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Tip revision: c4bcddd153b84a6c6de836860a28011d57ecc353 authored by Aseem Rastogi on 21 October 2019, 17:21:24 UTC
Tip revision: c4bcddd
module Hacl.HMAC

module S = FStar.Seq
module D = Hacl.Hash.Definitions
module ST = FStar.HyperStack.ST
module B = LowStar.Buffer
module MB = LowStar.Monotonic.Buffer

open FStar.HyperStack.ST
open FStar.Integers
open LowStar.BufferOps

open Spec.Hash.Definitions
open Spec.Agile.HMAC
friend Spec.Agile.HMAC
friend Spec.Agile.Hash

let _: squash (inversion hash_alg) = allow_inversion hash_alg

#set-options "--max_fuel 0 --max_ifuel 0 --z3rlimit 50"

/// Helpers

val xor_bytes_inplace:
  a: B.buffer uint8 ->
  b: B.buffer uint8 ->
  len: UInt32.t {v len = B.length a /\ v len = B.length b} ->
  Stack unit
  (requires fun h0 -> B.disjoint a b /\ h0 a /\ h0 b)
  (ensures fun h0 _ h1 ->
    B.(modifies (loc_buffer a) h0 h1) /\
    B.as_seq h1 a == Spec.Loops.seq_map2 ( ^. ) (B.as_seq h0 a) (B.as_seq h0 b))
let xor_bytes_inplace a b len =
  C.Loops.in_place_map2 a b len ( ^. )

/// Agile implementation

// we rely on the output being zero-initialized for the correctness of padding
inline_for_extraction noextract
let wrap_key_st (a: hash_alg) =
  output: B.buffer uint8 { B.length output == block_length a } ->
  key: B.buffer uint8 {B.length key <= max_input_length a /\ B.disjoint output key} ->
  len: UInt32.t {v len = B.length key} ->
  Stack unit
    (requires fun h0 -> h0 output /\ h0 key /\
      B.as_seq h0 output == Seq.create (block_length a) (u8 0))
    (ensures fun h0 _ h1 ->
      B.(modifies (loc_buffer output) h0 h1) /\
      B.as_seq h1 output == wrap a (B.as_seq h0 key))

/// This one is only to avoid a warning about a pattern that is not encoding properly.
let helper_smtpat (a: hash_alg) (len: uint32_t{ v len <= max_input_length a }):
  x:uint32_t { x <= D.block_len a } =
  if len <= D.block_len a then len else D.hash_len a

#set-options "--z3rlimit 40"

inline_for_extraction noextract
let mk_wrap_key (a: hash_alg) (hash: Hacl.Hash.Definitions.hash_st a): wrap_key_st a =
fun output key len ->
  //[@inline_let] //18-08-02 does *not* prevents unused-but-set-variable warning in C
  let i = helper_smtpat a len in
  let nkey = B.sub output 0ul i in
  let zeroes = B.sub output i (D.block_len a - i) in
  assert B.(loc_disjoint (loc_buffer nkey) (loc_buffer zeroes));
  let h0 = ST.get () in
  assert (Seq.equal (B.as_seq h0 zeroes) (Seq.create (v (D.block_len a - i)) (u8 0)));
  if len <= D.block_len a then begin
    B.blit key 0ul nkey 0ul len;
    let h1 = ST.get () in
    assert (Seq.equal (B.as_seq h1 zeroes) (B.as_seq h0 zeroes));
    assert (Seq.equal (B.as_seq h1 nkey) (B.as_seq h0 key));
    assert (Seq.equal (B.as_seq h1 output) (S.append (B.as_seq h1 nkey) (B.as_seq h1 zeroes)));
    Seq.lemma_eq_elim (B.as_seq h1 output) (S.append (B.as_seq h1 nkey) (B.as_seq h1 zeroes));
    assert (B.as_seq h1 output == wrap a (B.as_seq h0 key))
  end else begin
    hash key len nkey;
    let h1 = ST.get () in
    assert (Seq.equal (B.as_seq h1 zeroes) (B.as_seq h0 zeroes));
    assert (Seq.equal (B.as_seq h1 nkey) (Spec.Agile.Hash.hash a (B.as_seq h0 key)));
    assert (Seq.equal (B.as_seq h1 output) (S.append (B.as_seq h1 nkey) (B.as_seq h1 zeroes)));
    Seq.lemma_eq_elim (B.as_seq h1 output) (S.append (B.as_seq h1 nkey) (B.as_seq h1 zeroes));
    assert (B.as_seq h1 output == wrap a (B.as_seq h0 key))

/// This implementation is optimized. First, it reuses an existing hash state
/// ``s`` rather than allocating a new one. Second, it writes out the result of
/// the hash directly in its parameter ``key`` rather than taking a destination
/// output buffer.
inline_for_extraction noextract
val part1:
  a: hash_alg ->
  init: D.init_st a ->
  update_multi: D.update_multi_st a ->
  update_last: D.update_last_st a ->
  finish: D.finish_st a ->
  s: D.state a ->
  key: B.buffer uint8 { B.length key = block_length a } ->
  data: B.buffer uint8 ->
  len: UInt32.t { B.length data = v len } ->
  Stack unit
    (requires fun h0 ->
      B.disjoint s key /\
      B.disjoint s data /\
      MB.(all_live h0 [ buf s; buf key; buf data ]))
    (ensures fun h0 _ h1 ->
      key_and_data_fits a;
      B.(modifies (loc_union (loc_buffer s) (loc_buffer key)) h0 h1) /\
      S.slice (B.as_seq h1 key) 0 (hash_length a) `Seq.equal`
        Spec.Agile.Hash.hash a (S.append (B.as_seq h0 key) (B.as_seq h0 data)))

inline_for_extraction noextract
let block_len_as_len (a: hash_alg):
  Tot (l:len_t a { len_v a l = block_length a })
  let open FStar.Int.Cast.Full in
  assert_norm (128 < pow2 32);
  match a with
  | MD5 | SHA1 | SHA2_224 | SHA2_256 -> uint32_to_uint64 (D.block_len a)
  | SHA2_384 | SHA2_512 -> uint64_to_uint128 (uint32_to_uint64 (D.block_len a))

inline_for_extraction noextract
let part1 a init update_multi update_last finish s key data len =
  (**) key_and_data_fits a;
  (**) let h0 = ST.get () in
  init s;
  (**) let h1 = ST.get () in
  (**) assert (B.as_seq h1 s `Seq.equal` Spec.Agile.Hash.init a);
  update_multi s key 1ul;
  (**) let h2 = ST.get () in
  (**) assert (B.as_seq h2 s `Seq.equal` Spec.Agile.Hash.(update_multi a (init a) (B.as_seq h0 key)));
  update_last s (block_len_as_len a) data len;
  (**) let h3 = ST.get () in
  (**) assert (B.as_seq h3 s `Seq.equal`
    Spec.Hash.Incremental.update_last a
      (Spec.Agile.Hash.(update_multi a (init a) (B.as_seq h0 key))) (block_length a) (B.as_seq h0 data));
  let dst = B.sub key 0ul (D.hash_len a) in
  finish s dst;
  (**) let h4 = ST.get () in
    let open Spec.Hash.PadFinish in
    let open Spec.Hash.Incremental in
    let open Spec.Agile.Hash in
    let open Spec.Hash.Lemmas in
    calc (S.equal) {
      B.as_seq h4 dst;
    (S.equal) { }
      finish a (update_last a (update_multi a (init a) (B.as_seq h0 key))
        (block_length a) (B.as_seq h0 data));
    (S.equal) { }
      finish a (update_multi a (update_multi a (init a) (B.as_seq h0 key))
        (S.append (B.as_seq h0 data) (pad a (block_length a + v len))));
    (S.equal) { }
      finish a (update_multi a (init a)
        (S.append (B.as_seq h0 key)
          (S.append (B.as_seq h0 data) (pad a (block_length a + v len)))));
    (S.equal) { S.append_assoc
      (B.as_seq h0 key)
      (B.as_seq h0 data)
      (pad a (block_length a + v len))
      finish a (update_multi a (init a)
        (S.append (S.append (B.as_seq h0 key) (B.as_seq h0 data))
          (pad a (block_length a + v len))));
    (S.equal) {
      Spec.Hash.Lemmas.hash_is_hash_incremental a (S.append (B.as_seq h0 key) (B.as_seq h0 data))
      hash a (S.append (B.as_seq h0 key) (B.as_seq h0 data));

inline_for_extraction noextract
val part2:
  a: hash_alg ->
  init: D.init_st a ->
  update_multi: D.update_multi_st a ->
  update_last: D.update_last_st a ->
  finish: D.finish_st a ->
  s: D.state a ->
  dst: B.buffer uint8 { B.length dst = hash_length a } ->
  key: B.buffer uint8 { B.length key = block_length a } ->
  data: B.buffer uint8 ->
  len: UInt32.t { B.length data = v len } ->
  Stack unit
    (requires fun h0 ->
      B.disjoint s key /\
      B.disjoint s data /\
      B.disjoint s dst /\
      MB.(all_live h0 [ buf s; buf dst; buf key; buf data ]))
    (ensures fun h0 _ h1 ->
      key_and_data_fits a;
      B.(modifies (loc_union (loc_buffer s) (loc_buffer dst)) h0 h1) /\
      B.as_seq h1 dst `Seq.equal`
        Spec.Agile.Hash.hash a (S.append (B.as_seq h0 key) (B.as_seq h0 data)))

#set-options "--z3rlimit 80"
inline_for_extraction noextract
let part2 a init update_multi update_last finish s dst key data len =
  (**) key_and_data_fits a;
  (**) let h0 = ST.get () in
  init s;
  (**) let h1 = ST.get () in
  (**) assert (B.as_seq h1 s `Seq.equal` Spec.Agile.Hash.init a);
  update_multi s key 1ul;
  (**) let h2 = ST.get () in
  (**) assert (B.as_seq h2 s `Seq.equal` Spec.Agile.Hash.(update_multi a (init a) (B.as_seq h0 key)));
  update_last s (block_len_as_len a) data len;
  (**) let h3 = ST.get () in
  (**) assert (B.as_seq h3 s `Seq.equal`
    Spec.Hash.Incremental.update_last a
      (Spec.Agile.Hash.(update_multi a (init a) (B.as_seq h0 key))) (block_length a) (B.as_seq h0 data));
  finish s dst;
  (**) let h4 = ST.get () in
    let open Spec.Hash.PadFinish in
    let open Spec.Hash.Incremental in
    let open Spec.Agile.Hash in
    let open Spec.Hash.Lemmas in
    calc (S.equal) {
      B.as_seq h4 dst;
    (S.equal) { }
      finish a (update_last a (update_multi a (init a) (B.as_seq h0 key))
        (block_length a) (B.as_seq h0 data));
    (S.equal) { }
      finish a (update_multi a (update_multi a (init a) (B.as_seq h0 key))
        (S.append (B.as_seq h0 data) (pad a (block_length a + v len))));
    (S.equal) { }
      finish a (update_multi a (init a)
        (S.append (B.as_seq h0 key)
          (S.append (B.as_seq h0 data) (pad a (block_length a + v len)))));
    (S.equal) { S.append_assoc
      (B.as_seq h0 key)
      (B.as_seq h0 data)
      (pad a (block_length a + v len))
      finish a (update_multi a (init a)
        (S.append (S.append (B.as_seq h0 key) (B.as_seq h0 data))
          (pad a (block_length a + v len))));
    (S.equal) {
      Spec.Hash.Lemmas.hash_is_hash_incremental a (S.append (B.as_seq h0 key) (B.as_seq h0 data))
      hash a (S.append (B.as_seq h0 key) (B.as_seq h0 data));

let block_len_positive (a: hash_alg): Lemma (D.block_len a > 0ul) = ()
let hash_lt_block (a: hash_alg): Lemma (hash_length a < block_length a) = ()

#set-options "--z3rlimit 100"
let mk_compute a hash alloca init update_multi update_last finish dst key key_len data data_len =
  block_len_positive a;
  hash_lt_block a;
  (**) let h0 = ST.get() in
  push_frame ();
  (**) let h1 = ST.get () in
  let l = D.block_len a in
  let key_block = B.alloca (u8 0x00) l in
  mk_wrap_key a hash key_block key key_len;
  (**) let h2 = ST.get () in
  (**) assert (B.as_seq h2 key_block `Seq.equal` wrap a (B.as_seq h0 key));
  let ipad = B.alloca (u8 0x36) l in
  xor_bytes_inplace ipad key_block l;
  (**) let h3 = ST.get () in
  (**) assert (B.as_seq h3 ipad `Seq.equal` S.(xor (u8 0x36) (wrap a (B.as_seq h0 key))));
  let opad = B.alloca (u8 0x5c) l in
  xor_bytes_inplace opad key_block l;
  (**) let h4 = ST.get () in
  (**) assert B.(modifies (loc_buffer key_block `loc_union` loc_buffer ipad
    `loc_union` loc_buffer opad) h1 h4);
  (**) S.lemma_eq_intro (B.as_seq h4 ipad) (S.(xor (u8 0x36) (wrap a (B.as_seq h0 key))));
  (**) S.lemma_eq_intro (B.as_seq h4 opad) (S.(xor (u8 0x5c) (wrap a (B.as_seq h0 key))));
  (**) S.lemma_eq_intro (B.as_seq h4 data) (B.as_seq h0 data);

  let s = alloca () in
  part1 a init update_multi update_last finish s ipad data data_len;
  (**) key_and_data_fits a;
  (**) let h5 = ST.get () in
  (**) S.lemma_eq_intro (S.slice (B.as_seq h5 ipad) 0 (hash_length a))
      (Spec.Agile.Hash.hash a S.(append (xor (u8 0x36) (wrap a (B.as_seq h0 key))) (B.as_seq h0 data)));
  let hash1 = B.sub ipad 0ul (D.hash_len a) in
  part2 a init update_multi update_last finish s dst opad hash1 (D.hash_len a);
  (**) let h6 = ST.get () in
  (**) assert (B.as_seq h6 dst `S.equal`
    hmac a (B.as_seq h0 key) (B.as_seq h0 data));
  pop_frame ();
  (**) let h7 = ST.get () in
  (**) assert B.(modifies (loc_buffer key_block `loc_union` loc_buffer ipad `loc_union`
    loc_buffer opad `loc_union` loc_buffer s) h1 h2);
  (**) LowStar.Monotonic.Buffer.modifies_fresh_frame_popped h0 h1 (B.loc_buffer dst) h6 h7

let compute_sha2_256: compute_st SHA2_256 =
  let open Hacl.Hash.SHA2 in
  mk_compute SHA2_256 hash_256 alloca_256 init_256 update_multi_256 update_last_256 finish_256
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