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Tip revision: fae23a542244b7f568210eff1ea74149028b49e1 authored by alex@thinkpad on 30 April 2018, 11:10:58 UTC
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Tip revision: fae23a5
ML Coding Style

Please use the script in the scripts
directory to check your changes before commiting.

1. Whitespace

ML indents are four spaces. Tabs are never used, except in Makefiles
where they have been irreversibly coded into the syntax.

Do not leave whitespace dangling off the ends of lines.

2. Line width

Lines are 80 characters; not longer.

3. Line ending Style

Use Unix line ending style (LF).

Setup your text editor to use Unix line endings or use
dos2unix-like software.

4. Naming

Variables are lower_case_with_underscores.

5. Block structure

a1ex following the Allman indent style

Here is an example:

    if (i < 4)
        /* here we go again... */
        /* or... not? */
        NotifyBox(2000, "Whoops");
        goto end;

You can use the Artistic Style software (
to beautify your code according to the Allman style:

 astyle --style=allman <file_name.c>
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