Name Target Message Date
HEAD 817c39a Update flatten helper without recursion (#5454) 19 September 2023, 15:59:28 UTC
refs/heads/1 8adb30b [CS1] AppVeyor (#4816) * First attempt at AppVeyor for CS1 * Update NPM for Node < 4 * Backport #4731, fix for test failing in Windows * Don't install NPM for Node-latest; cache node_modules * Polyfill os.tmpdir for Node 0.8, update Travis to support Node 0.8 * Try to make Travis Node 0.8 happen * Try different batch syntax * Output NPM version if we install a 2.x version; never return a nonzero exit code if we skip NPM upgrade * Try another syntax * Fix syntax for latest Node * Fix Windows batch syntax 03 December 2017, 04:05:32 UTC
refs/heads/main 817c39a Update flatten helper without recursion (#5454) 19 September 2023, 15:59:28 UTC
refs/tags/0.1.0 95b7997 docs 24 December 2009, 17:56:44 UTC
refs/tags/0.1.1 a4bc248 bumping to 0.1.1 24 December 2009, 19:59:19 UTC
refs/tags/0.1.2 9dc932e bumping to 0.1.2 to get the super()/extends fix out there 25 December 2009, 01:05:55 UTC
refs/tags/0.1.3 859ab75 bumping to 0.1.3 ... here we go 25 December 2009, 08:16:56 UTC
refs/tags/0.1.4 88fe4f6 CoffeeScript 0.1.4 25 December 2009, 22:43:24 UTC
refs/tags/0.1.5 ff0062b coffeescript 0.1.5, just for kicks 27 December 2009, 05:25:37 UTC
refs/tags/0.1.6 8fe6fa1 CoffeeScript 0.1.6 -- bugfixes 27 December 2009, 20:49:11 UTC
refs/tags/0.2.0 0e645cc alright, done fiddling. CoffeeScript 0.2.0 05 January 2010, 05:45:04 UTC
refs/tags/0.2.1 f1e024b CoffeeScript 0.2.1 05 January 2010, 14:30:48 UTC
refs/tags/0.2.2 24408c7 caught a close call bug with object comprehensions and not specifying the value 10 January 2010, 22:44:19 UTC
refs/tags/0.2.3 cfa357c CoffeeScript 0.2.3, with 'of', not 'ino' 11 January 2010, 05:01:16 UTC
refs/tags/0.2.4 9a61bbf CoffeeScript 0.2.4, with pattern matching and heredocs 12 January 2010, 05:09:23 UTC
refs/tags/0.2.5 e77e520 CoffeeScript 0.2.5 is on the books 14 January 2010, 04:24:45 UTC
refs/tags/0.2.6 63c9b5c CoffeeScript 0.2.6 is on the books 17 January 2010, 23:12:59 UTC
refs/tags/0.3.0 ca0a65a updating documentation for 0.3 27 January 2010, 04:23:59 UTC
refs/tags/0.3.1 5b2ab36 CoffeeScript 0.3.1, quick patch for 'instanceof' 27 January 2010, 13:01:18 UTC
refs/tags/0.3.2 e2d75e6 CoffeeScript 0.3.2, just in time for the Github feature 08 February 2010, 15:58:49 UTC
refs/tags/0.4.0 92e2929 return parse function as module exports 07 June 2015, 15:26:32 UTC
refs/tags/0.5.0 f582b73 Keep the correct state for watching files so the appropriate one is recompiled 22 February 2010, 00:59:27 UTC
refs/tags/0.5.1 92cd802 bumping to 0.5.1 24 February 2010, 05:54:07 UTC
refs/tags/0.5.2 05d95ac docs for CoffeeScript 0.5.2, which is now out. 25 February 2010, 05:26:59 UTC
refs/tags/0.5.3 62b2ab2 CoffeeScript 0.5.3, with classes 28 February 2010, 01:21:46 UTC
refs/tags/0.5.4 44398d0 Updating docs for CoffeeScript 0.5.4. Tag it and bag it. 04 March 2010, 04:01:53 UTC
refs/tags/0.5.5 bcf7b3f CoffeeScript 0.5.5, with string interpolation and internal documentation 08 March 2010, 11:34:07 UTC
refs/tags/0.5.6 590c069 CoffeeScript 0.5.6 23 March 2010, 04:18:50 UTC
refs/tags/0.6.0 c067808 CoffeeScript 0.6.0 is on the books. 04 April 2010, 00:43:50 UTC
refs/tags/0.6.1 92540d5 CoffeeScript 0.6.1, for Node.js v0.1.90 13 April 2010, 01:20:00 UTC
refs/tags/0.6.2 485346f CoffeeScript 0.6.2 15 May 2010, 05:18:05 UTC
refs/tags/0.7.0 677c7ed CoffeeScript 0.7.0 is on the books. 28 June 2010, 05:00:53 UTC
refs/tags/0.7.1 e40d25e rebuilding docs and compressed version for CoffeeScript 0.7.1 11 July 2010, 14:40:44 UTC
refs/tags/0.7.2 ff7e729 bumping version to 0.7.2 for --options patch. 12 July 2010, 12:17:26 UTC
refs/tags/0.9.0 17bf3b7 be more flexible about trailing commas in implicit object literals. 05 August 2010, 03:25:30 UTC
refs/tags/0.9.1 6c99797 CoffeeScript 0.9.1 is on the books. 11 August 2010, 04:40:15 UTC
refs/tags/0.9.2 e2c46d1 CoffeeScript 0.9.2 24 August 2010, 02:08:33 UTC
refs/tags/0.9.3 a263175 CoffeeScript 0.9.3 16 September 2010, 04:32:57 UTC
refs/tags/0.9.4 c50cf23 CoffeeScript 0.9.4 22 September 2010, 03:58:05 UTC
refs/tags/0.9.5 e5deb2b CoffeeScript 0.9.5 22 November 2010, 02:19:49 UTC
refs/tags/0.9.6 fa53a4c CoffeeScript 0.9.6 07 December 2010, 05:21:34 UTC
refs/tags/1.0.0 33d2577 CoffeeScript 1.0.0 24 December 2010, 19:02:10 UTC
refs/tags/1.0.1 c44d9ae CoffeeScript 1.0.1 01 February 2011, 03:39:12 UTC
refs/tags/1.1.0 0971260 coffee-script 1.1.0 01 May 2011, 16:08:15 UTC
refs/tags/1.1.1 d4d0271 rebuilding browser/source 10 May 2011, 14:04:25 UTC
refs/tags/1.1.2 1a652a9 CoffeeScript 1.1.2 05 August 2011, 03:17:23 UTC
refs/tags/1.1.3 3e41659 CoffeeScript 1.1.3 08 November 2011, 23:01:45 UTC
refs/tags/1.10.0 f26d33d Merge pull request #4079 from lydell/v1.10.0 CoffeeScript 1.10.0 03 September 2015, 19:45:13 UTC
refs/tags/1.12.6 f0e9837 1.12.6 missing updated output 15 May 2017, 04:22:48 UTC
refs/tags/1.12.8 943579a 1.12.8 (#4801) * 1.12.8 changelog * 1.12.8 output 30 November 2017, 06:51:32 UTC
refs/tags/1.2.0 9abe614 CoffeeScript 1.2.0 18 December 2011, 20:29:02 UTC
refs/tags/1.3.0 de511e0 resolving merge 10 April 2012, 18:58:59 UTC
refs/tags/1.3.1 60c9b94 CoffeeScript 1.3.1 (quick bugfix for compound assignment to a global variable 10 April 2012, 21:26:23 UTC
refs/tags/1.3.2 7792a3a CoffeeScript 1.3.2 14 May 2012, 18:45:20 UTC
refs/tags/1.3.3 79492aa CoffeeScript 1.3.3 15 May 2012, 16:35:40 UTC
refs/tags/1.4.0 158d372 CoffeeScript 1.4.0 23 October 2012, 20:45:31 UTC
refs/tags/1.5.0 af53c23 CoffeeScript 1.5.0 25 February 2013, 08:12:22 UTC
refs/tags/1.6.0 b4c12f6 Fixing lingering brain fart. Inexcusable. 04 March 2013, 20:23:50 UTC
refs/tags/1.6.1 eef83a9 CoffeeScript 1.6.1 04 March 2013, 22:07:16 UTC
refs/tags/1.6.2 3527af8 new new docs 13 March 2013, 03:48:23 UTC
refs/tags/1.6.3 84b8b5c CoffeeScript 1.6.3 02 June 2013, 05:37:45 UTC
refs/tags/1.7.0 a3ae0c5 CoffeeScript 1.7.0 28 January 2014, 19:05:38 UTC
refs/tags/1.8.0 81047d4 CoffeeScript 1.8.0 26 August 2014, 16:24:29 UTC
refs/tags/1.9.0 f7692c9 more text tweaks 29 January 2015, 17:25:25 UTC
refs/tags/1.9.1 533ad8a CoffeeScript 1.9.1 18 February 2015, 20:43:33 UTC
refs/tags/1.9.2 46d16b5 #3942 -- revising changelog 15 April 2015, 15:49:14 UTC
refs/tags/1.9.3 c37f284 redoc 27 May 2015, 15:57:31 UTC
refs/tags/2.0.0 a2a2e76 Update docs output for 2.0.0 18 September 2017, 15:31:07 UTC
refs/tags/2.0.0-beta2 d756bd6 [CS2] 2.0.0-beta2 (#4550) * Breaking changes note about bound class methods * Changelog for 2.0.0-beta2, including renaming “Change Log” to “Changelog” (the preferred spelling per Wikipedia) * Update version to 2.0.0-beta2 * 2.0.0-beta2 generated output 16 May 2017, 18:53:22 UTC
refs/tags/2.0.0-beta3 704924c 2.0.0-beta3 (#4594) * Don’t confuse the syntax highlighter * Comment Assign::compilePatternMatch a bit * Assignment expressions in conditionals are a bad practice * Rename `wrapInBraces` to `wrapInParentheses`, to set the stage for future `wrapInBraces` that uses `{` and `wrapInBrackets` that uses `[` * Correct comment * object destructuring * Allow custom position of the rest element. * Output simple array destructuring assignments to ES2015 * Output simple object destructured assignments to ES2015 * Compile shorthand object properties to ES2015 shorthand properties This dramatically improves the appearance of destructured imports. * Don’t confuse the syntax highlighter * Comment Assign::compilePatternMatch a bit * Assignment expressions in conditionals are a bad practice * Rename `wrapInBraces` to `wrapInParentheses`, to set the stage for future `wrapInBraces` that uses `{` and `wrapInBrackets` that uses `[` * object destructuring * Allow custom position of the rest element. * rest element in object destructuring * rest element in object destructuring * fix string interpolation * merging * fixing splats in object literal * Rest element in parameter destructuring * merging with CS2 * merged with CS2 * Add support for the object spread initializer. * Fix misspellings, trailing whitespace, other minor details * merging with beta2 * refactor object spread properties * small fix * - Fixed object spread function parameters. - Clean up "Assign" and moved all logic for object rest properties in single method (compileObjectDestruct). - Add helper function "objectWithoutKeys" to the "UTILITIES" for use with object rest properties, e.g. {a, b, r...} = obj => {a, b} = obj, r = objectWithoutKeys(...) - Clean up "Obj" and moved all logic for object spread properties in single method (compileSpread). - Clean up "Code". - Add method "hasSplat" to "Obj" and "Value" for checking if Obj contains the splat. - Enable placing spread syntax triple dots on either right or left, per #85 ( * Fixed typos * Remove unused code * Removed dots (e.g. splat) on the left side from the grammar * Initial release for deep spread properties, e.g. obj2 = {obj.b..., a: 1} or {obj[b][c]..., d: 7} Tests need to be prepared! * 1. Object literal spread properties Object literals: - obj = { {b:{c:{d:1}}}..., a:1 } Parenthetical: - obj = { ( body ), a:1 } - obj = { ( body )..., a:1 } Invocation: - obj = { ( (args) -> ... )(params), a:1 } - obj = { ( (args) -> ... )(params)..., a:1 } - obj = { foo(), a:1 } - obj = { foo()..., a:1 } 2. Refactor, cleanup & other optimizations. * Merged with 2.0 * Cleanup * Some more cleanup. * Fixed error with freeVariable and object destructuring. * Fixed errors with object spread properties. * Improvements, fixed errors. * Minor improvement. * Minor improvements. * Typo. * Remove unnecessary whitespace. * Remove unnecessary whitespace. * Changed few "assertErrorFormat" tests since parentheses are now allowed in the Obj. * Whitespace cleanup * Comments cleanup * fix destructured obj param declarations * refine fix; add test * Refactor function args ({a, b...}) * Additional tests for object destructuring in function argument. * Minor improvement for object destructuring variable declaration. * refactor function args ({a, b...}) and ({a, b...} = {}); Obj And Param cleanup * fix comment * Fix object destructuring variable declaration. * more tests with default values * fix typo * Fixed default values in object destructuring. * small fix * Babel’s tests for object rest spread * Style: spaces after colons in object declarations * Cleanup comments * Simplify Babel tests * Fix comments * Fix destructuring with splats in multiple objects * Add test for default values in detsructuring assignment with splats * Handle default values when assigning to object splats * Rewrite traverseRest to fix handling of dynamic keys * Fix double parens around destructuring with splats * Update compileObjectDestruct comments * Improve formatting of top-level destructures with splats and tidy parens * Added a bigger destructuring-with-defaults test and fixed a bug * Refactor destructuring grammar to allow additional forms * Add a missing case to ObjSpreadExpr * These tests shouldn’t run in the browser * Fix test.html * Fix docs scroll position getting screwed up by CodeMirror initialization * Breaking change documentation about => (fixes #4593) * Spread/rest syntax documentation * Documentation about bound class methods * 2.0.0-beta3 changelog * Add note about ‘lib’ * Fix accidentally converting this to tabs * Bump version to 2.0.0-beta3 * Update annotated source and test.html 30 June 2017, 16:58:05 UTC
refs/tags/2.0.0-beta4 ae7f97b 2.0.0-beta4 (#4628) * 2.0.0-beta4 changelog * Recompile parser, update browser compiler * Updated annotated source and browser tests * Bump version to 2.0.0-beta4 04 August 2017, 01:11:19 UTC
refs/tags/2.0.0-beta5 df9d4a2 [CS2] 2.0.0-beta5 (#4682) * Upgrade docs to Bootstrap 4 beta, including refactoring styles; upgrade docs jQuery and CodeMirror * Better style the docs for mobile, including Try CoffeeScript * Fix #4642, erroneous statement about named functions * Update packages * 2.0.0-beta5 02 September 2017, 19:48:38 UTC
refs/tags/2.0.1 0b0a9ef 2.0.1 (#4719) * 2.0.1 changelog * Version bump to 2.0.1 27 September 2017, 03:16:16 UTC
refs/tags/2.0.2 cbc695b 2.0.2 (#4758) * Give the notes about `super` and `this` their own section in the docs * 2.0.2 changelog * 2.0.2 release output * Rewrite 27 October 2017, 01:29:45 UTC
refs/tags/2.0.3 64b8dd4 2.0.3 (#4795) * Fix #4775: Remove no-longer-correct mention of the docs using text/coffeescript * 2.0.3 changelog * Update output for 2.0.3 * Bump date 27 November 2017, 03:29:08 UTC
refs/tags/2.1.0 926cb84 2.1.0 (#4823) * Changelog for 2.1.0; remove text from objects section that is no longer valid for CS2/ES2015. * Update packages * 2.1.0 build * Update output * Correct reference to `//` division, per 11 December 2017, 07:12:33 UTC
refs/tags/2.1.1 12fcbfc 2.1.1 (#4835) * Bump version to 2.1.1 * 2.1.1 changelog * 2.1.1 updated output 30 December 2017, 00:54:57 UTC
refs/tags/2.2.0 0490eb9 2.2.0 (#4873) * Changelog for 2.2.0 * Bump version * Bump package versions * Fix `cake doc:source` for Docco 0.8.0 * Update output; some text tweaks 02 February 2018, 04:14:26 UTC
refs/tags/2.2.1 a73f66b 2.2.1 (#4885) * 2.2.1 changelog * Bump version to 2.2.1 and update output 07 February 2018, 06:28:15 UTC
refs/tags/2.2.2 e0833c2 2.2.2 (#4986) * Changelog for 2.2.2 * Bump version to 2.2.2 * Bump dependencies * Update output 22 February 2018, 08:31:14 UTC
refs/tags/2.2.3 820942c 2.2.3 (#5010) * Bump version to 2.2.3; update packages * Update output * Update changelog 11 March 2018, 20:48:14 UTC
refs/tags/2.2.4 e5aa758 2.2.4 (#5025) * Update changelog for 2.2.4 * Bump version to 2.2.4; update output 30 March 2018, 03:00:45 UTC
refs/tags/2.3.0 8061ecf 2.3.0 (#5043) * Move analytics initialization into * Bump Bootstrap and CodeMirror versions * Update output * Merge CodeMirror styles * Update CodeMirror styles * Better flexbox layout for docs, including flex auto-sized sidebar and main column * Minor styling fixes for Edge * Fix scrollspy for new layout * Update output * Clicking on the CoffeeScript logo in the navbar should scroll to top; fix main column width on mobile * Update output * 2.3.0 changelog * Update operators section for ** * Update docs for ES2018 object rest/spread * Remove references to Node's experimental modules support * Move the README coffee cup to the right side, so our name isn't cut off on the NPM page; update README and CONTRIBUTING text * Update dependencies * Add compatibility note for async generators * Bump version to 2.3.0 and update output * Have CI test in Node 10 instead of 9 * Somehow this gets generated slightly differently in Node 10 * Fix #4042: Update broken link 29 April 2018, 01:57:15 UTC
refs/tags/2.3.1 be702d6 2.3.1 (#5069) * Update links to use * 2.3.1 changelog * Bump version to 2.3.1; update output * Forgot one * Another one * Lock Babel versions for Node 6 build to succeed, until Babel 7 is out 22 May 2018, 05:14:34 UTC
refs/tags/2.3.2 6e86b67 Release 2.3.2 (#5110) * Bump version to 2.3.2 * 2.3.2 changelog * Update output for 2.3.2 20 September 2018, 06:53:49 UTC
refs/tags/2.4.0 e6f6aa8 Version bump in lockfile 30 March 2019, 18:33:20 UTC
refs/tags/2.4.1 f4fcf65 Don't publish .DS_Store to npm 08 April 2019, 03:48:04 UTC
refs/tags/2.5.0 61d408f 2.5.0 (#5284) * 2.5.0 changelog * Update dependencies * Colors are expected to be globals by the new AST test helpers * Disable testing of deepStrictIncludeExpectedProperties in browsers for now * Update output of compiler only * Update browser compiler output * Update docs output * Document ast option * Update output * Fix and reenable deepStrict test for browser test suite * Update output 01 January 2020, 06:19:32 UTC
refs/tags/2.5.1 26a7ba1 2.5.1 (#5297) * Bump version to 2.5.1 * Changelog for 2.5.1 * Update output for 2.5.1 31 January 2020, 06:38:10 UTC
refs/tags/2.6.0 f9c3316 2.6.0 (#5374) 19 September 2021, 21:15:00 UTC
refs/tags/2.6.1 ed6733d 2.6.1 (#5381) 05 October 2021, 03:43:05 UTC
refs/tags/2.7.0 b51361a Update package-lock.json 24 April 2022, 02:27:52 UTC
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