Name Target Message Date
HEAD 4202f6b Merge pull request #216 from plasde/patch-1 added sep argument in read_biom2phyloseq.R 04 August 2023, 09:24:31 UTC
refs/heads/RELEASE_3_6 290f0dc fixing the release 22 February 2018, 14:03:04 UTC
refs/heads/RELEASE_3_9 4a7a3ac bump x.y.z versions to even y prior to creation of RELEASE_3_9 branch 02 May 2019, 15:54:08 UTC
refs/heads/antagomir b70dc33 ok 16 June 2019, 20:37:44 UTC
refs/heads/clr efb379d removed comp from clr 31 May 2023, 17:21:08 UTC
refs/heads/devel 3147366 vapply taken into use 06 December 2019, 18:53:35 UTC
refs/heads/gh-pages 3a00da7 Built site for microbiome: 1.23.1@4202f6b 04 August 2023, 09:38:39 UTC
refs/heads/gutmicrobe-1 15a7925 fix aut description 10 September 2021, 10:24:00 UTC
refs/heads/maintenance d3669e1 extras out 09 September 2017, 04:22:18 UTC
refs/heads/master 4202f6b Merge pull request #216 from plasde/patch-1 added sep argument in read_biom2phyloseq.R 04 August 2023, 09:24:31 UTC
refs/heads/merge-microbiomeutilites-01 45669ed boxplot_alpha added A simple visualization that we were missing for alpha diversities. Since we have more diversity measures than phyloseq the users have to do plotting manually. Sometimes a quick approach is helpful. this is a simpler version with less code maintainance than `microbiomeutilities::plot_alpha_diversities` 03 February 2022, 09:45:42 UTC
refs/heads/plot_taxa_prev-fix 9eadf53 plot_taxa_prev fix `phyloseq::otu_table()` changed to `microbiome::abundances` to deal with situations where `taxa_are_rows==FALSE` 23 February 2021, 16:24:04 UTC
refs/heads/prelim 3bbe377 bimodality_score function added 24 March 2015, 13:19:32 UTC
refs/heads/transform-bug-fix eb89cdd Fix bug when taxa_are_rows() is false 15 February 2022, 07:24:50 UTC
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