Name Target Message Date
HEAD b1cfa94 add a DOI using ZENODO 15 June 2017, 09:22:11 UTC
refs/heads/master b1cfa94 add a DOI using ZENODO 15 June 2017, 09:22:11 UTC
refs/tags/v0.1.24 3f611f9 fix correct_time with sampling freq lower than 1 Hz doc update using debian changed all files R CMD CHECK --no-examples 27 October 2015, 09:33:14 UTC
refs/tags/v0.1.25 9970df4 add new utilities - is_dive_truncated() to check if a dive profile is complete - eco.mem() to replicate BSM abstracted dive profiles such as obtained from CTD-SRDL tags. - time_at_depth() to compute TAD index using various dive profile data - doc update 06 November 2015, 11:38:27 UTC
refs/tags/v0.1.26 9098e10 fix typo & minor bug. R CMD CHECK ok. run example ok. smaller dataset 10 November 2015, 12:15:47 UTC
refs/tags/v0.1.27 7255e81 update acc signal filters * Replace one-pass filter (filter) by a forward and reverse filter (filtfilt). * This corrects for phase distortion. 10 April 2016, 13:28:04 UTC
refs/tags/v0.1.28 6dddd8f add ellipsis to tdrexpand * allow running function with "allow.cartesian=TRUE" to bypass an error in vecseq 01 June 2016, 15:26:38 UTC
refs/tags/v0.1.29 d22fa1e close #1 * time_reso infer sampling intervals/frequency from greatest common divisor (nex fun gcd) * new fun correct_duplicate_time to fix time duplicates independently from "gaps" * update correct_time accordingly to previous points * create "correct_time" attribute (may help people working with intermittently recording devices) 26 October 2016, 11:37:30 UTC
refs/tags/v0.1.30 ca93380 improve prey_catch_attempts. v0.1.30 * rolling SD can be applied to data in separated blocks (arg "grp") * rolling window frequency can ce canges (default 1.5 s) * kmean clustering can be applied to data in separated blocks (arg "n_days") * no SD %c% SD * add ref to M. Viviant article 30 November 2016, 14:23:36 UTC
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