Raw File
Tip revision: 28a04794e1c23b72e162622519dd7891101e1e91 authored by a1ex on 08 August 2014, 05:35:47 UTC
FPS override: fix compiling on 5D3/6D
Tip revision: 28a0479
 * Copyright (C) 2013 Magic Lantern Team
 * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
 * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
 * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * GNU General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
 * along with this program; if not, write to the
 * Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
 * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor,
 * Boston, MA  02110-1301, USA.

#ifndef _mlv_h_
#define _mlv_h_

#define MLV_VERSION_STRING "v2.0"
#define MLV_VIDEO_CLASS_RAW          0x01
#define MLV_VIDEO_CLASS_YUV          0x02
#define MLV_VIDEO_CLASS_JPEG         0x03
#define MLV_VIDEO_CLASS_H264         0x04



#if defined(PACKED)
#undef PACKED

#pragma pack(push,0)
#ifdef WIN32
#define PACKED __attribute__ ((gcc_struct, __packed__))
#define PACKED __attribute__ ((__packed__))

typedef struct {
    uint8_t     blockType[4];
    uint32_t    blockSize;
    uint64_t    timestamp;
} PACKED mlv_hdr_t;

typedef struct {
    uint8_t     fileMagic[4];    /* Magic Lantern Video file header */
    uint32_t    blockSize;    /* size of the whole header */
    uint8_t     versionString[8];    /* null-terminated C-string of the exact revision of this format */
    uint64_t    fileGuid;    /* UID of the file (group) generated using hw counter, time of day and PRNG */
    uint16_t    fileNum;    /* the ID within fileCount this file has (0 to fileCount-1) */
    uint16_t    fileCount;    /* how many files belong to this group (splitting or parallel) */
    uint32_t    fileFlags;    /* 1=out-of-order data, 2=dropped frames, 4=single image mode, 8=stopped due to error */
    uint16_t    videoClass;    /* 0=none, 1=RAW, 2=YUV, 3=JPEG, 4=H.264 */
    uint16_t    audioClass;    /* 0=none, 1=WAV */
    uint32_t    videoFrameCount;    /* number of video frames in this file. set to 0 on start, updated when finished. */
    uint32_t    audioFrameCount;    /* number of audio frames in this file. set to 0 on start, updated when finished. */
    uint32_t    sourceFpsNom;    /* configured fps in 1/s multiplied by sourceFpsDenom */
    uint32_t    sourceFpsDenom;    /* denominator for fps. usually set to 1000, but may be 1001 for NTSC */
} PACKED mlv_file_hdr_t;

typedef struct {
    uint8_t     blockType[4];    /* this block contains one frame of video data */
    uint32_t    blockSize;    /* total frame size */
    uint64_t    timestamp;    /* hardware counter timestamp for this frame (relative to recording start) */
    uint32_t    frameNumber;    /* unique video frame number */
    uint16_t    cropPosX;    /* specifies from which sensor row/col the video frame was copied (8x2 blocks) */
    uint16_t    cropPosY;    /* (can be used to process dead/hot pixels) */
    uint16_t    panPosX;    /* specifies the panning offset which is cropPos, but with higher resolution (1x1 blocks) */
    uint16_t    panPosY;    /* (it's the frame area from sensor the user wants to see) */
    uint32_t    frameSpace;    /* size of dummy data before frameData starts, necessary for EDMAC alignment */
 /* uint8_t     frameData[variable] */;
} PACKED mlv_vidf_hdr_t;

typedef struct {
    uint8_t     blockType[4];    /* this block contains audio data */
    uint32_t    blockSize;    /* total frame size */
    uint64_t    timestamp;    /* hardware counter timestamp for this frame (relative to recording start) */
    uint32_t    frameNumber;    /* unique audio frame number */
    uint32_t    frameSpace;    /* size of dummy data before frameData starts, necessary for EDMAC alignment */
 /* uint8_t     frameData[variable] */;
} PACKED mlv_audf_hdr_t;

typedef struct {
    uint8_t     blockType[4];    /* when videoClass is RAW, this block will contain detailed format information */
    uint32_t    blockSize;    /* total frame size */
    uint64_t    timestamp;    /* hardware counter timestamp for this frame (relative to recording start) */
    uint16_t    xRes;    /* Configured video resolution, may differ from payload resolution */
    uint16_t    yRes;    /* Configured video resolution, may differ from payload resolution */
    struct raw_info    raw_info;    /* the raw_info structure delivered by raw.c of ML Core */
} PACKED mlv_rawi_hdr_t;

typedef struct {
    uint8_t     blockType[4];    /* when audioClass is WAV, this block contains format details  compatible to RIFF */
    uint32_t    blockSize;    /* total frame size */
    uint64_t    timestamp;    /* hardware counter timestamp for this frame (relative to recording start) */
    uint16_t    format;    /* 1=Integer PCM, 6=alaw, 7=mulaw */
    uint16_t    channels;    /* audio channel count: 1=mono, 2=stereo */
    uint32_t    samplingRate;    /* audio sampling rate in 1/s */
    uint32_t    bytesPerSecond;    /* audio data rate */
    uint16_t    blockAlign;    /* see RIFF WAV hdr description */
    uint16_t    bitsPerSample;    /* audio ADC resolution */
} PACKED mlv_wavi_hdr_t;

typedef struct {
    uint8_t     blockType[4];
    uint32_t    blockSize;    /* total frame size */
    uint64_t    timestamp;    /* hardware counter timestamp for this frame (relative to recording start) */
    uint32_t    isoMode;    /* 0=manual, 1=auto */
    uint32_t    isoValue;    /* camera delivered ISO value */
    uint32_t    isoAnalog;    /* ISO obtained by hardware amplification (most full-stop ISOs, except extreme values) */
    uint32_t    digitalGain;    /* digital ISO gain (1024 = 1 EV) - it's not baked in the raw data, so you may want to scale it or adjust the white level */
    uint64_t    shutterValue;    /* exposure time in microseconds */
} PACKED mlv_expo_hdr_t;

typedef struct {
    uint8_t     blockType[4];
    uint32_t    blockSize;    /* total frame size */
    uint64_t    timestamp;    /* hardware counter timestamp for this frame (relative to recording start) */
    uint16_t    focalLength;    /* in mm */
    uint16_t    focalDist;    /* in mm (65535 = infinite) */
    uint16_t    aperture;    /* f-number * 100 */
    uint8_t     stabilizerMode;    /* 0=off, 1=on, (is the new L mode relevant) */
    uint8_t     autofocusMode;    /* 0=off, 1=on */
    uint32_t    flags;    /* 1=CA avail, 2=Vign avail, ... */
    uint32_t    lensID;    /* hexadecimal lens ID (delivered by properties?) */
    uint8_t     lensName[32];    /* full lens string */
    uint8_t     lensSerial[32]; /* full lens serial number */
} PACKED mlv_lens_hdr_t;

typedef struct {
    uint8_t     blockType[4];
    uint32_t    blockSize;    /* total frame size */
    uint64_t    timestamp;    /* hardware counter timestamp for this frame (relative to recording start) */
    uint16_t    tm_sec;    /* seconds (0-59) */
    uint16_t    tm_min;    /* minute (0-59) */
    uint16_t    tm_hour;    /* hour (0-23) */
    uint16_t    tm_mday;    /* day of month (1-31) */
    uint16_t    tm_mon;    /* month (0-11) */
    uint16_t    tm_year;    /* year since 1900 */
    uint16_t    tm_wday;    /* day of week */
    uint16_t    tm_yday;    /* day of year */
    uint16_t    tm_isdst;    /* daylight saving */
    uint16_t    tm_gmtoff;    /* GMT offset */
    uint8_t     tm_zone[8];    /* time zone string */
} PACKED mlv_rtci_hdr_t;

typedef struct {
    uint8_t     blockType[4];
    uint32_t    blockSize;    /* total frame size */
    uint64_t    timestamp;    /* hardware counter timestamp for this frame (relative to recording start) */
    uint8_t     cameraName[32];    /* PROP (0x00000002), offset 0, length 32 */
    uint32_t    cameraModel;    /* PROP (0x00000002), offset 32, length 4 */
    uint8_t     cameraSerial[32];    /* Camera serial number (if available) */
} PACKED mlv_idnt_hdr_t;

typedef struct {
    uint16_t    fileNumber;    /* the logical file number as specified in header */
    uint16_t    empty;    /* for future use. set to zero. */
    uint64_t    frameOffset;    /* the file offset at which the frame is stored (VIDF/AUDF) */
} PACKED mlv_xref_t;

typedef struct {
    uint8_t     blockType[4];    /* can be added in post processing when out of order data is present */
    uint32_t    blockSize;    /* this can also be placed in a separate file with only file header plus this block */
    uint64_t    timestamp;
    uint32_t    frameType;    /* bitmask: 1=video, 2=audio */
    uint32_t    entryCount;    /* number of xrefs that follow here */
    //mlv_xref_t  xrefEntries;    /* this structure refers to the n'th video/audio frame offset in the files */
} PACKED mlv_xref_hdr_t;

typedef struct {
    uint8_t     blockType[4];    /* user definable info string. take number, location, etc. */
    uint32_t    blockSize;
    uint64_t    timestamp;
 /* uint8_t     stringData[variable] */;
} PACKED mlv_info_hdr_t;

typedef struct {
    uint8_t     blockType[4];    /* Dual-ISO information */
    uint32_t    blockSize;
    uint64_t    timestamp;
    uint32_t    dualMode;    /* bitmask: 0=off, 1=odd lines, 2=even lines, upper bits may be defined later */
    uint32_t    isoValue;
} PACKED mlv_diso_hdr_t;

typedef struct {
    uint8_t     blockType[4];    /* markers set by user while recording */
    uint32_t    blockSize;
    uint64_t    timestamp;
    uint32_t    type;    /* value may depend on the button being pressed or counts up (t.b.d) */
} PACKED mlv_mark_hdr_t;

typedef struct {
    uint8_t     blockType[4];
    uint32_t    blockSize;
    uint64_t    timestamp;
    uint32_t    picStyleId;
    int32_t     contrast;
    int32_t     sharpness;
    int32_t     saturation;
    int32_t     colortone;
    uint8_t     picStyleName[16];
} PACKED mlv_styl_hdr_t;

typedef struct {
    uint8_t     blockType[4];    /* Electronic level (orientation) data */
    uint32_t    blockSize;
    uint64_t    timestamp;
    uint32_t    roll;    /* degrees x100 (here, 45.00 degrees) */
    uint32_t    pitch;    /* 10.00 degrees */
} PACKED mlv_elvl_hdr_t;

typedef struct {
    uint8_t     blockType[4];    /* White balance info */
    uint32_t    blockSize;
    uint64_t    timestamp;
    uint32_t    wb_mode;    /* WB_AUTO 0, WB_SUNNY 1, WB_SHADE 8, WB_CLOUDY 2, WB_TUNGSTEN 3, WB_FLUORESCENT 4, WB_FLASH 5, WB_CUSTOM 6, WB_KELVIN 9 */
    uint32_t    kelvin;    /* only when wb_mode is WB_KELVIN */
    uint32_t    wbgain_r;    /* only when wb_mode is WB_CUSTOM */
    uint32_t    wbgain_g;    /* 1024 = 1.0 */
    uint32_t    wbgain_b;    /* note: it's 1/canon_gain (uses dcraw convention) */
    uint32_t    wbs_gm;    /* WBShift (no idea how to use these in post) */
    uint32_t    wbs_ba;    /* range: -9...9 */
} PACKED mlv_wbal_hdr_t;

#pragma pack(pop)

/* helper routines for filling structures from generic camera information */
void mlv_fill_rtci(mlv_rtci_hdr_t *hdr, uint64_t start_timestamp);
void mlv_fill_expo(mlv_expo_hdr_t *hdr, uint64_t start_timestamp);
void mlv_fill_lens(mlv_lens_hdr_t *hdr, uint64_t start_timestamp);
void mlv_fill_idnt(mlv_idnt_hdr_t *hdr, uint64_t start_timestamp);
void mlv_fill_wbal(mlv_wbal_hdr_t *hdr, uint64_t start_timestamp);
void mlv_fill_styl(mlv_styl_hdr_t *hdr, uint64_t start_timestamp);

/* randomize the 64 bits passed in parameter using LFSR */
uint64_t mlv_prng_lfsr(uint64_t value);

/* generate a 64 bit random number based on time of day and camera uptime */
uint64_t mlv_generate_guid();

/* fill file header with constant stuff */
void mlv_init_fileheader(mlv_file_hdr_t *hdr);

/* set the block type of a block. cares for string lengths. */
void mlv_set_type(mlv_hdr_t *hdr, char *type);

/* if hdr is non-null, set the timestamp field with the time since start (has to be passed as parameter).
   returns current time since start. */
uint64_t mlv_set_timestamp(mlv_hdr_t *hdr, uint64_t start);

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