Raw File
Tip revision: 054c33d1d469c8633c07e25e8df67e44c4aa0dda authored by seabld on 03 December 2014, 06:06:54 UTC
Added tag SEAMONKEY_2_31_RELEASE for changeset FIREFOX_34_0_RELEASE. CLOSED TREE a=release
Tip revision: 054c33d
/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 2; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- */
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/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
 * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
 * file, You can obtain one at */

#ifndef MacIOSurface_h__
#define MacIOSurface_h__
#ifdef XP_MACOSX
#include <QuartzCore/QuartzCore.h>
#include <dlfcn.h>
#include "mozilla/RefPtr.h"

typedef CFTypeRef IOSurfacePtr;
typedef IOSurfacePtr (*IOSurfaceCreateFunc) (CFDictionaryRef properties);
typedef IOSurfacePtr (*IOSurfaceLookupFunc) (uint32_t io_surface_id);
typedef IOSurfaceID (*IOSurfaceGetIDFunc) (CFTypeRef io_surface);
typedef IOReturn (*IOSurfaceLockFunc) (CFTypeRef io_surface, 
                                       uint32_t options, 
                                       uint32_t *seed);
typedef IOReturn (*IOSurfaceUnlockFunc) (CFTypeRef io_surface, 
                                         uint32_t options, 
                                         uint32_t *seed);
typedef void* (*IOSurfaceGetBaseAddressFunc) (CFTypeRef io_surface);
typedef size_t (*IOSurfaceGetWidthFunc) (IOSurfacePtr io_surface);
typedef size_t (*IOSurfaceGetHeightFunc) (IOSurfacePtr io_surface);
typedef size_t (*IOSurfaceGetBytesPerRowFunc) (IOSurfacePtr io_surface);
typedef size_t (*IOSurfaceGetPropertyMaximumFunc) (CFStringRef property);
typedef CGLError (*CGLTexImageIOSurface2DFunc) (CGLContextObj ctxt,
                             GLenum target, GLenum internalFormat,
                             GLsizei width, GLsizei height,
                             GLenum format, GLenum type,
                             IOSurfacePtr ioSurface, GLuint plane);
typedef CGContextRef (*IOSurfaceContextCreateFunc)(CFTypeRef io_surface,
                             unsigned width, unsigned height,
                             unsigned bitsPerComponent, unsigned bytes,
                             CGColorSpaceRef colorSpace, CGBitmapInfo bitmapInfo);
typedef CGImageRef (*IOSurfaceContextCreateImageFunc)(CGContextRef ref);
typedef IOSurfacePtr (*IOSurfaceContextGetSurfaceFunc)(CGContextRef ref);

#import <OpenGL/OpenGL.h>
#include "2D.h"
#include "mozilla/RefPtr.h"

struct _CGLContextObject;

typedef _CGLContextObject* CGLContextObj;
typedef struct CGContext* CGContextRef;
typedef struct CGImage* CGImageRef;
typedef uint32_t IOSurfaceID;

enum CGContextType {
  // These are found by inspection, it's possible they could be changed

CGContextType GetContextType(CGContextRef ref);

class MacIOSurface : public mozilla::RefCounted<MacIOSurface> {
  typedef mozilla::gfx::SourceSurface SourceSurface;

  static mozilla::TemporaryRef<MacIOSurface> CreateIOSurface(int aWidth, int aHeight,
                                                             double aContentsScaleFactor = 1.0,
                                                             bool aHasAlpha = true);
  static void ReleaseIOSurface(MacIOSurface *aIOSurface);
  static mozilla::TemporaryRef<MacIOSurface> LookupSurface(IOSurfaceID aSurfaceID,
                                                           double aContentsScaleFactor = 1.0,
                                                           bool aHasAlpha = true);

  explicit MacIOSurface(const void *aIOSurfacePtr, double aContentsScaleFactor = 1.0, bool aHasAlpha = true)
    : mIOSurfacePtr(aIOSurfacePtr), mContentsScaleFactor(aContentsScaleFactor), mHasAlpha(aHasAlpha) {}
  virtual ~MacIOSurface();
  IOSurfaceID GetIOSurfaceID();
  void *GetBaseAddress();
  // GetWidth() and GetHeight() return values in "display pixels".  A
  // "display pixel" is the smallest fully addressable part of a display.
  // But in HiDPI modes each "display pixel" corresponds to more than one
  // device pixel.  Use GetDevicePixel**() to get device pixels.
  size_t GetWidth();
  size_t GetHeight();
  double GetContentsScaleFactor() { return mContentsScaleFactor; }
  size_t GetDevicePixelWidth();
  size_t GetDevicePixelHeight();
  size_t GetBytesPerRow();
  void Lock();
  void Unlock();
  bool HasAlpha() { return mHasAlpha; }
  // We would like to forward declare NSOpenGLContext, but it is an @interface
  // and this file is also used from c++, so we use a void *.
  CGLError CGLTexImageIOSurface2D(CGLContextObj ctxt);
  mozilla::TemporaryRef<SourceSurface> GetAsSurface();
  CGContextRef CreateIOSurfaceContext();

  // FIXME This doesn't really belong here
  static CGImageRef CreateImageFromIOSurfaceContext(CGContextRef aContext);
  static mozilla::TemporaryRef<MacIOSurface> IOSurfaceContextGetSurface(CGContextRef aContext,
                                                                        double aContentsScaleFactor = 1.0,
                                                                        bool aHasAlpha = true);
  static size_t GetMaxWidth();
  static size_t GetMaxHeight();

  friend class nsCARenderer;
  const void* mIOSurfacePtr;
  double mContentsScaleFactor;
  bool mHasAlpha;

class MacIOSurfaceLib: public MacIOSurface {
  static void                        *sIOSurfaceFramework;
  static void                        *sOpenGLFramework;
  static void                        *sCoreGraphicsFramework;
  static bool                         isLoaded;
  static IOSurfaceCreateFunc          sCreate;
  static IOSurfaceGetIDFunc           sGetID;
  static IOSurfaceLookupFunc          sLookup;
  static IOSurfaceGetBaseAddressFunc  sGetBaseAddress;
  static IOSurfaceLockFunc            sLock;
  static IOSurfaceUnlockFunc          sUnlock;
  static IOSurfaceGetWidthFunc        sWidth;
  static IOSurfaceGetHeightFunc       sHeight;
  static IOSurfaceGetBytesPerRowFunc  sBytesPerRow;
  static IOSurfaceGetPropertyMaximumFunc  sGetPropertyMaximum;
  static CGLTexImageIOSurface2DFunc   sTexImage;
  static IOSurfaceContextCreateFunc   sIOSurfaceContextCreate;
  static IOSurfaceContextCreateImageFunc  sIOSurfaceContextCreateImage;
  static IOSurfaceContextGetSurfaceFunc   sIOSurfaceContextGetSurface;
  static CFStringRef                  kPropWidth;
  static CFStringRef                  kPropHeight;
  static CFStringRef                  kPropBytesPerElem;
  static CFStringRef                  kPropBytesPerRow;
  static CFStringRef                  kPropIsGlobal;

  static bool isInit();
  static CFStringRef GetIOConst(const char* symbole);
  static IOSurfacePtr IOSurfaceCreate(CFDictionaryRef properties);
  static IOSurfacePtr IOSurfaceLookup(IOSurfaceID aIOSurfaceID);
  static IOSurfaceID  IOSurfaceGetID(IOSurfacePtr aIOSurfacePtr);
  static void*        IOSurfaceGetBaseAddress(IOSurfacePtr aIOSurfacePtr);
  static size_t       IOSurfaceGetWidth(IOSurfacePtr aIOSurfacePtr);
  static size_t       IOSurfaceGetHeight(IOSurfacePtr aIOSurfacePtr);
  static size_t       IOSurfaceGetBytesPerRow(IOSurfacePtr aIOSurfacePtr);
  static size_t       IOSurfaceGetPropertyMaximum(CFStringRef property);
  static IOReturn     IOSurfaceLock(IOSurfacePtr aIOSurfacePtr, 
                                    uint32_t options, uint32_t *seed);
  static IOReturn     IOSurfaceUnlock(IOSurfacePtr aIOSurfacePtr, 
                                      uint32_t options, uint32_t *seed);
  static CGLError     CGLTexImageIOSurface2D(CGLContextObj ctxt,
                             GLenum target, GLenum internalFormat,
                             GLsizei width, GLsizei height,
                             GLenum format, GLenum type,
                             IOSurfacePtr ioSurface, GLuint plane);
  static CGContextRef IOSurfaceContextCreate(IOSurfacePtr aIOSurfacePtr,
                             unsigned aWidth, unsigned aHeight,
                             unsigned aBitsPerCompoent, unsigned aBytes,
                             CGColorSpaceRef aColorSpace, CGBitmapInfo bitmapInfo);
  static CGImageRef   IOSurfaceContextCreateImage(CGContextRef ref);
  static IOSurfacePtr IOSurfaceContextGetSurface(CGContextRef ref);
  static unsigned int (*sCGContextGetTypePtr) (CGContextRef);
  static void LoadLibrary();
  static void CloseLibrary();

  // Static deconstructor
  static class LibraryUnloader {
    ~LibraryUnloader() {
  } sLibraryUnloader;

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