Theorem 27 of [Mauro Jaskelioff,        *)
(* Modular Monad Transformers, ESOP 2009]) with:                              *)
(* - the identity monad (Module Identity)                                     *)
(* - the exception monad (Module Exception)                                   *)
(* - the option monad (Module Option)                                         *)
(* - the list monad (Module List)                                             *)
(* - the state monad (Module State)                                           *)
(*                                                                            *)
(* WARNING: see fmt_lifting.v                                                 *)

Local Open Scope monae_scope.

Unset Universe Checking.

Set Bullet Behavior "Strict Subproofs".

Lemma Actm_exponenial_FE (M : monad) (X Y : UU0) (f : X -> Y) :
  forall A eX, ((exponential_F A \O M) # f) eX = M # f \o eX.
Proof. by []. Qed.


Module Identity.
Section identity_naturality.
Variable A : UU0.

Realizer A as A_R := (@eq A).

Let M := ModelMonad.identity.

Definition Mi (X : UU0) : UU0 := ltac:(
  let t := constr:(M X) in
  let t := eval cbn in t in
  exact t).

Definition T : UU0 := MK Mi A.

Parametricity T arity 2.

Variable m : T.

Axiom param : T_R m m.

Lemma naturality : naturality (exponential_F A \O M) M m.
move=> X Y f; rewrite boolp.funeqE => eX.
by apply (param X Y (fun x y => (M # f) x = y)) => a _ <-.

End identity_naturality.
End Identity.

Check uniform_sigma_lifting (M := ModelMonad.identity) _ _ Identity.naturality.


Module Exception.
Section exception_naturality.
Variables Z A : UU0.

Realizer Z as Z_R := (@eq Z).
Realizer A as A_R := (@eq A).

Let M := ModelMonad.Except.t Z.

Definition Me (X : UU0) : UU0 := ltac:(
  let t := constr:(M X) in
  let t := eval cbn in t in
  exact t).

Definition T : UU0 := MK Me A.

Parametricity Recursive T arity 2.

Variable m : T.

Axiom param : T_R m m.

Lemma naturality : naturality (exponential_F A \O M) M m.
move=> X Y f; rewrite boolp.funeqE => eX.
set rhs := RHS.
have : Me_R X Y (fun x y => f x = y) (m X eX) rhs.
  apply: param => a _ <-; rewrite Actm_exponenial_FE compE.
  by case: (eX a) => [e|x]; constructor.
by rewrite compE; case=> [a _ <-|x _ <-].

End exception_naturality.
End Exception.

Check fun Z => uniform_sigma_lifting
  (M := ModelMonad.Except.t Z) _ _ (Exception.naturality Z).


Module Option.
Section option_naturality.
Variable A : UU0.

Let M := ModelMonad.option_monad.

Variable m : MK M A.

Lemma naturality : naturality (exponential_F A \O M) M m.
Proof. exact: Exception.naturality. Qed.

End option_naturality.
End Option.

Check uniform_sigma_lifting (M := ModelMonad.option_monad) _ _ Option.naturality.


Module List.
Section list_naturality.
Variable A : UU0.

Realizer A as A_R := (@eq A).

Let M := ModelMonad.ListMonad.t.

Definition Ml (X : UU0) : UU0 := ltac:(
  let t := constr:(M X) in
  let t := eval cbn in t in
  exact t).

Definition T : UU0 := MK Ml A.

Parametricity Recursive T arity 2.

Variable m : T.

Axiom param : T_R m m.

Lemma naturality : naturality (exponential_F A \O M) M m.
move=> X Y f /=; rewrite boolp.funeqE => eX.
set rhs := RHS.
have : Ml_R X Y (fun x y => f x = y) (m X eX) rhs.
  apply: param => a _ <-; rewrite Actm_exponenial_FE compE.
  by elim: (eX a) => [|? ? ?]; constructor.
by rewrite compE; elim => // x _ <- l _ _ <-.

End list_naturality.
End List.

Check uniform_sigma_lifting (M := ModelMonad.ListMonad.t) _ _ List.naturality.


Module State.
Section state_naturality.
Variable S A : UU0.

Realizer S as S_R := (@eq S).
Realizer A as A_R := (@eq A).

Let M := ModelMonad.State.t S.

Definition Ms X : UU0 := ltac:(
  let t := constr:(M X) in
  let t := eval cbn in t in
  exact t).

Definition T : UU0 := MK Ms A.

Parametricity Recursive T arity 2.

Variable m : T.

Axiom param : T_R m m.

Lemma Actm_ModelMonadStateE' (X Y : UU0) (f : X -> Y) (eX : (exponential_F A \O M) X) a (s : S):
  (M # f \o eX) a s = let (x, y) := eX a s in (f x, y).
Proof. by []. Qed.

Lemma Actm_ModelMonadStateE (X Y : UU0) (f : X -> Y) (eX : A -> S -> (X * S)) (s : S)
  (mX : (A -> Ms X) -> Ms X) :
  (M # f \o mX) eX s = (let (x, y) := mX eX s in (f x, y)).
Proof. by []. Qed.

Lemma naturality : naturality (exponential_F A \O M) M m.
move=> X Y f; rewrite boolp.funeqE => eX.
set rhs := RHS.
have H : Ms_R X Y (fun x y => f x = y) (m X eX) rhs.
  apply param => // a _ <- s1 _ <-.
  rewrite Actm_exponenial_FE Actm_ModelMonadStateE'.
  by case: (eX a) => x s2; exact: prod_R_pair_R.
rewrite boolp.funeqE => s.
have {}H : prod_R X Y (fun x y => f x = y) S S S_R (m X eX s) (rhs s) by exact: H.
inversion H as [x y fxy s1 s2 s12 xs1 ys2].
by rewrite Actm_ModelMonadStateE -xs1 fxy s12.
End state_naturality.
End State.

Check fun S => uniform_sigma_lifting
  (M := ModelMonad.State.t S) _ _ (State.naturality S).
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