Raw File
Tip revision: af3a714c5bfa72ee7507db9c4eaf90ba2cd91809 authored by Hans A. Kestler on 02 October 2023, 14:30:04 UTC
version 2.1.9
Tip revision: af3a714
# Plots a graph that visualizes the state transitions and attractor basins. <attractorInfo> is an object
# of class AttractorInfo. This requires the igraph package.
# If <highlightAttractors> is set, attractor edges are drawn bold.
# If <colorBasins> is true, each basin is drawn in a different color. 
# Colors can be provided in <colorSet>.
# <layout> specifies the graph layouting function.
# If <piecewise> is true, subgraphs are layouted separately.
# <basin.lty> and <attractor.lty> specify the line types used to draw states in the basins
# and in the attractors (if <highlightAttractor> is set).
# If <plotIt> is not set, only the igraph object is returned, but no graph is plotted.
# ... provides further graphical parameters for the plot.
# Returns an object of class igraph
plotStateGraph <- function(stateGraph,
                           highlightAttractors = TRUE,
                           colorBasins = TRUE,
                           drawLegend = TRUE,
                           drawLabels = FALSE,
                           layout = layout.kamada.kawai,
                           piecewise = FALSE,
                           basin.lty = 2,
                           attractor.lty = 1,
                           plotIt = TRUE,
                           colorsAlpha = c(colorBasinsNodeAlpha = .3,
                                           colorBasinsEdgeAlpha = .3,
                                           colorAttractorNodeAlpha = 1,
                                           colorAttractorEdgeAlpha = 1),
  stopifnot(inherits(stateGraph,"AttractorInfo") || 
              inherits(stateGraph,"TransitionTable") || 
  args <- list(...)
  if (!is.null(args$attractorInfo))
    warning("The parameter \"attractorInfo\" is deprecated. Use \"stateGraph\" instead!")
    stateGraph <- args$attractorInfo
  if(is.null(colorsAlpha) | (length(colorsAlpha) != 4)) {
    warning("colorsAlpha parameter not properly specified. Parameter will be set to opaque values (1,1,1,1).")
    colorsAlpha <- c(1,1,1,1)
  if (any(colorsAlpha < 0 | colorsAlpha > 1)) {
    warning("colorsAlpha parameters are not in range [0,1] - they will be normalized.")
    colorsAlpha <- colorsAlpha/sum(colorsAlpha)
  if (installed.packages()["igraph","Version"] < package_version("0.6"))
    bias <- 1
    bias <- 0
  symbolic <- FALSE
  if (inherits(stateGraph,"AttractorInfo"))
    stateGraph <- getTransitionTable(stateGraph)
  } else if (inherits(stateGraph,"SymbolicSimulation")) {
    symbolic <- TRUE
    if (is.null(stateGraph$graph))
      stop(paste("This SymbolicSimulation structure does not contain transition table information.",
                 "Please re-run simulateSymbolicModel() with returnGraph=TRUE!"))
    stateGraph <- stateGraph$graph
  geneCols <- setdiff(colnames(stateGraph), 
  numGenes <- (length(geneCols)) / 2
  from <- apply(stateGraph[ , 1:numGenes, drop=FALSE], 1, paste, collapse="")
  to <- apply(stateGraph[ , ((numGenes+1):(2*numGenes)), drop=FALSE], 1, paste, collapse="")
  vertices <- unique(c(from, to))
  edges <- data.frame(from, to)
  res <-, vertices =, directed=TRUE)
  res <- set.vertex.attribute(res, "name", value = vertices)    
  if ("attractorAssignment" %in% colnames(stateGraph))
    attractorAssignment <- stateGraph$attractorAssignment
    attractorAssignment <- c()
    colorBasins <- FALSE
    drawLegend <- FALSE
  if ("transitionsToAttractor" %in% colnames(stateGraph))
    attractorIndices <- to[stateGraph$transitionsToAttractor == 0]
    if (highlightAttractors) {
      warning("The parameter \"highlightAttractors\" is set to true although not enough information is available in stateGraph. Highlightning of attractors will be set to FALSE.") 
    attractorIndices <- c()
    highlightAttractors <- FALSE
  # determine nodes and edges that belong to attractors
  # set default edge width and line type
  res <- set.edge.attribute(res, "width" , value = 0.8)
  res <- set.edge.attribute(res, "lty", value = basin.lty)
  if (highlightAttractors)
    attractorEdgeIndices <- which(apply(edges, 1 , function(edge){
      return( (edge[1] %in% attractorIndices) & (edge[2] %in% attractorIndices) )
    })) - bias
    # set different edge width and line type for attractor edges
    res <- set.edge.attribute(res, "width", index = attractorEdgeIndices, value = 2)
    res <- set.edge.attribute(res, "lty", index = attractorEdgeIndices, value = attractor.lty)
  if (missing(colorSet))
    # define default colors
    colorSet <- c("blue","green","red","darkgoldenrod","gold","brown","cyan",
  # check for certain graphical parameters in ... 
  # that have different default values in this plot
  if (is.null(args$vertex.size))
    args$vertex.size <- 2
  if (is.null(args$edge.arrow.mode))
    args$edge.arrow.mode <- 2
  if (is.null(args$edge.arrow.size))
    args$edge.arrow.size <- 0.3
  if (is.null(args$vertex.label.cex))
    args$vertex.label.cex <- 0.5
  if (is.null(args$vertex.label.dist))
    args$vertex.label.dist <- 1
  attractors <- unique(attractorAssignment)
  attractors <- attractors[!]
  if (colorBasins)
    res <- set.edge.attribute(res, "color", value = "darkgrey")
    for (attractor in attractors)
      # determine nodes and edges belonging to the basin of <attractor>
      attractorGraphIndices <- NULL
      basinIndices <- which(attractorAssignment == attractor)
      if(!is.null(stateGraph$transitionsToAttractor)) {
        attractorGraphIndices <- intersect(basinIndices, which(stateGraph$transitionsToAttractor == 0))
        basinIndices <- base::setdiff(basinIndices, attractorGraphIndices)

      if (!symbolic)
        # change vertex color
        res <- set.vertex.attribute(res, "color", basinIndices - bias, 
                                    value = adjustcolor(colorSet[(attractor-1) %% length(colorSet) + 1], 
                                                        alpha.f = colorsAlpha[1]))
        res <- set.vertex.attribute(res, "frame.color", basinIndices - bias, 
                                    value = adjustcolor("black", 
                                                        alpha.f = colorsAlpha[1]))
        if(!is.null(attractorGraphIndices)) {
          res <- set.vertex.attribute(res, "color", attractorGraphIndices - bias, 
                                      value = adjustcolor(colorSet[(attractor-1) %% length(colorSet) + 1], 
                                                          alpha.f = colorsAlpha[3]))
          res <- set.vertex.attribute(res, "frame.color", attractorGraphIndices - bias, 
                                      value = adjustcolor("black", 
                                                          alpha.f = colorsAlpha[3]))  
        if (drawLabels)
          res <- set.vertex.attribute(res,"label.color",basinIndices - bias,
                                      value=colorSet[(attractor-1) %% length(colorSet) + 1])
      # change edge color
      res <- set.edge.attribute(res, "color", index = basinIndices - bias,
                                value = adjustcolor(colorSet[(attractor-1) %% length(colorSet) + 1], alpha.f = colorsAlpha[2]))
      if(!is.null(attractorGraphIndices)) {
        res <- set.edge.attribute(res, "color", index = attractorGraphIndices - bias,
                            value = adjustcolor(colorSet[(attractor-1) %% length(colorSet) + 1], alpha.f = colorsAlpha[4]))
    if (drawLabels)
      labels <- vertices
      labels <- NA
    if (piecewise)
      layout <- piecewise.layout(res, layout)
    if (symbolic)
      autocurve.edges(res)"plot",c(list(res),args,"vertex.label"=list(labels), "layout"=list(layout)))
    #     edge.arrow.mode=args$edge.arrow.mode,
    #     vertex.label=labels,vertex.label.cex=args$vertex.label.cex,
    #     vertex.label.dist=args$vertex.label.dist,
    #     ...)
    if (colorBasins & drawLegend)
             col=colorSet[attractors-1 %% length(colorSet) + 1],
             legend = paste("Attractor",seq_along(attractors)),
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