Raw File
Tip revision: fad014949b6024e717b36bfb62a86a81abc661c7 authored by Vincent Chabannes on 02 June 2023, 06:09:00 UTC
Merge pull request #2101 from feelpp/2095-enable-mesh-distance-metric-with-respect-to-arbitrary-markers
Tip revision: fad0149
/* -*- mode: c++; coding: utf-8; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4; show-trailing-whitespace: t -*-*/

#define BOOST_TEST_MODULE test_twolaplaciansdistributed
#include <feel/feelcore/testsuite.hpp>
#include <feel/options.hpp>

#include <feel/feelalg/backend.hpp>
#include <feel/feeldiscr/operatorinterpolation.hpp>
#include <feel/feeldiscr/operatorlagrangep1.hpp>
#include <feel/feeldiscr/pch.hpp>
#include <feel/feelfilters/exporter.hpp>
#include <feel/feelfilters/geotool.hpp>
#include <feel/feelfilters/gmsh.hpp>
#include <feel/feelvf/vf.hpp>

namespace test_twolaplaciansdistributed

using namespace Feel;
using namespace Feel::vf;

 * Options

inline po::options_description
    po::options_description desc_options( "test_twolaplaciansdistributed options" );
    desc_options.add_options()( "hsize", po::value<double>()->default_value( 0.02 ), "mesh size" )( "1d-hsize", po::value<double>()->default_value( 0.02 ), "mesh size 1d" );
    return desc_options.add( Feel::feel_options() ).add( backend_options( "backend1" ) );

 * About

inline AboutData
    AboutData about( "Test_Twolaplaciansdistributed",
                     "test two laplacian distributed",
                     "Copyright (c) 2011 Universite Joseph Fourier" );

    about.addAuthor( "Vincent Chabannes", "developer", "", "" );
    return about;

 * About

void run()
    typedef Mesh<Simplex<2, 1, 2>> mesh_type;
    double meshSize = doption( _name = "hsize" );

    const int domainColor1 = 1;
    const int domainColor2 = 2;
    const int nTotalProc = Environment::worldComm().size();

    auto worldCommDomain1 = Environment::worldCommPtr();
    auto worldCommDomain2 = Environment::worldCommPtr();

    if ( nTotalProc > 1 )
        std::vector<int> MapWorld( nTotalProc );
        for ( int proc = 0; proc < nTotalProc; ++proc )
            if ( proc < nTotalProc / 2 )
                MapWorld[proc] = domainColor1;
                MapWorld[proc] = domainColor2;
        auto worldCommColored = WorldComm( MapWorld );
        worldCommDomain1 = worldCommColored.subWorldComm( domainColor1 );
        worldCommDomain2 = worldCommColored.subWorldComm( domainColor2 );
    // meshes
    if ( worldCommDomain1->isActive() )
        GeoTool::Node x11( 0, 0 );
        GeoTool::Node x12( 1, 1 );
        GeoTool::Rectangle Omega1( meshSize, "Omega", x11, x12 );
        Omega1.setMarker( _type = "line", _name = "Paroi", _markerAll = true );
        Omega1.setMarker( _type = "surface", _name = "Omega", _markerAll = true );
        auto mesh1 = Omega1.createMesh( _mesh = new mesh_type,
                                        _name = "omega1_" + mesh_type::shape_type::name(),
                                        _partitions = worldCommDomain1->localSize(),
                                        _worldcomm = worldCommDomain1 );
        auto Xh1 = Pch<1>( mesh1 );
        auto u1 = Xh1->element();
        auto backend1 = backend( _rebuild = true, _worldcomm = Xh1->worldCommPtr() );
        auto A1 = backend1->newMatrix( _test = Xh1, _trial = Xh1 );
        auto F1 = backend1->newVector( Xh1 );
        form2( _test = Xh1, _trial = Xh1, _matrix = A1 ) +=
            integrate( _range = elements( mesh1 ), _expr = gradt( u1 ) * trans( grad( u1 ) ) );
        form1( _test = Xh1, _vector = F1 ) +=
            integrate( _range = elements( mesh1 ), _expr = id( u1 ) );
        form2( _test = Xh1, _trial = Xh1, _matrix = A1 ) +=
            on( _range = boundaryfaces( mesh1 ),
                _element = u1, _rhs = F1,
                _expr = cst( 0. ) );
        backend1->solve( _matrix = A1, _solution = u1, _rhs = F1 /*,_prec=prec1*/ );
        double l2NormU1 = u1.l2Norm();
        BOOST_CHECK( l2NormU1 > 1e-5 );
        auto myexporter1 = exporter( _mesh = mesh1, _name = "MyExportDomain1" );
        myexporter1->step( 0 )->add( "u1", u1 );

    if ( worldCommDomain2->isActive() )
        GeoTool::Node x21( -1, 0.3 );
        GeoTool::Node x22( -1 + 0.5, 0.3 );
        GeoTool::Circle Omega2( meshSize, "Omega", x21, x22 );
        Omega2.setMarker( _type = "line", _name = "Paroi", _markerAll = true );
        Omega2.setMarker( _type = "surface", _name = "Omega", _markerAll = true );
        auto mesh2 = Omega2.createMesh( _mesh = new mesh_type,
                                        _name = "omega2_" + mesh_type::shape_type::name(),
                                        _partitions = worldCommDomain2->localSize(),
                                        _worldcomm = worldCommDomain2 );
        // functionspaces

        auto Xh2 = Pch<1>( mesh2 );

        auto u2 = Xh2->element();
        // backends

        auto backend2 = backend( _rebuild = true, _worldcomm = Xh2->worldCommPtr() );
        // init matrix and vectors
        auto A2 = backend2->newMatrix( _test = Xh2, _trial = Xh2 );

        auto F2 = backend2->newVector( Xh2 );

        // assembly

        form2( _test = Xh2, _trial = Xh2, _matrix = A2 ) +=
            integrate( _range = elements( mesh2 ), _expr = gradt( u2 ) * trans( grad( u2 ) ) );
        form1( _test = Xh2, _vector = F2 ) +=
            integrate( _range = elements( mesh2 ), _expr = id( u2 ) );
        form2( _test = Xh2, _trial = Xh2, _matrix = A2 ) +=
            on( _range = boundaryfaces( mesh2 ),
                _element = u2, _rhs = F2,
                _expr = cst( 0. ) );

        // solve
        backend2->solve( _matrix = A2, _solution = u2, _rhs = F2 /*,_prec=prec2*/ );
        double l2NormU2 = u2.l2Norm();
        BOOST_CHECK( l2NormU2 > 1e-5 );
        CHECK( l2NormU2 > 1e-5 ) << "l2Norm of u2 must be non null";

        // exports

        auto myexporter2 = exporter( _mesh = mesh2, _name = "MyExportDomain2" );
        myexporter2->step( 0 )->add( "u2", u2 );
} //namespace test_twolaplaciansdistributed

 * Main

FEELPP_ENVIRONMENT_WITH_OPTIONS( test_twolaplaciansdistributed::makeAbout(),
                                 test_twolaplaciansdistributed::makeOptions() )

BOOST_AUTO_TEST_SUITE( twolaplaciansdistributed )

BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE( twolaplaciansdistributed1 )
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