Raw File
Tip revision: a26ffe09a1468b328bd0e26e432e5fb1cc334efc authored by Jean Kossaifi on 08 March 2023, 06:36:00 UTC
Merge pull request #491 from braun-steven/feature/logsumexp
Tip revision: a26ffe0
import warnings
from packaging.version import Version

    import torch
except ImportError as error:
    message = (
        "Impossible to import PyTorch.\n"
        "To use TensorLy with the PyTorch backend, "
        "you must first install PyTorch!"
    raise ImportError(message) from error

import numpy as np

from .core import (

linalg_lstsq_avail = Version(torch.__version__) >= Version("1.9.0")

class PyTorchBackend(Backend, backend_name="pytorch"):
    def context(tensor):
        return {
            "dtype": tensor.dtype,
            "device": tensor.device,
            "requires_grad": tensor.requires_grad,

    def tensor(data, dtype=torch.float32, device="cpu", requires_grad=False):
        if isinstance(data, np.ndarray):
            data = data.copy()
        return torch.tensor(
            data, dtype=dtype, device=device, requires_grad=requires_grad

    def to_numpy(tensor):
        if torch.is_tensor(tensor):
            if tensor.requires_grad:
                tensor = tensor.detach()
            if tensor.cuda:
                tensor = tensor.cpu()
            return tensor.numpy()
        elif isinstance(tensor, np.ndarray):
            return tensor
            return np.asarray(tensor)

    def shape(tensor):
        return tuple(tensor.shape)

    def ndim(tensor):
        return tensor.dim()

    def arange(start, stop=None, step=1.0, *args, **kwargs):
        if stop is None:
            return torch.arange(
                start=0.0, end=float(start), step=float(step), *args, **kwargs
            return torch.arange(float(start), float(stop), float(step), *args, **kwargs)

    def clip(tensor, a_min=None, a_max=None, inplace=False):
        if inplace:
            return torch.clip(tensor, a_min, a_max, out=tensor)
            return torch.clip(tensor, a_min, a_max)

    def all(tensor):
        return torch.sum(tensor != 0)

    def transpose(self, tensor, axes=None):
        axes = axes or list(range(self.ndim(tensor)))[::-1]
        return tensor.permute(*axes)

    def copy(tensor):
        return tensor.clone()

    def norm(tensor, order=None, axis=None):
        # pytorch does not accept `None` for any keyword arguments. additionally,
        # pytorch doesn't seems to support keyword arguments in the first place
        kwds = {}
        if axis is not None:
            kwds["dim"] = axis
        if order and order != "inf":
            kwds["p"] = order

        if order == "inf":
            res = torch.max(torch.abs(tensor), **kwds)
            if axis is not None:
                return res[0]  # ignore indices output
            return res
        return torch.norm(tensor, **kwds)

    def dot(a, b):
        if a.ndim > 2 and b.ndim > 2:
            return torch.tensordot(a, b, dims=([-1], [-2]))
        if not a.ndim or not b.ndim:
            return a * b
        return torch.matmul(a, b)

    def tensordot(a, b, axes=2, **kwargs):
        return torch.tensordot(a, b, dims=axes, **kwargs)

    def mean(tensor, axis=None):
        if axis is None:
            return torch.mean(tensor)
            return torch.mean(tensor, dim=axis)

    def sum(tensor, axis=None, keepdims=False):
        if axis is None:
            axis = tuple(range(tensor.ndim))
        return torch.sum(tensor, dim=axis, keepdim=keepdims)

    def max(tensor, axis=None):
        if axis is None:
            return torch.max(tensor)
            return torch.max(tensor, dim=axis)[0]

    def flip(tensor, axis=None):
        if isinstance(axis, int):
            axis = [axis]

        if axis is None:
            return torch.flip(tensor, dims=[i for i in range(tensor.ndim)])
            return torch.flip(tensor, dims=axis)

    def concatenate(tensors, axis=0):
        return, dim=axis)

    def argmin(input, axis=None):
        return torch.argmin(input, dim=axis)

    def argsort(input, axis=None):
        return torch.argsort(input, dim=axis)

    def argmax(input, axis=None):
        return torch.argmax(input, dim=axis)

    def stack(arrays, axis=0):
        return torch.stack(arrays, dim=axis)

    def diag(tensor, k=0):
        return torch.diag(tensor, diagonal=k)

    def sort(tensor, axis):
        if axis is None:
            tensor = tensor.flatten()
            axis = -1

        return torch.sort(tensor, dim=axis).values

    def update_index(tensor, index, values):
        tensor.index_put_(index, values)

    def solve(self, matrix1, matrix2):
        """Legacy only, deprecated from PyTorch 1.8.0

        Solve a linear system of equation

        Previously, this was implemented as follows::
            if self.ndim(matrix2) < 2:
                # Currently, gesv doesn't support vectors for matrix2
                # So we instead solve a least square problem...
                solution, _ = torch.gels(matrix2, matrix1)
                solution, _ = torch.gesv(matrix2, matrix1)
            return solution

        Deprecated from PyTorch 1.8.0
        if self.ndim(matrix2) < 2:
            # Currently, solve doesn't support vectors for matrix2
            solution, _ = torch.solve(matrix2.unsqueeze(1), matrix1)
            solution, _ = torch.solve(matrix2, matrix1)
        return solution

    def lstsq(a, b):
        if linalg_lstsq_avail:
            x, residuals, _, _ = torch.linalg.lstsq(a, b, rcond=None, driver="gelsd")
            return x, residuals
            n = a.shape[1]
            sol = torch.lstsq(b, a)[0]
            x = sol[:n]
            residuals = torch.norm(sol[n:], dim=0) ** 2
            return x, residuals if torch.matrix_rank(a) == n else torch.tensor(
                [], device=x.device

    def eigh(tensor):
        """Legacy only, deprecated from PyTorch 1.8.0"""
        return torch.symeig(tensor, eigenvectors=True)

    def sign(tensor):
        """torch.sign does not support complex numbers."""
        return torch.sgn(tensor)

    def svd(matrix, full_matrices=True):
        some = not full_matrices
        u, s, v = torch.svd(matrix, some=some, compute_uv=True)
        return u, s, v.transpose(-2, -1).conj()

    def logsumexp(tensor, axis=0):
        return torch.logsumexp(tensor, dim=axis)

# Register the other functions
for name in (
    + backend_basic_math
    + backend_array
    + [
    PyTorchBackend.register_method(name, getattr(torch, name))

# PyTorch 1.8.0 has a much better NumPy interface but somoe haven't updated yet
if Version(torch.__version__) < Version("1.8.0"):
    # Old version, will be removed in the future
        f"You are using an old version of PyTorch ({torch.__version__}). "
        "We recommend upgrading to a newest one, e.g. >1.8.0."
    PyTorchBackend.register_method("moveaxis", getattr(torch, "movedim"))
    PyTorchBackend.register_method("qr", getattr(torch, "qr"))

    # New PyTorch NumPy interface
    for name in ["kron", "moveaxis"]:
        PyTorchBackend.register_method(name, getattr(torch, name))

    for name in ["solve", "qr", "svd", "eigh"]:
        PyTorchBackend.register_method(name, getattr(torch.linalg, name))
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