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Tip revision: d7cf9bcb11c9b7f0c2101e57b1439491313152fa authored by Steven Johnson on 09 October 2020, 16:25:38 UTC
Merge branch 'master' into abadams/nested_vectorization_tweaks
Tip revision: d7cf9bc
declare void @llvm.trap() noreturn nounwind

declare <32 x i32> @llvm.hexagon.V6.lo.128B(<64 x i32>)
declare <32 x i32> @llvm.hexagon.V6.hi.128B(<64 x i32>)
declare <64 x i32> @llvm.hexagon.V6.vshuffvdd.128B(<32 x i32>, <32 x i32>, i32)
declare <64 x i32> @llvm.hexagon.V6.vdealvdd.128B(<32 x i32>, <32 x i32>, i32)
declare <32 x i32> @llvm.hexagon.V6.vasrwhsat.128B(<32 x i32>, <32 x i32>, i32)
declare <32 x i32> @llvm.hexagon.V6.vsathub.128B(<32 x i32>, <32 x i32>)

define weak_odr <64 x i32> @halide.hexagon.interleave.vw(<64 x i32> %arg) nounwind uwtable readnone alwaysinline {
  %e = call <32 x i32> @llvm.hexagon.V6.lo.128B(<64 x i32> %arg)
  %o = call <32 x i32> @llvm.hexagon.V6.hi.128B(<64 x i32> %arg)
  %r = tail call <64 x i32> @llvm.hexagon.V6.vshuffvdd.128B(<32 x i32> %o, <32 x i32> %e, i32 -4)
  ret <64 x i32> %r

define weak_odr <128 x i16> @halide.hexagon.interleave.vh(<128 x i16> %arg) nounwind uwtable readnone alwaysinline {
  %arg_32 = bitcast <128 x i16> %arg to <64 x i32>
  %e = call <32 x i32> @llvm.hexagon.V6.lo.128B(<64 x i32> %arg_32)
  %o = call <32 x i32> @llvm.hexagon.V6.hi.128B(<64 x i32> %arg_32)
  %r_32 = tail call <64 x i32> @llvm.hexagon.V6.vshuffvdd.128B(<32 x i32> %o, <32 x i32> %e, i32 -2)
  %r = bitcast <64 x i32> %r_32 to <128 x i16>
  ret <128 x i16> %r

define weak_odr <256 x i8> @halide.hexagon.interleave.vb(<256 x i8> %arg) nounwind uwtable readnone alwaysinline {
  %arg_32 = bitcast <256 x i8> %arg to <64 x i32>
  %e = call <32 x i32> @llvm.hexagon.V6.lo.128B(<64 x i32> %arg_32)
  %o = call <32 x i32> @llvm.hexagon.V6.hi.128B(<64 x i32> %arg_32)
  %r_32 = tail call <64 x i32> @llvm.hexagon.V6.vshuffvdd.128B(<32 x i32> %o, <32 x i32> %e, i32 -1)
  %r = bitcast <64 x i32> %r_32 to <256 x i8>
  ret <256 x i8> %r

declare <64 x i32> @llvm.hexagon.V6.vcombine.128B(<32 x i32>, <32 x i32>)

define weak_odr <64 x i32> @halide.hexagon.deinterleave.vw(<64 x i32> %arg) nounwind uwtable readnone alwaysinline {
  %e = call <32 x i32> @llvm.hexagon.V6.lo.128B(<64 x i32> %arg)
  %o = call <32 x i32> @llvm.hexagon.V6.hi.128B(<64 x i32> %arg)
  %r = call <64 x i32> @llvm.hexagon.V6.vdealvdd.128B(<32 x i32> %o, <32 x i32> %e, i32 -4)
  ret <64 x i32> %r

define weak_odr <128 x i16> @halide.hexagon.deinterleave.vh(<128 x i16> %arg) nounwind uwtable readnone alwaysinline {
  %arg_32 = bitcast <128 x i16> %arg to <64 x i32>
  %e = call <32 x i32> @llvm.hexagon.V6.lo.128B(<64 x i32> %arg_32)
  %o = call <32 x i32> @llvm.hexagon.V6.hi.128B(<64 x i32> %arg_32)
  %r_32 = call <64 x i32> @llvm.hexagon.V6.vdealvdd.128B(<32 x i32> %o, <32 x i32> %e, i32 -2)
  %r = bitcast <64 x i32> %r_32 to <128 x i16>
  ret <128 x i16> %r

define weak_odr <256 x i8> @halide.hexagon.deinterleave.vb(<256 x i8> %arg) nounwind uwtable readnone alwaysinline {
  %arg_32 = bitcast <256 x i8> %arg to <64 x i32>
  %e = call <32 x i32> @llvm.hexagon.V6.lo.128B(<64 x i32> %arg_32)
  %o = call <32 x i32> @llvm.hexagon.V6.hi.128B(<64 x i32> %arg_32)
  %r_32 = call <64 x i32> @llvm.hexagon.V6.vdealvdd.128B(<32 x i32> %o, <32 x i32> %e, i32 -1)
  %r = bitcast <64 x i32> %r_32 to <256 x i8>
  ret <256 x i8> %r

declare <32 x i32> @llvm.hexagon.V6.lvsplatw.128B(i32)
declare i32 @llvm.hexagon.S2.vsplatrb(i32)

define weak_odr i16 @halide.hexagon.dup2.b(i8 %arg) nounwind uwtable readnone alwaysinline {
  %arg_i16 = zext i8 %arg to i16
  %arg_i16_s = shl i16 %arg_i16, 8
  %r = or i16 %arg_i16, %arg_i16_s
  ret i16 %r

define weak_odr i32 @halide.hexagon.dup2.h(i16 %arg) nounwind uwtable readnone alwaysinline {
  %arg_i32 = zext i16 %arg to i32
  %arg_i32_s = shl i32 %arg_i32, 16
  %r = or i32 %arg_i32, %arg_i32_s
  ret i32 %r

define weak_odr i32 @halide.hexagon.dup4.b(i8 %arg) nounwind uwtable readnone alwaysinline {
  %arg_i32 = zext i8 %arg to i32
  %dup4 = tail call i32 @llvm.hexagon.S2.vsplatrb(i32 %arg_i32)
  ret i32 %dup4

define weak_odr i32 @halide.hexagon.interleave.b.dup2.h(i8 %low, i8 %high) nounwind uwtable readnone alwaysinline {
  %high_i16 = zext i8 %high to i16
  %high_i16_s = shl i16 %high_i16, 8
  %low_i16 = zext i8 %low to i16
  %i16_const = or i16 %high_i16_s, %low_i16
  %r = call i32 @halide.hexagon.dup2.h(i16 %i16_const)
  ret i32 %r

define weak_odr <128 x i8> @halide.hexagon.splat.b(i8 %arg) nounwind uwtable readnone alwaysinline {
  %dup4 = call i32 @halide.hexagon.dup4.b(i8 %arg)
  %r_32 = tail call <32 x i32> @llvm.hexagon.V6.lvsplatw.128B(i32 %dup4)
  %r = bitcast <32 x i32> %r_32 to <128 x i8>
  ret <128 x i8> %r

define weak_odr <64 x i16> @halide.hexagon.splat.h(i16 %arg) nounwind uwtable readnone alwaysinline {
  %dup2 = call i32 @halide.hexagon.dup2.h(i16 %arg)
  %r_32 = tail call <32 x i32> @llvm.hexagon.V6.lvsplatw.128B(i32 %dup2)
  %r = bitcast <32 x i32> %r_32 to <64 x i16>
  ret <64 x i16> %r

; Implement various 32 bit multiplications.
declare <32 x i32> @llvm.hexagon.V6.vaslw.128B(<32 x i32>, i32)
declare <32 x i32> @llvm.hexagon.V6.vaslw.acc.128B(<32 x i32>, <32 x i32>, i32)
declare <32 x i32> @llvm.hexagon.V6.vlsrw.128B(<32 x i32>, i32)
declare <32 x i32> @llvm.hexagon.V6.vmpyieoh.128B(<32 x i32>, <32 x i32>)
declare <32 x i32> @llvm.hexagon.V6.vmpyiowh.128B(<32 x i32>, <32 x i32>)
declare <32 x i32> @llvm.hexagon.V6.vmpyiewuh.128B(<32 x i32>, <32 x i32>)
declare <32 x i32> @llvm.hexagon.V6.vmpyiewuh.acc.128B(<32 x i32>, <32 x i32>, <32 x i32>)
declare <32 x i32> @llvm.hexagon.V6.vshufeh.128B(<32 x i32>, <32 x i32>)
declare <32 x i32> @llvm.hexagon.V6.vshufoh.128B(<32 x i32>, <32 x i32>)
declare <64 x i32> @llvm.hexagon.V6.vmpyuhv.128B(<32 x i32>, <32 x i32>)
declare <64 x i32> @llvm.hexagon.V6.vmpyuhv.acc.128B(<64 x i32>, <32 x i32>, <32 x i32>)

define weak_odr <32 x i32> @halide.hexagon.mul.vw.vw(<32 x i32> %a, <32 x i32> %b) nounwind uwtable readnone alwaysinline {
  %ab1 = call <32 x i32> @llvm.hexagon.V6.vmpyieoh.128B(<32 x i32> %a, <32 x i32> %b)
  %ab = call <32 x i32> @llvm.hexagon.V6.vmpyiewuh.acc.128B(<32 x i32> %ab1, <32 x i32> %a, <32 x i32> %b)
  ret <32 x i32> %ab

define weak_odr <64 x i32> @halide.hexagon.mul.vw.vh(<64 x i32> %a, <64 x i16> %b) nounwind uwtable readnone alwaysinline {
  %a_lo = call <32 x i32> @llvm.hexagon.V6.lo.128B(<64 x i32> %a)
  %a_hi = call <32 x i32> @llvm.hexagon.V6.hi.128B(<64 x i32> %a)
  %b_hi = bitcast <64 x i16> %b to <32 x i32>
  %b_lo = call <32 x i32> @llvm.hexagon.V6.vaslw.128B(<32 x i32> %b_hi, i32 16)
  %ab_lo = call <32 x i32> @llvm.hexagon.V6.vmpyiowh.128B(<32 x i32> %a_lo, <32 x i32> %b_lo)
  %ab_hi = call <32 x i32> @llvm.hexagon.V6.vmpyiowh.128B(<32 x i32> %a_hi, <32 x i32> %b_hi)
  %ab = call <64 x i32> @llvm.hexagon.V6.vcombine.128B(<32 x i32> %ab_hi, <32 x i32> %ab_lo)
  ret <64 x i32> %ab

define weak_odr <64 x i32> @halide.hexagon.mul.vw.vuh(<64 x i32> %a, <64 x i16> %b) nounwind uwtable readnone alwaysinline {
  %a_lo = call <32 x i32> @llvm.hexagon.V6.lo.128B(<64 x i32> %a)
  %a_hi = call <32 x i32> @llvm.hexagon.V6.hi.128B(<64 x i32> %a)
  %b_lo = bitcast <64 x i16> %b to <32 x i32>
  %b_hi = call <32 x i32> @llvm.hexagon.V6.vlsrw.128B(<32 x i32> %b_lo, i32 16)
  %ab_lo = call <32 x i32> @llvm.hexagon.V6.vmpyiewuh.128B(<32 x i32> %a_lo, <32 x i32> %b_lo)
  %ab_hi = call <32 x i32> @llvm.hexagon.V6.vmpyiewuh.128B(<32 x i32> %a_hi, <32 x i32> %b_hi)
  %ab = call <64 x i32> @llvm.hexagon.V6.vcombine.128B(<32 x i32> %ab_hi, <32 x i32> %ab_lo)
  ret <64 x i32> %ab

; Do vaslw.acc on double vectors.
define private <64 x i32> @vaslw.acc.dv.128B(<64 x i32> %a, <64 x i32> %l, i32 %r) nounwind uwtable readnone alwaysinline {
  %a_lo = call <32 x i32> @llvm.hexagon.V6.lo.128B(<64 x i32> %a)
  %l_lo = call <32 x i32> @llvm.hexagon.V6.lo.128B(<64 x i32> %l)
  %s_lo = call <32 x i32> @llvm.hexagon.V6.vaslw.acc.128B(<32 x i32> %a_lo, <32 x i32> %l_lo, i32 %r)
  %a_hi = call <32 x i32> @llvm.hexagon.V6.hi.128B(<64 x i32> %a)
  %l_hi = call <32 x i32> @llvm.hexagon.V6.hi.128B(<64 x i32> %l)
  %s_hi = call <32 x i32> @llvm.hexagon.V6.vaslw.acc.128B(<32 x i32> %a_hi, <32 x i32> %l_hi, i32 %r)
  %s = call <64 x i32> @llvm.hexagon.V6.vcombine.128B(<32 x i32> %s_hi, <32 x i32> %s_lo)
  ret <64 x i32> %s

define weak_odr <64 x i32> @halide.hexagon.mul.vuw.vuh(<64 x i32> %a, <64 x i16> %b) nounwind uwtable readnone alwaysinline {
  %a_lo = call <32 x i32> @llvm.hexagon.V6.lo.128B(<64 x i32> %a)
  %a_hi = call <32 x i32> @llvm.hexagon.V6.hi.128B(<64 x i32> %a)
  %a_e = call <32 x i32> @llvm.hexagon.V6.vshufeh.128B(<32 x i32> %a_hi, <32 x i32> %a_lo)
  %a_o = call <32 x i32> @llvm.hexagon.V6.vshufoh.128B(<32 x i32> %a_hi, <32 x i32> %a_lo)
  %b_32 = bitcast <64 x i16> %b to <32 x i32>
  %ab_e = call <64 x i32> @llvm.hexagon.V6.vmpyuhv.128B(<32 x i32> %a_e, <32 x i32> %b_32)
  %ab_o = call <64 x i32> @llvm.hexagon.V6.vmpyuhv.128B(<32 x i32> %a_o, <32 x i32> %b_32)
  %ab = call <64 x i32> @vaslw.acc.dv.128B(<64 x i32> %ab_e, <64 x i32> %ab_o, i32 16)
  ret <64 x i32> %ab

define weak_odr <64 x i32> @halide.hexagon.mul.vuw.vuw(<64 x i32> %a, <64 x i32> %b) nounwind uwtable readnone alwaysinline {
  %a_lo = call <32 x i32> @llvm.hexagon.V6.lo.128B(<64 x i32> %a)
  %a_hi = call <32 x i32> @llvm.hexagon.V6.hi.128B(<64 x i32> %a)
  %b_lo = call <32 x i32> @llvm.hexagon.V6.lo.128B(<64 x i32> %b)
  %b_hi = call <32 x i32> @llvm.hexagon.V6.hi.128B(<64 x i32> %b)
  %a_e = call <32 x i32> @llvm.hexagon.V6.vshufeh.128B(<32 x i32> %a_hi, <32 x i32> %a_lo)
  %a_o = call <32 x i32> @llvm.hexagon.V6.vshufoh.128B(<32 x i32> %a_hi, <32 x i32> %a_lo)
  %b_e = call <32 x i32> @llvm.hexagon.V6.vshufeh.128B(<32 x i32> %b_hi, <32 x i32> %b_lo)
  %b_o = call <32 x i32> @llvm.hexagon.V6.vshufoh.128B(<32 x i32> %b_hi, <32 x i32> %b_lo)
  %ab_e = call <64 x i32> @llvm.hexagon.V6.vmpyuhv.128B(<32 x i32> %a_e, <32 x i32> %b_e)
  %ab_o1 = call <64 x i32> @llvm.hexagon.V6.vmpyuhv.128B(<32 x i32> %a_o, <32 x i32> %b_e)
  %ab_o = call <64 x i32> @llvm.hexagon.V6.vmpyuhv.acc.128B(<64 x i32> %ab_o1, <32 x i32> %a_e, <32 x i32> %b_o)
  %ab = call <64 x i32> @vaslw.acc.dv.128B(<64 x i32> %ab_e, <64 x i32> %ab_o, i32 16)
  ret <64 x i32> %ab

; 32 bit multiply keep high half.
declare <32 x i32> @llvm.hexagon.V6.vmpyewuh.128B(<32 x i32>, <32 x i32>)
declare <32 x i32> @llvm.hexagon.V6.vmpyowh.sacc.128B(<32 x i32>, <32 x i32>, <32 x i32>)
declare <32 x i32> @llvm.hexagon.V6.vmpyowh.rnd.sacc.128B(<32 x i32>, <32 x i32>, <32 x i32>)
declare <32 x i32> @llvm.hexagon.V6.vasrw.128B(<32 x i32>, i32)

define weak_odr <32 x i32> @halide.hexagon.trunc_mpy.vw.vw(<32 x i32> %a, <32 x i32> %b) nounwind uwtable readnone alwaysinline {
  %ab1 = call <32 x i32> @llvm.hexagon.V6.vmpyewuh.128B(<32 x i32> %a, <32 x i32> %b)
  %ab2 = call <32 x i32> @llvm.hexagon.V6.vmpyowh.sacc.128B(<32 x i32> %ab1, <32 x i32> %a, <32 x i32> %b)
  %ab = call <32 x i32> @llvm.hexagon.V6.vasrw.128B(<32 x i32> %ab2, i32 1)
  ret <32 x i32> %ab

define weak_odr <32 x i32> @halide.hexagon.trunc_satdw_mpy2.vw.vw(<32 x i32> %a, <32 x i32> %b) nounwind uwtable readnone alwaysinline {
  %ab1 = call <32 x i32> @llvm.hexagon.V6.vmpyewuh.128B(<32 x i32> %a, <32 x i32> %b)
  %ab = call <32 x i32> @llvm.hexagon.V6.vmpyowh.sacc.128B(<32 x i32> %ab1, <32 x i32> %a, <32 x i32> %b)
  ret <32 x i32> %ab

define weak_odr <32 x i32> @halide.hexagon.trunc_satdw_mpy2_rnd.vw.vw(<32 x i32> %a, <32 x i32> %b) nounwind uwtable readnone alwaysinline {
  %ab1 = call <32 x i32> @llvm.hexagon.V6.vmpyewuh.128B(<32 x i32> %a, <32 x i32> %b)
  %ab = call <32 x i32> @llvm.hexagon.V6.vmpyowh.rnd.sacc.128B(<32 x i32> %ab1, <32 x i32> %a, <32 x i32> %b)
  ret <32 x i32> %ab

; Hexagon is missing shifts for byte sized operands.
declare <32 x i32> @llvm.hexagon.V6.vaslh.128B(<32 x i32>, i32)
declare <32 x i32> @llvm.hexagon.V6.vasrh.128B(<32 x i32>, i32)
declare <32 x i32> @llvm.hexagon.V6.vlsrh.128B(<32 x i32>, i32)
declare <32 x i32> @llvm.hexagon.V6.vaslhv.128B(<32 x i32>, <32 x i32>)
declare <32 x i32> @llvm.hexagon.V6.vasrhv.128B(<32 x i32>, <32 x i32>)
declare <32 x i32> @llvm.hexagon.V6.vlsrhv.128B(<32 x i32>, <32 x i32>)
declare <64 x i32> @llvm.hexagon.V6.vzb.128B(<32 x i32>)
declare <64 x i32> @llvm.hexagon.V6.vsb.128B(<32 x i32>)
declare <32 x i32> @llvm.hexagon.V6.vshuffeb.128B(<32 x i32>, <32 x i32>)

define weak_odr <128 x i8> @halide.hexagon.shl.vub.b(<128 x i8> %a, i8 %b) nounwind uwtable readnone alwaysinline {
  %a_32 = bitcast <128 x i8> %a to <32 x i32>
  %bw = sext i8 %b to i32
  %aw = call <64 x i32> @llvm.hexagon.V6.vzb.128B(<32 x i32> %a_32)
  %aw_lo = call <32 x i32> @llvm.hexagon.V6.lo.128B(<64 x i32> %aw)
  %sw_lo = call <32 x i32> @llvm.hexagon.V6.vaslh.128B(<32 x i32> %aw_lo, i32 %bw)
  %aw_hi = call <32 x i32> @llvm.hexagon.V6.hi.128B(<64 x i32> %aw)
  %sw_hi = call <32 x i32> @llvm.hexagon.V6.vaslh.128B(<32 x i32> %aw_hi, i32 %bw)
  %r_32 = tail call <32 x i32> @llvm.hexagon.V6.vshuffeb.128B(<32 x i32> %sw_hi, <32 x i32> %sw_lo)
  %r = bitcast <32 x i32> %r_32 to <128 x i8>
  ret <128 x i8> %r

define weak_odr <128 x i8> @halide.hexagon.shl.vb.b(<128 x i8> %a, i8 %b) nounwind uwtable readnone alwaysinline {
  ; A shift left is the same whether it is signed or not.
  %u = tail call <128 x i8> @halide.hexagon.shl.vub.b(<128 x i8> %a, i8 %b)
  ret <128 x i8> %u

define weak_odr <128 x i8> @halide.hexagon.shr.vub.b(<128 x i8> %a, i8 %b) nounwind uwtable readnone alwaysinline {
  %a_32 = bitcast <128 x i8> %a to <32 x i32>
  %bw = sext i8 %b to i32
  %aw = call <64 x i32> @llvm.hexagon.V6.vzb.128B(<32 x i32> %a_32)
  %aw_lo = call <32 x i32> @llvm.hexagon.V6.lo.128B(<64 x i32> %aw)
  %sw_lo = call <32 x i32> @llvm.hexagon.V6.vlsrh.128B(<32 x i32> %aw_lo, i32 %bw)
  %aw_hi = call <32 x i32> @llvm.hexagon.V6.hi.128B(<64 x i32> %aw)
  %sw_hi = call <32 x i32> @llvm.hexagon.V6.vlsrh.128B(<32 x i32> %aw_hi, i32 %bw)
  %r_32 = tail call <32 x i32> @llvm.hexagon.V6.vshuffeb.128B(<32 x i32> %sw_hi, <32 x i32> %sw_lo)
  %r = bitcast <32 x i32> %r_32 to <128 x i8>
  ret <128 x i8> %r

define weak_odr <128 x i8> @halide.hexagon.shr.vb.b(<128 x i8> %a, i8 %b) nounwind uwtable readnone alwaysinline {
  %a_32 = bitcast <128 x i8> %a to <32 x i32>
  %bw = sext i8 %b to i32
  %aw = call <64 x i32> @llvm.hexagon.V6.vsb.128B(<32 x i32> %a_32)
  %aw_lo = call <32 x i32> @llvm.hexagon.V6.lo.128B(<64 x i32> %aw)
  %sw_lo = call <32 x i32> @llvm.hexagon.V6.vasrh.128B(<32 x i32> %aw_lo, i32 %bw)
  %aw_hi = call <32 x i32> @llvm.hexagon.V6.hi.128B(<64 x i32> %aw)
  %sw_hi = call <32 x i32> @llvm.hexagon.V6.vasrh.128B(<32 x i32> %aw_hi, i32 %bw)
  %r_32 = tail call <32 x i32> @llvm.hexagon.V6.vshuffeb.128B(<32 x i32> %sw_hi, <32 x i32> %sw_lo)
  %r = bitcast <32 x i32> %r_32 to <128 x i8>
  ret <128 x i8> %r

define weak_odr <128 x i8> @halide.hexagon.shl.vub.vb(<128 x i8> %a, <128 x i8> %b) nounwind uwtable readnone alwaysinline {
  %a_32 = bitcast <128 x i8> %a to <32 x i32>
  %b_32 = bitcast <128 x i8> %b to <32 x i32>
  %aw = call <64 x i32> @llvm.hexagon.V6.vzb.128B(<32 x i32> %a_32)
  %bw = call <64 x i32> @llvm.hexagon.V6.vsb.128B(<32 x i32> %b_32)
  %aw_lo = call <32 x i32> @llvm.hexagon.V6.lo.128B(<64 x i32> %aw)
  %bw_lo = call <32 x i32> @llvm.hexagon.V6.lo.128B(<64 x i32> %bw)
  %sw_lo = call <32 x i32> @llvm.hexagon.V6.vaslhv.128B(<32 x i32> %aw_lo, <32 x i32> %bw_lo)
  %aw_hi = call <32 x i32> @llvm.hexagon.V6.hi.128B(<64 x i32> %aw)
  %bw_hi = call <32 x i32> @llvm.hexagon.V6.hi.128B(<64 x i32> %bw)
  %sw_hi = call <32 x i32> @llvm.hexagon.V6.vaslhv.128B(<32 x i32> %aw_hi, <32 x i32> %bw_hi)
  %r_32 = tail call <32 x i32> @llvm.hexagon.V6.vshuffeb.128B(<32 x i32> %sw_hi, <32 x i32> %sw_lo)
  %r = bitcast <32 x i32> %r_32 to <128 x i8>
  ret <128 x i8> %r

define weak_odr <128 x i8> @halide.hexagon.shl.vb.vb(<128 x i8> %a, <128 x i8> %b) nounwind uwtable readnone alwaysinline {
  ; A shift left is the same whether it is signed or not.
  %u = tail call <128 x i8> @halide.hexagon.shl.vub.vb(<128 x i8> %a, <128 x i8> %b)
  ret <128 x i8> %u

define weak_odr <128 x i8> @halide.hexagon.shr.vub.vb(<128 x i8> %a, <128 x i8> %b) nounwind uwtable readnone alwaysinline {
  %a_32 = bitcast <128 x i8> %a to <32 x i32>
  %b_32 = bitcast <128 x i8> %b to <32 x i32>
  %aw = call <64 x i32> @llvm.hexagon.V6.vzb.128B(<32 x i32> %a_32)
  %bw = call <64 x i32> @llvm.hexagon.V6.vsb.128B(<32 x i32> %b_32)
  %aw_lo = call <32 x i32> @llvm.hexagon.V6.lo.128B(<64 x i32> %aw)
  %bw_lo = call <32 x i32> @llvm.hexagon.V6.lo.128B(<64 x i32> %bw)
  %sw_lo = call <32 x i32> @llvm.hexagon.V6.vlsrhv.128B(<32 x i32> %aw_lo, <32 x i32> %bw_lo)
  %aw_hi = call <32 x i32> @llvm.hexagon.V6.hi.128B(<64 x i32> %aw)
  %bw_hi = call <32 x i32> @llvm.hexagon.V6.hi.128B(<64 x i32> %bw)
  %sw_hi = call <32 x i32> @llvm.hexagon.V6.vlsrhv.128B(<32 x i32> %aw_hi, <32 x i32> %bw_hi)
  %r_32 = tail call <32 x i32> @llvm.hexagon.V6.vshuffeb.128B(<32 x i32> %sw_hi, <32 x i32> %sw_lo)
  %r = bitcast <32 x i32> %r_32 to <128 x i8>
  ret <128 x i8> %r

define weak_odr <128 x i8> @halide.hexagon.shr.vb.vb(<128 x i8> %a, <128 x i8> %b) nounwind uwtable readnone alwaysinline {
  %a_32 = bitcast <128 x i8> %a to <32 x i32>
  %b_32 = bitcast <128 x i8> %b to <32 x i32>
  %aw = call <64 x i32> @llvm.hexagon.V6.vsb.128B(<32 x i32> %a_32)
  %bw = call <64 x i32> @llvm.hexagon.V6.vsb.128B(<32 x i32> %b_32)
  %aw_lo = call <32 x i32> @llvm.hexagon.V6.lo.128B(<64 x i32> %aw)
  %bw_lo = call <32 x i32> @llvm.hexagon.V6.lo.128B(<64 x i32> %bw)
  %sw_lo = call <32 x i32> @llvm.hexagon.V6.vasrhv.128B(<32 x i32> %aw_lo, <32 x i32> %bw_lo)
  %aw_hi = call <32 x i32> @llvm.hexagon.V6.hi.128B(<64 x i32> %aw)
  %bw_hi = call <32 x i32> @llvm.hexagon.V6.hi.128B(<64 x i32> %bw)
  %sw_hi = call <32 x i32> @llvm.hexagon.V6.vasrhv.128B(<32 x i32> %aw_hi, <32 x i32> %bw_hi)
  %r_32 = tail call <32 x i32> @llvm.hexagon.V6.vshuffeb.128B(<32 x i32> %sw_hi, <32 x i32> %sw_lo)
  %r = bitcast <32 x i32> %r_32 to <128 x i8>
  ret <128 x i8> %r

declare <64 x i32> @llvm.hexagon.V6.vmpabus.128B(<64 x i32>, i32)
declare <64 x i32> @llvm.hexagon.V6.vmpabus.acc.128B(<64 x i32>, <64 x i32>, i32)

define weak_odr <128 x i16> @halide.hexagon.add_2mpy.vub.vub.b.b(<128 x i8> %low_v, <128 x i8> %high_v, i8 %low_c, i8 %high_c) nounwind uwtable readnone {
  %const = call i32 @halide.hexagon.interleave.b.dup2.h(i8 %low_c, i8 %high_c)
  %low = bitcast <128 x i8> %low_v to <32 x i32>
  %high = bitcast <128 x i8> %high_v to <32 x i32>
  %dv = call <64 x i32> @llvm.hexagon.V6.vcombine.128B(<32 x i32> %high, <32 x i32> %low)
  %res = call <64 x i32> @llvm.hexagon.V6.vmpabus.128B(<64 x i32> %dv, i32 %const)
  %ret_val = bitcast <64 x i32> %res to <128 x i16>
  ret <128 x i16> %ret_val

define weak_odr <128 x i16> @halide.hexagon.acc_add_2mpy.vh.vub.vub.b.b(<128 x i16> %acc, <128 x i8> %low_v, <128 x i8> %high_v, i8 %low_c, i8 %high_c) nounwind uwtable readnone {
  %dv0 = bitcast <128 x i16> %acc to <64 x i32>
  %const = call i32 @halide.hexagon.interleave.b.dup2.h(i8 %low_c, i8 %high_c)
  %low = bitcast <128 x i8> %low_v to <32 x i32>
  %high = bitcast <128 x i8> %high_v to <32 x i32>
  %dv1 = call <64 x i32> @llvm.hexagon.V6.vcombine.128B(<32 x i32> %high, <32 x i32> %low)
  %res = call <64 x i32> @llvm.hexagon.V6.vmpabus.acc.128B(<64 x i32> %dv0, <64 x i32> %dv1, i32 %const)
  %ret_val = bitcast <64 x i32> %res to <128 x i16>
  ret <128 x i16> %ret_val

declare <64 x i32> @llvm.hexagon.V6.vmpahb.128B(<64 x i32>, i32)
declare <64 x i32> @llvm.hexagon.V6.vmpahb.acc.128B(<64 x i32>, <64 x i32>, i32)

define weak_odr <64 x i32> @halide.hexagon.add_2mpy.vh.vh.b.b(<64 x i16> %low_v, <64 x i16> %high_v, i8 %low_c, i8 %high_c) nounwind uwtable readnone {
  %const = call i32 @halide.hexagon.interleave.b.dup2.h(i8 %low_c, i8 %high_c)
  %low = bitcast <64 x i16> %low_v to <32 x i32>
  %high = bitcast <64 x i16> %high_v to <32 x i32>
  %dv = call <64 x i32> @llvm.hexagon.V6.vcombine.128B(<32 x i32> %high, <32 x i32> %low)
  %res = call <64 x i32> @llvm.hexagon.V6.vmpahb.128B(<64 x i32> %dv, i32 %const)
  ret <64 x i32> %res

define weak_odr <64 x i32> @halide.hexagon.acc_add_2mpy.vw.vh.vh.b.b(<64 x i32> %acc, <64 x i16> %low_v, <64 x i16> %high_v, i8 %low_c, i8 %high_c) nounwind uwtable readnone {
  %const = call i32 @halide.hexagon.interleave.b.dup2.h(i8 %low_c, i8 %high_c)
  %low = bitcast <64 x i16> %low_v to <32 x i32>
  %high = bitcast <64 x i16> %high_v to <32 x i32>
  %dv1 = call <64 x i32> @llvm.hexagon.V6.vcombine.128B(<32 x i32> %high, <32 x i32> %low)
  %res = call <64 x i32> @llvm.hexagon.V6.vmpahb.acc.128B(<64 x i32> %acc, <64 x i32> %dv1, i32 %const)
  ret <64 x i32> %res

; Define a missing saturating narrow instruction in terms of a saturating narrowing shift.
declare <32 x i32> @llvm.hexagon.V6.vasrwuhsat.128B(<32 x i32>, <32 x i32>, i32)

define weak_odr <64 x i16> @halide.hexagon.trunc_satuh.vw(<64 x i32> %arg) nounwind uwtable readnone alwaysinline {
  %e = call <32 x i32> @llvm.hexagon.V6.lo.128B(<64 x i32> %arg)
  %o = call <32 x i32> @llvm.hexagon.V6.hi.128B(<64 x i32> %arg)
  %r_32 = call <32 x i32> @llvm.hexagon.V6.vasrwuhsat.128B(<32 x i32> %o, <32 x i32> %e, i32 0)
  %r = bitcast <32 x i32> %r_32 to <64 x i16>
  ret <64 x i16> %r

declare <64 x i32> @llvm.hexagon.V6.vtmpybus.128B(<64 x i32>, i32)
declare <64 x i32> @llvm.hexagon.V6.vtmpyb.128B(<64 x i32>, i32)
declare <64 x i32> @llvm.hexagon.V6.vtmpyhb.128B(<64 x i32>, i32)

define weak_odr <128 x i16> @halide.hexagon.vtmpy.vub.vub.b.b(<128 x i8> %low_v, <128 x i8> %high_v, i8 %low_c, i8 %high_c) nounwind uwtable readnone {
  %const = call i32 @halide.hexagon.interleave.b.dup2.h(i8 %low_c, i8 %high_c)
  %low = bitcast <128 x i8> %low_v to <32 x i32>
  %high = bitcast <128 x i8> %high_v to <32 x i32>
  %dv = call <64 x i32> @llvm.hexagon.V6.vcombine.128B(<32 x i32> %high, <32 x i32> %low)
  %res = call <64 x i32> @llvm.hexagon.V6.vtmpybus.128B(<64 x i32> %dv, i32 %const)
  %ret_val = bitcast <64 x i32> %res to <128 x i16>
  ret <128 x i16> %ret_val

define weak_odr <128 x i16> @halide.hexagon.vtmpy.vb.vb.b.b(<128 x i8> %low_v, <128 x i8> %high_v, i8 %low_c, i8 %high_c) nounwind uwtable readnone {
  %const = call i32 @halide.hexagon.interleave.b.dup2.h(i8 %low_c, i8 %high_c)
  %low = bitcast <128 x i8> %low_v to <32 x i32>
  %high = bitcast <128 x i8> %high_v to <32 x i32>
  %dv = call <64 x i32> @llvm.hexagon.V6.vcombine.128B(<32 x i32> %high, <32 x i32> %low)
  %res = call <64 x i32> @llvm.hexagon.V6.vtmpyb.128B(<64 x i32> %dv, i32 %const)
  %ret_val = bitcast <64 x i32> %res to <128 x i16>
  ret <128 x i16> %ret_val

define weak_odr <64 x i32> @halide.hexagon.vtmpy.vh.vh.b.b(<64 x i16> %low_v, <64 x i16> %high_v, i8 %low_c, i8 %high_c) nounwind uwtable readnone {
  %const = call i32 @halide.hexagon.interleave.b.dup2.h(i8 %low_c, i8 %high_c)
  %low = bitcast <64 x i16> %low_v to <32 x i32>
  %high = bitcast <64 x i16> %high_v to <32 x i32>
  %dv = call <64 x i32> @llvm.hexagon.V6.vcombine.128B(<32 x i32> %high, <32 x i32> %low)
  %res = call <64 x i32> @llvm.hexagon.V6.vtmpyhb.128B(<64 x i32> %dv, i32 %const)
  ret <64 x i32> %res

declare void @llvm.hexagon.V6.vgathermh.128B(i8*, i32, i32, <32 x i32>)
declare void @llvm.hexagon.V6.vgathermw.128B(i8*, i32, i32, <32 x i32>)

define weak_odr void @halide.hexagon.vgather.h.h(i8* %dst_base, i32 %dst_index, i8* %src_ptr, i32 %size, <64 x i16> %index) nounwind uwtable {
  %index32 = bitcast <64 x i16> %index to <32 x i32>
  %src = ptrtoint i8* %src_ptr to i32
  %dst_16base = bitcast i8* %dst_base to i16*
  %dst_16ptr = getelementptr i16, i16* %dst_16base, i32 %dst_index
  %dst_ptr = bitcast i16* %dst_16ptr to i8*
  call void @llvm.hexagon.V6.vgathermh.128B(i8* %dst_ptr, i32 %src, i32 %size, <32 x i32> %index32)
  ret void

define weak_odr void @halide.hexagon.vgather.w.w(i8* %dst_base, i32 %dst_index, i8* %src_ptr, i32 %size, <32 x i32> %index) nounwind uwtable {
  %src = ptrtoint i8* %src_ptr to i32
  %dst_32base = bitcast i8* %dst_base to i32*
  %dst_32ptr = getelementptr i32, i32* %dst_32base, i32 %dst_index
  %dst_ptr = bitcast i32* %dst_32ptr to i8*
  call void @llvm.hexagon.V6.vgathermw.128B(i8* %dst_ptr, i32 %src, i32 %size, <32 x i32> %index)
  ret void

declare void @llvm.hexagon.V6.vscattermh.128B(i32, i32, <32 x i32>, <32 x i32>)
declare void @llvm.hexagon.V6.vscattermw.128B(i32, i32, <32 x i32>, <32 x i32>)

define weak_odr void @halide.hexagon.vscatter.h.h(i8* %buf_ptr, i32 %size, <64 x i16> %idx, <64 x i16> %val) nounwind uwtable writeonly {
  %idx32 = bitcast <64 x i16> %idx to <32 x i32>
  %val32 = bitcast <64 x i16> %val to <32 x i32>
  %buf = ptrtoint i8* %buf_ptr to i32
  call void @llvm.hexagon.V6.vscattermh.128B(i32 %buf, i32 %size, <32 x i32> %idx32, <32 x i32> %val32) nounwind writeonly
  ret void

define weak_odr void @halide.hexagon.vscatter.w.w(i8* %buf_ptr, i32 %size, <32 x i32> %idx, <32 x i32> %val) nounwind uwtable writeonly {
  %buf = ptrtoint i8* %buf_ptr to i32
  call void @llvm.hexagon.V6.vscattermw.128B(i32 %buf, i32 %size, <32 x i32> %idx, <32 x i32> %val)
  ret void

declare void @llvm.hexagon.V6.vscattermh.add.128B(i32, i32, <32 x i32>, <32 x i32>)
declare void @llvm.hexagon.V6.vscattermw.add.128B(i32, i32, <32 x i32>, <32 x i32>)

define weak_odr void @halide.hexagon.vscatter_acc.h.h(i8* %buf_ptr, i32 %size, <64 x i16> %idx, <64 x i16> %val) nounwind uwtable writeonly {
  %idx32 = bitcast <64 x i16> %idx to <32 x i32>
  %val32 = bitcast <64 x i16> %val to <32 x i32>
  %buf = ptrtoint i8* %buf_ptr to i32
  call void @llvm.hexagon.V6.vscattermh.add.128B(i32 %buf, i32 %size, <32 x i32> %idx32, <32 x i32> %val32) nounwind writeonly
  ret void

define weak_odr void @halide.hexagon.vscatter_acc.w.w(i8* %buf_ptr, i32 %size, <32 x i32> %idx, <32 x i32> %val) nounwind uwtable writeonly {
  %buf = ptrtoint i8* %buf_ptr to i32
  call void @llvm.hexagon.V6.vscattermw.add.128B(i32 %buf, i32 %size, <32 x i32> %idx, <32 x i32> %val)
  ret void

define weak_odr void @halide.hexagon.scatter.release(i8* %ptr) nounwind uwtable {
  call void asm sideeffect "vmem($0 + #0):scatter_release\0A; v1 = vmem($0 + #0)\0A", "=*m,*m,~{v1}"(i8* %ptr, i8* %ptr)
  ret void
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