Raw File
Tip revision: f10c0a25ee8821a84b6470b1503dcb12a0cea38c authored by andrewbogott on 11 December 2014, 20:53:54 UTC
Another long-shot partman attempt.
Tip revision: f10c0a2
# $hash_path_suffix is a unique string per cluster used to hash partitions
# $cluster_name is a string defining the cluster, eg eqiad-test or pmtpa-prod.
# It is used to find the ring files in the puppet files
class swift::base($hash_path_suffix, $cluster_name) {

    include webserver::sysctl_settings

    # Recommendations from Swift -- see <>.
    sysctl::parameters { 'swift_performance':
        values => {
            'net.ipv4.tcp_syncookies'             => '0',
            'net.ipv4.tcp_tw_recycle'             => '1',  # disable TIME_WAIT
            'net.ipv4.tcp_tw_reuse'               => '1',
            'net.ipv4.netfilter.ip_conntrack_max' => '262144',

    # this is on purpose not a >=. the cloud archive only exists for
    # precise right now, and will perhaps exist for the next LTS, but
    # surely not for the intermediate releases.
    if ($::lsbdistcodename == 'precise') {
        apt::repository { 'ubuntucloud':
            uri        => '',
            dist       => 'precise-updates/folsom',
            components => 'main',
            keyfile    => 'puppet:///files/misc/ubuntu-cloud.key',
            before     => Package['swift'],

    package { [
        ensure => 'present',


    File {
        owner => 'swift',
        group => 'swift',
        mode  => '0440',

    file { '/etc/swift':
        ensure  => 'directory',
        require => Package['swift'],
        recurse => true,

    file { '/var/cache/swift':
        ensure  => 'directory',
        require => Package['swift'],
        mode    => '0755',

    file { '/etc/swift/swift.conf':
        ensure  => present,
        require => Package['swift'],
        content => template('swift/etc.swift.conf.erb'),

    file { '/etc/swift/account.builder':
        ensure => 'present',
        source => "puppet:///volatile/swift/${cluster_name}/account.builder",

    file { '/etc/swift/account.ring.gz':
        ensure => 'present',
        source => "puppet:///volatile/swift/${cluster_name}/account.ring.gz",

    file { '/etc/swift/container.builder':
        ensure => 'present',
        source => "puppet:///volatile/swift/${cluster_name}/container.builder",

    file { '/etc/swift/container.ring.gz':
        ensure => 'present',
        source => "puppet:///volatile/swift/${cluster_name}/container.ring.gz",

    file { '/etc/swift/object.builder':
        ensure => 'present',
        source => "puppet:///volatile/swift/${cluster_name}/object.builder",

    file { '/etc/swift/object.ring.gz':
        ensure => 'present',
        source => "puppet:///volatile/swift/${cluster_name}/object.ring.gz",

    package { 'ganglia-logtailer':
        ensure => 'absent',
    file { '/usr/share/ganglia-logtailer/':
        ensure => 'absent',
    cron { 'swift-proxy-ganglia':
        ensure  => 'absent',

class swift::proxy(
    $statsd_host               = undef,
    $statsd_metric_prefix      = undef,
    $statsd_sample_rate_factor = '1',
    $statsd_default_sample_rate = '1',
    $bind_port                 = '8080',
    ) {
    Class['swift::base'] -> Class['swift::proxy']

    system::role { 'swift::proxy':
        description => 'swift frontend proxy',

    file { '/etc/swift/proxy-server.conf':
        owner   => 'swift',
        group   => 'swift',
        mode    => '0440',
        content => template('swift/proxy-server.conf.erb'),
        require => Package['swift-proxy'],

    file { '/etc/swift/dispersion.conf':
        owner   => 'swift',
        group   => 'swift',
        mode    => '0440',
        content => template('swift/dispersion.conf.erb'),
        require => Package['swift'],

    file { '/etc/logrotate.d/swift-proxy':
        ensure => present,
        source => 'puppet:///files/swift/swift-proxy.logrotate.conf',
        mode   => '0444',

    rsyslog::conf { 'swift-proxy':
        source   => 'puppet:///files/swift/swift-proxy.rsyslog.conf',
        priority => 30,

    package {[
        ensure => 'present',

    # use a generic (parameterized) memcached class
    class { 'memcached':
        size => 128,
        port => 11211,

    file { '/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/wmf/':
        owner   => 'root',
        group   => 'root',
        mode    => '0444',
        source  => 'puppet:///files/swift/SwiftMedia/wmf/',
        recurse => 'remote',

class swift::proxy::monitoring($host) {
    monitoring::service { 'swift-http-frontend':
        description   => 'Swift HTTP frontend',
        check_command => "check_http_url!${host}!/monitoring/frontend",
    monitoring::service { 'swift-http-backend':
        description   => 'Swift HTTP backend',
        check_command => "check_http_url!${host}!/monitoring/backend",

class swift::monitoring::graphite {
    monitoring::graphite_threshold { 'swift_eqiad-prod_dispersion_object':
        description     => 'swift eqiad-prod object availability',
        metric          => 'swift.eqiad-prod.dispersion.object.pct_found.value',
        from            => '1hours',
        warning         => 95,
        critical        => 90,
        under           => true,
        nagios_critical => false

    monitoring::graphite_threshold { 'swift_eqiad-prod_dispersion_container':
        description     => 'swift eqiad-prod container availability',
        metric          => 'swift.eqiad-prod.dispersion.container.pct_found.value',
        from            => '30min',
        warning         => 92,
        critical        => 88,
        under           => true,
        nagios_critical => false

class swift::storage {
    Class['swift::base'] -> Class['swift::storage']

    system::role { 'swift::storage':
        description => 'swift backend storage brick',

    class packages {
        package {
            [ 'swift-account',
            ensure => 'present',

    class config (
        $statsd_host = 'localhost',
        $statsd_metric_prefix = "swift.${::swift::base::cluster_name}.${::hostname}"
        require swift::storage::packages

        class { 'rsync::server':
            log_file => '/var/log/rsyncd.log',

        rsync::server::module {
            uid             => 'swift',
            gid             => 'swift',
            max_connections => '5',
            path            => '/srv/swift-storage/',
            read_only       => 'no',
            lock_file       => '/var/lock/account.lock';
            uid             => 'swift',
            gid             => 'swift',
            max_connections => '5',
            path            => '/srv/swift-storage/',
            read_only       => 'no',
            lock_file       => '/var/lock/container.lock';
            uid             => 'swift',
            gid             => 'swift',
            max_connections => '10',
            path            => '/srv/swift-storage/',
            read_only       => 'no',
            lock_file       => '/var/lock/object.lock',

        # set up swift specific configs
        File {
            owner => 'swift',
            group => 'swift',
            mode  => '0440',

        file { '/etc/swift/account-server.conf':
            content => template('swift/etc.swift.account-server.conf.erb'),

        file { '/etc/swift/container-server.conf':
            content => template('swift/etc.swift.container-server.conf.erb'),

        file { '/etc/swift/object-server.conf':
            content => template('swift/etc.swift.object-server.conf.erb'),

        file { '/srv/swift-storage':
            ensure  => 'directory',
            require => Package['swift'],
            owner   => 'swift',
            group   => 'swift',
# the 1 is to allow nagios to read the drives for check_disk
            mode    => '0751',

    class service {
        require swift::storage::config

        service { ['swift-account',
            ensure => 'running',

    class monitoring {
        require swift::storage::service
        define monitor_swift_daemon {
            # nrpe::monitor_service will create
            # nrpe::check command definition and a
            # monitoring::service definition which exports to nagios
            nrpe::monitor_service { $title:
                description  => $title,
                nrpe_command => "/usr/lib/nagios/plugins/check_procs -c 1: --ereg-argument-array='^/usr/bin/python /usr/bin/${title}'",
        include nrpe
        nrpe::monitor_service { 'load_average':
            description  => 'very high load average likely xfs',
            nrpe_command => '/usr/lib/nagios/plugins/check_load -w 80,80,80 -c 200,100,100',

        # RT-2593. Moved here from nrpe_local.cfg
        monitor_swift_daemon { [
        ]: }

    # this class installs swift-drive-audit as a cronjob;
    # it checks the disks every 60 minutes
    # and unmounts failed disks. It logs its actions to /var/log/syslog.
    class driveaudit {
        require swift::storage::service
        # this file comes from the python-swift package
        # but there are local improvements
        # that are not yet merged upstream.
        file { '/usr/bin/swift-drive-audit':
            owner  => 'root',
            group  => 'root',
            mode   => '0755',
            source => 'puppet:///files/swift/usr.bin.swift-drive-audit',
        file { '/etc/swift/swift-drive-audit.conf':
            owner  => 'root',
            group  => 'root',
            mode   => '0440',
            source => 'puppet:///files/swift/etc.swift.swift-drive-audit.conf',
        cron { 'swift-drive-audit':
            ensure  => 'present',
            command => '/usr/bin/swift-drive-audit /etc/swift/swift-drive-audit.conf',
            user    => 'root',
            minute  => '1',

    include packages, config, service, driveaudit

# Definition: swift::create_filesystem
# Creates a new partition table on a device, and
# creates a partition and file system for Swift
# Parameters:
#   - $title:
#       The device to partition
define swift::create_filesystem($partition_nr='1') {
    if ($title =~ /^\/dev\/([hvs]d[a-z]+|md[0-9]+)$/) {
        $dev        = "${title}${partition_nr}"
        $dev_suffix = regsubst($dev, '^\/dev\/(.*)$', '\1')
        exec { "swift partitioning ${title}":
            path    => '/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin',
            command => "parted -s -a optimal ${title} mklabel gpt mkpart swift-${dev_suffix} 0% 100% && mkfs -t xfs -i size=512 -L swift-${dev_suffix} ${dev}",
            creates => $dev,

        swift::mount_filesystem { $dev:
            require => Exec["swift partitioning ${title}"],

# Definition: swift::mount_filesystem
# Mounts a block device ($title) under /srv/swift-storage/$devname
# as XFS with the appropriate file system options, and updates fstab
# Parameters:
#   - $title:
#       The device to mount (e.g. /dev/sdc1)
define swift::mount_filesystem() {
    $dev        = $title
    $dev_suffix = regsubst($dev, '^\/dev\/(.*)$', '\1')
    $mountpath  = "/srv/swift-storage/${dev_suffix}"

    # Make sure the mountpoint exists...
    # This can't be a file resource, as it would become a duplicate.
    exec { "mkdir ${mountpath}":
        require => File['/srv/swift-storage'],
        path    => '/usr/bin:/bin',
        creates => $mountpath,

    # ...mount the filesystem by label...
    mount { $mountpath:
        ensure   => 'mounted',
        device   => "LABEL=swift-${dev_suffix}",
        name     => $mountpath,
        fstype   => 'xfs',
        options  => 'noatime,nodiratime,nobarrier,logbufs=8',
        atboot   => true,
        remounts => true,

    # ...and fix the directory attributes.
    file { "fix attr ${mountpath}":
        ensure  => 'directory',
        require => Class['swift::base'],
        path    => $mountpath,
        owner   => 'swift',
        group   => 'swift',
        mode    => '0750',

    Exec["mkdir ${mountpath}"] -> Mount[$mountpath] -> File["fix attr ${mountpath}"]

# Definition: swift::label_filesystem
# labels an XFS filesystem on a block device ($title) as
# swift-xxxx (example: swift-sdm3), only if the device is
# unmounted, has an xfs filesystem on it, and the filesystem
# does not already have a pre-existing swift label
# (so we don't accidentally relabel devices that show up with
# a changed device id)
# this would typically be used for devices partitioned and
# with xfs filesystems created at install time but no labels
# Parameters:
#   - $title:
#       The device to label (e.g. /dev/sdc1)
define swift::label_filesystem() {
    $device     = $title
    $dev_suffix = regsubst($device, '^\/dev\/(.*)$', '\1')

    $label = "swift-${dev_suffix}"
    exec { "/usr/sbin/xfs_admin -L ${label} ${device}":
        onlyif => "/usr/bin/test $(/bin/mount | /bin/grep ${device} |/usr/bin/wc -l) -eq 0 && /usr/b in/test $(/usr/sbin/grub-probe -t fs -d ${device}) = 'xfs' && /usr/bin/test $(/usr/sbin/xfs_admin -l ${device} |/bin/grep swift | /usr/bin/wc -l) -eq 0"
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