Cook and download a directory from the Software Heritage Vault
You have requested the cooking of the directory with identifier swh:1:dir:e45f3467f76521ace6d96d6bebe58a44c5a15d4c into a standard tar.gz archive
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Download a directory from the Software Heritage Vault
You have requested the download of the directory with identifier swh:1:dir:e45f3467f76521ace6d96d6bebe58a44c5a15d4c as a standard tar.gz archive
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Cook and download a revision from the Software Heritage Vault
You have requested the cooking of the history heading to revision with identifier None into a bare git archive
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Download a revision from the Software Heritage Vault
You have requested the download of the history heading to revision with identifier None as a bare git archive
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Invalid Email !
The provided email is not well-formed.
Download link has expired
The requested archive is no longer available for download from the Software Heritage Vault.
Do you want to cook it again ?
To reference or cite the objects present in the Software Heritage archive, permalinks based on SoftWare Hash IDentifiers (SWHIDs) must be used.
Select below a type of object currently browsed in order to display its associated SWHID and permalink.
This interface enables to generate software citations, provided that the root directory of browsed objects contains a citation.cff or codemeta.json file.
Select below a type of object currently browsed in order to generate citations for them.
Generating citation ...