Raw File
Tip revision: 6a3fcf4ba131de6995b6ce2b517a57cdcbbe2a71 authored by Lars Bilke on 20 December 2022, 12:29:42 UTC
Merge branch 'vtk-ext' into 'master'
Tip revision: 6a3fcf4
 * \file
 * \brief Declaration of class PETScVector, which provides an interface to
 *        PETSc vector routines.
 * \author Wenqing Wang
 * \date Nov 2011 - Sep 2013
 * \copyright
 * Copyright (c) 2012-2022, OpenGeoSys Community (
 *            Distributed under a Modified BSD License.
 *              See accompanying file LICENSE.txt or

#pragma once

#include <map>
#include <string>
#include <vector>

#include <petscvec.h>

namespace MathLib
   \class PETScVector

   \brief Wrapper class for PETSc vector
class PETScVector
    using IndexType = PetscInt;
    // TODO make this class opaque, s.t. the PETSc symbols are not scattered all
    //      over the global namespace
    using PETSc_Vec = Vec;

    PETScVector() {}
        \brief Constructor
        \param vec_size       The size of the vector, either global or local
        \param is_global_size The flag of the type of vec_size, i.e.
                              whether it is a global size
                              or local size. The default is true.
                              If is_global_size is true, the vector
                              is created by the global size, the local size
                              of the vector is determined by PETSc,
                              and vice versa is the same.
    PETScVector(const PetscInt vec_size, const bool is_global_size = true);

        \brief Constructor
        \param vec_size       The size of the vector, either global or local
        \param ghost_ids      The global indices of ghost entries
        \param is_global_size The flag of the type of vec_size, i.e. whether it
                              is a global size or local size. The default is
    PETScVector(const PetscInt vec_size, const std::vector<PetscInt>& ghost_ids,
                const bool is_global_size = true);

         \brief Copy constructor
         \param existing_vec The vector to be copied
         \param deep_copy    The flag for a deep copy, which means to copy the
                             values as well, the default is true
    explicit PETScVector(const PETScVector& existing_vec,
                         const bool deep_copy = true);

    PETScVector(PETScVector&& other);

    ~PETScVector() { destroy(); }
    /// Perform MPI collection of assembled entries in buffer
    void finalizeAssembly();

    /// Get the global size of the vector
    PetscInt size() const { return size_; }
    /// Get the number of entries in the same rank
    PetscInt getLocalSize() const { return size_loc_; }
    /// Get the number of ghost entries in the same rank
    PetscInt getGhostSize() const { return size_ghosts_; }
    /// Get the start index of the local vector
    PetscInt getRangeBegin() const { return start_rank_; }
    /// Get the end index of the local vector
    PetscInt getRangeEnd() const { return end_rank_; }
       Insert a single entry with value.
       \param i     Entry index
       \param value Entry value

    void set(const PetscInt i, const PetscScalar value)
        VecSetValue(v_, i, value, INSERT_VALUES);

       Add a value to an entry.
       \param i     Number of the entry
       \param value Value.
    void add(const PetscInt i, const PetscScalar value)
        VecSetValue(v_, i, value, ADD_VALUES);

       Add values to several entries.
       \param e_idxs  Indices of entries to be added
                      Note: std::size_t cannot be the type of e_idxs template
       \param sub_vec Entries to be added.
    template <class T_SUBVEC>
    void add(const std::vector<PetscInt>& e_idxs, const T_SUBVEC& sub_vec)
        VecSetValues(v_, e_idxs.size(), &e_idxs[0], &sub_vec[0], ADD_VALUES);

       Add values to several entries
       \param e_idxs  Indices of entries to be added.
                      Note: std::size_t cannot be the type of e_idxs template
       \param sub_vec Entries to be added
    template <class T_SUBVEC>
    void set(const std::vector<PetscInt>& e_idxs, const T_SUBVEC& sub_vec)
        VecSetValues(v_, e_idxs.size(), &e_idxs[0], &sub_vec[0], INSERT_VALUES);

    // TODO preliminary
    void setZero() { VecSet(v_, 0.0); }
    /// Disallow moving.
    /// \todo This operator should be implemented properly when doing a
    ///       general cleanup of all matrix and vector classes.
    PETScVector& operator=(PETScVector&&) = delete;

    /// Set local accessible vector in order to get entries.
    /// Call this before call operator[] or get(...).
    void setLocalAccessibleVector() const;

    /// Get several entries. setLocalAccessibleVector() must be
    /// called beforehand.
    std::vector<PetscScalar> get(std::vector<IndexType> const& indices) const;

    /// Get the value of an entry by [] operator.
    /// setLocalAccessibleVector() must be called beforehand.
    PetscScalar operator[](PetscInt idx) const { return get(idx); }
       Get global vector
       \param u Array to store the global vector. Memory allocation is needed in
    void getGlobalVector(std::vector<PetscScalar>& u) const;

    /* Get an entry value. This is an expensive operation,
       and it only get local value. Use it for only test purpose
       Get the value of an entry by [] operator.
       setLocalAccessibleVector() must be called beforehand.
    PetscScalar get(const PetscInt idx) const;

    //! Exposes the underlying PETSc vector.
    PETSc_Vec& getRawVector() { return v_; }
    /*! Exposes the underlying PETSc vector.
     * \warning
     * This method is dangerous insofar as you can do arbitrary things also
     * with a const PETSc vector!
    PETSc_Vec const& getRawVector() const { return v_; }
       Copy local entries including ghost ones to a vector.
       \param u a vector for the values of local entries. It will be resized to
       hold the current vector data.
    void copyValues(std::vector<PetscScalar>& u) const;

    /*! View the global vector for test purpose. Do not use it for output a big
        \param file_name  File name for output
        \param vw_format  File format listed as:
         PETSC_VIEWER_DEFAULT            Default format
         PETSC_VIEWER_ASCII_DENSE        Print matrix as dense
         PETSC_VIEWER_ASCII_IMPL         Implementation-specific format
                                         (which is in many cases the same as
                                         the default)
         PETSC_VIEWER_ASCII_INFO         Basic information about object
         PETSC_VIEWER_ASCII_INFO_DETAIL  More detailed info about object
         PETSC_VIEWER_ASCII_COMMON       Identical output format for all objects
                                         of a particular type
         PETSC_VIEWER_ASCII_INDEX        (for vectors) Prints the vector element
                                         number next to each vector entry
         PETSC_VIEWER_ASCII_SYMMODU      Print parallel vectors without
                                         indicating the processor ranges
         PETSC_VIEWER_ASCII_VTK          Outputs the object to a VTK file
         PETSC_VIEWER_NATIVE             Store the object to the binary file in
                                         its native format (for example,
                                         dense matrices are stored as dense),
                                         DMDA vectors are dumped directly to
                                         the file instead of being first put in
                                         the natural ordering
         PETSC_VIEWER_DRAW_BASIC         Views the vector with a simple 1d plot
         PETSC_VIEWER_DRAW_LG            Views the vector with a line graph
         PETSC_VIEWER_DRAW_CONTOUR       Views the vector with a contour plot
    void viewer(
        const std::string& file_name,
        const PetscViewerFormat vw_format = PETSC_VIEWER_ASCII_MATLAB) const;

    void shallowCopy(const PETScVector& v);

    void destroy()
        if (v_ != nullptr)
        v_ = nullptr;

    PETSc_Vec v_ = nullptr;
    /// Local vector, which is only for the case that  v_ is created
    /// with ghost entries.
    mutable PETSc_Vec v_loc_ = nullptr;

    /// Starting index in a rank
    PetscInt start_rank_;
    /// Ending index in a rank
    PetscInt end_rank_;

    /// Size of the vector
    PetscInt size_;
    /// Size of local entries
    PetscInt size_loc_;
    /// Size of local ghost entries
    PetscInt size_ghosts_ = 0;

    /// Flag to indicate whether the vector is created with ghost entry indices
    bool has_ghost_id_ = false;

       \brief Array containing the entries of the vector.
       If the vector is created without given ghost IDs, the array
       contains all entries of the global vector, v_. Otherwise it
       only contains the entries of the global vector owned by the
       current rank.
    mutable std::vector<PetscScalar> entry_array_;

    /// Map global indices of ghost entries to local indices
    mutable std::map<PetscInt, PetscInt> global_ids2local_ids_ghost_;

          \brief  Collect local vectors
          \param  local_array Local array
          \param  global_array Global array
    void gatherLocalVectors(PetscScalar local_array[],
                            PetscScalar global_array[]) const;

       Get local vector, i.e. entries in the same rank
    PetscScalar* getLocalVector() const;

    /// Get local index by a global index
    PetscInt getLocalIndex(const PetscInt global_index) const;

       Restore array after finish access local array
       \param array  Pointer to the local array fetched by VecGetArray
    inline void restoreArray(PetscScalar* array) const;

    /// A function called by constructors to configure members
    void config();

    friend void finalizeVectorAssembly(PETScVector& vec);

/// Function to finalize the vector assembly
void finalizeVectorAssembly(PETScVector& vec);

}  // end namespace
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