Raw File
Tip revision: f6b90581c73c9d7921399ff47966943c371e6601 authored by Nikhil Swamy on 03 January 2019, 18:52:37 UTC
adding a missing `inline_for_extraction` to Hacl.Impl.SHA3.piln_list
Tip revision: f6b9058
# This Makefile covers the lib, specs and code directory of HACL*.
# The dependency graph, encoded by hand in this Makefile, is artistically
# rendered as follows:
#            merkle_tree
#                |
#             evercrypt                secure_api
#               /  \                      |
#           code   vale                code/old
#           /   \  /                      |
#         lib   specs                  specs/old
# This Makefile verifies, tests, extracts and compiles HACL*. It delegates
# building secure_api, vale, providers, merkle_tree to recursive make
# invocations.

# 0. Top-level entry points, delegating to recursive make invocations via pattern
# rules.

all: secure_api/ \
  compile-compact compile-generic compile-compact-msvc

# Any file in code/tests is taken to contain a `main` function.
# Any file in specs/tests is taken to contain a `test` function.
test: providers.test secure_api/merkle_tree.test test-c test-ml
test-c: $(subst .,_,$(patsubst %.fst,test-c-%,$(notdir $(wildcard code/tests/*.fst))))
test-ml: $(subst .,_,$(patsubst %.fst,test-ml-%,$(notdir $(wildcard specs/tests/*.fst))))

ci: all test

.PHONY: %.test
	$(MAKE) -C $* test

	$(MAKE) -C $*

# 0. Complete dependency graph for HACL*

ROOTS = $(wildcard $(addsuffix /*.fsti,$(DIRS)) $(addsuffix /*.fst,$(DIRS)))

include Makefile.common

.depend: .FORCE
	@$(FSTAR_NO_FLAGS) --dep full $(ROOTS) --extract '* -Prims -LowStar -Lib.Buffer -Hacl -FStar +FStar.Endianness +FStar.Kremlin.Endianness' > $@


include .depend

# 1. Manual, finely crafted dependency edges (see artistic rendition above).

ALL_CHECKED_FILES	= $(addsuffix .checked,$(ALL_FST_FILES))
SPEC_CHECKED_FILES	= $(filter $(HACL_HOME)/specs/%,$(ALL_CHECKED_FILES)) $(SPEC_CHECKED_FILES) compile-compact

# 2. Verification

	$(FSTAR) $< && \
	touch $@

# 3. Extraction. Note that all the C files are prefixed with Hacl_. Cleaner!

.PRECIOUS: %.krml

	$(FSTAR) --codegen Kremlin \
	  --extract_module $(basename $(notdir $(subst .checked,,$<))) \
	  $(notdir $(subst .checked,,$<)) && \
	touch $@

COMPACT_FLAGS=-bundle Hacl.Hash.MD5+Hacl.Hash.Core.MD5+Hacl.Hash.SHA1+Hacl.Hash.Core.SHA1+Hacl.Hash.SHA2+Hacl.Hash.Core.SHA2+Hacl.Hash.Core.SHA2.Constants=Hacl.Hash.*[rename=Hacl_Hash] \
  -bundle Hacl.Impl.SHA3+Hacl.SHA3=[rename=Hacl_SHA3] \
  -bundle Prims \
  -bundle LowStar.* \
  -bundle C,C.String,C.Loops,Spec.Loops,C.Endianness,FStar.*[rename=Hacl_Kremlib] \
  -bundle 'Test.*,WindowsHack' \
  -minimal \
  -add-include '"kremlin/internal/types.h"' \
  -add-include '"kremlin/internal/target.h"' \
  -add-include '"kremlin/c_endianness.h"' \
  -add-include '<string.h>' \
  -fno-shadow -fcurly-braces

HAND_WRITTEN_C	= Lib.PrintBuffer Lib.RandomBuffer
HAND_WRITTEN_FILES = $(wildcard $(LIB_DIR)/c/*.c)
DEFAULT_FLAGS	= $(addprefix -library ,$(HAND_WRITTEN_C)) \
  -bundle Lib.*[rename=Hacl_Lib] -bundle Hacl.Test.*

# For the time being, we rely on the old extraction to give us self-contained
# files

.PHONY: old-%
	$(MAKE) -C code/old -f Makefile.old $*

  code/old/experimental/aesgcm/aesgcm-c/Hacl_AES.c \
  code/old/curve25519/x25519-c/Hacl_Curve25519.c \
  code/old/ed25519/ed25519-c/Hacl_Ed25519.c \
  code/old/salsa-family/chacha-c/Hacl_Chacha20.c \
  code/old/poly1305/poly-c/AEAD_Poly1305_64.c \
  code/old/poly1305/poly-c/Hacl_Poly1305_64.c \

dist/compact/Makefile.basic: EXTRA=$(COMPACT_FLAGS)

dist/compact-msvc/Makefile.basic: EXTRA=$(COMPACT_FLAGS) -falloca -ftail-calls

dist/compact-c89/Makefile.basic: EXTRA=$(COMPACT_FLAGS) -fc89 -ccopt -std=c89
dist/compact-c89/Makefile.basic: HACL_OLD_FILES:=$(subst -c,-c89,$(HACL_OLD_FILES))

.PRECIOUS: dist/%/Makefile.basic
dist/%/Makefile.basic: $(ALL_KRML_FILES) dist/headers/Makefile.basic $(HAND_WRITTEN_FILES) | old-extract-c
	mkdir -p $(dir $@)
	cp $(HACL_OLD_FILES) $(patsubst %.c,%.h,$(HACL_OLD_FILES)) $(dir $@)
	cp $(HAND_WRITTEN_FILES) dist/headers/*.h $(dir $@)
	  -tmpdir $(dir $@) -skip-compilation \
	  -bundle Spec.*[rename=Hacl_Spec] $(filter %.krml,$^) \
	  -ccopt -Wno-unused \
	  -warn-error @4 \
	  -fparentheses \
	  $(notdir $(HACL_OLD_FILES)) \
	  $(notdir $(HAND_WRITTEN_FILES)) \
	  -o libhacl.a

# Auto-generates headers for the hand-written C files. If a signature changes on
# the F* side, hopefully this will ensure the C file breaks. Note that there's
# no conflict between the headers because this generates
# Lib_Foobar while the run above generates a single Hacl_Lib.
dist/headers/Makefile.basic: $(ALL_KRML_FILES)
	$(KRML) \
	  -tmpdir $(dir $@) -skip-compilation \
	  $(patsubst %,-bundle %=,$(HAND_WRITTEN_C)) \
	  $(patsubst %,-library %,$(HAND_WRITTEN_C)) \
	  -minimal -add-include '"kremlib.h"' \
	  -bundle '\*,WindowsBug' $^

# Auto-generates a single C test file.
.PRECIOUS: dist/test/c/%.c
dist/test/c/%.c: $(ALL_KRML_FILES)
	$(KRML) \
	  -tmpdir $(dir $@) -skip-compilation \
	  -no-prefix $(subst _,.,$*) \
	  -library Hacl,Lib \
	  -fparentheses -fcurly-braces -fno-shadow \
	  -minimal -add-include '"kremlib.h"' \
	  -bundle '*[rename=$*]' $^

# 4. Compilation (recursive make invocation relying on KreMLin-generated Makefile)

compile-%: dist/%/Makefile.basic
	$(MAKE) -C $(dir $<) -f $(notdir $<)

# 5. C tests

.PRECIOUS: dist/test/c/%.exe
dist/test/c/%.exe: dist/test/c/%.c compile-generic
	# Linking with full kremlib since tests may use TestLib, etc.
	$(CC) -Wall -Wextra -Werror -Wno-unused-parameter $< -o $@ dist/generic/libhacl.a \
	  -I $(dir $@) -I $(KREMLIN_HOME)/include \

test-c-%: dist/test/c/%.exe

# 5. OCaml tests, for specs

include $(FSTAR_HOME)/ulib/ml/Makefile.include

TAC = $(shell which tac >/dev/null 2>&1 && echo "tac" || echo "tail -r")

ALL_CMX_FILES = $(patsubst,%.cmx,$(shell echo $(ALL_ML_FILES) | $(TAC)))


	$(OCAMLOPT) -c $< -o $@

	$(FSTAR) $(subst .checked,,$<) --codegen OCaml --extract_module $(subst .fst.checked,,$(notdir $<))

.PRECIOUS: dist/test/ml/
	mkdir -p $(dir $@)
	echo "if not ($*.test ()) then (print_endline \"$* failed\"; exit 1)" > $@

# Relying on the --extract argument of fstar --dep to have a reasonable
# over-approximation.
dist/test/ml/%.exe: $(ALL_CMX_FILES) dist/test/ml/
	$(OCAMLOPT) $^ -o $@

test-ml-%: dist/test/ml/%.exe
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