Name Target Message Date
HEAD a2cf6d7 Fix use of uninitialized variable 's' (reported by Coverity) If the MAXREPEATS constant is set to be small, then the variable 's' could be left uninitialized and then used in computations. 14 February 2017, 21:58:50 UTC
refs/heads/coverity_scan 2f3db17 New coverity token 14 February 2017, 22:54:07 UTC
refs/heads/master a2cf6d7 Fix use of uninitialized variable 's' (reported by Coverity) If the MAXREPEATS constant is set to be small, then the variable 's' could be left uninitialized and then used in computations. 14 February 2017, 21:58:50 UTC
refs/heads/readme 1f7a760 Update license icon 13 February 2017, 20:47:32 UTC
refs/heads/travis-test 4a1af2a Extra try 13 February 2017, 18:46:57 UTC
refs/heads/travis-update 873bbd9 travis: Run the generated binaries using qemu-user and wine 13 February 2017, 19:52:43 UTC
refs/heads/win64 9d082e0 Add mingw64 support (untested) 09 February 2017, 11:30:51 UTC
refs/tags/v0.1 37ef25c The first v0.1 release 12 September 2011, 13:06:05 UTC
refs/tags/v0.2 42afc20 Rename to 'tinymembench' and v0.2 release 26 December 2012, 19:29:18 UTC
refs/tags/v0.3 ec6408a Bump version to 0.3 02 July 2013, 20:28:26 UTC
refs/tags/v0.4 e7d7573 Bump version to 0.4 30 March 2016, 04:42:59 UTC
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