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Tip revision: b8f6b86f4c5d5b1fd6b09867dc7db6033a96972b authored by Xavi on 11 December 2019, 13:13:16 UTC
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Tip revision: b8f6b86

<h1> Python Cookbook </h1>

This section contains a list of recipes that complement the [tutorial](../python_api_tutorial/)
and are used to illustrate the use of Python API methods.

Each recipe has a list of [python API classes](../python_api/),
which is divided into those in which the recipe is centered, and those that need to be used.

There are more recipes to come!

## Actor Spectator Recipe

This recipe spawns an actor and the spectator camera at the actor's location.

Focused on:<br>


# ...
world = client.get_world()
spectator = world.get_spectator()

vehicle_bp = random.choice(world.get_blueprint_library().filter('*'))
transform = random.choice(world.get_map().get_spawn_points())
vehicle = world.try_spawn_actor(vehicle_bp, transform)

# Wait for world to get the vehicle actor

world_snapshot = world.wait_for_tick()
actor_snapshot = world_snapshot.find(

# Set spectator at given transform (vehicle transform)
# ...

## Attach Sensors Recipe

This recipe attaches different camera / sensors to a vehicle with different attachments.

Focused on:<br>


# ...
camera = world.spawn_actor(rgb_camera_bp, transform, attach_to=vehicle, attachment_type=Attachment.SpringArm)
# Default attachment:  Attachment.Rigid
gnss_sensor = world.spawn_actor(sensor_gnss_bp, transform, attach_to=vehicle)
collision_sensor = world.spawn_actor(sensor_collision_bp, transform, attach_to=vehicle)
lane_invasion_sensor = world.spawn_actor(sensor_lane_invasion_bp, transform, attach_to=vehicle)
# ...

## Actor Attribute Recipe  

This recipe changes attributes of different type of blueprint actors.

Focused on:<br>


# ...
walker_bp = world.get_blueprint_library().filter('walker.pedestrian.0002')
walker_bp.set_attribute('is_invincible', True)

# ...
# Changes attribute randomly by the recommended value
vehicle_bp = wolrd.get_blueprint_library().filter('*')
color = random.choice(vehicle_bp.get_attribute('color').recommended_values)
vehicle_bp.set_attribute('color', color)

# ...

camera_bp = world.get_blueprint_library().filter('')
camera_bp.set_attribute('image_size_x', 600)
camera_bp.set_attribute('image_size_y', 600)
# ...

## Converted Image Recipe

This recipe applies a color conversion to the image taken by a camera sensor,
so it is converted to a semantic segmentation image.

Focused on:<br>

# ...
camera_bp = world.get_blueprint_library().filter('')
# ...
cc = carla.ColorConverter.CityScapesPalette
camera.listen(lambda image: image.save_to_disk('output/%06d.png' % image.frame, cc))
# ...

## Lanes Recipe

This recipe shows the current traffic rules affecting the vehicle. Shows the current lane type and
if a lane change can be done in the actual lane or the surrounding ones.

Focused on:<br>


# ...
waypoint = world.get_map().get_waypoint(vehicle.get_location(),project_to_road=True, lane_type=(carla.LaneType.Driving | carla.LaneType.Shoulder | carla.LaneType.Sidewalk))
print("Current lane type: " + str(waypoint.lane_type))
# Check current lane change allowed
print("Current Lane change:  " + str(waypoint.lane_change))
# Left and Right lane markings
print("L lane marking type: " + str(waypoint.left_lane_marking.type))
print("L lane marking change: " + str(waypoint.left_lane_marking.lane_change))
print("R lane marking type: " + str(waypoint.right_lane_marking.type))
print("R lane marking change: " + str(waypoint.right_lane_marking.lane_change))
# ...


## Debug Bounding Box Recipe

This recipe shows how to draw traffic light actor bounding boxes from a world snapshot.

Focused on:<br>


# ....
debug = world.debug
world_snapshot = world.get_snapshot()

for actor_snapshot in world_snapshot:
    actual_actor = world.get_actor(
    if actual_actor.type_id == 'traffic.traffic_light':
        debug.draw_box(carla.BoundingBox(actor_snapshot.get_transform().location,carla.Vector3D(0.5,0.5,2)),actor_snapshot.get_transform().rotation, 0.05, carla.Color(255,0,0,0),0)
# ...


## Debug Vehicle Trail Recipe

This recipe is a modification of
[``]( example.
It draws the path of an actor through the world, printing information at each waypoint.

Focused on:<br>


# ...
current_w = map.get_waypoint(vehicle.get_location())
while True:

    next_w = map.get_waypoint(vehicle.get_location(), lane_type=carla.LaneType.Driving | carla.LaneType.Shoulder | carla.LaneType.Sidewalk )
    # Check if the vehicle is moving
    if !=
        vector = vehicle.get_velocity()
        # Check if the vehicle is on a sidewalk
        if current_w.lane_type == carla.LaneType.Sidewalk:
            draw_waypoint_union(debug, current_w, next_w, cyan if current_w.is_junction else red, 60)
            draw_waypoint_union(debug, current_w, next_w, cyan if current_w.is_junction else green, 60)
        debug.draw_string(current_w.transform.location, str('%15.0f km/h' % (3.6 * math.sqrt(vector.x**2 + vector.y**2 + vector.z**2))), False, orange, 60)
        draw_transform(debug, current_w.transform, white, 60)

    # Update the current waypoint and sleep for some time
    current_w = next_w
# ...

The image below shows how a vehicle loses control and drives on a sidewalk. The trail shows the
path it was following and the speed at each waypoint.


## Traffic lights Recipe

This recipe changes from red to green the traffic light that affects the vehicle.
This is done by detecting if the vehicle actor is at a traffic light.

Focused on:<br>


# ...
if vehicle_actor.is_at_traffic_light():
    traffic_light = vehicle_actor.get_traffic_light()
    if traffic_light.get_state() == carla.TrafficLightState.Red:
       # world.hud.notification("Traffic light changed! Good to go!")
# ...

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