Raw File
Tip revision: 22238632e9e49f207595ed03024791b4c5834beb authored by Bilal Fakhouri on 02 July 2018, 22:58:09 UTC
crop_rec.c Added new preset "mv1080 in EOS M" it's worked for patching mv1080 into mv720 in Canon 700D ,, and the two cameras shares the same values but it didn't work for EOS M the resolution stayed 1736x696 unlike in canon 700D 1736x1158 .
Tip revision: 2223863
 * Auto ETTR (Expose To The Right).
 * Optimize the exposure for raw shooting (photo + video).

#include <module.h>
#include <dryos.h>
#include <property.h>
#include <bmp.h>
#include <menu.h>
#include <config.h>
#include <raw.h>
#include <lens.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <zebra.h>
#include <shoot.h>
#include <fps.h>
#include <focus.h>
#include <beep.h>
#include <histogram.h>
#include <console.h>

/* interface with dual ISO */
#include "../dual_iso/dual_iso.h" 

static CONFIG_INT("auto.ettr", auto_ettr, 0);
static CONFIG_INT("auto.ettr.trigger", auto_ettr_trigger, 2);
static CONFIG_INT("auto.ettr.ignore", auto_ettr_ignore, 1);
static CONFIG_INT("auto.ettr.level", auto_ettr_target_level, -1);
static CONFIG_INT("", auto_ettr_max_shutter, 88);
static CONFIG_INT("auto.ettr.clip", auto_ettr_clip, 0);
static CONFIG_INT("auto.ettr.mode", auto_ettr_adjust_mode, 0);
static CONFIG_INT("auto.ettr.midtone.snr", auto_ettr_midtone_snr_limit, 6);
static CONFIG_INT("auto.ettr.shadow.snr", auto_ettr_shadow_snr_limit, 2);
static CONFIG_INT("auto.ettr.dual.iso", auto_ettr_dual_iso_link, 1);
static CONFIG_INT("auto.ettr.allow.beeps", auto_ettr_allow_beeps, 1);

static int debug_info = 0;
static int show_metered_areas = 0;

#define AUTO_ETTR_TRIGGER_ALWAYS_ON (auto_ettr_trigger == 0 || is_intervalometer_running())
#define AUTO_ETTR_TRIGGER_AUTO_SNAP (auto_ettr_trigger == 1)
#define AUTO_ETTR_TRIGGER_BY_SET (auto_ettr_trigger == 2)
#define AUTO_ETTR_TRIGGER_BY_HALFSHUTTER_DBLCLICK (auto_ettr_trigger == 3)

#define IS_EOS_M (camera_model_id == MODEL_EOS_M)

/* status codes */
#define ETTR_SETTLED 1

/** Some cameras do not have raw liveview **/
extern WEAK_FUNC(ret_0) void raw_lv_request();
extern WEAK_FUNC(ret_0) void raw_lv_release();
extern WEAK_FUNC(ret_0) int  raw_lv_is_enabled();
// allow compiling module if FEATURE_RAW_ZEBRAS is undefined
extern WEAK_FUNC(ret_0) void zebra_highlight_raw_advanced(struct raw_highlight_info * raw_highlight_info);

/* optional beeps */
static void ettr_beep()
    if (auto_ettr_allow_beeps)

static void ettr_beep_times(int n)
    if (auto_ettr_allow_beeps)

static int ettr_get_current_long_exposure_time()
    int seconds = menu_get_value_from_script("Bulb Timer", "Exposure duration");
    return seconds;

static int ettr_get_current_raw_shutter()
    if (is_bulb_mode())
        return shutterf_to_raw(ettr_get_current_long_exposure_time());
        return lens_info.raw_shutter;

static int auto_ettr_get_long_exposure_time(int raw_shutter)
    /* full-stops will be rounded to minutes, otherwise we get funny times like 91 seconds */
    int seconds = (int)roundf(30.0 * powf(2.0, (16.0 - raw_shutter)/8.0));
    /* things like 21 or 19 get rounded */
    int s = (seconds % 60) % 10;
    if (s == 1 || s == 3) {
    } else if (s == 7 || s == 9) {
    return seconds;

static const char * ettr_format_shutter(int raw_shutter)
    if (raw_shutter >= SHUTTER_30s)
        return lens_format_shutter(raw_shutter);
        int seconds = auto_ettr_get_long_exposure_time(raw_shutter);
        return format_time_hours_minutes_seconds(seconds);

static char* get_current_exposure_settings()
    static char msg[50];
    int iso1 = lens_info.iso_analog_raw;
    snprintf(msg, sizeof(msg), "ISO %d", raw2iso(iso1));
    int iso2 = dual_iso_get_recovery_iso();
    if (iso2 && iso2 != iso1)
        STR_APPEND(msg, "/%d", raw2iso(iso2));
    if (is_bulb_mode())
        /* note: using ettr_format_shutter here introduces roundoff errors of a few seconds */
        int seconds = ettr_get_current_long_exposure_time();
        STR_APPEND(msg, " %s", format_time_hours_minutes_seconds(seconds));
        STR_APPEND(msg, " %s", lens_format_shutter(lens_info.raw_shutter));
    return msg;

static int extra_snr_needed = 0;

/* metering on dual ISO images can be affected by black level delta */
/* ideally, ev_hi = ev_lo + ev_delta, so we'll try to find a black level delta that matches this */
/* => solve this: raw_to_ev(raw_value_hi - black_delta) = raw_to_ev(raw_value_lo + black_delta) + ev_delta */
static int guess_black_delta(int raw_value_lo, int raw_value_hi, float ev_delta)
    float best_err = 100000;
    int best_black_delta = 0;
    for (int black_delta = -40; black_delta <= 40; black_delta++)
        float err = ABS(raw_to_ev(raw_value_hi - black_delta) - raw_to_ev(raw_value_lo + black_delta) - ev_delta);
        if (err < best_err)
            best_err = err;
            best_black_delta = black_delta;
    return best_black_delta;

/* also used for display on histogram */
static int auto_ettr_get_correction()
    static int last_value = INT_MIN;
    /* this is kinda slow, don't run it very often */
    static int aux = INT_MIN;
    if (!lv && !should_run_polling_action(100, &aux) && last_value != INT_MIN)
        return last_value;
    int gray_proj = 
        auto_ettr_clip == 0 ? GRAY_PROJECTION_MAX_RGB :
        auto_ettr_clip == 1 ? GRAY_PROJECTION_MAX_RB :
        auto_ettr_clip == 2 ? GRAY_PROJECTION_MEDIAN_RGB : -1;
    /* compute the raw levels for more percentile values; will help if the image is overexposed */
    /* if it's not, we'll use only the first value (the one from menu) */
    int percentiles[13] = {(1000 - auto_ettr_ignore), 950, 900, 800, 750, 700, 600, 500, 300, 200, 150, 100, 50};

    int raw_values[COUNT(percentiles)];
    static float diff_from_lower_percentiles[COUNT(percentiles)-1] = {0};

    int speed = 1; /* 1 = examine each LiveView pixel (720x480); 2 = downsample by 2 and so on */
    if (lv)
        /* if highlight ignore is off, we have to look carefully */
        /* otherwise, the meter is not that sensitive and can be a little faster */
        speed = auto_ettr_ignore ? 4 : 2;

    int ok = raw_hist_get_percentile_levels(percentiles, raw_values, COUNT(percentiles), gray_proj | GRAY_PROJECTION_DARK_ONLY, speed);
    if (ok != 1)
        last_value = INT_MIN;
        return last_value;
    float ev = raw_to_ev(raw_values[0]);
    int raw_median_lo = raw_values[7];  /* 50th percentile (median) */
    int raw_shadow_lo = raw_values[12]; /* 5th percentile */
    int raw_highlight_lo = raw_values[0]; /* "highlight ignore" percentile */
    float ev_median_lo = raw_to_ev(raw_median_lo);
    float ev_shadow_lo = raw_to_ev(raw_shadow_lo);
    int dual_iso = auto_ettr_dual_iso_link && dual_iso_is_active();
    float ev_median_hi = ev_median_lo;
    float ev_shadow_hi = ev_shadow_lo; /* for dual ISO: for the bright exposure */
    if (dual_iso)
        /* for dual ISO only:*/
        /* we have metered the dark exposure (since ETTR is pushing that to the right), now meter the bright one too */

        /* EV difference between the two ISOs (from settings) */
        float dual_iso_spacing = ABS(dual_iso_get_recovery_iso() - lens_info.iso_analog_raw) / 8.0;

        if (lv && !is_movie_mode())
            /* photo LV (only one exposure) */
            /* estimate it from settings */
            int rec_iso = dual_iso_get_recovery_iso();
            if (rec_iso > (int)lens_info.iso_analog_raw) /* we are looking at the dark exposure */
                ev_median_hi = MIN(ev_median_lo + dual_iso_spacing, 0); /* you can't get whiter than white */
                ev_shadow_hi = MIN(ev_shadow_lo + dual_iso_spacing, 0);
            else /* we are looking at the bright exposure */
                ev_median_hi = ev_median_lo - dual_iso_spacing;
                ev_shadow_hi = ev_shadow_lo - dual_iso_spacing;
                float aux = ev_median_hi; ev_median_hi = ev_median_lo; ev_median_lo = aux;
                aux = ev_shadow_hi; ev_shadow_hi = ev_shadow_lo; ev_shadow_lo = aux;
            /* photo non-LV and movie */
            int percentiles_hi[2] = {500, 50};
            int raw_values_hi[2];
            raw_hist_get_percentile_levels(percentiles_hi, raw_values_hi, COUNT(percentiles_hi), gray_proj | GRAY_PROJECTION_BRIGHT_ONLY, 4);
            int raw_median_hi = raw_values_hi[0];  /* 50th percentile (median) */
            int raw_shadow_hi = raw_values_hi[1]; /* 5th percentile */

            /* signal level for the higher exposure must be equal to signal level for the lower exposure plus dual ISO spacing (EV) */
            /* if it's not, it's very likely to be a large black level difference messing with our formulas */
            /* let's try to fight it! */

            /* compute it from shadow levels, because this is where black delta has the largest effect */
            /* if you compute it from median, shadow may be still wrong by 1-2 EV */
            /* if you compute it from shadow, median may be wrong by only 0.1 - 0.2 EV - much better! */
            int black_delta = guess_black_delta(raw_shadow_lo, raw_shadow_hi, dual_iso_spacing);

            ev_median_lo = raw_to_ev(raw_median_lo + black_delta);
            ev_shadow_lo = raw_to_ev(raw_shadow_lo + black_delta);

            ev_median_hi = raw_to_ev(raw_median_hi - black_delta);
            ev_shadow_hi = raw_to_ev(raw_shadow_hi - black_delta);

            if (debug_info)
                int gap_med = (ev_median_hi - ev_median_lo) * 100;
                int gap_shad = (ev_shadow_hi - ev_shadow_lo) * 100;
                printf("Black delta  : %d (EV gap mid:%s%d.%02d shad:%s%d.%02d)\n", black_delta, FMT_FIXEDPOINT2(gap_med), FMT_FIXEDPOINT2(gap_shad));

    if (show_metered_areas)
        /* show where exactly are those percentiles */
        bmp_printf(FONT(FONT_SMALL, COLOR_WHITE, COLOR_BLUE),   0, 20, "Shadows    5%%   ");
        bmp_printf(FONT(FONT_SMALL, COLOR_WHITE, COLOR_ORANGE), 0, 32, "Midtones   50%%  ");
        int hp = (1000 - auto_ettr_ignore);
        bmp_printf(FONT(FONT_SMALL, COLOR_WHITE, COLOR_RED),    0, 44, "Highlights%3d.%d%%", hp/10, hp%10);
            (struct raw_highlight_info [])
                    .raw_level_lo = 0,
                    .raw_level_hi = raw_shadow_lo,
                    .color = COLOR_BLUE,
                    .line_type = ZEBRA_LINE_SIMPLE,
                    .fill_type = ZEBRA_FILL_DIAG,
                    .gray_projection = gray_proj | GRAY_PROJECTION_DARK_ONLY,
                    .raw_level_lo = raw_median_lo,
                    .raw_level_hi = raw_median_lo,
                    .color = COLOR_ORANGE,
                    .line_type = ZEBRA_LINE_SIMPLE,
                    .gray_projection = gray_proj | GRAY_PROJECTION_DARK_ONLY,
                    .raw_level_lo = raw_highlight_lo,
                    .raw_level_hi = 16384,
                    .color = COLOR_RED,
                    .line_type = ZEBRA_LINE_SIMPLE,
                    .fill_type = ZEBRA_FILL_DIAG,
                    .gray_projection = gray_proj | GRAY_PROJECTION_DARK_ONLY,

    //~ bmp_printf(FONT_MED, 50, 200, "%d ", MEMX(0xc0f08030));
    float target = MIN(auto_ettr_target_level, -0.5);
    float correction = target - ev;
    float overexposed_percentage = 0;
    if (ev < -0.1)
        /* cool, we know exactly how much to correct, we'll return "correction" */
        /* save data for helping with future overexposed shots */
        for (int k = 0; k < COUNT(percentiles)-1; k++)
            diff_from_lower_percentiles[k] = ev - raw_to_ev(raw_values[k+1]);
        if (debug_info) printf("overexposure hints: %d %d %d\n", (int)(diff_from_lower_percentiles[0] * 100), (int)(diff_from_lower_percentiles[1] * 100), (int)(diff_from_lower_percentiles[2] * 100));
        /* image is overexposed */
        /* and we don't know how much to go back in order to fix the overexposure */

        /* we can find out how many pixels are clipped, but this doesn't help much in knowing how many stops we should go back */
        overexposed_percentage = raw_hist_get_overexposure_percentage(GRAY_PROJECTION_AVERAGE_RGB | GRAY_PROJECTION_DARK_ONLY) / 100.0;
        if (debug_info) printf("overexposure area: %s%d.%d%%\n", FMT_FIXEDPOINT2((int)(overexposed_percentage * 100)));

        /* from the previous shot, we know where the highlights were, compared to some lower percentiles */
        /* let's assume this didn't change; meter at those percentiles and extrapolate the result */

        int num = 0;
        float sum = 0;
        float min = 100000;
        float max = -100000;
        for (int k = 0; k < COUNT(percentiles)-1; k++)
            if (diff_from_lower_percentiles[k] > 0)
                float lower_ev = raw_to_ev(raw_values[k+1]);
                if (lower_ev < -0.1)
                    /* if the scene didn't change, we should be spot on */
                    /* don't update the correction hints, since we don't know exactly where we are */
                    ev = lower_ev + diff_from_lower_percentiles[k];
                    /* we need to get a stronger correction than with the overexposed metering */
                    /* otherwise, the scene probably changed */
                    if (target - ev < correction)
                        float corr = target - ev;
                        min = MIN(min, corr);
                        max = MAX(max, corr);
                        /* first estimations are more reliable, weight them a bit more */
                        sum += corr * (COUNT(percentiles) - k);
                        num += (COUNT(percentiles) - k);
                        //~ msleep(500);
                        printf("overexposure fix: k=%d diff=%d ev=%d corr=%d\n", k, (int)(diff_from_lower_percentiles[k] * 100), (int)(ev * 100), (int)(corr * 100));

        /* use the average value for correction */
        correction = sum / num;
        if (num < 3 || max - correction > 1 || correction - min > 1 || correction > -1)
            /* scene changed? measurements from previous shot not confirmed or vary too much?
             * we'll use a heuristic: for 1% of blown out image, go back 1EV, for 100% go back 13EV */
            printf("fail info: (%d %d %d %d) (%d %d %d)\n", raw_values[0], raw_values[1], raw_values[2], raw_values[3], (int)(diff_from_lower_percentiles[0] * 100), (int)(diff_from_lower_percentiles[1] * 100), (int)(diff_from_lower_percentiles[2] * 100));
            float corr = - log2f(1 + overexposed_percentage*overexposed_percentage);
            /* with dual ISO, the cost of underexposing is not that high, so prefer it to improve convergence */
            if (dual_iso)
                corr *= 3;
            correction = MIN(correction, corr);
            /* we can't really meter more than 10 EV */
            correction = MAX(correction, -10);

    int iso1 = lens_info.iso_analog_raw;
    int iso2 = iso1;
    if (dual_iso) iso2 = dual_iso_get_recovery_iso();
    int iso_hi = MAX(iso1, iso2);
    int iso_lo = MIN(iso1, iso2);
    float dr_lo = get_dxo_dynamic_range(iso_lo) / 100.0;
    float dr_hi = get_dxo_dynamic_range(iso_hi) / 100.0;

    if (debug_info)
        if (dual_iso)
            float midtone_snr_lo = dr_lo + ev_median_lo;
            float shadow_snr_lo = dr_lo + ev_shadow_lo;
            int mid_snr_lo = (int)roundf(midtone_snr_lo * 10);
            int shad_snr_lo = (int)roundf(shadow_snr_lo * 10);
            float midtone_snr_hi = dr_hi + ev_median_hi;
            float shadow_snr_hi = dr_hi + ev_shadow_hi;
            int mid_snr_hi = (int)roundf(midtone_snr_hi * 10);
            int shad_snr_hi = (int)roundf(shadow_snr_hi * 10);
            printf("Midtone SNR  : %s%d.%d / %s%d.%d EV\n", FMT_FIXEDPOINT1(mid_snr_lo), FMT_FIXEDPOINT1(mid_snr_hi));
            printf("Shadows SNR  : %s%d.%d / %s%d.%d EV\n", FMT_FIXEDPOINT1(shad_snr_lo), FMT_FIXEDPOINT1(shad_snr_hi));
            float midtone_snr = dr_lo + ev_median_lo;
            float shadow_snr = dr_lo + ev_shadow_lo;
            int mid_snr = (int)roundf(midtone_snr * 10);
            int shad_snr = (int)roundf(shadow_snr * 10);
            printf("Midtone SNR  : %s%d.%d EV\n", FMT_FIXEDPOINT1(mid_snr));
            printf("Shadows SNR  : %s%d.%d EV\n", FMT_FIXEDPOINT1(shad_snr));
        int clipped = raw_hist_get_overexposure_percentage(GRAY_PROJECTION_AVERAGE_RGB | GRAY_PROJECTION_DARK_ONLY);
        printf("Clipped highs: %s%d.%02d%%\n", FMT_FIXEDPOINT2(clipped));

    if (overexposed_percentage > 0 && (auto_ettr_midtone_snr_limit || auto_ettr_shadow_snr_limit) && !dual_iso)
        /* if the image is overexposed and we have SNR limits, we could meter for those instead */
        /* don't underexpose by more than 2 EV in one step though */
        correction -= 2;

    /* are we underexposing too much? */
    float correction0 = correction;
    if (lens_info.raw_iso && (auto_ettr_midtone_snr_limit || auto_ettr_shadow_snr_limit))
        float midtone_snr = dr_lo + ev_median_lo;
        float shadow_snr = dr_lo + ev_shadow_lo;

        if (auto_ettr_midtone_snr_limit)
            float midtone_expected_snr = midtone_snr + correction0;
            int midtone_desired_snr = auto_ettr_midtone_snr_limit;

            if (midtone_expected_snr < midtone_desired_snr)
                correction = MAX(correction, correction0 + midtone_desired_snr - midtone_expected_snr);

        if (auto_ettr_shadow_snr_limit)
            float shadow_expected_snr = shadow_snr + correction0;
            int shadow_desired_snr = auto_ettr_shadow_snr_limit;

            if (shadow_expected_snr < shadow_desired_snr)
                correction = MAX(correction, correction0 + shadow_desired_snr - shadow_expected_snr);
    /* exposure difference with and without SNR limits */
    int expo_delta_snr = (correction - correction0) * 100.0;
    if (debug_info)
        int expo_hi = correction0 * 100.0;
        int expo_snr = correction * 100.0;
        printf("Expo highlight: %s%d.%02d EV\n", FMT_FIXEDPOINT2S(expo_hi));
        printf("Expo SNR limit: %s%d.%02d EV\n", FMT_FIXEDPOINT2S(expo_snr));
        printf("Expo delta SNR: %s%d.%02d EV\n", FMT_FIXEDPOINT2S(expo_delta_snr));

    /* exposure correction so it doesn't clip anything more than allowed by highlight ignore */
    int corr_without_clipping = (int)(correction * 100) - expo_delta_snr;

    if (dual_iso)
        /* with dual ISO: expose without clipping */
        /* auto_ettr_work will have to do something and recover the SNR */
        last_value = corr_without_clipping;
        extra_snr_needed = expo_delta_snr;
        /* without dual ISO: expose with clipping in order to meet the SNR */
        /* no more SNR correction needed */
        last_value = corr_without_clipping + expo_delta_snr;
        extra_snr_needed = 0;
    if (debug_info)
        printf("Expo correction: %s%d.%02d EV\n", FMT_FIXEDPOINT2S(last_value));
    return last_value;

int auto_ettr_export_correction(int* out)
    int value = auto_ettr_get_correction();
    if (value == INT_MIN) return -1;
    if (out) *out = value;
    return 1;

static char prev_exposure_settings[50];

/* returns: 0 = nothing changed, 1 = OK, -1 = exposure limits reached */
static int auto_ettr_work(int corr)
    if (debug_info) printf("\nauto_ettr_work(%d)\n", corr);
    /* wait until shutter speed is reported by Canon firmware */
    int iter = 0;
    while (lens_info.raw_shutter == 0)
        if (iter > 100)
            return ETTR_EXPO_PRECOND_TIMEOUT;
        iter += 50;
    /* save initial exposure settings so we can print them */
    char* expo_settings = get_current_exposure_settings();
    snprintf(prev_exposure_settings, sizeof(prev_exposure_settings), "%s", expo_settings);
    int tv = ettr_get_current_raw_shutter();
    int iso = lens_info.raw_iso;
    /* to detect whether it settled or not */
    int tv_before = tv;
    int iso_before = iso;
    int iso2_before = dual_iso_get_recovery_iso();
    if (!tv || !iso) return 0;
    //~ int old_expo = tv - iso;

    /* note: expo compensation will not clip with dual ISO, but will clip highlights without it */
    int dual_iso = auto_ettr_dual_iso_link && dual_iso_is_active();
    int delta = -corr * 8 / 100;
    int expected_expo = tv - iso + delta;               /* will clip without dual ISO */

    static int prev_tv = 0;
    if (auto_ettr_adjust_mode == 1)
        if (prev_tv != tv)
            auto_ettr_max_shutter = tv;
            if (lv)
                NotifyBox(2000, "ETTR: Tv <= %s ", lens_format_shutter(tv));
                prev_tv = tv;
                return 0; /* wait for next iteration */
                bmp_printf(FONT_MED, 0, os.y0, "ETTR: Tv <= %s ", lens_format_shutter(tv));
        if (lv && prev_tv != tv && AUTO_ETTR_TRIGGER_ALWAYS_ON)
            prev_tv = tv;
            return 0; /* small pause when you change exposure manually */

    int shutter_lim = auto_ettr_max_shutter;

    /* if intervalometer is enabled, limit longest exposures
     * to interval time minus 2 seconds */
    if (is_intervalometer_running())
        int intervalometer_lim = MAX(200, 1000 * (get_interval_time() - 2));
        shutter_lim = MAX(shutter_lim, shutter_ms_to_raw(intervalometer_lim));

    /* can't go slower than 1/fps in movie mode */
    if (is_movie_mode())
        shutter_lim = MAX(shutter_lim, shutter_ms_to_raw(1000 / video_mode_fps));
        if (!expo_override_active())
            /* without expo override, in movie mode we can't set exposures longer than 1/30 */
            shutter_lim = MAX(shutter_lim, SHUTTER_1_30);

    /* apply exposure correction */
    tv += delta;

    if (debug_info) printf("expo after comp: %d\n", tv - iso);

    /* use the lowest ISO for which we can get shutter = shutter_lim or higher */
    int offset = MIN(tv - shutter_lim, iso - MIN_ISO);
    tv -= offset;
    iso -= offset;

    /* some shutter values are not accepted by Canon firmware */
    int tvr = (MIN(tv, shutter_lim) >= SHUTTER_30s)
        ? round_shutter(tv, shutter_lim)
        : MAX(tv, shutter_lim);
    iso += tvr - tv;

    if (debug_info) printf("tv rounding: %d -> %d limit=%d\n", tv, tvr, shutter_lim);
    /* analog iso can be only in 1 EV increments */
    /* prefer rounding towards lower ISOs */
    int max_auto_iso = auto_iso_range & 0xFF;
    int isor = COERCE(iso / 8 * 8, MIN_ISO, max_auto_iso);
    if (debug_info) printf("iso rounding: %d -> %d (expo %d -> %d)\n", iso, isor, tvr - iso, tvr - isor);
    /* can we use dual ISO to recover the highlights? (HR = highlight recovery) */
    if (dual_iso)
        int base_iso = isor;
        int recovery_iso = base_iso;

        /* bring back the SNR */
        int snr_delta = -extra_snr_needed;
        while (snr_delta < 0 && recovery_iso < max_auto_iso)
            int old_rec_iso = recovery_iso;
            recovery_iso += 8;
            int dr_gained = dual_iso_calc_dr_improvement(old_rec_iso, recovery_iso);
            snr_delta += dr_gained;
        if (snr_delta + extra_snr_needed < 100) /* snr_delta + extra_snr_needed = SUM(dr_gained) */
            /* too little gain? just shoot at base ISO */
            recovery_iso = base_iso;
            snr_delta = -extra_snr_needed;
        else if (base_iso > MIN_ISO)
            /* shooting at high ISO? go back one stop to protect some more highlights, because the cost is next to none */
            base_iso -= 8;
            expected_expo += 8;

        /* apply dual ISO settings */
        isor = base_iso;
        extra_snr_needed = -snr_delta;

    /* apply the new settings */
    int oki = 0, oks = 0;
    if (tvr < SHUTTER_30s)
        /* use BULB for long exposures */
        int seconds = auto_ettr_get_long_exposure_time(tvr);
        if (is_intervalometer_running())
            /* in BULB mode, limit longest exposures to interval time minus 3 seconds */
            int intervalometer_lim = MAX(1, get_interval_time() - 3);
            seconds = MIN(seconds, intervalometer_lim);
        /* configure bulb timer with the new exposure */
        menu_set_value_from_script("Bulb Timer", "Exposure duration", seconds);
        oks = 1;

        /* set ISO */
        oki = hdr_set_rawiso(isor);
        if (is_bulb_mode())
            /* back from BULB */
        oki = lens_set_rawiso(isor);    /* for expo overide */
        oks = lens_set_rawshutter(tvr);
        if (!expo_override_active())
            oks = hdr_set_rawshutter(tvr);  /* for confirmation and retrying if needed */
            oki = hdr_set_rawiso(isor);

    /* don't let expo lock undo our changes */

    if (debug_info)
        printf("Adjusted expo: %s (SNR lost: %s%d.%02d)\n", get_current_exposure_settings(), FMT_FIXEDPOINT2(extra_snr_needed));

    /* to know when the user changed shutter speed */
    prev_tv = ettr_get_current_raw_shutter();
    /* did it converge or not? */
    int tv_after = prev_tv;
    int iso_after = lens_info.raw_iso;
    int new_expo = tv_after - iso_after;

    if (dual_iso)
        int iso2_after = dual_iso_get_recovery_iso();
        int dr2_before = dual_iso_calc_dr_improvement(iso_before, iso2_before);
        int dr2_after = dual_iso_calc_dr_improvement(iso_after, iso2_after);

        if (debug_info)
                "iso2 %d->%d dr %d->%d\n",
                raw2iso(iso2_before), raw2iso(iso2_after), dr2_before, dr2_after

        if (ABS(dr2_after - dr2_before) >= 40)
            return ETTR_NEED_MORE_SHOTS;
        //~ if (highlight_headroom_needed > 50)
            //~ return ETTR_EXPO_LIMITS_REACHED;

    if (debug_info)
            "iso %d->%d %s\ntv %d->%d %s\nexpo expected %d got %d\n",
            raw2iso(iso_before), raw2iso(iso_after), oki ? "OK" : "err",
            tv_before, tv_after, oks ? "OK" : "err",
            expected_expo, new_expo
    /* anything changed? consider it OK, better than nothing */
    if (ABS(tv_before - tv_after) >= 4)
        return ETTR_NEED_MORE_SHOTS;

    if (ABS(iso_before - iso_after) >= 4)
        return ETTR_NEED_MORE_SHOTS;

    /* did we fully correct the exposure? */
    if (ABS(new_expo - expected_expo) > 8)

    return oks && oki ? ETTR_SETTLED : ETTR_EXPO_LIMITS_REACHED;

static volatile int auto_ettr_running = 0;
static volatile int ettr_pics_took = 0;

static void auto_ettr_step_task(int corr)
    int status = auto_ettr_work(corr);
    if (status == ETTR_SETTLED)
        /* cool, we got the ideal exposure */
        ettr_pics_took = 0;
        bmp_printf(FONT_MED, 0, os.y0, "ETTR: settled at %s", get_current_exposure_settings());

        //~ int blown_highlights = (highlight_headroom_needed - highlight_headroom_recovered) / 10;
        //~ if (blown_highlights > 2)
        //~ {
            //~ msleep(1000);
            //~ bmp_printf(FONT_MED, 0, os.y0, "ETTR: clipped %s%d.%d EV of highlights", FMT_FIXEDPOINT1(blown_highlights));
        //~ }
    else if (ettr_pics_took >= 3)
        /* I give up */
        ettr_pics_took = 0;
        bmp_printf(FONT_MED, 0, os.y0, "ETTR: giving up\n%s", get_current_exposure_settings());
    else if (status == ETTR_EXPO_LIMITS_REACHED)
        ettr_pics_took = 0;
        bmp_printf(FONT_MED, 0, os.y0, "ETTR: expo limits reached\n%s", get_current_exposure_settings());
    else if (status == ETTR_EXPO_PRECOND_TIMEOUT)
        ettr_pics_took = 0;
        bmp_printf(FONT_MED, 0, os.y0, "ETTR: timeout while waiting for preconditions\n");
        /* take another pic */
        auto_ettr_running = 0;
        bmp_printf(FONT_MED, 0, os.y0, "ETTR: next %s (was %s)", get_current_exposure_settings(), prev_exposure_settings);

        //~ int blown_highlights = (highlight_headroom_needed - highlight_headroom_recovered) / 10;
        //~ if (blown_highlights > 2)
        //~ {
            //~ bmp_printf(FONT_MED, 0, os.y0+20, "Clipped %s%d.%d EV of highlights", FMT_FIXEDPOINT1(blown_highlights));
        //~ }
    auto_ettr_running = 0;

/* photo mode only, no LV */
static void auto_ettr_step()
    if (!auto_ettr) return;
    if (shooting_mode != SHOOTMODE_M && !is_movie_mode() && !is_bulb_mode()) return;
    if (lens_info.raw_iso == 0) return;
    if (auto_ettr_running) return;
    if (is_hdr_bracketing_enabled() && !AUTO_ETTR_TRIGGER_BY_SET) return;

    if (!raw_update_params())
        NotifyBox(5000, "Raw error");

    int corr = auto_ettr_get_correction();
    if (corr != INT_MIN)
        /* we'd better not change expo settings from prop task (we won't get correct confirmations) */
        auto_ettr_running = 1;
        task_create("ettr_task", 0x1c, 0x1000, auto_ettr_step_task, (void*) corr);

static int auto_ettr_check_pre_lv()
    if (!auto_ettr) return 0;
    if (shooting_mode != SHOOTMODE_M && !is_movie_mode()) return 0;
    if (lens_info.raw_iso == 0) return 0;
    if (lens_info.raw_shutter == 0) return 0;
    if (is_hdr_bracketing_enabled() && !AUTO_ETTR_TRIGGER_BY_SET) return 0;
    int raw = is_movie_mode() ? raw_lv_is_enabled() : pic_quality & 0x60000;
    return raw;

static int auto_ettr_check_in_lv()
    if (AUTO_ETTR_TRIGGER_ALWAYS_ON && !get_expsim()) return 0;
    if (AUTO_ETTR_TRIGGER_ALWAYS_ON && lv_dispsize != 1) return 0;
    if (LV_PAUSED) return 0;
    if (!liveview_display_idle()) return 0;
    return 1;

static int auto_ettr_check_lv()
    if (!auto_ettr_check_pre_lv()) return 0;
    if (!auto_ettr_check_in_lv()) return 0;
    return 1;

static volatile int auto_ettr_vsync_active = 0;
static volatile int auto_ettr_vsync_delta = 0;
static volatile int auto_ettr_vsync_counter = 0;

/* instead of changing settings via properties, we can override them very quickly */
static unsigned int auto_ettr_vsync_cbr(unsigned int ctx)

    if (auto_ettr_vsync_active)
        int delta = auto_ettr_vsync_delta;
        int current_iso = get_frame_iso();
        int current_shutter = get_frame_shutter_timer();
        int altered_iso = current_iso;
        int altered_shutter = current_shutter;

        int max_shutter = get_max_shutter_timer();
        if (current_shutter > max_shutter) max_shutter = current_shutter;

        /* first increase shutter speed, since it gives the cleanest signal */
        while (delta > 0 && altered_shutter * 2 <= max_shutter)
            altered_shutter *= 2;
            delta -= 8;

        int max_iso = get_max_analog_iso();

        /* then try to increase ISO if we need more */
        while (delta > 0 && altered_iso + 8 <= max_iso)
            altered_iso += 8;
            delta -= 8;

        /* then try to decrease ISO until ISO 100, raw 72 (even with HTP, FRAME_ISO goes to 100) */
        while (delta < -8 && altered_iso - 8 >= 72)
            altered_iso -= 8;
            delta += 8;

        /* commit iso */

        /* adjust shutter with the remaining delta */
        altered_shutter = COERCE((int)roundf(powf(2, delta/8.0) * (float)altered_shutter), 2, max_shutter);
        /* commit shutter */
        //~ bmp_printf(FONT_MED, 50, 70, "delta %d iso %d->%d shutter %d->%d max %d ",  auto_ettr_vsync_delta, current_iso, altered_iso, current_shutter, altered_shutter, get_max_shutter_timer());
        return 1;
    return 0;

static int auto_ettr_wait_lv_frames(int num_frames)
    auto_ettr_vsync_counter = 0;
    int count = 0;
    int frame_duration = 1000000 / fps_get_current_x1000();
    while (auto_ettr_vsync_counter < num_frames)
        frame_duration = MAX(frame_duration, 1000000 / fps_get_current_x1000());
        if (count > num_frames * frame_duration * 2 / 20)
            /* timeout */
            if (debug_info) printf("wait_lv_frames: timeout\n");
            return 0;
        if (!lv)
            /* outside lv */
            if (debug_info) printf("wait_lv_frames: LV closed\n");
            return 0;
    return 1;

/* wait until LiveView exposure changes from the old values to something else (with timeout on number of frames) */
static int auto_ettr_wait_lv_expo_change(int max_frames, int old_iso, int old_shutter)
    /* todo: also look at aperture changes */
    for (int i = 0; i < max_frames; i++)
        int current_iso = get_frame_iso();
        int current_shutter = get_frame_shutter_timer();
        if (debug_info) printf("wait lv expo change: %x %x\n", current_iso, current_shutter);
        if (current_iso != old_iso || current_shutter != old_shutter)
            if (debug_info) printf("exposure changed to: %x %x\n", current_iso, current_shutter);
            /* exposure changed */
            return 1;
        if (!auto_ettr_wait_lv_frames(1))
            /* whoops */
            return 0;

    /* timeout */
    if (debug_info) printf("lv expo change timeout\n");
    return 0;

/* wait until LiveView exposure settles (identical on two consecutive frames) */
static int auto_ettr_wait_lv_expo_settle(int max_frames)
    /* todo: also look at aperture changes */
    int old_iso = -1;
    int old_shutter = -1;
    for (int i = 0; i < max_frames; i++)
        int current_iso = get_frame_iso();
        int current_shutter = get_frame_shutter_timer();
        if (debug_info) printf("wait lv expo settle: %x %x\n", current_iso, current_shutter);
        if (current_iso == old_iso && current_shutter == old_shutter)
            /* looks like it settled */
            if (debug_info) printf("lv expo maybe settled at: %x %x\n", current_iso, current_shutter);
            /* wait one more frame, just in case */
            if (auto_ettr_wait_lv_frames(2) == 0)
                return 0;
            current_iso = get_frame_iso();
            current_shutter = get_frame_shutter_timer();
            if (current_iso == old_iso && current_shutter == old_shutter)
                if (debug_info) printf("lv expo settled at: %x %x\n", current_iso, current_shutter);
                /* looks like it did settle */
                return 1;
        if (!auto_ettr_wait_lv_frames(1))
            /* whoops */
            return 0;
        old_iso = current_iso;
        old_shutter = current_shutter;
    /* timeout */
    if (debug_info) printf("lv expo settle timeout\n");
    return 0;

static int auto_ettr_prepare_lv(int reset, int force_expsim_and_zoom)
    static int was_in_lv = 1;
    static int old_expsim = -1;
    static int old_zoom = -1;
    static int should_clear_bv = 0;
    if (!reset)
        was_in_lv = lv;
        old_expsim = -1;

        if (!lv) force_liveview();
        if (!lv) return 0; /* fail */

        /* force 1x zoom */
        if (force_expsim_and_zoom && lv_dispsize != 1)
            old_zoom = lv_dispsize;
            if (!auto_ettr_wait_lv_frames(10)) return 0;

        /* temporarily enable get_expsim() while metering */
        if (force_expsim_and_zoom)
            if (shooting_mode == SHOOTMODE_M && !lens_info.lens_exists)
                /* workaround for Canon's manual lens underexposure bug */
                /* use expo override instead of ExpSim */
                extern int bv_auto;
                if (!bv_auto)
                    should_clear_bv = 1;
                    bv_toggle(0, 1);
                    if (!auto_ettr_wait_lv_frames(10)) return 0;
            else if (!get_expsim())
                /* ExpSim should work well */
                old_expsim = get_expsim();
                if (!auto_ettr_wait_lv_frames(10)) return 0;
    else /* undo all that stuff */
        if (should_clear_bv)
            extern int bv_auto;
            if (bv_auto)
                bv_toggle(0, -1);
            should_clear_bv = 0;
        if (old_expsim >= 0)
            old_expsim = -1;
        if (old_zoom > 0)
            old_zoom = -1;
        if (lv && !was_in_lv)
            was_in_lv = 1;
    return 1; /* ok */

static void auto_ettr_on_request_task_fast()
    int raw_requested = 0;
    char* err_msg = "ETTR failed";
    /* requires LiveView and ExpSim */
    if (!auto_ettr_prepare_lv(0, 1)) goto err;
    if (!auto_ettr_check_lv()) goto err;
    if (get_halfshutter_pressed())
        if (get_halfshutter_pressed()) goto err;

    auto_ettr_vsync_active = 1;
    int raw0 = raw_hist_get_percentile_level(500, GRAY_PROJECTION_GREEN, 2);
    float ev0 = raw_to_ev(raw0);
    int y0 = 100 - ev0 * 20;
    for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++)
        int delta = rand() % 160 - 80;
        auto_ettr_vsync_delta = delta;
        if (!auto_ettr_wait_lv_frames(2)) break;
        int raw = raw_hist_get_percentile_level(500, GRAY_PROJECTION_GREEN, 2);
        float ev = raw_to_ev(raw);
        int x = 360 + delta * 3;
        int y = 100 - ev * 24; /* multiplier must be 8 x the one from delta */
        draw_circle(x, y, 2, COLOR_BLUE);
        draw_angled_line(360, y0, 300, 1800-450, COLOR_RED);
        draw_angled_line(360, y0, 300, -450, COLOR_RED);
        draw_angled_line(0, 100, 720, 0, COLOR_RED);
    auto_ettr_vsync_delta = 0;

    NotifyBox(100000, "ETTR...");
    raw_lv_request(); raw_requested = 1;

    if (!raw_update_params())
        err_msg = "Raw error";
        goto err;

    for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++)
        NotifyBox(100000, "ETTR (%d)...", i+1);

        /* make sure the LiveView exposure is settled before reading */
        if (!auto_ettr_wait_lv_expo_settle(30)) break;

        if (fps_get_shutter_speed_shift(160) == 0)
            auto_ettr_vsync_active = 1;
            auto_ettr_vsync_delta = 0;
            for (int k = 0; k < 5; k++)
                if (debug_info) printf("ETTR (%d.%d)\n", i+1, k+1);
                /* see how far we are from the ideal exposure */
                int corr = auto_ettr_get_correction();
                if (corr == INT_MIN) break;
                /* override the liveview parameters via auto_ettr_vsync_cbr (much faster than via properties) */
                auto_ettr_vsync_delta += corr * 8 / 100;

                /* I'm confident the last iteration was accurate */
                if (corr >= -20 && corr <= 200)
                /* wait for 2 frames before trying again */
                if (!auto_ettr_wait_lv_frames(2)) goto err;
            auto_ettr_vsync_active = 0;
        else /* FPS override is messing up our plans? fall back to the slow method */
            int corr = auto_ettr_get_correction();
            if (corr == INT_MIN) break;
            auto_ettr_vsync_delta = corr * 8 / 100;

        /* apply the correction via properties */
        int corr = auto_ettr_vsync_delta * 100 / 8;
        int old_iso = get_frame_iso();
        int old_shutter = get_frame_shutter_timer();
        int status = auto_ettr_work(corr);
        if (status == ETTR_SETTLED)
            /* looks like it settled */
            if (i < 4 && status != ETTR_EXPO_LIMITS_REACHED)
                /* here we go again... */
                if (!auto_ettr_wait_lv_expo_change(30, old_iso, old_shutter)) goto err;
                /* or... not? */
                err_msg = status == ETTR_EXPO_LIMITS_REACHED ? "Expo limits reached" : "Whoops";
                goto err;

/* ok: */
    goto cleanup;

    NotifyBox(2000, err_msg);
    goto cleanup;

    auto_ettr_running = 0;
    auto_ettr_vsync_active = 0;
    if (raw_requested) raw_lv_release();
    auto_ettr_prepare_lv(1, 1);

static void auto_ettr_step_lv_fast()
    if (!auto_ettr || !AUTO_ETTR_TRIGGER_ALWAYS_ON)
    if (!auto_ettr_prepare_lv(0, 0))
        goto end;
    if (!auto_ettr_check_lv())
        goto end;
    if (get_halfshutter_pressed())
        goto end;

    /* only poll exposure once per second */
    static int aux = INT_MIN;
    if (!should_run_polling_action(1000, &aux))
        goto end;

    if (!raw_update_params())
        NotifyBox(5000, "Raw error");
        goto skip;

    /* make sure the LiveView exposure is settled before reading */
    if (!auto_ettr_wait_lv_expo_settle(30)) goto skip;

    /* get exposure correction */
    int corr = auto_ettr_get_correction();
    /* only correct if the image is overexposed by more than 0.2 EV or underexposed by more than 1 EV */
    if (corr != INT_MIN && (corr < -20 || corr > 100))
        if (fps_get_shutter_speed_shift(160) == 0)
            auto_ettr_vsync_active = 1;
            auto_ettr_vsync_delta = 0;
            int k;
            for (k = 0; k < 5; k++)
                /* see how far we are from the ideal exposure */
                if (k > 0) corr = auto_ettr_get_correction();
                if (corr == INT_MIN) break;
                /* override the liveview parameters via auto_ettr_vsync_cbr (much faster than via properties) */
                auto_ettr_vsync_delta += corr * 8 / 100;

                /* I'm confident the last iteration was accurate */
                if (corr >= -20 && corr <= 200)
                /* wait for 3 frames before trying again */
                if (!auto_ettr_wait_lv_frames(2)) break;
            auto_ettr_vsync_active = 0;
        else /* FPS override is messing up our plans? fall back to the slow method */
            auto_ettr_vsync_delta = corr * 8 / 100;

        /* apply the final correction via properties */
        int old_iso = get_frame_iso();
        int old_shutter = get_frame_shutter_timer();

        auto_ettr_work(auto_ettr_vsync_delta * 100 / 8);

        auto_ettr_wait_lv_expo_change(30, old_iso, old_shutter);

    auto_ettr_prepare_lv(1, 0);

static void auto_ettr_on_request_task_slow()
    char* err_msg = "ETTR failed";
    /* requires LiveView and ExpSim */
    if (!auto_ettr_prepare_lv(0, 1)) goto err;
    if (!auto_ettr_check_lv()) goto err;

    if (get_halfshutter_pressed())
        if (get_halfshutter_pressed()) goto err;

    NotifyBox(100000, "ETTR...");
    for (int k = 0; k < 5; k++)

        if (!raw_update_params())
            err_msg = "Raw error";
            goto err;

        int corr = auto_ettr_get_correction();

        if (corr == INT_MIN)
        int status = auto_ettr_work(corr);
        if (status == ETTR_SETTLED)
        if (k == 4 || status == ETTR_EXPO_LIMITS_REACHED)
            err_msg = status == ETTR_EXPO_LIMITS_REACHED ? "Expo limits reached" : "Whoops";
            goto err;

/* ok: */
    goto cleanup;

    NotifyBox(2000, err_msg);
    goto cleanup;

    auto_ettr_prepare_lv(1, 1);
    auto_ettr_running = 0;

static void auto_ettr_step_lv_slow()
    if (!auto_ettr || !AUTO_ETTR_TRIGGER_ALWAYS_ON)
    if (!auto_ettr_check_lv())
    if (get_halfshutter_pressed())

    /* only update once per 1.5 seconds, so the exposure has a chance to be updated on the LCD */
    static int aux = INT_MIN;
    if (!should_run_polling_action(1500, &aux))
    int corr = INT_MIN;
    if (raw_update_params())
        corr = auto_ettr_get_correction();
    if (corr == INT_MIN)
    /* only correct if the image is overexposed by more than 0.2 EV or underexposed by more than 1 EV */
    if (corr >= -20 && corr < 100)

    int status = auto_ettr_work(corr);

    if (status == ETTR_SETTLED)

static void auto_ettr_step_lv()
    if (can_set_frame_iso() && can_set_frame_shutter_timer())

static void auto_ettr_on_request_task(int unused)
    if (can_set_frame_iso() && can_set_frame_shutter_timer())

static unsigned int auto_ettr_keypress_cbr(unsigned int key)
    if (!auto_ettr) return 1;
    if (AUTO_ETTR_TRIGGER_PHOTO) return 1;
    if (!display_idle()) return 1;
    if (!auto_ettr_check_pre_lv()) return 1;
    if (lv && !auto_ettr_check_in_lv()) return 1;
    if (
            (IS_EOS_M && AUTO_ETTR_TRIGGER_BY_SET && detect_double_click(key, MODULE_KEY_TOUCH_1_FINGER, MODULE_KEY_UNTOUCH_1_FINGER)) ||
        if (!auto_ettr_running)
            auto_ettr_running = 1;
            task_create("ettr_task", 0x1c, 0x1000, auto_ettr_on_request_task, (void*) 0);
        if (AUTO_ETTR_TRIGGER_BY_SET) return 0;
    return 1;

static MENU_UPDATE_FUNC(auto_ettr_update)
    if (lv && ((void*)&raw_lv_request == (void*)&ret_0))
        MENU_SET_WARNING(MENU_WARN_NOT_WORKING, "Auto ETTR Does not work in LV on this camera.");

    if (shooting_mode != SHOOTMODE_M && !is_movie_mode() && !is_bulb_mode())
        MENU_SET_WARNING(MENU_WARN_NOT_WORKING, "Auto ETTR only works in M, BULB and RAW MOVIE modes.");

    if (lens_info.raw_iso == 0)
        MENU_SET_WARNING(MENU_WARN_NOT_WORKING, "Auto ETTR requires manual ISO.");

    if (!lv && !can_use_raw_overlays_photo() && AUTO_ETTR_TRIGGER_PHOTO)
        MENU_SET_WARNING(MENU_WARN_NOT_WORKING, "Photo RAW data not available, try in LiveView.");

    menu_checkdep_raw(entry, info);

    if (image_review_time == 0 && AUTO_ETTR_TRIGGER_PHOTO)
        MENU_SET_WARNING(MENU_WARN_NOT_WORKING, "Enable image review from Canon menu.");

    if (is_hdr_bracketing_enabled() && !AUTO_ETTR_TRIGGER_BY_SET)
        MENU_SET_WARNING(MENU_WARN_NOT_WORKING, "Not compatible with HDR bracketing. Use trigger mode SET.");

    if (lv && AUTO_ETTR_TRIGGER_ALWAYS_ON && !get_expsim())
        MENU_SET_WARNING(MENU_WARN_NOT_WORKING, "In LiveView, this requires ExpSim enabled.");
    if (is_continuous_drive() && AUTO_ETTR_TRIGGER_PHOTO)
        MENU_SET_WARNING(MENU_WARN_ADVICE, "Not fully compatible with continuous drive.");

    if (auto_ettr)
            AUTO_ETTR_TRIGGER_ALWAYS_ON ? "Always ON" : 
            AUTO_ETTR_TRIGGER_AUTO_SNAP ? "Auto Snap" : 
            AUTO_ETTR_TRIGGER_BY_SET && IS_EOS_M ? "Screen DblTap" :
            AUTO_ETTR_TRIGGER_BY_SET && !IS_EOS_M ? "Press SET" :

        MENU_SET_HELP("Press the shortcut key to optimize the exposure (ETTR).");
        if (lv) MENU_SET_HELP("In LiveView, just wait for exposure to settle, then shoot.");
        else MENU_SET_HELP("Take a test picture (underexposed). Next pic will be ETTR.");
        MENU_SET_HELP("Press shutter once. ML will take a pic and retry if needed.");
    /* recommended: move AF to back button */
    if (auto_ettr && AUTO_ETTR_TRIGGER_BY_HALFSHUTTER_DBLCLICK && !is_manual_focus())
        entry->works_best_in = DEP_CFN_AF_BACK_BUTTON;
        entry->works_best_in = 0;

static MENU_UPDATE_FUNC(auto_ettr_max_shutter_update)
    MENU_SET_VALUE("%s", ettr_format_shutter(auto_ettr_max_shutter));
    if (auto_ettr_max_shutter < SHUTTER_30s)
        MENU_SET_WARNING(MENU_WARN_INFO, "For long exposures, enable bulb timer (maybe also intervalometer).");
    if (is_intervalometer_running())
        MENU_SET_WARNING(MENU_WARN_INFO, "Slowest shutter will be limited by interval time minus 2 seconds.");
    if (auto_ettr_adjust_mode == 1)
        MENU_SET_WARNING(MENU_WARN_NOT_WORKING, "Adjust shutter speed from top scrollwheel, outside menu.");

static MENU_SELECT_FUNC(auto_ettr_max_shutter_toggle)
    if (auto_ettr_adjust_mode == 0)
        /* adjust in 0.5 EV steps, from 1/4096 to 4096 seconds */
        const int tv_max = SHUTTER_1_4000;
        const int tv_min = SHUTTER_1s - EXPO_FULL_STOP * 12;
        auto_ettr_max_shutter = MOD(auto_ettr_max_shutter/4*4 - tv_min + delta * 4, tv_max - tv_min + 4) + tv_min;

    if (buf[0] == GUISTATE_QR)

    if (auto_ettr && image_review_time == 0 && AUTO_ETTR_TRIGGER_PHOTO)
        MENU_SET_WARNING(MENU_WARN_NOT_WORKING, "Auto ETTR: enable image review from Canon menu.");

void auto_ettr_intervalometer_wait()
    if (auto_ettr && image_review_time)
        /* make sure auto ETTR has a chance to run (it's triggered by prop handler on QR mode) */
        /* timeout: a bit more than exposure time, to handle long expo noise reduction */
        for (int i = 0; i < raw2shutter_ms(ettr_get_current_raw_shutter())/100; i++)
            if (gui_state == GUISTATE_PLAYMENU || gui_state == GUISTATE_QR) break;

static unsigned int auto_ettr_polling_cbr()
    if (lv && NOT_RECORDING && ((void*)&raw_lv_request != (void*)&ret_0))
    return 0;

static MENU_SELECT_FUNC(debug_info_toggle)
    debug_info = !debug_info;
    /* fixme: kinda ugly */
    if (debug_info) console_show();
    else console_hide();

static struct menu_entry ettr_menu[] =
        .name = "Auto ETTR", 
        .priv = &auto_ettr, 
        .update = auto_ettr_update,
        .max = 1,
        .help  = "Auto expose to the right when you shoot RAW.",
        .submenu_width = 710,
        .children =  (struct menu_entry[]) {
                .name = "Trigger mode",
                .priv = &auto_ettr_trigger,
                .max = 3, // NOTE: Modifed by the module init task to disable ETTR in LV if not supported
                // choices is set in module init because it is dynamic now
                //~ .choices =
                .help  = "When should the exposure be adjusted for ETTR:",
                // help2 is set in module init because it is dynamic now
                //~ .help2 =
                .name = "Slowest shutter",
                .priv = &auto_ettr_max_shutter,
                .select = auto_ettr_max_shutter_toggle,
                .update = auto_ettr_max_shutter_update,
                .min = 16,
                .max = 152,
                .icon_type = IT_PERCENT,
                .help = "Slowest shutter speed for ETTR (longest exposure time)."
                .name = "Exposure target",
                .priv = &auto_ettr_target_level,
                .min = -4,
                .max = 0,
                .choices = CHOICES("-4 EV", "-3 EV", "-2 EV", "-1 EV", "-0.5 EV"),
                .help = "Exposure target for ETTR. Recommended: -0.5 or -1 EV.",
                .advanced = 1,
                .name = "Highlight ignore",
                .priv = &auto_ettr_ignore,
                .min = 0,
                .max = 500,
                .unit = UNIT_PERCENT_x10,
                .icon_type = IT_PERCENT,
                .help  = "How many bright pixels are allowed above the target level.",
                .help2 = "Use this to allow spec(ta)cular highlights to be clipped.",
                .name = "Allow clipping",
                .priv = &auto_ettr_clip,
                .max = 2,
                .choices = CHOICES("OFF", "Green channel", "Any channel"),
                .help = "Choose what color channels are allowed to be clipped.",
                .advanced = 1,
                .name = "Midtone SNR limit",
                .priv = &auto_ettr_midtone_snr_limit,
                .min = 0,
                .max = 8,
                .choices = CHOICES("OFF", "1 EV", "2 EV", "3 EV", "4 EV", "5 EV", "6 EV", "7 EV", "8 EV"),
                .help  = "Stop underexposing when at least half of the image gets",
                .help2 = "noisier than selected SNR => will clip more highlights.",
                .depends_on = DEP_MANUAL_ISO,
                .name = "Shadow SNR limit",
                .priv = &auto_ettr_shadow_snr_limit,
                .min = 0,
                .max = 6,
                .choices = CHOICES("OFF", "1 EV", "2 EV", "3 EV", "4 EV", "5 EV", "6 EV"),
                .help  = "Stop underexposing when at least 5% of the image gets",
                .help2 = "noisier than selected SNR => will clip more highlights.",
                .depends_on = DEP_MANUAL_ISO,
                .name = "Link to Canon shutter",
                .priv = &auto_ettr_adjust_mode,
                .max = 1,
                .help = "Hack to adjust slowest shutter from main dial.",
                .advanced = 1,
                .name = "Link to Dual ISO",
                .priv = &auto_ettr_dual_iso_link,
                .max = 1,
                .help  = "Let ETTR change DualISO settings so you get the SNR values",
                .help2 = "in mids & shadows. It will disable dual ISO if not needed.",
                .name = "Show metered areas",
                .priv = &show_metered_areas,
                .max = 1,
                .help =  "Show where the white point and the SNR levels are metered",
                .help2 = "(what exactly is considered highlight, midtone and shadow).",
                .advanced = 1,
                .name = "Allow beeps",
                .priv = &auto_ettr_allow_beeps,
                .max = 1,
                .help =  "Make status beeps (1 = OK, 2 = need more pictures, 3 = error).",
                .advanced = 1,
                .name = "Show debug info",
                .priv = &debug_info,
                .select = debug_info_toggle,
                .max = 1,
                .help = "For camera nerds.",
                .advanced = 1,

static const char * trigger_choices_eosm[] = {"Always ON", "Auto Snap", "Screen DblTap", "HalfS DblClick"};
static const char * trigger_choices_others[] = {"Always ON", "Auto Snap", "Press SET", "HalfS DblClick"};

static const char * trigger_help_eosm = 
    "Always ON: when you take a pic, or continuously in LiveView\n"
    "Auto Snap: after u take a pic,trigger another pic if needed\n"
    "Screen DblTap: meter for ETTR when you tap the screen twice\n"
    "HalfS DblClick: meter for ETTR when pressing halfshutter 2x\n";

static const char * trigger_help_others = 
    "Always ON: when you take a pic, or continuously in LiveView\n"
    "Auto Snap: after u take a pic,trigger another pic if needed\n"
    "Press SET: meter for ETTR when you press SET (LiveView)\n"
    "HalfS DblClick: meter for ETTR when pressing halfshutter 2x\n";

static unsigned int ettr_init()
    if ((void*)&raw_lv_request == (void*)&ret_0)
        auto_ettr_trigger  = auto_ettr_trigger > 1 ? 0 : auto_ettr_trigger;
        ettr_menu[0].children[0].max = 1;

    // Modify menu for the EOS M
    if (IS_EOS_M)
        ettr_menu[0].children[0].choices = trigger_choices_eosm;
        ettr_menu[0].children[0].help2 = trigger_help_eosm;
        ettr_menu[0].children[0].choices = trigger_choices_others;
        ettr_menu[0].children[0].help2 = trigger_help_others;

    menu_add("Expo", ettr_menu, COUNT(ettr_menu));

    return 0;

static unsigned int ettr_deinit()
    return 0;


    MODULE_CBR(CBR_VSYNC_SETPARAM, auto_ettr_vsync_cbr, 0)
    MODULE_CBR(CBR_KEYPRESS, auto_ettr_keypress_cbr, 0)
    MODULE_CBR(CBR_SHOOT_TASK, auto_ettr_polling_cbr, 0)


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