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/* -*- mode: c++; coding: utf-8; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4; show-trailing-whitespace: t -*- vim:fenc=utf-8:ft=cpp:et:sw=4:ts=4:sts=4

  This file is part of the Feel library

  Author(s): Christophe Prud'homme <>
  Author(s): Cecile Daversin  <>
       Date: 2011-12-07

  Copyright (C) 2011 UJF
  Copyright (C) 2011 CNRS

  This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
  modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
  License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
  version 3.0 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

  This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
  Lesser General Public License for more details.

  You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
  License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
  Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301  USA
   \file test_hdiv.cpp
   \author Christophe Prud'homme <>
   \author Cecile Daversin <>
   \date 2014-01-29
#define USE_BOOST_TEST 1

// make sure that the init_unit_test function is defined by UTF
// give a name to the testsuite
#define BOOST_TEST_MODULE H_div approximation
// disable the main function creation, use our own

#include <feel/feelcore/testsuite.hpp>

#include <feel/feel.hpp>
#include <feel/feelfilters/loadmesh.hpp>
#include <feel/feelpoly/raviartthomas.hpp>

 * This routine returns the list of options using the
 * boost::program_options library. The data returned is typically used
 * as an argument of a Feel::Application subclass.
 * \return the list of options
using namespace Feel;

    po::options_description testHdivOptions( "test h_div options" );
        ( "meshes", po::value< std::vector<std::string> >(), "vector containing mesh names" )
    return testHdivOptions.add( Feel::feel_options() );

    AboutData about( "test_hdiv_oneelt" ,
                     "test_hdiv_oneelt" ,
                     "Test for h_div space (one element, sequential tests)",
                     "Copyright (c) 2009 Universite Joseph Fourier" );
    about.addAuthor( "Cecile Daversin", "developer", "", "" );
    about.addAuthor( "Christophe Prud'homme", "developer", "", "" );
    return about;


using namespace Feel;

class TestHDivOneElt
public Application
    typedef Application super;


    //! numerical type is double
    typedef double value_type;

    //! linear algebra backend factory
    typedef Backend<value_type> backend_type;
    //! linear algebra backend factory shared_ptr<> type
    typedef typename std::shared_ptr<backend_type> backend_ptrtype ;

    //! geometry entities type composing the mesh, here Simplex in Dimension Dim of Order G_order
    typedef Simplex<2,1> convex_type;
    //! mesh type
    typedef Mesh<convex_type> mesh_type;
    //! mesh shared_ptr<> type
    typedef std::shared_ptr<mesh_type> mesh_ptrtype;

    //! the basis type of our approximation space
    typedef bases<RaviartThomas<0> > basis_type;
    typedef bases<Lagrange<1,Vectorial> > lagrange_basis_v_type; //P1 vectorial space
    typedef bases<Lagrange<1,Scalar> > lagrange_basis_s_type; //P1 scalar space
    typedef bases< RaviartThomas<0>, Lagrange<1,Scalar> > prod_basis_type; //For Darcy : (u,p) (\in H_div x L2)
    //! the approximation function space type
    typedef FunctionSpace<mesh_type, basis_type> space_type;
    typedef FunctionSpace<mesh_type, lagrange_basis_s_type> lagrange_space_s_type;
    typedef FunctionSpace<mesh_type, lagrange_basis_v_type> lagrange_space_v_type;
    typedef FunctionSpace<mesh_type, prod_basis_type> prod_space_type;
    //! the approximation function space type (shared_ptr<> type)
    typedef std::shared_ptr<space_type> space_ptrtype;
    typedef std::shared_ptr<lagrange_space_s_type> lagrange_space_s_ptrtype;
    typedef std::shared_ptr<lagrange_space_v_type> lagrange_space_v_ptrtype;
    typedef std::shared_ptr<prod_space_type> prod_space_ptrtype;
    //! an element type of the approximation function space
    typedef typename space_type::element_type element_type;
    typedef typename prod_space_type::element_type prod_element_type;

    //! the exporter factory type
    typedef Exporter<mesh_type> export_type;
    //! the exporter factory (shared_ptr<> type)
    typedef std::shared_ptr<export_type> export_ptrtype;

     * Constructor
        M_backend( backend_type::build( soption( _name="backend" ) ) )
        this->changeRepository( boost::format( "%1%" ) % this->about().appName() );

     * run the application
    void shape_functions( std::string one_element_mesh );
    void testProjector( std::string one_element_mesh );

    //! linear algebra backend
    backend_ptrtype M_backend;

}; //TestHDivOneElt

TestHDivOneElt::testProjector(std::string one_element_mesh )
    std::string mesh_name = one_element_mesh + ".msh";
    mesh_ptrtype mesh = loadMesh( _mesh=new mesh_type,
                                  _filename=mesh_name );

    //auto RTh = Dh<0>( mesh );
    space_ptrtype RTh = space_type::New( mesh );
    lagrange_space_v_ptrtype Yh_v = lagrange_space_v_type::New( mesh ); //lagrange vectorial space
    lagrange_space_s_ptrtype Yh_s = lagrange_space_s_type::New( mesh ); //lagrange scalar space

    auto E = Py()*unitX() + Px()*unitY();
    auto f = cst(0.); //div(E) = f

    // L2 projection (Lagrange)
    auto l2_lagV = opProjection( _domainSpace=Yh_v, _imageSpace=Yh_v, _type=L2 ); //l2 vectorial proj
    auto l2_lagS = opProjection( _domainSpace=Yh_s, _imageSpace=Yh_s, _type=L2 ); //l2 scalar proj
    auto E_pL2_lag = l2_lagV->project( _expr= E );
    auto error_pL2_lag = l2_lagS->project( _expr=divv(E_pL2_lag) - f );

    // H1 projection (Lagrange)
    auto h1_lagV = opProjection( _domainSpace=Yh_v, _imageSpace=Yh_v, _type=H1 ); //h1 vectorial proj
    auto h1_lagS = opProjection( _domainSpace=Yh_s, _imageSpace=Yh_s, _type=H1 ); //h1 scalar proj
    auto E_pH1_lag = h1_lagV->project( _expr= E, _grad_expr=mat<2,2>(cst(0.),cst(1.),cst(1.),cst(0.)) );
    auto error_pH1_lag = l2_lagS->project( _expr=divv(E_pH1_lag) - f );

    // HDIV projection (Lagrange)
    auto hdiv_lagV = opProjection( _domainSpace=Yh_v, _imageSpace=Yh_v, _type=HDIV );
    auto E_pHDIV_lag = hdiv_lagV->project( _expr= E, _div_expr=cst(0.) );
    auto error_pHDIV_lag = l2_lagS->project( _expr=divv(E_pHDIV_lag) - f );

    // L2 projection (RT)
    auto l2_rt = opProjection( _domainSpace=RTh, _imageSpace=RTh, _type=L2 );
    auto E_pL2_rt = l2_rt->project( _expr= E );
    auto error_pL2_rt = l2_lagS->project( _expr=divv(E_pL2_lag) - f );

    BOOST_TEST_MESSAGE("L2 projection [Lagrange]: error[div(E)-f]");
    std::cout << "error L2: " << math::sqrt( l2_lagS->energy( error_pL2_lag, error_pL2_lag ) ) << "\n";
    BOOST_CHECK_SMALL( math::sqrt( l2_lagS->energy( error_pL2_lag, error_pL2_lag ) ), 1e-13 );
    BOOST_TEST_MESSAGE("H1 projection [Lagrange]: error[div(E)-f]");
    std::cout << "error L2: " << math::sqrt( l2_lagS->energy( error_pH1_lag, error_pH1_lag ) ) << "\n";
    BOOST_CHECK_SMALL( math::sqrt( l2_lagS->energy( error_pH1_lag, error_pH1_lag ) ), 1e-13 );
    BOOST_TEST_MESSAGE("HDIV projection [Lagrange]: error[div(E)-f]");
    std::cout << "error L2: " << math::sqrt( l2_lagS->energy( error_pHDIV_lag, error_pHDIV_lag ) ) << "\n";
    BOOST_CHECK_SMALL( math::sqrt( l2_lagS->energy( error_pHDIV_lag, error_pHDIV_lag ) ), 1e-13 );
    BOOST_TEST_MESSAGE("L2 projection [RT]: error[div(E)-f]");
    std::cout << "error L2: " << math::sqrt( l2_lagS->energy( error_pL2_rt, error_pL2_rt ) ) << "\n";
    BOOST_CHECK_SMALL( math::sqrt( l2_lagS->energy( error_pL2_rt, error_pL2_rt ) ), 1e-13 );

    std::string proj_name = "projection";
    std::string exporter_proj_name = ( boost::format( "%1%-%2%-%3%" )
                                       % this->about().appName()
                                       % ( boost::format( "%1%-%2%-%3%" ) % "hypercube" % 2 % 1 ).str()
                                       % proj_name ).str();
    auto exporter_proj = exporter( _mesh=mesh,_name=exporter_proj_name );
    exporter_proj->step( 0 )->add( "proj_L2_E[Lagrange]", E_pL2_lag );
    exporter_proj->step( 0 )->add( "proj_H1_E[Lagrange]", E_pH1_lag );
    exporter_proj->step( 0 )->add( "proj_HDiv_E[Lagrange]", E_pHDIV_lag );
    exporter_proj->step( 0 )->add( "proj_L2_E[RT]", E_pL2_rt );

    TestHDivOneElt::shape_functions( std::string one_element_mesh )
    auto mesh_name = one_element_mesh +".msh"; //create the mesh and load it
    fs::path mesh_path( mesh_name );

    mesh_ptrtype oneelement_mesh = loadMesh( _mesh=new mesh_type,

    auto refine_level = std::floor(1 - math::log( 0.1 )); //Deduce refine level from meshSize (option)
    mesh_ptrtype mesh = loadMesh( _mesh=new mesh_type,
                                      _refine=( int )refine_level);

    space_ptrtype Xh = space_type::New( oneelement_mesh );

    std::cout << "Family = " << Xh->basis()->familyName() << "\n"
              << "Dim    = " << Xh->basis()->nDim << "\n"
              << "Order  = " << Xh->basis()->nOrder << "\n"
              << "NDof   = " << Xh->nLocalDof() << "\n";

    element_type U_ref( Xh, "U" );
    element_type V_ref( Xh, "V" );

    // To store the shape functions
    // 0 : hypothenuse edge, 1 : vertical edge, 2 : horizontal edge
    std::vector<element_type> u_vec( Xh->nLocalDof() );

    std::string shape_name = "shape_functions";
    std::string exporter_shape_name = ( boost::format( "%1%-%2%-%3%" )
                                        % this->about().appName()
                                        % mesh_path.stem()
                                        % shape_name ).str();
    auto exporter_shape = exporter( _mesh=mesh,_name=exporter_shape_name );

    for ( size_type i = 0; i < Xh->nLocalDof(); ++i )
        U_ref( i ) = 1;

        // U_vec[i] = shape function associated with dof i
        u_vec[i] = U_ref;

        std::ostringstream ostr;
        ostr <<  mesh_path.stem() << "-" << Xh->basis()->familyName() << "-" << i;
        exporter_shape->step( 0 )->add( ostr.str(), U_ref );


    auto F = M_backend->newVector( Xh );

    int check_size = Xh->nLocalDof()*Xh->nLocalDof();
    std::vector<double> checkidv( check_size );
    std::vector<double> checkform1( check_size );
    std::vector<std::string> faces = boost::assign::list_of( "hypo" )( "vert" )( "hor" );

    std::vector<double> checkStokesidv( 2*Xh->nLocalDof() );
    std::vector<double> checkStokesform1( 2*Xh->nLocalDof() );

    for ( int i = 0; i < Xh->nLocalDof(); ++i )
        // ****** Check shape function property : alpha_i(N_j) = \delta_{i,j} \forall i,j ***** //
        // alpha_i(N_j) = \int_face(i) u.n
        // Piola transformation : u -> (J/detJ)u_ref
        int faceid = 0;
        BOOST_FOREACH( std::string face, faces )
            auto int_u_n = integrate( markedfaces( oneelement_mesh, face ), trans(N())*idv( u_vec[i]) ).evaluate()( 0,0 );

            if ( faceid == i )
                BOOST_CHECK_CLOSE( int_u_n, 1, 1e-13 );
                BOOST_CHECK_SMALL( int_u_n, 1e-13 );
            checkidv[3*i+faceid] = int_u_n;

            form1( _test=Xh, _vector=F, _init=true ) = integrate( markedfaces( oneelement_mesh, face), trans( N() )*id( V_ref ) );
            auto form_v_n = inner_product( u_vec[i], *F );

            if ( faceid == i )
                BOOST_CHECK_CLOSE( form_v_n, 1, 1e-13 );
                BOOST_CHECK_SMALL( form_v_n, 1e-13 );
            checkform1[3*i+faceid] = form_v_n;


        // ****** Check Stokes theorem : \int_\Omega div(x)w = \int_\delta\Omega (x.n)w \forall w ***** //
        // Test : \int_\Omega div(N_i) = \int_\delta\Omega (N_i.n) = 1 [RT : \int_\delta\Omega (N_i.n) = \sum \face (N_i.n) = 1]
        // Piola transformation : (ref elt -> real elt) : u -> ( J/detJ )u [div u -> (1/detJ)trace(J grad u)]

        auto int_divx = integrate( elements( oneelement_mesh ), divv(u_vec[i])  ).evaluate()( 0,0 );
        auto int_xn = integrate(boundaryfaces(oneelement_mesh), trans(N())*idv(u_vec[i]) ).evaluate()( 0,0 );

        BOOST_CHECK_CLOSE( int_divx, 1, 1e-13 );
        BOOST_CHECK_CLOSE( int_divx, int_xn, 1e-13 );
        checkStokesidv[i] = int_divx;
        checkStokesidv[i + Xh->nLocalDof()] = int_xn;

        form1( _test=Xh, _vector=F, _init=true ) = integrate( elements( oneelement_mesh ), div(V_ref) );
        auto form_divx = inner_product( u_vec[i], *F );
        form1( _test=Xh, _vector=F, _init=true ) = integrate( boundaryfaces( oneelement_mesh ), trans(N())*id(V_ref) );
        auto form_xn = inner_product( u_vec[i], *F );

        BOOST_CHECK_CLOSE( form_divx, 1, 1e-13 );
        BOOST_CHECK_CLOSE( form_divx, form_xn, 1e-13 );
        checkStokesform1[i] = form_divx;
        checkStokesform1[i + Xh->nLocalDof()] = form_xn;

        // **********************************************************************************************************//

    BOOST_TEST_MESSAGE( " ********** Values of alpha_i(N_j ) = delta_{i,j}  ********** \n"
                        << "\n"
                        << " ********** Using idv keyword ********************* "
                        << "\n" );

    for ( int i = 0; i < Xh->nLocalDof(); ++i )
        int faceid = 0;
        BOOST_FOREACH( std::string face, faces )
            BOOST_TEST_MESSAGE( " *** dof N_"<< i << " (associated with " << face << " face) *** \n"
                                << "alpha_"<< faceid << "(N_"<<i<<") = " << checkidv[3*i+faceid] );
        BOOST_TEST_MESSAGE( "*********************************************** \n" );

    BOOST_TEST_MESSAGE( " ********** Values of alpha_i (N_j ) = delta_{i,j}  ********** \n"
                        << "\n"
                        << " ********** Using form1 keyword ********************* "
                        << "\n" );

    for ( int i = 0; i < Xh->nLocalDof(); ++i )
        int faceid = 0;
        BOOST_FOREACH( std::string face, faces )
            BOOST_TEST_MESSAGE( " *** dof N_"<< i << " (associated with " << face << " edge) *** \n"
                                << "alpha_"<< faceid << "(N_"<<i<<") = " << checkform1[3*i+faceid] );
        BOOST_TEST_MESSAGE( "*********************************************** \n" );

    BOOST_TEST_MESSAGE( " ********** Stokes theorem  ********** \n"
                        << "\n"
                        << " ********** Using idv keyword ********************* "
                        << "\n" );
    for ( int i = 0; i < Xh->nLocalDof(); ++i )
        BOOST_TEST_MESSAGE("int(Omega) div(N_" << i << ") = " << checkStokesidv[i] );
        BOOST_TEST_MESSAGE("int(boundary) N_" << i << ".n = " << checkStokesidv[i+Xh->nLocalDof()] );
        BOOST_TEST_MESSAGE( "*********************************************** \n" );

    BOOST_TEST_MESSAGE( " ********** Stokes theorem  ********** \n"
                        << "\n"
                        << " ********** Using form1 keyword ********************* "
                        << "\n" );
    for ( int i = 0; i < Xh->nLocalDof(); ++i )
        BOOST_TEST_MESSAGE("int(Omega) div(N_" << i << ") = " << checkStokesform1[i] );
        BOOST_TEST_MESSAGE("int(boundary) N_" << i << ".n = " << checkStokesform1[i+Xh->nLocalDof()] );
        BOOST_TEST_MESSAGE( "*********************************************** \n" );

    //// ************************************************************************************ ////


FEELPP_ENVIRONMENT_WITH_OPTIONS( makeAbout(), makeOptions() )


BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE( test_hdiv_N0_shape_func )
    TestHDivOneElt t;
    std::vector<std::string> mygeoms = vsoption(_name="meshes");//.template as< std::vector<std::string> >();
    for(std::string geo : mygeoms)
            std::cout << "*** shape functions on " << geo << " *** \n";
            t.shape_functions( geo );
            std::cout << "*** projections on " << geo << " *** \n";
            t.testProjector( geo );


main( int argc, char* argv[] )
    Environment env( argc,argv,
                           makeAbout(), makeOptions() );
    TestHDivOneElt app_hdiv;
    std::vector<std::string> mygeoms = option(_name="meshes").template as< std::vector<std::string> >();
    for(std::string geo : mygeoms)


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