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Tip revision: 997d683c5da8d0abe4c2ad15eb77091ef7c66ebd authored by Bettina Gruen on 12 October 2020, 07:19:16 UTC
version 2.3-17
Tip revision: 997d683
%  Copyright (C) 2004-2015 Friedrich Leisch and Bettina Gruen
%  $Id: Lapply-methods.Rd 5008 2015-01-13 20:30:25Z gruen $
\title{Methods for Function Lapply}
\description{Apply a function to each component of a finite mixture}
\S4method{Lapply}{FLXRmstep}(object, FUN, model = 1, component = TRUE, ...)
  \item{object}{S4 class object.}
  \item{FUN}{The function to be applied.}
  \item{model}{The model (for a multivariate response) that shall be
  \item{component}{Index vector for selecting the components.}
  \item{\dots}{Optional arguments to \code{FUN}.}
    \item{object = FLXRmstep:}{Apply a function to each component of a
      refitted \code{flexmix} object using method = \code{"mstep"}.}
  \code{FUN} is found by a call to \code{} and typically is specified
  as a function or a symbol (e.g. a backquoted name) or a character
  string specifying a function to be searched for from the
  environment of the call to \code{Lapply}.
  A list of the length equal to the number of components specified is
  returned, each element of which is the result of applying \code{FUN} to the
  specified component of the refitted mixture model.
\author{Friedrich Leisch and Bettina Gruen}
data("NPreg", package = "flexmix")
ex2 <- flexmix(yn ~ x, data = NPreg, k = 2, model = list(FLXMRglm(yn ~ 
    . + I(x^2)), FLXMRglm(yp ~ ., family = "poisson")))
ex2r <- refit(ex2, method = "mstep")
Lapply(ex2r, "vcov", 2)
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