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Tip revision: 99f6c7aff4efb16cba51b9c84fe4348dec8a2be5 authored by seabld on 05 September 2014, 04:56:57 UTC
Added tag SEAMONKEY_2_29_RELEASE for changeset FIREFOX_32_0_BUILD1. CLOSED TREE a=release
Tip revision: 99f6c7a
/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 8; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*-
 * vim: set ts=8 sts=4 et sw=4 tw=99:
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#ifndef jit_JitCompartment_h
#define jit_JitCompartment_h

#ifdef JS_ION

#include "mozilla/MemoryReporting.h"

#include "jsweakcache.h"

#include "jit/CompileInfo.h"
#include "jit/IonCode.h"
#include "jit/IonFrames.h"
#include "jit/shared/Assembler-shared.h"
#include "js/Value.h"
#include "vm/Stack.h"

namespace js {
namespace jit {

class FrameSizeClass;

enum EnterJitType {
    EnterJitBaseline = 0,
    EnterJitOptimized = 1

struct EnterJitData
    explicit EnterJitData(JSContext *cx)
      : scopeChain(cx),

    uint8_t *jitcode;
    InterpreterFrame *osrFrame;

    void *calleeToken;

    Value *maxArgv;
    unsigned maxArgc;
    unsigned numActualArgs;
    unsigned osrNumStackValues;

    RootedObject scopeChain;
    RootedValue result;

    bool constructing;

typedef void (*EnterJitCode)(void *code, unsigned argc, Value *argv, InterpreterFrame *fp,
                             CalleeToken calleeToken, JSObject *scopeChain,
                             size_t numStackValues, Value *vp);

class IonBuilder;

// ICStubSpace is an abstraction for allocation policy and storage for stub data.
// There are two kinds of stubs: optimized stubs and fallback stubs (the latter
// also includes stubs that can make non-tail calls that can GC).
// Optimized stubs are allocated per-compartment and are always purged when
// JIT-code is discarded. Fallback stubs are allocated per BaselineScript and
// are only destroyed when the BaselineScript is destroyed.
class ICStubSpace
    LifoAlloc allocator_;

    explicit ICStubSpace(size_t chunkSize)
      : allocator_(chunkSize)

    inline void *alloc(size_t size) {
        return allocator_.alloc(size);

    JS_DECLARE_NEW_METHODS(allocate, alloc, inline)

    size_t sizeOfExcludingThis(mozilla::MallocSizeOf mallocSizeOf) const {
        return allocator_.sizeOfExcludingThis(mallocSizeOf);

// Space for optimized stubs. Every JitCompartment has a single
// OptimizedICStubSpace.
struct OptimizedICStubSpace : public ICStubSpace
    static const size_t STUB_DEFAULT_CHUNK_SIZE = 4 * 1024;


    void free() {

// Space for fallback stubs. Every BaselineScript has a
// FallbackICStubSpace.
struct FallbackICStubSpace : public ICStubSpace
    static const size_t STUB_DEFAULT_CHUNK_SIZE = 256;


    inline void adoptFrom(FallbackICStubSpace *other) {

// Information about a loop backedge in the runtime, which can be set to
// point to either the loop header or to an OOL interrupt checking stub,
// if signal handlers are being used to implement interrupts.
class PatchableBackedge : public InlineListNode<PatchableBackedge>
    friend class JitRuntime;

    CodeLocationJump backedge;
    CodeLocationLabel loopHeader;
    CodeLocationLabel interruptCheck;

    PatchableBackedge(CodeLocationJump backedge,
                      CodeLocationLabel loopHeader,
                      CodeLocationLabel interruptCheck)
      : backedge(backedge), loopHeader(loopHeader), interruptCheck(interruptCheck)

class JitRuntime
    friend class JitCompartment;

    // Executable allocator for all code except the main code in an IonScript.
    // Shared with the runtime.
    JSC::ExecutableAllocator *execAlloc_;

    // Executable allocator used for allocating the main code in an IonScript.
    // All accesses on this allocator must be protected by the runtime's
    // interrupt lock, as the executable memory may be protected() when
    // requesting an interrupt to force a fault in the Ion code and avoid the
    // need for explicit interrupt checks.
    JSC::ExecutableAllocator *ionAlloc_;

    // Shared post-exception-handler tail
    JitCode *exceptionTail_;

    // Shared post-bailout-handler tail.
    JitCode *bailoutTail_;

    // Trampoline for entering JIT code. Contains OSR prologue.
    JitCode *enterJIT_;

    // Trampoline for entering baseline JIT code.
    JitCode *enterBaselineJIT_;

    // Vector mapping frame class sizes to bailout tables.
    Vector<JitCode*, 4, SystemAllocPolicy> bailoutTables_;

    // Generic bailout table; used if the bailout table overflows.
    JitCode *bailoutHandler_;

    // Argument-rectifying thunk, in the case of insufficient arguments passed
    // to a function call site.
    JitCode *argumentsRectifier_;
    void *argumentsRectifierReturnAddr_;

    // Arguments-rectifying thunk which loads |parallelIon| instead of |ion|.
    JitCode *parallelArgumentsRectifier_;

    // Thunk that invalides an (Ion compiled) caller on the Ion stack.
    JitCode *invalidator_;

    // Thunk that calls the GC pre barrier.
    JitCode *valuePreBarrier_;
    JitCode *shapePreBarrier_;

    // Thunk to call malloc/free.
    JitCode *mallocStub_;
    JitCode *freeStub_;

    // Thunk used by the debugger for breakpoint and step mode.
    JitCode *debugTrapHandler_;

    // Stub used to inline the ForkJoinGetSlice intrinsic.
    JitCode *forkJoinGetSliceStub_;

    // Thunk used to fix up on-stack recompile of baseline scripts.
    JitCode *baselineDebugModeOSRHandler_;
    void *baselineDebugModeOSRHandlerNoFrameRegPopAddr_;

    // Map VMFunction addresses to the JitCode of the wrapper.
    typedef WeakCache<const VMFunction *, JitCode *> VMWrapperMap;
    VMWrapperMap *functionWrappers_;

    // Buffer for OSR from baseline to Ion. To avoid holding on to this for
    // too long, it's also freed in JitCompartment::mark and in EnterBaseline
    // (after returning from JIT code).
    uint8_t *osrTempData_;

    // Whether all Ion code in the runtime is protected, and will fault if it
    // is accessed.
    bool ionCodeProtected_;

    // If signal handlers are installed, this contains all loop backedges for
    // IonScripts in the runtime.
    InlineList<PatchableBackedge> backedgeList_;

    // In certain cases, we want to optimize certain opcodes to typed instructions,
    // to avoid carrying an extra register to feed into an unbox. Unfortunately,
    // that's not always possible. For example, a GetPropertyCacheT could return a
    // typed double, but if it takes its out-of-line path, it could return an
    // object, and trigger invalidation. The invalidation bailout will consider the
    // return value to be a double, and create a garbage Value.
    // To allow the GetPropertyCacheT optimization, we allow the ability for
    // GetPropertyCache to override the return value at the top of the stack - the
    // value that will be temporarily corrupt. This special override value is set
    // only in callVM() targets that are about to return *and* have invalidated
    // their callee.
    js::Value ionReturnOverride_;

    JitCode *generateExceptionTailStub(JSContext *cx);
    JitCode *generateBailoutTailStub(JSContext *cx);
    JitCode *generateEnterJIT(JSContext *cx, EnterJitType type);
    JitCode *generateArgumentsRectifier(JSContext *cx, ExecutionMode mode, void **returnAddrOut);
    JitCode *generateBailoutTable(JSContext *cx, uint32_t frameClass);
    JitCode *generateBailoutHandler(JSContext *cx);
    JitCode *generateInvalidator(JSContext *cx);
    JitCode *generatePreBarrier(JSContext *cx, MIRType type);
    JitCode *generateMallocStub(JSContext *cx);
    JitCode *generateFreeStub(JSContext *cx);
    JitCode *generateDebugTrapHandler(JSContext *cx);
    JitCode *generateForkJoinGetSliceStub(JSContext *cx);
    JitCode *generateBaselineDebugModeOSRHandler(JSContext *cx, uint32_t *noFrameRegPopOffsetOut);
    JitCode *generateVMWrapper(JSContext *cx, const VMFunction &f);

    JSC::ExecutableAllocator *createIonAlloc(JSContext *cx);

    bool initialize(JSContext *cx);

    uint8_t *allocateOsrTempData(size_t size);
    void freeOsrTempData();

    static void Mark(JSTracer *trc);

    JSC::ExecutableAllocator *execAlloc() const {
        return execAlloc_;

    JSC::ExecutableAllocator *getIonAlloc(JSContext *cx) {
        return ionAlloc_ ? ionAlloc_ : createIonAlloc(cx);

    JSC::ExecutableAllocator *ionAlloc(JSRuntime *rt) {
        return ionAlloc_;

    bool hasIonAlloc() const {
        return !!ionAlloc_;

    bool ionCodeProtected() {
        return ionCodeProtected_;

    void addPatchableBackedge(PatchableBackedge *backedge) {
    void removePatchableBackedge(PatchableBackedge *backedge) {

    enum BackedgeTarget {

    void ensureIonCodeProtected(JSRuntime *rt);
    void ensureIonCodeAccessible(JSRuntime *rt);
    void patchIonBackedges(JSRuntime *rt, BackedgeTarget target);

    bool handleAccessViolation(JSRuntime *rt, void *faultingAddress);

    JitCode *getVMWrapper(const VMFunction &f) const;
    JitCode *debugTrapHandler(JSContext *cx);
    JitCode *getBaselineDebugModeOSRHandler(JSContext *cx);
    void *getBaselineDebugModeOSRHandlerAddress(JSContext *cx, bool popFrameReg);

    JitCode *getGenericBailoutHandler() const {
        return bailoutHandler_;

    JitCode *getExceptionTail() const {
        return exceptionTail_;

    JitCode *getBailoutTail() const {
        return bailoutTail_;

    JitCode *getBailoutTable(const FrameSizeClass &frameClass) const;

    JitCode *getArgumentsRectifier(ExecutionMode mode) const {
        switch (mode) {
          case SequentialExecution: return argumentsRectifier_;
          case ParallelExecution:   return parallelArgumentsRectifier_;
          default:                  MOZ_ASSUME_UNREACHABLE("No such execution mode");

    void *getArgumentsRectifierReturnAddr() const {
        return argumentsRectifierReturnAddr_;

    JitCode *getInvalidationThunk() const {
        return invalidator_;

    EnterJitCode enterIon() const {
        return enterJIT_->as<EnterJitCode>();

    EnterJitCode enterBaseline() const {
        return enterBaselineJIT_->as<EnterJitCode>();

    JitCode *valuePreBarrier() const {
        return valuePreBarrier_;

    JitCode *shapePreBarrier() const {
        return shapePreBarrier_;

    JitCode *mallocStub() const {
        return mallocStub_;

    JitCode *freeStub() const {
        return freeStub_;

    bool ensureForkJoinGetSliceStubExists(JSContext *cx);
    JitCode *forkJoinGetSliceStub() const {
        return forkJoinGetSliceStub_;

    bool hasIonReturnOverride() const {
        return !ionReturnOverride_.isMagic(JS_ARG_POISON);
    js::Value takeIonReturnOverride() {
        js::Value v = ionReturnOverride_;
        ionReturnOverride_ = js::MagicValue(JS_ARG_POISON);
        return v;
    void setIonReturnOverride(const js::Value &v) {
        ionReturnOverride_ = v;

class JitZone
    // Allocated space for optimized baseline stubs.
    OptimizedICStubSpace optimizedStubSpace_;

    OptimizedICStubSpace *optimizedStubSpace() {
        return &optimizedStubSpace_;

class JitCompartment
    friend class JitActivation;

    // Map ICStub keys to ICStub shared code objects.
    typedef WeakValueCache<uint32_t, ReadBarrieredJitCode> ICStubCodeMap;
    ICStubCodeMap *stubCodes_;

    // Keep track of offset into various baseline stubs' code at return
    // point from called script.
    void *baselineCallReturnAddr_;
    void *baselineGetPropReturnAddr_;
    void *baselineSetPropReturnAddr_;

    // Stub to concatenate two strings inline. Note that it can't be
    // stored in JitRuntime because masm.newGCString bakes in zone-specific
    // pointers. This has to be a weak pointer to avoid keeping the whole
    // compartment alive.
    ReadBarrieredJitCode stringConcatStub_;
    ReadBarrieredJitCode parallelStringConcatStub_;

    // Set of JSScripts invoked by ForkJoin (i.e. the entry script). These
    // scripts are marked if their respective parallel IonScripts' age is less
    // than a certain amount. See IonScript::parallelAge_.
    typedef HashSet<PreBarrieredScript> ScriptSet;
    ScriptSet *activeParallelEntryScripts_;

    JitCode *generateStringConcatStub(JSContext *cx, ExecutionMode mode);

    JitCode *getStubCode(uint32_t key) {
        ICStubCodeMap::AddPtr p = stubCodes_->lookupForAdd(key);
        if (p)
            return p->value();
        return nullptr;
    bool putStubCode(uint32_t key, Handle<JitCode *> stubCode) {
        // Make sure to do a lookupForAdd(key) and then insert into that slot, because
        // that way if stubCode gets moved due to a GC caused by lookupForAdd, then
        // we still write the correct pointer.
        ICStubCodeMap::AddPtr p = stubCodes_->lookupForAdd(key);
        return stubCodes_->add(p, key, stubCode.get());
    void initBaselineCallReturnAddr(void *addr) {
        JS_ASSERT(baselineCallReturnAddr_ == nullptr);
        baselineCallReturnAddr_ = addr;
    void *baselineCallReturnAddr() {
        JS_ASSERT(baselineCallReturnAddr_ != nullptr);
        return baselineCallReturnAddr_;
    void initBaselineGetPropReturnAddr(void *addr) {
        JS_ASSERT(baselineGetPropReturnAddr_ == nullptr);
        baselineGetPropReturnAddr_ = addr;
    void *baselineGetPropReturnAddr() {
        JS_ASSERT(baselineGetPropReturnAddr_ != nullptr);
        return baselineGetPropReturnAddr_;
    void initBaselineSetPropReturnAddr(void *addr) {
        JS_ASSERT(baselineSetPropReturnAddr_ == nullptr);
        baselineSetPropReturnAddr_ = addr;
    void *baselineSetPropReturnAddr() {
        JS_ASSERT(baselineSetPropReturnAddr_ != nullptr);
        return baselineSetPropReturnAddr_;

    bool notifyOfActiveParallelEntryScript(JSContext *cx, HandleScript script);

    void toggleBaselineStubBarriers(bool enabled);

    JSC::ExecutableAllocator *createIonAlloc();


    bool initialize(JSContext *cx);

    // Initialize code stubs only used by Ion, not Baseline.
    bool ensureIonStubsExist(JSContext *cx);

    void mark(JSTracer *trc, JSCompartment *compartment);
    void sweep(FreeOp *fop);

    JitCode *stringConcatStub(ExecutionMode mode) const {
        switch (mode) {
          case SequentialExecution: return stringConcatStub_;
          case ParallelExecution:   return parallelStringConcatStub_;
          default:                  MOZ_ASSUME_UNREACHABLE("No such execution mode");

// Called from JSCompartment::discardJitCode().
void InvalidateAll(FreeOp *fop, JS::Zone *zone);
template <ExecutionMode mode>
void FinishInvalidation(FreeOp *fop, JSScript *script);

inline bool
ShouldPreserveParallelJITCode(JSRuntime *rt, JSScript *script, bool increase = false)
    IonScript *parallelIon = script->parallelIonScript();
    uint32_t age = increase ? parallelIon->increaseParallelAge() : parallelIon->parallelAge();
    return age < jit::IonScript::MAX_PARALLEL_AGE && !rt->gc.shouldCleanUpEverything;

// On windows systems, really large frames need to be incrementally touched.
// The following constant defines the minimum increment of the touch.
#ifdef XP_WIN
const unsigned WINDOWS_BIG_FRAME_TOUCH_INCREMENT = 4096 - 1;

} // namespace jit
} // namespace js

#endif // JS_ION

#endif /* jit_JitCompartment_h */
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