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Tip revision: 27f2af8c2ff854ce904c2b02189e976d3166b8eb authored by Mark Hillebrand on 18 January 2016, 08:31:54 UTC
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Tip revision: 27f2af8
// <copyright file="ComputationNetworkAnalysis.cpp" company="Microsoft">
//     Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.  All rights reserved.
// </copyright>

#define _CRT_SECURE_NO_WARNINGS // "secure" CRT not available on all platforms  --add this at the top of all CPP files that give "function or variable may be unsafe" warnings

#include "Basics.h"
#include "ComputationNode.h"
#include "ComputationNetwork.h"
#include "RecurrentNodes.h"
#include <string>
#include <set>

using namespace std;

namespace Microsoft { namespace MSR { namespace CNTK {

    // -----------------------------------------------------------------------
    // network recurrent-loop analysis
    // -----------------------------------------------------------------------

    // The methods below determine evaluation order, which is tricky in presence of recurrent loops.
    // TODO: Can this be moved to a separate class?

    static int GetRecurrenceSteppingDirection(const ComputationNodeBasePtr &);

    // FormRecurrentLoops() -- MAIN ENTRY POINT for network recurrent-loop analysis. All other functions in this CPP are called only from this one.
    // This function analysis the networks for recurrent loops present in the computation of 'rootNode.'
    // This sets/updates:
    //  - m_allSEQNodes
    //  - ComputationNode::m_isPartOfLoop and m_loopId
    //  - the cached m_evalOrders[root], reordered to make nodes belonging to the same loop consecutive. TODO: Try not to do that.
    // Is often called before ValidateNetwork() on a root; will be called from inside ValidateNetwork() as well.
    // This function is called for multiple nodes, e.g. eval and training criterion. I.e. it must be able to add to a previous result. E.g. it does not clear the m_visited flags at start.
    // Note: This function is not lazy, i.e. not cached. BuildAndValidateSubNetwork() caches, but others don't.
    // TODO: In the future, this function will not take a rootNode parameter anymore.
    void ComputationNetwork::FormRecurrentLoops(const ComputationNodeBasePtr& rootNode/*or nullptr for all*/)
        // get the depth-first traversal order
        // Note: This is only used for resetting the state and resetting m_visitedOrder. I think we only need the set, not the order.
        const list<ComputationNodeBasePtr> & nodes = GetEvalOrder(rootNode);

        // initialize the node state owned by us
        for (auto & node : nodes)

        // determine the strongly connected cliques -> m_allSEQNodes[]
        // now we have formed all loops, with all nodes assigned to a loop or none

        // recover m_visitedOrder in original depth-first traversal order
        size_t i = 0;
        for (auto & node : nodes)
            node->m_visitedOrder = i++; // (Note: There is some redundancy between m_index and m_visitedOrder; won't fix since I rather intend to remove the whole reordering.)

        // update m_visitedOrder of all nodes that participate in a loop
        // All nodes that participate in a loop get the same m_visitedOrder value (their max).
        for (auto & iter : m_allSEQNodes)
            size_t max_visitedOrderInLoop = 0;
            // TODO: I am sure there is an STL algorithm for this.
            for (auto itr : iter->m_nestedNodes)
                if (max_visitedOrderInLoop < itr->m_visitedOrder)
                    max_visitedOrderInLoop = itr->m_visitedOrder;
            for (auto itr : iter->m_nestedNodes)
                itr->m_visitedOrder = max_visitedOrderInLoop;

        // for reordering operation that will follow next, implant m_loopId in all nodes in all loops
        for (auto & iter : m_allSEQNodes)
            for (auto & node : iter->m_nestedNodes)
                node->m_isPartOfLoop = true;        // this is the only flag in ComputationNode that escapes FormRecurrentLoops()!
                // TODO: ^^ We should instead remember a pointer to our loop sentinel
                node->m_loopId = iter->m_loopId;

        for (auto & iter : m_allSEQNodes)
            list<ComputationNodeBasePtr> result;
            unordered_set<ComputationNodeBasePtr> visited;
            unordered_set<ComputationNodeBasePtr> recStack;

            // set m_indexInLoop for all nodes except recurrent nodes in all loops
            // This value is only used in the block right after this.
            for (size_t j = 0; j < iter->m_nestedNodes.size(); j++)
                const auto & node = iter->m_nestedNodes[j];
                for (size_t i = 0; i < node->GetNumInputs(); i++)
                    if (node->Input(i)->m_loopId == node->m_loopId && GetRecurrenceSteppingDirection(node) == 0)
                        //assert(node->Input(i)->m_indexInLoop == 0);                    // No. It seems this variable really counts the number of parents.
                        node->Input(i)->m_indexInLoop++;               // BUGBUG: this is bumping up the m_indexInLoop, but I don't think it is initialized anywhere other than PurgeStateForFormingRecurrentLoops(). i-1?

            for (size_t i = 0; i < iter->m_nestedNodes.size(); i++)
                ComputationNodeBasePtr node = iter->m_nestedNodes[i];
                if (visited.find(node) == visited.end() && node->m_indexInLoop == 0)
                    DetermineLoopForwardOrder(visited, recStack, result, node);

            // update m_nestedNodes with 'result'
            iter->m_nestedNodes.assign(result.begin(), result.end());

        if (m_allSEQNodes.size() > 0)
            unordered_set<ComputationNodeBasePtr> visited;

            // get set of all nodes in and outside loops hanging off rootNode
            map<int, list<ComputationNodeBasePtr>> recurrentNodes;
            list<ComputationNodeBasePtr> noRecurrentNodes;
#if 1       // will soon no longer be allowed
            if (rootNode)
                GatherLoopNodesR(rootNode, visited, recurrentNodes, noRecurrentNodes);
                for (const auto & rootNode : m_allRoots)
                    GatherLoopNodesR(rootNode, visited, recurrentNodes, noRecurrentNodes);

            auto reorderedNodes = nodes;

            // first sort by the updated m_visitedOrder, which is identical for all nodes in a loop
            reorderedNodes.sort([](const ComputationNodeBasePtr & lhs, const ComputationNodeBasePtr & rhs) { return lhs->m_visitedOrder < rhs->m_visitedOrder; });

            ReorderLoops(reorderedNodes, recurrentNodes, noRecurrentNodes);  // group nodes in loops together

            UpdateEvalOrder(rootNode, reorderedNodes);

            fprintf(stderr, "Reordered nodes\n");
            for (auto itr = nodes.begin(); itr != nodes.end(); itr++)
                fprintf (stderr, "%ls\n", (*itr)->NodeName().c_str() );

        // log the loops
        for (auto & iter : m_allSEQNodes)
            fprintf(stderr, "\nLoop[%d] --> %ls -> %d nodes\n", (int)iter->m_loopId, iter->NodeName().c_str(), (int)iter->m_nestedNodes.size());
            size_t n = 0;
            for (auto itr = iter->m_nestedNodes.begin(); itr != iter->m_nestedNodes.end(); itr++)
                if (n++ % 3 == 0)
                    fprintf(stderr, "\n");
                fprintf(stderr, "\t%ls", (*itr)->NodeName().c_str());
            fprintf(stderr, "\n");

#if 1
        // now turn this into a nested network, ready for evaluation
        if (rootNode)

    // checks whether a node is recurrent, and which direction
    static int GetRecurrenceSteppingDirection(const ComputationNodeBasePtr & node)
        if (node->Is<IRecurrentNode>())
            return node->As<IRecurrentNode>()->GetRecurrenceSteppingDirection();
            return 0;

    static int DetermineLoopDirection(const std::vector<ComputationNodeBasePtr> & nestedNodes);
    // get the strongly connected components from the graph
    // This sets index, lowLink, m_visited, and m_inStack.
    void ComputationNetwork::DetermineSCCs(const ComputationNodeBasePtr& rootNode)
        // notice that this graph including graphs from a parent networks if two or more networks are connected via PairNetworkNode
        list<ComputationNodeBasePtr> sccStack;
        size_t index = 0;
        size_t loopId = 0;  // BUGBUG: I think this is currently buggy in an edge case, and not needed (use m_allSEQNodes.size() instead).
#if 1
        if (rootNode)
            if (!rootNode->m_visited)
                DetermineSCCsR(rootNode, sccStack, index, loopId);
        // traverse all root nodes (as if they were all children of a master root)
        for (auto & rootNode : m_allRoots)
            if (!rootNode->m_visited)
                DetermineSCCsR(rootNode, sccStack, index, loopId);

    // (recursive part of DetermineSCCs())
    void ComputationNetwork::DetermineSCCsR(ComputationNodeBasePtr cur,
                                            list<ComputationNodeBasePtr>& sccStack,
                                            size_t& index, size_t& loopId)

        // set the index (in order of visitation)
        cur->m_index = index;       // TODO: can this be used as m_visitedOrder?
        cur->m_minIndex = index; // also set m_minIndex

        cur->m_visited = true;
        cur->m_inStack = true;

        if (cur->OperationName() != L"PairNetwork")     // PairNetwork is the connection from another network, so ignore its children (they are part of the other network)
            // set m_minIndex to min over m_lowLinks of children
            for (int i = 0; i < cur->GetNumInputs(); i++)
                if (!cur->Input(i)->m_visited)
                    DetermineSCCsR(cur->Input(i), sccStack, index, loopId);
                    cur->m_minIndex = min(cur->m_minIndex, cur->Input(i)->m_minIndex);
                else if (cur->Input(i)->m_inStack)
                    cur->m_minIndex = min(cur->m_minIndex, cur->Input(i)->m_minIndex);

        // if we closed a loop then create an entry in m_allSEQNodes
        if (cur->m_minIndex == cur->m_index)   // m_minIndex is still equal to m_index, as we set it at the start of this function: we closed a loop
            // gather the list of all nodes in this loop
            vector<ComputationNodeBasePtr> nestedNodes;
            // TODO: build array first in a local array. Only if succeeds, then construct the node off it.
#if 1
            SEQTraversalFlowControlNode rInfo(m_allSEQNodes.size()/*loopId*/, cur);
            // Note: Don't fix anything here, latest master has changes here already except needs to add 'size_t loopId = m_allSEQNodes.size()'
#else       // BUGBUG: loopId must be shared across multiple invocations of this from different roots. The above accomplishes this.
            SEQTraversalFlowControlNode rInfo(loopId, cur);
            for (;;)
                ComputationNodeBasePtr w = sccStack.back();
                w->m_inStack = false;
                if (w == cur)                       // hit our starting point: done
            // insert loop into m_allSEQNodes
            if (nestedNodes.size() > 1)  // non-looped nodes are detected here as loops of size 1 --skip those
                // only add to the array if the loop is not already there
                // We end up producing the same loop multiple times because:
                //  - FormRecurrentLoops() is called multiple times from different roots
                //  - depth-first traversal might have led us to enter a loop multiple times?
                // TODO: Check whether this edge case of idempotence is done correctly:
                //  - a recurrent loop with two delay nodes
                //  - two root nodes
                //  - the first root takes the first delay node's value, the second root that of the second delay node
                //    I.e. the depth-first tree traversals enter the loop at two different places (m_sourceNode).
                //  -> Are these two loops detected as identical? (determined by m_minIndex, but m_index depends on traversal from each root, so maybe not)
                bool bFound = false;    // find a dup  --TODO: check whether there is an STL algorithm for this
                for (const auto & iter2 : m_allSEQNodes)
                    if (iter2->m_sourceNode == cur)
                        bFound = true;
                if (!bFound)
#if 1
                    if (loopId != m_allSEQNodes.size())
                        LogicError("DetermineSCCsR(): inconsistent loopId (%d) vs. m_allSEQNodes.size() (%d)", (int)loopId, (int)m_allSEQNodes.size());
                    SEQTraversalFlowControlNode rInfo(m_allSEQNodes.size(), cur);
                    assert(loopId == m_allSEQNodes.size());     // BUGBUG: Only true if all loops are shared among roots. Fix: use m_allSEQNodes.size() instead
                    SEQTraversalFlowControlNode rInfo(loopId, cur);
                    // TODO: can we prove that 'cur' == nestedNodes.front()? If so, we won't need to store it separately.
                    rInfo.m_nestedNodes = move(nestedNodes);    // TODO: make these two part of the constructor
                    rInfo.m_steppingDirection = DetermineLoopDirection(rInfo.m_nestedNodes);
                    loopId++;                                   // and count it  TODO: may be removed

    // recovers the processing order within a recurrent loop
    // TODO: Once we only use the nested network for recurrent traversal, this will be no longer necessary.
    void ComputationNetwork::DetermineLoopForwardOrder(unordered_set<ComputationNodeBasePtr>& visited,
                                                       unordered_set<ComputationNodeBasePtr>& recStack,
                                                       list<ComputationNodeBasePtr>& nodesStack,
                                                       ComputationNodeBasePtr cur)
        if (visited.find(cur) == visited.end())

            if (GetRecurrenceSteppingDirection(cur) == 0)   // recurrence stops at delay nodes
                for (size_t i = 0; i < cur->GetNumInputs(); i++)
                    if (cur->Input(i)->m_loopId == cur->m_loopId)
                        DetermineLoopForwardOrder(visited, recStack, nodesStack, cur->Input(i));
        else if (recStack.find(cur) != recStack.end())
            LogicError("%ls %ls operation is part of an infinite loop that cannot be unrolled.", cur->NodeName().c_str(), cur->OperationName().c_str());

    // traverse sub-graph feeding this node (which is a top-level node at start, e.g. training criterion) and list
    //  - all nodes that participate in a loop -> recurrentResult[loopId][]
    //  - all nodes that don't                 -> noRecurrentResult[]
    // in order of traversal (depth-first).
    // This is part of the FormRecurrentLoops() process, and only called from there from one place.
    void ComputationNetwork::GatherLoopNodesR(const ComputationNodeBasePtr& node, unordered_set<ComputationNodeBasePtr>& visited,
                                                                     map<int, list<ComputationNodeBasePtr>>& recurrentResult,
                                                                     list<ComputationNodeBasePtr>& noRecurrentResult)
        if (visited.find(node) != visited.end())
            return;                                 // do each node only once

        for (int i = 0; i < node->GetNumInputs(); i++)
            GatherLoopNodesR(node->Input(i), visited, recurrentResult, noRecurrentResult);

        if (node->m_loopId >= 0)

    // takes a list of nodes and modifies it such that all nodes of the same loop are consecutive
    //  - 'nodes' is in some traversal order
    //  - that order is preserved for all nodes outside loops
    //  - each node that belongs to a loop is replaced by all nodes of that loop in loop order
    // Called only from FormRecurrentLoops().
    void ComputationNetwork::ReorderLoops(list<ComputationNodeBasePtr>& nodes,
                                          const map<int, list<ComputationNodeBasePtr>>& /*recurrentNodes*/,
                                          const list<ComputationNodeBasePtr> & /*noRecurrentNodes*/)
        list<ComputationNodeBasePtr> newList;

        list<ComputationNodeBasePtr> vTmp;
        list<ComputationNodeBasePtr> vRecurrentTmp;
        vector<bool> accessed(m_allSEQNodes.size(), false);
        for (auto nodeIter = nodes.begin(); nodeIter != nodes.end(); nodeIter++)
            const shared_ptr<SEQTraversalFlowControlNode> recInfo = FindInRecurrentLoops(m_allSEQNodes, *nodeIter);
            if (recInfo)
                int iId = recInfo->m_loopId;
                if (!accessed[iId])
                    newList.insert(newList.end(), recInfo->m_nestedNodes.begin(), recInfo->m_nestedNodes.end());
                    accessed[iId] = true;

        if (vRecurrentTmp.size() > 0)
            newList.insert(newList.end(), vRecurrentTmp.begin(), vRecurrentTmp.end());

        if (vTmp.size() > 0)
            newList.insert(newList.end(), vTmp.begin(), vTmp.end());

        nodes = newList;

    // set m_steppingDirection for all loops
    // TODO: Move this up to where it is used (in a separate commit since git cannot track moving and changing at the same time).
    // BUGBUG: Need to extend to multi-dimensional loop directions. Use a vector<int>.
    static int DetermineLoopDirection(const std::vector<ComputationNodeBasePtr> & nestedNodes)
        int steppingDirection = 0;

        for (auto & node : nestedNodes)
            int dir = GetRecurrenceSteppingDirection(node);
            if (dir == 0)   // not a recurrent node
            if (steppingDirection == 0)
                steppingDirection = dir;
            else if (steppingDirection != dir)
                InvalidArgument("It is not allowed to have multiple different stepping directions in the same loop (loop connected to %ls %ls operation).",
                                nestedNodes.front()->NodeName().c_str(), nestedNodes.front()->OperationName().c_str());

        if (steppingDirection == 0)
            LogicError("There is no recurrent node in the loop connected to %ls %ls operation.",
                       nestedNodes.front()->NodeName().c_str(), nestedNodes.front()->OperationName().c_str());
        // BUGBUG: Multiple recurrence dimensions not yet supported beyond this point.
        return steppingDirection;

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