Raw File
Tip revision: 0113c61ce9968d83a02c4245e3bd34c450e7866e authored by Vijay Nadimpalli on 21 October 2019, 19:07:58 UTC
Making platform 007 (gcc 7) default in (#5947)
Tip revision: 0113c61
//  Copyright (c) 2016-present, Facebook, Inc.  All rights reserved.
//  This source code is licensed under both the GPLv2 (found in the
//  COPYING file in the root directory) and Apache 2.0 License
//  (found in the LICENSE.Apache file in the root directory).

#pragma once

#include <list>
#include <map>
#include <set>
#include <string>
#include <vector>

#include "db/compaction_iteration_stats.h"
#include "db/dbformat.h"
#include "db/pinned_iterators_manager.h"
#include "db/version_edit.h"
#include "include/rocksdb/comparator.h"
#include "include/rocksdb/types.h"
#include "table/internal_iterator.h"
#include "table/scoped_arena_iterator.h"
#include "table/table_builder.h"
#include "util/kv_map.h"

namespace rocksdb {

// RangeDelMaps maintain position across calls to ShouldDelete. The caller may
// wish to specify a mode to optimize positioning the iterator during the next
// call to ShouldDelete. The non-kFullScan modes are only available when
// deletion collapsing is enabled.
// For example, if we invoke Next() on an iterator, kForwardTraversal should be
// specified to advance one-by-one through deletions until one is found with its
// interval containing the key. This will typically be faster than doing a full
// binary search (kBinarySearch).
enum class RangeDelPositioningMode {
  kFullScan,  // used iff collapse_deletions_ == false

// A RangeDelIterator iterates over range deletion tombstones.
class RangeDelIterator {
  virtual ~RangeDelIterator() = default;

  virtual bool Valid() const = 0;
  virtual void Next() = 0;
  virtual void Seek(const Slice& target) = 0;
  virtual RangeTombstone Tombstone() const = 0;

// A RangeDelMap keeps track of range deletion tombstones within a snapshot
// stripe.
// RangeDelMaps are used internally by RangeDelAggregator. They are not intended
// to be used directly.
class RangeDelMap {
  virtual ~RangeDelMap() = default;

  virtual bool ShouldDelete(const ParsedInternalKey& parsed,
                            RangeDelPositioningMode mode) = 0;
  virtual bool IsRangeOverlapped(const Slice& start, const Slice& end) = 0;
  virtual void InvalidatePosition() = 0;

  virtual size_t Size() const = 0;
  bool IsEmpty() const { return Size() == 0; }

  virtual void AddTombstone(RangeTombstone tombstone) = 0;
  virtual std::unique_ptr<RangeDelIterator> NewIterator() = 0;

// A RangeDelAggregator aggregates range deletion tombstones as they are
// encountered in memtables/SST files. It provides methods that check whether a
// key is covered by range tombstones or write the relevant tombstones to a new
// SST file.
class RangeDelAggregator {
  // @param snapshots These are used to organize the tombstones into snapshot
  //    stripes, which is the seqnum range between consecutive snapshots,
  //    including the higher snapshot and excluding the lower one. Currently,
  //    this is used by ShouldDelete() to prevent deletion of keys that are
  //    covered by range tombstones in other snapshot stripes. This constructor
  //    is used for writes (flush/compaction). All DB snapshots are provided
  //    such that no keys are removed that are uncovered according to any DB
  //    snapshot.
  // Note this overload does not lazily initialize Rep.
  RangeDelAggregator(const InternalKeyComparator& icmp,
                     const std::vector<SequenceNumber>& snapshots,
                     bool collapse_deletions = true);

  // @param upper_bound Similar to snapshots above, except with a single
  //    snapshot, which allows us to store the snapshot on the stack and defer
  //    initialization of heap-allocating members (in Rep) until the first range
  //    deletion is encountered. This constructor is used in case of reads (get/
  //    iterator), for which only the user snapshot (upper_bound) is provided
  //    such that the seqnum space is divided into two stripes. Only the older
  //    stripe will be used by ShouldDelete().
  RangeDelAggregator(const InternalKeyComparator& icmp,
                     SequenceNumber upper_bound,
                     bool collapse_deletions = false);

  // Returns whether the key should be deleted, which is the case when it is
  // covered by a range tombstone residing in the same snapshot stripe.
  // @param mode If collapse_deletions_ is true, this dictates how we will find
  //             the deletion whose interval contains this key. Otherwise, its
  //             value must be kFullScan indicating linear scan from beginning.
  bool ShouldDelete(
      const ParsedInternalKey& parsed,
      RangeDelPositioningMode mode = RangeDelPositioningMode::kFullScan) {
    if (rep_ == nullptr) {
      return false;
    return ShouldDeleteImpl(parsed, mode);
  bool ShouldDelete(
      const Slice& internal_key,
      RangeDelPositioningMode mode = RangeDelPositioningMode::kFullScan) {
    if (rep_ == nullptr) {
      return false;
    return ShouldDeleteImpl(internal_key, mode);
  bool ShouldDeleteImpl(const ParsedInternalKey& parsed,
                        RangeDelPositioningMode mode);
  bool ShouldDeleteImpl(const Slice& internal_key,
                        RangeDelPositioningMode mode);

  // Checks whether range deletions cover any keys between `start` and `end`,
  // inclusive.
  // @param start User key representing beginning of range to check for overlap.
  // @param end User key representing end of range to check for overlap. This
  //     argument is inclusive, so the existence of a range deletion covering
  //     `end` causes this to return true.
  bool IsRangeOverlapped(const Slice& start, const Slice& end);

  // Adds tombstones to the tombstone aggregation structure maintained by this
  // object. Tombstones are truncated to smallest and largest. If smallest (or
  // largest) is null, it is not used for truncation. When adding range
  // tombstones present in an sstable, smallest and largest should be set to
  // the smallest and largest keys from the sstable file metadata. Note that
  // tombstones end keys are exclusive while largest is inclusive.
  // @return non-OK status if any of the tombstone keys are corrupted.
  Status AddTombstones(std::unique_ptr<InternalIterator> input,
                       const InternalKey* smallest = nullptr,
                       const InternalKey* largest = nullptr);

  // Resets iterators maintained across calls to ShouldDelete(). This may be
  // called when the tombstones change, or the owner may call explicitly, e.g.,
  // if it's an iterator that just seeked to an arbitrary position. The effect
  // of invalidation is that the following call to ShouldDelete() will binary
  // search for its tombstone.
  void InvalidateRangeDelMapPositions();

  bool IsEmpty();
  bool AddFile(uint64_t file_number);

  // Create a new iterator over the range deletion tombstones in all of the
  // snapshot stripes in this aggregator. Tombstones are presented in start key
  // order. Tombstones with the same start key are presented in arbitrary order.
  // The iterator is invalidated after any call to AddTombstones. It is the
  // caller's responsibility to avoid using invalid iterators.
  std::unique_ptr<RangeDelIterator> NewIterator();

  // Maps snapshot seqnum -> map of tombstones that fall in that stripe, i.e.,
  // their seqnums are greater than the next smaller snapshot's seqnum.
  typedef std::map<SequenceNumber, std::unique_ptr<RangeDelMap>> StripeMap;

  struct Rep {
    StripeMap stripe_map_;
    PinnedIteratorsManager pinned_iters_mgr_;
    std::list<std::string> pinned_slices_;
    std::set<uint64_t> added_files_;
  // Initializes rep_ lazily. This aggregator object is constructed for every
  // read, so expensive members should only be created when necessary, i.e.,
  // once the first range deletion is encountered.
  void InitRep(const std::vector<SequenceNumber>& snapshots);

  std::unique_ptr<RangeDelMap> NewRangeDelMap();
  RangeDelMap& GetRangeDelMap(SequenceNumber seq);

  SequenceNumber upper_bound_;
  std::unique_ptr<Rep> rep_;
  const InternalKeyComparator& icmp_;
  // collapse range deletions so they're binary searchable
  const bool collapse_deletions_;

}  // namespace rocksdb
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