Name Target Message Date
HEAD 5b5a6a2 Update Update Scott's email to a working address. 09 January 2017, 23:18:32 UTC
refs/heads/denizokt_101_add_pointssampled_rest 56af7f7 fixed trailing whitespace 10 July 2014, 01:50:28 UTC
refs/heads/denizokt_285_qei_rest c63f5c0 fixed style 09 August 2014, 09:17:10 UTC
refs/heads/denizokt_370_constraints ec5f660 Merge branch 'master' of into denizokt_370_constraints 08 November 2014, 00:32:46 UTC
refs/heads/denizokt_376_fixflakes c076f2c more things 15 August 2014, 23:21:46 UTC
refs/heads/denizokt_95_allow_hyperopt_likelihood 2c5609f Tests pass 27 June 2014, 01:48:00 UTC
refs/heads/denizokt_98_rename_gp_info 6f1b900 Changed gp_info on template files as well 05 June 2014, 23:49:45 UTC
refs/heads/denizokt_fix_sampled_points a07a62c Merge pull request #470 from yangnw/patch-1 Fix "iota not in stdlib" bug in Debian Sid 11 April 2017, 06:12:33 UTC
refs/heads/edits_to_docs 0e5d1a8 Edits to the introductory material in the documentation, to make the story flow a bit better, and make things more clear (i hope). 20 July 2014, 23:16:01 UTC
refs/heads/eliu_67007_class_to_randomly_generate_GP 525d6f7 responding to xanda's review on RB #51329 28 March 2014, 00:15:37 UTC
refs/heads/eliu_67964_ABCs_for_major_MOE_components 2c673a4 Merge branch 'master' of into eliu_67964_ABCs_for_major_MOE_components 29 April 2014, 22:52:28 UTC
refs/heads/eliu_67964_overwrite_EPI_dir_with_yelp_master_and_fix_doxygen_comments 686f6a7 updating readme 19 March 2014, 20:46:28 UTC
refs/heads/eliu_68042_convert_tabs_to_spaces 1fd3ce5 had an over-indented comment block 20 March 2014, 01:19:41 UTC
refs/heads/eliu_ads_3094_cpp_version_make_EPI_optimize_all_points_at_once 9a83e0f Merge branch 'master' of into eliu_ads_3094_cpp_version_make_EPI_optimize_all_points_at_once Also includes adding num_mc_iterations to the endpoint. Conflicts: moe/optimal_learning/python/cpp_wrappers/ moe/optimal_learning/python/models/ moe/tests/views/rest/ moe/views/ moe/views/rest/ 31 May 2014, 01:23:28 UTC
refs/heads/eliu_ads_3789_python_implementation_of_new_ABCs 191f8fd review responses 16 May 2014, 00:59:49 UTC
refs/heads/eliu_ads_3984_fix_mix_covariance_matrix_transpose_notation 4a78f07 Merge branch 'master' of into eliu_ads_3984_fix_mix_covariance_matrix_transpose_notation 22 April 2014, 23:56:37 UTC
refs/heads/eliu_ads_4139_python_version_make_EPI_optimize_all_points_at_once dd549d9 python implementation of truly parallel EPI major changes: 1) update grad EI to compute gradients wrt more than the 0th point 2) repeateddomain to handle optimizing many points in the same domain at once 3) tests including grad EI checks and gradient descent over multiple points checks 12 May 2014, 20:03:45 UTC
refs/heads/eliu_colander_warning_and_setup_py_cleanup b22c608 1) update to be able to find python in OSX 2) add warning about colander version mismatch 05 November 2014, 03:14:50 UTC
refs/heads/eliu_gh_100_remove_lib_directory_and_tests 888edbe Merge branch 'master' of into eliu_gh_100_remove_lib_directory_and_tests 02 June 2014, 03:52:21 UTC
refs/heads/eliu_gh_103_remove_gpp_core 9e5dd28 removing gpp_core 18 July 2014, 10:59:23 UTC
refs/heads/eliu_gh_107_rstify_remaining_cpp_files 2cb0b96 rst-ifying remaining C++ files and doing a good bit of cleanup on the visual, rendered appearance of MOE docs docs/ was functionally modified 02 June 2014, 03:07:28 UTC
refs/heads/eliu_gh_108_cpp_sphinx_breathe_warning_cleanup 3bbfe01 cleaning up some of the obvious warnings in the C++ docs 24 July 2014, 09:31:37 UTC
refs/heads/eliu_gh_136_get_rid_of_convenience_references 9aa2e32 Merge branch 'master' of into eliu_gh_136_get_rid_of_convenience_references 10 June 2014, 21:25:16 UTC
refs/heads/eliu_gh_137_187_expose_gaussian_process_members_to_python 0fb606e Merge branch 'master' of into eliu_gh_137_187_expose_gaussian_process_members_to_python 11 July 2014, 01:15:40 UTC
refs/heads/eliu_gh_186_189_345_cleanup_and_make_optimizer_arguments_consistent_fix_0_multistarts_bug d4a42e7 Merge branch 'master' of into eliu_gh_186_189_345_cleanup_and_make_optimizer_arguments_consistent_fix_0_multistarts_bug 01 August 2014, 09:39:30 UTC
refs/heads/eliu_gh_188_rename_gpp_model_selection_and_hyperparameter_opt 5324874 renaming files 28 June 2014, 09:27:58 UTC
refs/heads/eliu_gh_205_improve_pyramid_exception_handling c9fd387 PositiveFloat inherits from colander.SchemaNode meant to fix in prev commit 23 June 2014, 21:58:29 UTC
refs/heads/eliu_gh_206_fix_0/0_bug_in_1d_analytic_ei e75fe58 i was naughty and didnt run tests. fixing a scoping bug after moving a constant out of a class but not updating use-sites 30 June 2014, 04:27:03 UTC
refs/heads/eliu_gh_207_rest_endpoint_for_diag_variance c99dfab Merge branch 'master' of into eliu_gh_207_rest_endpoint_for_diag_variance 29 June 2014, 01:10:33 UTC
refs/heads/eliu_gh_208_fix_cmake_options_in_setup_py ef53b48 Merge branch 'master' of into eliu_gh_208_fix_cmake_options_in_setup_py 16 June 2014, 09:57:47 UTC
refs/heads/eliu_gh_210_no_exceptions_escape_openmp_boundaries 51865b8 Merge branch 'master' of into eliu_gh_210_no_exceptions_escape_openmp_boundaries + a little cleanup in gpp_random Conflicts: moe/optimal_learning/cpp/gpp_math.hpp 26 June 2014, 23:51:53 UTC
refs/heads/eliu_gh_222_additional_details_on_osx_install_docs 2f53d28 respones to saint's reviews 24 June 2014, 23:15:27 UTC
refs/heads/eliu_gh_224_let_user_specify_python_paths_in_cmake 3c7309a fixing links 21 June 2014, 20:06:02 UTC
refs/heads/eliu_gh_226_multistart_optimize_callers_to_specify_thread_schedule b4ef948 adding max_num_threads to ThreadSchedule all multithreaded calls must specify a ThreadSchedule now 08 July 2014, 06:47:45 UTC
refs/heads/eliu_gh_229_disable_flaky_ei_mc_optimization_tests c4d6296 temporarily disabling flaky tests. will be re-enabled in GH-226 23 June 2014, 22:46:18 UTC
refs/heads/eliu_gh_240_increase_tolerance_on_flaky_tests 7411e3e retweaked 25 June 2014, 21:20:25 UTC
refs/heads/eliu_gh_257_resolve_singular_variance_matrix_issues_and_heuristic_solver_failure fcfdbba review responses 24 July 2014, 08:46:14 UTC
refs/heads/eliu_gh_258_kriging_endpoint_drops_inputs a3ed69f passing deserializing kriging data through to MOE lib 28 June 2014, 04:19:28 UTC
refs/heads/eliu_gh_260_rest_interface_to_pass_max_num_threads_through aff02b3 adding field descriptions to docs 28 June 2014, 22:46:54 UTC
refs/heads/eliu_gh_269_stop_accessing_private_interfaces_like_historical_data_and_covariance 32307f0 now GP and GP-based objects support functions to access COPIES of their covariance and historical_data via copies. when users want to grab this data (e.g., for testing), they can use the copies instead of jumping into writeable, breakable members. also some clean up around json serialization and deleting redundant code 09 July 2014, 23:42:13 UTC
refs/heads/eliu_gh_282_propagate_thread_schedule_to_cpp_demos 17e5a59 propagating threadschedule change fixing linewidth 10 July 2014, 00:10:56 UTC
refs/heads/eliu_gh_291_split_up_schemas_file f6b543e fixing whitespace issues in docs 31 July 2014, 00:48:25 UTC
refs/heads/eliu_gh_304_colander_to_error_on_unrecognized_keys 2b8c955 missed a few name changes before & in the merge 20 July 2014, 05:15:27 UTC
refs/heads/eliu_gh_306_standardize_to_optimizer_parameters_name 82b29a7 missed ALL_CAPS instances; e.g., OPTIMIZATION_PARAM 20 July 2014, 02:35:09 UTC
refs/heads/eliu_gh_315_double_check_demo_still_runs 7fb2900 tweaking demo parameters 24 July 2014, 01:49:51 UTC
refs/heads/eliu_gh_319_change_references_of_sc932_to_Yelp 8c3d001 Merge branch 'master' of into eliu_gh_319_change_references_of_sc932_to_Yelp 24 July 2014, 01:18:25 UTC
refs/heads/eliu_gh_338_define_and_doc_process_for_tagging_releases d0d0441 responding to review 29 July 2014, 23:45:42 UTC
refs/heads/eliu_gh_353_make_autodoc_pipeline_recognize_new_gpu_docs 765af35 disabling flaky test: ExpectedImprovementTest.test_qd_ei_with_self and setting maxpts/releps back to their old defaults 14 August 2014, 01:42:38 UTC
refs/heads/eliu_gh_358_fix_kwarg_handling_in_combined_example dbe67d7 changelog update 06 August 2014, 02:05:21 UTC
refs/heads/eliu_gh_72_fix_points_to_sample_naming_discrepancies d393079 renaming changes for python files in EI contexts (and some comment updates in cpp EI) points_to_sample -> points_being_sampled num_samples_to_generate -> num_to_sample current_point/points-> points_to_sample 19 May 2014, 10:02:05 UTC
refs/heads/eliu_gh_74_fix_todos_ticket_numbers_comments aa85e31 Merge into eliu_gh_74_fix_todos_ticket_numbers_comments 10 June 2014, 21:13:16 UTC
refs/heads/eliu_gh_82_sane_optimiztion_default_params_for_all_use_cases 82b861c Merge branch 'master' of into eliu_gh_82_sane_optimiztion_default_params_for_all_use_cases Conflicts: moe/views/rest/ moe/views/ 24 July 2014, 00:57:23 UTC
refs/heads/eliu_gh_86_remove_redundant_test_assert_definitions 09eed2d Merge branch 'master' of into eliu_gh_86_remove_redundant_test_assert_definitions 02 June 2014, 03:52:44 UTC
refs/heads/eliu_gh_90_no_exceptions_escape_cpp_as_runtime_error 736e367 Merge branch 'master' of into eliu_gh_90_no_exceptions_escape_cpp_as_runtime_error 19 June 2014, 03:05:12 UTC
refs/heads/eliu_github_35_check_encoding_pragmas 3411c75 pre-commit hook that checks for encoding string (doesn't work in OSX right now unless you change xargs to gxargs) 18 April 2014, 22:42:14 UTC
refs/heads/eliu_more_rstifying_cpp_comments cbf5f50 rst-ifying some more stuff. realized i previously forgot to change INPUTS: to \param, etc 12 May 2014, 21:48:43 UTC
refs/heads/eliu_travis_test 0a8575b restoring to functioning form 13 August 2014, 02:38:48 UTC
refs/heads/gh-pages 175e263 updated online docs 25 April 2016, 21:59:06 UTC
refs/heads/jialei_connect_GPU_implementation_to_new_qp_EI_interface 991d65c resolve merge confilicts 11 June 2014, 17:20:18 UTC
refs/heads/jialei_gh123_connect_GPU_implementation_to_the_new_qp_EI_interface 4f15598 CudaExpectedImprovementState take in UniformRandomGenerator* argument instead of NormalRNG 27 June 2014, 22:08:08 UTC
refs/heads/jialei_gh219_improve_consistency_check_between_gpu_vs_cpu_computation_for_general_qp_EI 8ab2d8a Merge branch 'master' of into jialei_gh219_improve_consistency_check_between_gpu_vs_cpu_computation_for_general_qp_EI 01 August 2014, 18:51:35 UTC
refs/heads/jialei_gh270_connect_cudaEI_to_optimization_algorithm e4c565b changelog modified 19 August 2014, 20:32:57 UTC
refs/heads/jialei_gh297_speed_up_gpu_computation_on_EI_gradEI b598989 a bit more... 08 August 2014, 22:19:04 UTC
refs/heads/jialei_gh368_cuda_python_interface 894c2f8 forgot a .data() on a vector 23 October 2014, 01:24:10 UTC
refs/heads/jialei_gh423_choose_mc_itr 75190ee add num mc itr control for both ei and gradEI, only for gpu code 17 November 2014, 18:45:09 UTC
refs/heads/jialei_mixed_square_exponential 5c9b4a6 mixed square exp kernel fix for access to 0th IS 24 April 2016, 04:13:37 UTC
refs/heads/jialei_move_class_declaration_in_gpp_math_test_cpp_to_gpp_math_test_hpp f5e5791 implemented EI & grad_EI computation on gpu, with unit tests 12 June 2014, 17:39:44 UTC
refs/heads/jialei_switch_to_new_string_format_operator_issue160 9c77111 changed {0:s} to {0} for some places I m not sure if its value is string or not 06 June 2014, 01:06:23 UTC
refs/heads/jwang_445_install_pure_python_modules_only 9845ddb minor style fix 23 October 2015, 13:25:56 UTC
refs/heads/jwang_add_gpu_to_python_compute_ei_grad_ei 0f66e2d upload 24 April 2016, 04:06:59 UTC
refs/heads/jwang_gpu_option2 f168a3d python code modified 24 May 2014, 17:09:10 UTC
refs/heads/jwang_link_cuda_code 1503ae3 EI & grad_EI on gpu verified briefly in gpp_core.cpp 03 June 2014, 18:40:55 UTC
refs/heads/jwang_test_pull_request_from_private_repo db6d214 Merge branch 'jialei_mixed_square_exponential' of 09 February 2016, 01:47:15 UTC
refs/heads/master 5b5a6a2 Update Update Scott's email to a working address. 09 January 2017, 23:18:32 UTC
refs/heads/new_branch e05d3ce Fixed list numbering in Boost installation directions 08 June 2014, 05:09:57 UTC
refs/heads/norases_255_create_epsilon_greedy_bandits 67fc9b3 Merged with master, resolved merge conflict in changelog. 30 July 2014, 18:47:53 UTC
refs/heads/norases_335_create_epsilon_first_bandit_endpoint ec4c694 Added ValueError test for Epsilon class and comments about raising ValueError. 01 August 2014, 23:36:38 UTC
refs/heads/norases_343_address_erics_comments_on_epsilon_greedy 92b3020 Addressed Eric's comments on #300 epsilon-greedy bandit. 31 July 2014, 22:19:47 UTC
refs/heads/norases_354_ucb1_bandit 02078be Removed extra line in get_winning_arm_names functions 08 August 2014, 16:21:37 UTC
refs/heads/norases_366_ucb1_tuned_bandit d058626 Merge branch 'master' of into norases_366_ucb1_tuned_bandit 14 August 2014, 17:31:22 UTC
refs/heads/norases_373_bla_bandit 772a680 Changed random to numpy.random. 20 August 2014, 18:45:59 UTC
refs/heads/norases_386_add_bandits_to_moe_examples 439d418 Added more links to bandit docs in headers of bandit_simple_endpoint and bandit_example. 22 August 2014, 17:46:45 UTC
refs/heads/norases_387_fix_bandit_bugs_and_add_new_tests 3c1a630 Updated CHANGELOG. 21 August 2014, 21:13:42 UTC
refs/heads/norases_395_update_bla_documentation 1094cfe Merge branch 'master' of into norases_395_update_bla_documentation 22 August 2014, 18:45:27 UTC
refs/heads/sclark_101_debug 10b28b9 debug debug debug 20 June 2014, 02:05:26 UTC
refs/heads/sclark_106_REST_opt_params_fix 788ff74 responded to reviews 04 June 2014, 18:34:24 UTC
refs/heads/sclark_197_more_high_level_docs a26e09b merge with master and rdrebin line change 17 June 2014, 00:43:05 UTC
refs/heads/sclark_21_fix_logging 9f8e9bb Switch rest logging to info level 06 June 2014, 20:56:18 UTC
refs/heads/sclark_22_demo_tooltips 837c5d5 In person eliu reviews 05 June 2014, 21:30:53 UTC
refs/heads/sclark_248_clean_up_easy_and_simple_endpoint eae217b Clean up simple_endpoint deserialization 13 July 2014, 08:25:56 UTC
refs/heads/sclark_252_fix_tox 989ab23 Added one more ignore to style tests 10 July 2014, 21:36:29 UTC
refs/heads/sclark_256_fix_colander_defaults 7b2e1e5 merged with master and fixed review comments 14 July 2014, 04:39:36 UTC
refs/heads/sclark_25_high_level_docs d5efa50 updated gh markdown and fixed gh-pages error 10 June 2014, 01:32:33 UTC
refs/heads/sclark_25_high_level_math_docs 6ada8b6 fixed broken test 23 July 2014, 21:48:45 UTC
refs/heads/sclark_286_ubuntu_1204_docs ea1fa53 Responded to reviews, fixed breathe version 12 July 2014, 00:57:09 UTC
refs/heads/sclark_292_276_check_and_test_examples 5941c91 Responded to reviews, fixed style issues 15 July 2014, 16:33:03 UTC
refs/heads/sclark_316_add_faq c899e48 merged with master, again 24 July 2014, 09:37:13 UTC
refs/heads/sclark_317_more_license_stuff eca84f4 Update 23 July 2014, 23:56:26 UTC
refs/heads/sclark_331_fix_travis 0df372f Use public Travis build 25 July 2014, 22:23:21 UTC
refs/heads/sclark_332_set_up_public_docker 8319a2a more docs about tags + containers 30 July 2014, 00:04:07 UTC
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