Raw File
Tip revision: f8a35da1ebd46ebd93db14ca3e3e39fa751a726e authored by Bhartshorne on 27 June 2012, 00:23:16 UTC
bumping object replication concurrency to 2 to decrease the time necessary to get ms-be5 fully loaded.
Tip revision: f8a35da
This rakefile is meant to trigger your local puppet-linter. To take
advantage of that powerful linter, you must have the puppet and
puppet-lint gems:

  $ sudo gem install puppet
  $ sudo gem instlal puppet-lint

Then run the linter using rake (a ruby build helper):

  $ rake lint

A list of top errors can be obtained using:
  rake lint |rev |cut -d\  -f4- | rev | sort | uniq -c | sort -rn

puppet-lint doc is at

 -- hashar 20120216

require 'puppet-lint/tasks/puppet-lint'

# Get possible checks values with: puppet-lint --help
disabled_checks = [

	# We still use the 2.6 way of referencing variables.
	# 2.8 will requires $::globalname. Skip for now

	# We really like nesting classes:

	# Lot of long lines (ssh keys for example)

	# Anyone as a different indentation preference

	# Misc rules, some of them might use to be enabled later
	"autoloader_layout",  # unused in our setup?

	# FIXME Following test cause a stacktrace ;-(

# Disable checks referenced above:
disabled_checks.each { |name|
	warn "Disabling rule '#{name}' from rakefile"
	PuppetLint.configuration.send( "disable_#{name}" )

=begin lint
amass profit
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