Raw File
Tip revision: 5ad666f417684f8f1280029ac46e19dc8b5ddb0a authored by Xinlei Chen on 08 March 2019, 04:39:38 UTC
Merge pull request #39 from HuaizhengZhang/patch-1
Tip revision: 5ad666f
# Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates.
# All rights reserved.
# This source code is licensed under the license found in the
# LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.

import json
import os
import _pickle

COMMON_ATTRIBUTES = set(['white', 'black', 'blue', 'green', 'red', 'brown',
                         'yellow', 'small', 'large', 'silver', 'wooden',
                         'orange', 'gray', 'grey', 'metal', 'pink', 'tall',
                         'long', 'dark'])

def extract_category_map(objects_list_file):
    with open(objects_list_file, 'r') as f:
        lines = f.readlines()
    obj_list = [line.strip() for line in lines]
    id_map = {}

    for i, line in enumerate(obj_list):
        objects = line.split(',')
        for obj in objects:
            id_map[obj] = i
    return id_map

def clean_category(id_map):
    clean_id_map = {}
    for obj_name, obj_id in id_map.items():
        if obj_id not in clean_id_map:
            clean_id_map[obj_id] = obj_name
    return clean_id_map

def get_segmantation(bbox):
    x = bbox[0]
    y = bbox[1]
    w = bbox[2]
    h = bbox[3]
    return([x, y, x, y+h, x+w, y+h, x+w, y])

def get_area(bbox):
    return bbox[2] * bbox[3]

def clean_string(string):
    string = string.lower().strip()
    if len(string) >= 1 and string[-1] == '.':
        return string[:-1].strip()
    return string

def clean_objects(string, common_attributes):
    ''' Return object and attribute lists '''
    string = clean_string(string)
    words = string.split()
    if len(words) > 1:
        prefix_words_are_adj = True
        for att in words[:-1]:
            if att not in common_attributes:
                prefix_words_are_adj = False
        if prefix_words_are_adj:
            return words[-1:], words[:-1]
            return [string], []
        return [string], []

def clean_attributes(string):
    ''' Return attribute list '''
    string = clean_string(string)
    if string == "black and white":
        return [string]
        return [word.lower().strip() for word in string.split(" and ")]

class COCO_annotation:
        def __init__(self, obj_cat_id_map,att_cat_id_map):
            self.annotations = []
            self.number_of_object = 0

            self.obj_cat_id_map = obj_cat_id_map
            self.att_cat_id_map = att_cat_id_map
            print("total number of objects is %d, total number of attributes is %d" % (len(self.obj_cat_id_map), len(self.att_cat_id_map)))

        def add_annotation(self,obj_id, image_id, bbox, att_ids):
            segmentation = [get_segmantation(bbox)]
            area = get_area(bbox)
            self.number_of_object += 1
            annotation = {
                "id": self.number_of_object,
                "category_id": obj_id,
                "segmentation": segmentation,
                "area": area,
                "iscrowd": 0,
                "image_id": image_id,
                'bbox': bbox,
                "ignore": 0
            if len(att_ids) >0 :
                annotation["attribute_ids"]= att_ids

        def summary(self):
            obj_clean_map = clean_category(self.obj_cat_id_map)
            self.categories = [{"supercategory": "obj",
                                "id": cat_id,
                                "name": cat_name}
                               for cat_id, cat_name in obj_clean_map.items()]
            att_clean_map = clean_category(self.att_cat_id_map)
            self.att_categories = [{"supercategory": "att",
                                    "id": cat_id,
                                    "name": cat_name}
                                   for cat_id, cat_name
                                   in att_clean_map.items()]

        def add_images(self, images, image_group):
            self.images = []
            for image in images:
                image_name = os.path.basename(image['url'])
                if image_name not in image_group:

                new_image = {
                    "file_name": image_name,
                    "id": image['image_id'],
                    "height": image['height'],
                    "width": image['width']

        def print(self, writer):
            tmp = {"images": self.images,
                   "annotations": self.annotations,
                   "categories": self.categories,
                   "attCategories": self.att_categories}
            return json.dump(tmp, writer)

def convert_2_object_and_att(VG_attributes,
    cocoAnnotation = COCO_annotation(category_id_map, att_cat_id_maps)

    count = 0
    for image in VG_attributes:

        count += 1

        if(count % 10000 == 0):
            print("process %d images" % count)

        image_id = image['image_id']
        image_name = str(image_id) + ".jpg"
        if image_name not in image_group:

        for att in image['attributes']:
            atts = [] if 'attributes' not in att else att['attributes']
            bbox = [att['x'], att['y'], att['w'], att['h']]
            object_names = att['names']

            obj = object_names[0]
            objs, atts_from_name = clean_objects(obj, COMMON_ATTRIBUTES)
            obj_ids = []
            for obj_tmp in objs:
                if obj_tmp in cocoAnnotation.obj_cat_id_map:
            if len(obj_ids) == 0:

            obj_id = obj_ids[0]

            atts += atts_from_name
            att_ids = []
            for att in atts:
                clean_atts = clean_attributes(att)
                for clean_att in clean_atts:
                    if clean_att in cocoAnnotation.att_cat_id_map:
                        clean_att_id = cocoAnnotation.att_cat_id_map[clean_att]

            cocoAnnotation.add_annotation(obj_id, image_id, bbox, att_ids)

    return cocoAnnotation

if __name__ == '__main__':
    VG_attributes_file = "attributes.json"
    VG_image_file = "image_data.json"
    VG_object_and_atrributes_in_COCO_file = "object_and_attributes_%s.json"

    image_id_file = "%s.pkl"
    attributes_list_file = "attributes_vocab.txt"
    objects_list_file = "objects_vocab.txt"

    with open(VG_attributes_file, 'r') as f:
        VG_attributes = json.load(f)

    obj_cat_id_maps = extract_category_map(objects_list_file)
    att_cat_id_maps = extract_category_map(attributes_list_file)

    for label in ["train", "val", "test"]:

        print("process " + label + "...")
        with open(image_id_file % label, "rb") as f:
            image_ids = _pickle.load(f)

        VG_object_and_atrributes_in_COCO = convert_2_object_and_att(VG_attributes, image_ids, obj_cat_id_maps,att_cat_id_maps)

        # extract image meta data
        with open(VG_image_file, 'r') as f:
            VG_image = json.load(f)

        VG_object_and_atrributes_in_COCO.add_images(VG_image, image_ids)

        with open(VG_object_and_atrributes_in_COCO_file % label, 'w') as w:
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