Raw File
Tip revision: 7d3804fe8cf404221981b483d0bdc7503c969e37 authored by Matthew Kolopanis on 29 March 2024, 20:07:46 UTC
update min versions tests
Tip revision: 7d3804f
# -*- mode: python; coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright (c) 2022 Radio Astronomy Software Group
# Licensed under the 2-clause BSD License

"""Tests for MirMetaData class and associated subclasses.

Performs a series of tests on the MirMetaData, and the associated subclasses, which are
the python-based handlers for Mir metadata products. Tests in this module are designed
to probe the functions of the individual class methods and attributes, and not
necessarily how they interact with each other (inside the `MirParser` class) or with
pyuvdata at large (via the `UVData` class).
import os

import numpy as np
import pytest

from ... import tests as uvtest
from import DATA_PATH
from ..mir_meta_data import (

sma_mir_test_file = os.path.join(DATA_PATH, "sma_test.mir")

def mir_in_data_main():
    yield MirInData(sma_mir_test_file)

def mir_in_data(mir_in_data_main):
    yield mir_in_data_main.copy()

def mir_bl_data_main():
    yield MirBlData(sma_mir_test_file)

def mir_bl_data(mir_bl_data_main):
    yield mir_bl_data_main.copy()

def mir_sp_data_main():
    yield MirSpData(sma_mir_test_file)

def mir_sp_data(mir_sp_data_main):
    yield mir_sp_data_main.copy()

def mir_eng_data_main():
    yield MirEngData(sma_mir_test_file)

def mir_eng_data(mir_eng_data_main):
    yield mir_eng_data_main.copy()

def mir_we_data_main():
    yield MirWeData(sma_mir_test_file)

def mir_we_data(mir_we_data_main):
    yield mir_we_data_main.copy()

def mir_codes_data_main():
    yield MirCodesData(sma_mir_test_file)

def mir_codes_data(mir_codes_data_main):
    yield mir_codes_data_main.copy()

def mir_ac_data_main():
    yield MirAcData(sma_mir_test_file, nchunks=8)

def mir_ac_data(mir_ac_data_main):
    yield mir_ac_data_main.copy()

def mir_antpos_data_main():
    yield MirAntposData(sma_mir_test_file)

def mir_antpos_data(mir_antpos_data_main):
    yield mir_antpos_data_main.copy()

def check_meta_init():
    def check_meta_init_func(obj):
        # Create a new object based on the parent class, and check that it initializes
        # as expected (basically, make sure we've got the plumbing all correct).
        obj_list = [sma_mir_test_file, obj._data, obj._data]
        dtype_list = [obj.dtype, obj.dtype, None]
        err_list = ["filename init", "data init w/ dtype", "data init w/o dtype"]
        for target, dtype, err_msg in zip(obj_list, dtype_list, err_list):
            meta_obj = MirMetaData(
            # Now make a placeholder subtype
            new_obj = type(obj)()

            # Plug in the __dict__, which _should_ transfer over all the writable attrs
            new_obj.__dict__ = meta_obj.__dict__

            assert obj == new_obj, "MirMetaData init failed on %s" % err_msg

    yield check_meta_init_func

def check_init_int():
    def check_init_int_func(obj):
        nvals = 156
        new_obj = type(obj)(nvals)
        # Check to make sure that if we pass an int, we get a blank array with the
        # right number of records that contains all zeros (or equiv)
        assert len(new_obj) == nvals, "zero init for %s failed" % obj._filetype
        assert all(new_obj._mask), "zero init mask for %s failed" % obj._filetype
        assert np.array_equal(new_obj._data, np.zeros(nvals, dtype=obj.dtype)), (
            "zero init data for %s failed" % obj._filetype

    yield check_init_int_func

def check_init_data_err():
    def check_init_data_err_func(obj):
        wrong_data = np.arange(201)
        # Make sure we get the error message we expect w/ an unexpected dtype
        with pytest.raises(
            AssertionError, match="ndarray dtype must match object dtype."

    yield check_init_data_err_func

def check_init_data():
    def check_init_data_func(obj):
        # If we have a data array, we should be able to instantiate the an equal object
        assert obj == type(obj)(obj._data), "data init for %s failed" % obj._filetype

    yield check_init_data_func

def check_init(check_meta_init, check_init_int, check_init_data, check_init_data_err):
    def check_init_func(obj, do_meta=True):
        if do_meta:

    yield check_init_func

def check_iter():
    def check_iter_func(obj):
        for idx, item in enumerate(obj):
            assert obj._data[idx] == item

        obj._mask[1::2] = False
        for idx, item in enumerate(obj):
            assert obj._data[2 * idx] == item

    yield check_iter_func

def test_mir_in_data_init(mir_in_data, check_init):
    """Check that the various methods of initializing in_data work as expected"""

def test_mir_bl_data_init(mir_bl_data, check_init):
    """Check that the various methods of initializing bl_data work as expected"""

def test_mir_sp_data_init(mir_sp_data, check_init):
    """Check that the various methods of initializing sp_data work as expected"""

def test_mir_eng_data_init(mir_eng_data, check_init):
    """Check that the various methods of initializing eng_data work as expected"""

def test_mir_we_data_init(mir_we_data, check_init):
    """Check that the various methods of initializing we_data work as expected"""

def test_mir_codes_data_init(mir_codes_data, check_init):
    """Check that the various methods of initializing codes_data work as expected"""

def test_mir_ac_data_init(mir_ac_data, check_init):
    """Check that the various methods of initializing ac_data work as expected"""
    # ac_data is special in that it's read is different from a normal MirMetaData
    # object (due to it being a synthetic set of headers), so skip the meta init check.
    check_init(mir_ac_data, do_meta=False)

def test_mir_antpos_data_init(mir_antpos_data, check_init):
    """Check that the various methods of initializing codes_data work as expected"""
    # antennas is special in that it's read is different from a normal MirMetaData
    # object (due to it being a text vs binary file), so skip the meta init check.
    check_init(mir_antpos_data, do_meta=False)

def test_mir_meta_iter(mir_antpos_data):
    Test that MirMetaData objects iterate as expected, which is that they should yield
    the full group for each index position (similar to ndarray).
    # Test the unflagged case
    for idx, item in enumerate(mir_antpos_data):
        assert mir_antpos_data._data[idx] == item

    # Now the flagged case
    mir_antpos_data._mask[1::2] = False
    for idx, item in enumerate(mir_antpos_data):
        assert mir_antpos_data._data[2 * idx] == item

def test_mir_meta_copy(mir_in_data):
    Verify that the copy operation of MirMetaData produces a duplicate dataset that is
    NOT a reference to the same data in memory.
    other = mir_in_data.copy()
    for item in vars(other):
        this_attr = getattr(mir_in_data, item)
        other_attr = getattr(other, item)

        # Nones str, and tuple can be duplicates, since they're both immutable.
        if not (isinstance(this_attr, (str, tuple)) or this_attr is None):
            assert this_attr is not other_attr

        assert np.all(this_attr == other_attr)

    "comp_obj,err_msg", [[0, "Cannot compare MirInData with int."]]
def test_mir_meta_eq_errs(mir_in_data, comp_obj, err_msg):
    with pytest.raises(ValueError, match=err_msg):

@pytest.mark.parametrize("verbose", [True, False])
@pytest.mark.parametrize("result", [True, False])
def test_mir_meta_eq(mir_sp_data, result, verbose):
    copy_data = mir_sp_data.copy()
    comp_func = copy_data.__eq__ if result else copy_data.__ne__

    assert comp_func(mir_sp_data, verbose=verbose) == result

    # Now muck a single field
    copy_data._data["corrchunk"][::2] = -1
    assert comp_func(mir_sp_data, verbose=verbose) != result
    assert (
        comp_func(mir_sp_data, verbose=verbose, ignore_params=["corrchunk"]) == result

    # Muck the param list to make sure things work okay
    assert (
        comp_func(mir_sp_data, verbose=verbose, ignore_params=["mjd", "corrchunk"])
        == result

    # Make sure that mask diffs are also handled correctly.
    copy_data._mask[::2] = False
    assert comp_func(mir_sp_data, verbose=verbose, use_mask=True) != result

    # Now flag both datasets at the offending position
    mir_sp_data._mask[::2] = False
    assert comp_func(mir_sp_data, verbose=verbose, use_mask=True) == result

    # Check that diff data sizes are handled correctly
    copy_data._data = np.concatenate((copy_data._data, copy_data._data))
    assert comp_func(mir_sp_data, verbose=verbose) != result

    # Test the masks w/ a None
    copy_data._mask = None
    assert comp_func(mir_sp_data, verbose=verbose, use_mask=True) != result

        ["blah", "eq", MirMetaError, "select_field blah not found"],
        ["inhid", "blah", ValueError, "select_comp must be one of:"],
def test_mir_meta_where_errs(mir_in_data, field, op, err_type, err_msg):
    with pytest.raises(err_type, match=err_msg):
        mir_in_data.where(field, op, [1])

@pytest.mark.parametrize("return_keys", [True, False])
        [("corrchunk", "eq", 0), np.arange(0, 20, 5), np.arange(0, 20, 5) + 1],
        [("corrchunk", "==", 0), np.arange(0, 20, 5), np.arange(0, 20, 5) + 1],
        [("blhid", "ne", 4), np.arange(0, 15), np.arange(0, 15) + 1],
        [("blhid", "!=", 4), np.arange(0, 15), np.arange(0, 15) + 1],
        [("inhid", "between", [0, 2]), np.arange(20), np.arange(20) + 1],
        [("fres", "outside", [-1, 1]), np.arange(0, 20, 5), np.arange(0, 20, 5) + 1],
        [("ipq", "lt", [10]), np.arange(20), np.arange(20) + 1],
        [("ipq", "<", [10]), np.arange(20), np.arange(20) + 1],
        [("nch", "le", 4), np.arange(0, 20, 5), np.arange(0, 20, 5) + 1],
        [("nch", "<=", 4), np.arange(0, 20, 5), np.arange(0, 20, 5) + 1],
        [("dataoff", "gt", 0.0), np.arange(1, 20), np.arange(1, 20) + 1],
        [("dataoff", ">", 0.0), np.arange(1, 20), np.arange(1, 20) + 1],
        [("wt", "ge", 0.0), np.arange(20), np.arange(20) + 1],
        [("wt", ">=", 0.0), np.arange(20), np.arange(20) + 1],
def test_mir_meta_where(mir_sp_data, tup, goodidx, headkeys, return_keys):
    where_arr = mir_sp_data.where(*tup, return_header_keys=return_keys)
    assert np.all(where_arr == headkeys) if return_keys else np.all(where_arr[goodidx])

def test_mir_meta_where_mask(mir_sp_data):
    where_arr = mir_sp_data.where("inhid", "eq", 1)
    assert np.all(where_arr)

    mask = np.ones_like(mir_sp_data._mask)
    mask[::2] = False
    where_arr = mir_sp_data.where("inhid", "eq", 1, mask=mask)
    assert not np.any(where_arr[::2])
    assert np.all(where_arr[1::2])

def test_mir_meta_where_multidim(mir_we_data):
    we_mask = mir_we_data.where("flags", "eq", 0)
    assert len(we_mask) == len(mir_we_data)
    assert we_mask.ndim == 1
    assert np.all(we_mask)

def test_mir_meta_where_pseudo_key(mir_eng_data):
    eng_keys = mir_eng_data.where("tsys", "gt", 0, return_header_keys=True)
    assert isinstance(eng_keys, list)
    for key in eng_keys:
        assert isinstance(key, tuple)
        assert key in mir_eng_data._header_key_index_dict

        [{"index": 0, "where": 0}, ValueError, "Only one of index, header_key"],
        [{"index": 0, "use_mask": True}, ValueError, "Cannot set use_mask=True"],
        [{"where": 0}, ValueError, "Argument for where must be either"],
        [{"where": [(0,)]}, ValueError, "Argument for where must be either"],
        [{"where": ("a", "eq", -1)}, MirMetaError, "Argument for where has no match"],
def test_mir_meta_index_query_errs(mir_in_data, kwargs, err_type, err_msg):
    with pytest.raises(err_type, match=err_msg):

        [{"index": [2, 4, 6]}, [2, 4, 6]],
        [{"header_key": [2, 4, 6]}, [1, 3, 5]],
        [{"where": ("inhid", "eq", -1)}, [False] * 20],
        [{"where": ("inhid", "eq", -1), "and_where_args": False}, [True] * 20],
        [{"where": [("inhid", "eq", 1), ("a", "eq", 1)]}, [True] * 20],
def test_mir_meta_index_query(mir_sp_data, arg, output):
    assert np.all(output == mir_sp_data._index_query(**arg))

    [[[0, 1], ValueError, "field_name must either be a str or list of str."]],
def test_mir_meta_get_value_errs(mir_in_data, field_name, err_type, err_msg):
    with pytest.raises(err_type, match=err_msg):

        ["inhid", {}, [1] * 20],
        ["corrchunk", {"index": [0, 5, 10, 15]}, [0] * 4],
        ["blhid", {"where": ("blhid", "eq", 2)}, [2] * 5],
            ["blhid", "sphid"],
            {"index": [1, 4], "return_tuples": False},
            [[1, 1], [2, 5]],
        [["igq", "sphid"], {"index": [0, 3], "return_tuples": True}, [(0, 1), (0, 4)]],
def test_mir_meta_get_value(mir_sp_data, field_name, arg, output):
    assert np.all(
        np.array(output) == np.array(mir_sp_data.get_value(field_name, **arg))

        ["dataoff", 'Values in "dataoff" are typically only used'],
        ["inhid", "Changing fields that tie to header keys can result in"],
        ["blhid", "Changing fields that tie to header keys can result in"],
        ["sphid", "Changing fields that tie to header keys can result in"],
def test_mir_meta_set_value_warns(mir_sp_data, field_name, msg):
    with uvtest.check_warnings(UserWarning, msg):
        mir_sp_data.set_value(field_name, 1)

        ["iant1", {}, 9, [9] * 4],
        ["iant1", {}, [1, 2, 3, 4], [1, 2, 3, 4]],
        ["iant2", {"index": 2}, 9, [4, 4, 9, 4]],
        ["iant2", {"header_key": 4}, 9, [4, 4, 4, 9]],
        ["iant2", {"header_key": 4}, 9, [4, 4, 4, 9]],
        ["u", {"where": ("u", "ne", 0)}, 0, [0, 0, 0, 0]],
def test_mir_meta_set_value(mir_bl_data, field_name, arg, set_value, output):
    mir_bl_copy = mir_bl_data.copy()
    mir_bl_data.set_value(field_name, set_value, **arg)
    assert np.all(mir_bl_data._data[field_name] == output)
    assert np.all(
        mir_bl_data._stored_values[field_name] == mir_bl_copy._data[field_name]

        [{}, True],
        [{"where": ("u", "ne", 0)}, True],
        [{"index": [1, 3]}, [False, True, False, True]],
        [{"header_key": [3, 4, 3]}, [False, False, True, True]],  # Guilty spark
def test_mir_meta_generate_mask(mir_bl_data, arg, output):
    assert np.all(mir_bl_data._generate_mask(**arg) == output)

        [{"reset": True}, True],
        [{"where": (("u", "eq", 0), ("u", "ne", 0))}, False],
            {"where": (("u", "eq", 0), ("u", "ne", 0)), "and_where_args": False},
            [True, False, False, True],
        [{"where": ("u", "ne", 0), "and_mask": False}, True],
        [{"index": [1, 3], "reset": True}, [False, True, False, True]],
        [{"header_key": [3, 4, 3]}, [False, False, False, True]],
            {"mask": [True, False, True, False], "use_mask": False},
            [True, False, False, False],
def test_mir_meta_set_mask(mir_bl_data, arg, output):
    # Set the mask a priori to give us something to compare with.
    mir_bl_data._mask[:] = [True, False, False, True]

    check = mir_bl_data.set_mask(**arg)
    assert np.all(mir_bl_data._mask == output)
    assert ("reset" in arg) or (
        check == np.any(mir_bl_data._mask != [True, False, False, True])

        [{}, [True, False, False, True]],
        [{"where": ("u", "ne", 0)}, [True, False, False, True]],
        [{"index": [1, 3]}, [False, True]],
        [{"header_key": [3, 4, 3]}, [False, True, False]],
def test_mir_meta_get_mask(mir_bl_data, arg, output):
    mir_bl_data._mask[:] = [True, False, False, True]
    assert np.all(mir_bl_data.get_mask(**arg) == output)

        [{}, [1, 2, 3, 4]],
        [{"where": ("u", "ne", 0)}, [1, 2, 3, 4]],
        [{"index": [1, 3]}, [2, 4]],
        [{"index": [1, 3], "force_list": True}, [[2, 4]]],
def test_mir_meta_get_header_keys(mir_bl_data, arg, output):
    assert np.all(np.array(mir_bl_data.get_header_keys(**arg)) == np.array(output))

def test_mir_meta_get_header_pseudo_keys(mir_eng_data):
    assert mir_eng_data.get_header_keys() == [(1, 1), (4, 1)]

def test_mir_meta_set_header_key_index_dict(mir_sp_data):
    for key, value in mir_sp_data._header_key_index_dict.items():
        assert key == (value + 1)

    mir_sp_data._data["sphid"] = np.flip(mir_sp_data._data["sphid"])
    for key, value in mir_sp_data._header_key_index_dict.items():
        assert (20 - key) == value

def test_mir_meta_generate_new_header_keys_err(mir_in_data):
    with pytest.raises(ValueError, match="Both objects must be of the same type."):

def test_mir_meta_generate_new_header_keys_noop(mir_eng_data):
    assert mir_eng_data._generate_new_header_keys(mir_eng_data) == {}

def test_mir_meta_generate_new_header_keys(mir_bl_data):
    update_dict = mir_bl_data._generate_new_header_keys(mir_bl_data)
    assert update_dict == {"blhid": {1: 5, 2: 6, 3: 7, 4: 8}}

def test_mir_meta_sort_by_header_key(mir_bl_data):
    mir_bl_copy = mir_bl_data.copy()
    assert mir_bl_copy == mir_bl_data

    mir_bl_data._data["blhid"] = np.flip(mir_bl_data._data["blhid"])
    assert mir_bl_copy != mir_bl_data
    assert mir_bl_copy._header_key_index_dict == mir_bl_data._header_key_index_dict
    assert np.all(mir_bl_copy._data["blhid"] == mir_bl_copy._data["blhid"])

def test_group_by_err(mir_eng_data):
    with pytest.raises(
        ValueError, match="Cannot specify header_key and set return_index=True."
        mir_eng_data.group_by(["inhid"], header_key=[1, 2, 3], return_index=True)

        ["inhid", {}, True, {}],
        ["inhid", {}, None, {1: list(range(1, 11))}],
        ["inhid", {"use_mask": False}, True, {1: list(range(1, 21))}],
        ["inhid", {}, False, {1: list(range(1, 21))}],
        ["inhid", {"return_index": True}, False, {1: list(range(20))}],
            {"use_mask": False, "header_key": np.arange(1, 6)},
            {1: [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]},
            ["inhid", "corrchunk"],
            {"return_index": True},
                (1, 0): [0, 5, 10, 15],
                (1, 1): [1, 6, 11, 16],
                (1, 2): [2, 7, 12, 17],
                (1, 3): [3, 8, 13, 18],
                (1, 4): [4, 9, 14, 19],
def test_mir_meta_group_by(mir_sp_data, fields, args, mask_data, comp_dict):
    if mask_data:
        mir_sp_data._mask[:] = False
    elif mask_data is None:
        mir_sp_data._mask[10:] = False

    group_dict = mir_sp_data.group_by(fields, **args)

    assert group_dict.keys() == comp_dict.keys()

    for key in group_dict:
        assert np.all(group_dict[key] == comp_dict[key])

def test_mir_meta_reset_values_errs(mir_in_data):
    with pytest.raises(ValueError, match="No stored values for field foo."):

@pytest.mark.parametrize("list_args", [True, False])
def test_mir_meta_reset_values(mir_sp_data, list_args):
    mir_sp_copy = mir_sp_data.copy()
    mir_sp_data["fsky"] = 0
    mir_sp_data["vres"] = 0

    assert mir_sp_data != mir_sp_copy
    assert np.all(mir_sp_data["fsky"] != mir_sp_copy["fsky"])
    assert np.all(mir_sp_data["vres"] != mir_sp_copy["vres"])

    if list_args:
        for item in ["fsky", "vres"]:

    assert mir_sp_data == mir_sp_copy
    assert mir_sp_data._stored_values == {}

def test_mir_meta_reset(mir_sp_data):
    mir_sp_copy = mir_sp_data.copy()
    mir_sp_data["fsky"] = 0
    mir_sp_data["wt"] = 0
    mir_sp_data._mask[:] = False

    assert mir_sp_data != mir_sp_copy

    assert mir_sp_data == mir_sp_copy

        [{1: {1: 1}}, ValueError, "update_dict must have keys that are type str"],
        [{"foo": {1: 2}}, ValueError, "Field group foo not found in this object."],
def test_mir_meta_update_fields_errs(mir_in_data, update_dict, err_type, err_msg):
    with pytest.raises(err_type, match=err_msg):
        mir_in_data._update_fields(update_dict, raise_err=True)

def test_mir_meta_update_fields(mir_bl_data):
    mir_bl_copy = mir_bl_data.copy()
    update_dict = {
        "foo": {1: 1},
        "inhid": {1: 10},
        "blhid": {1: 0},
        ("iant1", "iant2"): {(1, 4): (4, 1)},

    assert mir_bl_data != mir_bl_copy
    assert np.all(mir_bl_data["inhid"] == [10, 10, 10, 10])
    assert np.all(mir_bl_data["blhid"] == [0, 2, 3, 4])
    assert np.all(mir_bl_data["iant1"] == [4, 4, 4, 4])
    assert np.all(mir_bl_data["iant2"] == [1, 1, 1, 1])

def test_mir_meta_write_std_roundtrip(
    mir_in_data, mir_bl_data, mir_sp_data, mir_eng_data, mir_we_data, tmp_path
    """Test a standard roundtrip"""
    for obj in [mir_in_data, mir_bl_data, mir_sp_data, mir_eng_data, mir_we_data]:
        filepath = os.path.join(tmp_path, "meta_write_std_roundtrip")
        new_obj = type(obj)(filepath)
        assert obj == new_obj, "Failed on %s compare" % obj.filetype

def test_mir_meta_write_bdtype_roundtrip(mir_antpos_data, mir_codes_data, tmp_path):
    """Test roundtrip w/ a file whose binary dtype is different than obj dtype"""
    filepath = os.path.join(tmp_path, "meta_write_std_roundtrip")
    for obj in [mir_antpos_data, mir_codes_data]:
        new_obj = type(obj)(filepath)
        assert obj == new_obj, "Failed on %s compare" % obj.filetype

def test_mir_meta_write_synth_roundtrip(mir_ac_data, tmp_path):
    """Test roundtrip w/ a synthetic data type"""
    filepath = os.path.join(tmp_path, "meta_write_std_roundtrip")
    mir_ac_new = MirAcData(filepath)
    assert mir_ac_data == mir_ac_new

def test_mir_meta_write_errs(mir_sp_data, tmp_path):
    filepath = os.path.join(tmp_path, "meta_write_errs")
    mir_sp_data["gunnLO"] = 0.0

    with pytest.raises(FileExistsError, match="File already exists, must set over"):

    with pytest.raises(ValueError, match="Conflicting header keys detected"):
        mir_sp_data.write(filepath, append_data=True, check_index=True)

def test_mir_meta_write_append(mir_sp_data, tmp_path):
    filepath = os.path.join(tmp_path, "meta_write_append")
    new_obj = type(mir_sp_data)()

    # Test the no-op
    mir_sp_data.write(filepath, append_data=True, check_index=True)
    assert mir_sp_data == new_obj

    # Now try writing two separate halves of the data one at a time.
    mir_sp_data._mask[::2] = False
    mir_sp_data.write(filepath, overwrite=True)
    mir_sp_data._mask[::2] = True
    mir_sp_data._mask[1::2] = False
    mir_sp_data.write(filepath, append_data=True, check_index=True)
    mir_sp_data._mask[:] = True

    assert mir_sp_data == new_obj

        ["int_other", {}, ValueError, "Both objects must be of the same type."],
        ["", {"merge": True, "discard_flagged": True}, ValueError, "Cannot both merge"],
        ["muck_key", {"merge": True}, ValueError, "Cannot merge if header keys"],
        ["muck_data", {}, MirMetaError, "Cannot combine objects, as both contain"],
        ["", {"merge": False}, MirMetaError, "Cannot add objects together if merge="],
def test_mir_meta_add_check_errs(mir_sp_data, cmd, args, err_type, err_msg):
    if cmd == "int_other":
        other = 0
        other = mir_sp_data.copy()
        if cmd == "muck_key":
            other._header_key_index_dict[-1] = -1
        elif cmd == "muck_data":
            other["gunnLO"] = -1.0

    with pytest.raises(err_type, match=err_msg):
        mir_sp_data._add_check(other, **args)

        [["noop"], {"merge": True}, [[], [0, 1, 2, 3], [], [True] * 4]],
        [["comb_mod"], {}, [[0], [1, 2, 3], [True], [True] * 3]],
        [["mask_mod"], {}, [[0, 1], [2, 3], [True] * 2, [True] * 2]],
        [["mask_mod"], {"overwrite": True}, [[], [0, 1, 2, 3], [], [True] * 4]],
        [["flip_mod"], {"overwrite": True}, [[], [0, 1, 2, 3], [], [True] * 4]],
def test_mir_meta_add_check_merge(mir_bl_data, args, cmd, comp_results):
    mir_bl_copy = mir_bl_data.copy()
    # Use this as a way to mark the copy as altered
    if "comb_mod" in cmd:
        mir_bl_copy._data["u"][0] = 0.0
        mir_bl_copy._mask[0] = False
        mir_bl_data._data["u"][2] = 0.0
        mir_bl_data._mask[2] = False
    elif "flip_mod" in cmd:
        mir_bl_data["u"] = 0.0
    elif "noop" not in cmd:
        mir_bl_copy["u"] = 0.0

    if "mask_mod" in cmd:
        mir_bl_copy._mask[0:2] = False
        mir_bl_data._mask[2:4] = False

    result_tuple = mir_bl_data._add_check(mir_bl_copy, **args)
    for item, jtem in zip(result_tuple, comp_results):
        assert np.array_equal(item, jtem)

        [["partial"], [[0, 1, 2, 3], [2, 3], [True] * 4, [False] * 2]],
        [["partial", "flip"], [[2, 3], [0, 1, 2, 3], [False] * 2, [True] * 4]],
        [["full"], [[0, 1, 2, 3], [0, 1, 2, 3], [True] * 4, [False] * 4]],
        [["full", "flip"], [[0, 1, 2, 3], [0, 1, 2, 3], [False] * 4, [True] * 4]],
def test_mir_meta_add_check_concat(mir_bl_data, cmd, comp_results):
    mir_bl_copy = mir_bl_data.copy()
    # Use this as a way to mark the copy as altered
    if "partial" in cmd:
        mir_bl_copy._data["blhid"][2:4] = [7, 8]
    elif "full" in cmd:
        mir_bl_copy._data["blhid"][:] = [5, 6, 7, 8]

    mir_bl_copy._mask[:] = False

    if "flip" in cmd:
        result_tuple = mir_bl_copy._add_check(mir_bl_data)
        result_tuple = mir_bl_data._add_check(mir_bl_copy)

    for item, jtem in zip(result_tuple, comp_results):
        assert np.array_equal(item, jtem)

def test_mir_meta_add_errs(mir_in_data):
    with pytest.raises(ValueError, match="Both objects must be of the same type."):
        mir_in_data += 0

@pytest.mark.parametrize("this_none", [True, False])
@pytest.mark.parametrize("other_none", [True, False])
@pytest.mark.parametrize("method", ["__add__", "__iadd__"])
def test_mir_meta_add_none(mir_in_data, this_none, other_none, method):
    this = mir_in_data.copy(skip_data=this_none)
    other = mir_in_data.copy(skip_data=other_none)

    result = getattr(this, method)(other)

    if this_none and other_none:
        assert (this == result) and (other == result)
        assert mir_in_data == result

@pytest.mark.parametrize("method", ["__add__", "__iadd__"])
def test_mir_meta_add_concat(mir_bl_data, method):
    mir_bl_copy = mir_bl_data.copy()
    mir_bl_copy._data["blhid"] = [1, 3, 5, 7]
    mir_bl_copy._data["u"] = [15, 16, 17, 18]
    mir_bl_copy._mask[:] = [True] * 4

    mir_bl_data._data["blhid"] = [2, 4, 6, 8]
    mir_bl_data._data["u"] = [11, 12, 13, 14]
    mir_bl_data._mask[:] = [False] * 4

    result = getattr(mir_bl_data, method)(mir_bl_copy)
    if method == "__iadd__":
        assert mir_bl_data is result

    assert np.all(result._data["u"] == np.arange(11, 19))
    assert np.all(~result._mask[:4])
    assert np.all(result._mask[4:])

def test_mir_sp_recalc_dataoff(mir_sp_data: MirSpData):
    dataoff_arr = mir_sp_data["dataoff"].copy()

    # Now update one mask position, a pseudo-cont record
    pseudo_rec_size = 18
    mir_sp_data._mask[0] = False
    mir_sp_data._recalc_dataoff(data_dtype=NEW_VIS_DTYPE, data_nvals=2, scale_data=True)
    assert np.all(mir_sp_data["dataoff"] == (dataoff_arr[1:] - pseudo_rec_size))

    # Now flag all the pseudo-cont records
    mir_sp_data._mask[[0, 5, 10, 15]] = False
    mir_sp_data._recalc_dataoff(data_dtype=NEW_VIS_DTYPE, data_nvals=2, scale_data=True)
    assert np.all(
        == np.concatenate(
                dataoff_arr[1:5] - (1 * pseudo_rec_size),
                dataoff_arr[6:10] - (2 * pseudo_rec_size),
                dataoff_arr[11:15] - (3 * pseudo_rec_size),
                dataoff_arr[16:20] - (4 * pseudo_rec_size),

    # Finally, ignore the mask when doing dataoff and make sure it returns correctly
        data_dtype=NEW_VIS_DTYPE, data_nvals=2, scale_data=True, use_mask=False
    assert np.all(mir_sp_data._data["dataoff"] == dataoff_arr)

def test_mir_meta_get_record_size_info_errs():
    with pytest.raises(TypeError, match="Cannot use this method on objects other than"):

    [["sp_data", 4, 2, ([18] + ([65538] * 4)) * 4], ["ac_data", 4, 0, [65536] * 32]],
def test_mir_meta_get_record_size_info(
    mir_sp_data, mir_ac_data, attr, val_size, pad_size, rec_size_arr
    if attr == "sp_data":
        attr_obj = mir_sp_data
    elif attr == "ac_data":
        attr_obj = mir_ac_data

    comp_rec_size = attr_obj._get_record_size_info(val_size=val_size, pad_size=pad_size)
    assert np.array_equal(comp_rec_size, rec_size_arr)

@pytest.mark.parametrize("reindex", [True, False])
@pytest.mark.parametrize("use_mask", [True, False])
@pytest.mark.parametrize("mod_mask", [True, False])
def test_mir_meta_generate_recpos_dict(
    mir_sp_data: MirSpData, reindex, use_mask, mod_mask
    if mod_mask:
        mir_sp_data._mask[::2] = False

    dataoff_arr = mir_sp_data.get_value("dataoff", use_mask=use_mask).astype(int) // 2
    rec_size_arr = (mir_sp_data.get_value("nch", use_mask=use_mask).astype(int) * 2) + 1

    if use_mask and mod_mask and reindex:
        dataoff_arr = np.cumsum(rec_size_arr) - rec_size_arr

    int_dict, sp_dict = mir_sp_data._generate_recpos_dict(
    assert int_dict == {
        1: {
            "inhid": 1,
            "record_size": 1048680 // (1 + (use_mask and mod_mask and reindex)),
            "record_start": 0,
    for key in int_dict:
        sp_dict = sp_dict[key]
        for value, dataoff, recsize in zip(sp_dict.values(), dataoff_arr, rec_size_arr):
            assert value["start_idx"] == dataoff
            assert value["end_idx"] == dataoff + recsize
            assert value["chan_avg"] == 1

    assert list(mir_sp_data.get_value("sphid", use_mask=use_mask)) == list(sp_dict)

def test_mir_codes_get_code_names(mir_codes_data):
    assert sorted(mir_codes_data.get_code_names()) == sorted(

        [(0, 0, 0), {}, MirMetaError, "select_field must either be one of the native"],
        [("source", "gt", 0), {}, ValueError, 'select_comp must be "eq", "==", "ne"'],
def test_mir_codes_where_errs(mir_codes_data, args, kwargs, err_type, err_msg):
    with pytest.raises(err_type, match=err_msg):
        mir_codes_data.where(*args, **kwargs)

        [("source", "eq", "3c84"), {}, [1]],
        [("pol", "ne", ["hh", "vv"]), {}, [2, 3]],
        [("tel1", "eq", [1, 5, 8]), {}, [1, 5, 8]],
            ("vrad", "eq", "         0.0"),
            {"return_header_keys": False},
            (92 * [False]) + [True] + (6 * [False]),
        [("rec", "eq", 230), {}, [0]],
def test_mir_codes_where(mir_codes_data, args, kwargs, output):
    assert np.all(output == mir_codes_data.where(*args, **kwargs))

def test_mir_codes_get_item_err(mir_codes_data):
    with pytest.raises(MirMetaError, match="foo does not match any code or field"):

        ["filever", ["3"]],
        ["source", {1: "3c84", "3c84": 1}],
        ["sb", {"l": 0, "u": 1, 0: "l", 1: "u"}],
        ["ut", {"Jul 24 2020  4:34:39.00PM": 1, 1: "Jul 24 2020  4:34:39.00PM"}],
def test_mir_codes_get_item(mir_codes_data, vname, output):
    assert output == mir_codes_data[vname]

@pytest.mark.parametrize("name", ["v_name", "icode", "code", "ncode"])
def test_mir_codes_get_item_dtype(mir_codes_data, name):
    assert np.all(mir_codes_data[name] == mir_codes_data._data[name])

def test_mir_codes_generate_new_header_keys_errs_and_warns(mir_codes_data):
    # This _could_ be parameterized, although each test is so customized that
    # it's easier to code this as a single passthrough.
    with pytest.raises(ValueError, match="Both objects must be of the same type."):

    mir_codes_copy = mir_codes_data.copy()
    mir_codes_copy.set_value("code", "1", where=("v_name", "eq", "filever"))
    with pytest.raises(ValueError, match="The codes for filever in codes_read"):

    mir_codes_copy.set_value("code", "3", where=("v_name", "eq", "filever"))

    mir_codes_copy.set_value("code", ["3", "4", "5"], where=("v_name", "eq", "aq"))
    with uvtest.check_warnings(UserWarning, "Codes for aq not in the recognized list"):
        check_dict = mir_codes_data._generate_new_header_keys(mir_codes_copy)

    assert list(check_dict) == [("v_name", "icode")]
    check_dict = check_dict[("v_name", "icode")]
    assert check_dict == {
        ("aq", 0): ("aq", 3),
        ("aq", 1): ("aq", 4),
        ("aq", 2): ("aq", 5),

        [("source", 1, "3c84", 0), {}],
            ("source", 1, "3c279", 0),
                "isource": {1: 2},
                ("v_name", "icode"): {
                    ("source", 1): ("source", 2),
                    ("stype", 1): ("stype", 2),
                    ("svtype", 1): ("svtype", 2),
            ("stype", 1, "ephem", 0),
                "isource": {1: 2},
                ("v_name", "icode"): {
                    ("source", 1): ("source", 2),
                    ("stype", 1): ("stype", 2),
                    ("svtype", 1): ("svtype", 2),
            ("project", 2, "retune", 0),
            {"iproject": {2: 1}, ("v_name", "icode"): {("project", 2): ("project", 1)}},
        [("project", 2, "do_a_thing", 0), {}],
def test_mir_codes_generate_new_header_keys(mir_codes_data, code_row, update_dict):
    mir_codes_copy = mir_codes_data.copy()
    mir_codes_copy._data[mir_codes_data.where("v_name", "eq", code_row[0])] = code_row

    assert update_dict == mir_codes_copy._generate_new_header_keys(mir_codes_data)

@pytest.mark.parametrize("nchunks", [None, 1])
def test_mir_acdata_read_warn(mir_ac_data: MirAcData, nchunks):
    mir_ac_data._nchunks = nchunks
    with uvtest.check_warnings(
        UserWarning, "Auto-correlation records appear to be the incorrect size"

def test_mir_acdata_new_write(mir_ac_data, tmp_path):
    filepath = os.path.join(tmp_path, "meta_ac_read_write")
    mir_ac_copy = mir_ac_data.copy()


    assert mir_ac_data == mir_ac_copy

def test_mir_make_key_mask_cipher(mir_ac_data, mir_eng_data):
    assert np.array_equal(
        mir_eng_data._make_key_mask(mir_ac_data, use_cipher=False),

def test_mir_make_key_mask(mir_in_data, mir_bl_data, mir_sp_data):
    assert not mir_in_data._make_key_mask(mir_bl_data)
    assert not mir_in_data._make_key_mask(mir_sp_data)
    assert not mir_bl_data._make_key_mask(mir_sp_data)
    assert not mir_in_data._make_key_mask(mir_in_data)
    assert not mir_bl_data._make_key_mask(mir_bl_data)
    assert not mir_sp_data._make_key_mask(mir_sp_data)

    # Modify the mask for baselines
    mir_bl_data._mask[::2] = False

    # in_data mask should not change
    assert not mir_in_data._make_key_mask(mir_bl_data)

    # But sp_data mask should!
    assert mir_sp_data._make_key_mask(mir_bl_data, reverse=True)

    assert np.array_equal(mir_sp_data["sphid"], [6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20])

    # Finally, set the single integration as bad, and make sure it cascades down
    mir_in_data._mask[:] = False
    mir_bl_data._make_key_mask(mir_in_data, reverse=True)
    mir_sp_data._make_key_mask(mir_bl_data, reverse=True)

    assert not any(mir_in_data._mask)
    assert not any(mir_bl_data._mask)
    assert not any(mir_sp_data._mask)

def test_bad_codes(mir_codes_data, tmp_path):
    filepath = os.path.join(tmp_path, "bad_codes")
    bad_codes_copy = mir_codes_data.copy()

    # Simulate a bad data entry, based on real life examples...
    bad_codes_copy._data = bad_codes_copy._data.astype(mir_codes_data._binary_dtype)
    bad_codes_copy._data[0][0] = b"filever\x00\xca"

    new_codes = MirCodesData(filepath)
    assert mir_codes_data == new_codes

        [None, {}, ValueError, "filepath must be of type str."],
        [False, {}, FileNotFoundError, "No file found"],
        [True, {"invert_check": True}, FileExistsError, "File already exists"],
def test_gen_filepath_errs(tmp_path, has_file, kwargs, err_type, err_msg):
    mir_meta_obj = MirMetaData(filetype="test")
    if has_file:
        with open(os.path.join(tmp_path, "test"), "a"):

    if has_file is not None:
        # Make sure nothing happens if the check is disabled.
        mir_meta_obj._gen_filepath(filepath=str(tmp_path), check=False, **kwargs)

    # Finally, check for the error
    with pytest.raises(err_type, match=err_msg):
            filepath=None if has_file is None else str(tmp_path), **kwargs
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